Beispiel #1
def parse_range3(arg, split0 = False):
    if type(arg) == str:
        arg = arg.replace(' ', '')
    if ',' in arg:
        return sum([parse_range3(a, split0) for a in arg.split(',')],[])
    elif '-' in arg[1:]:
        ix = arg.index('-', 1)
        start, end = arg[:ix], arg[ix + 1:]
        if start:
            low = ZZ(str(start))
            raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).")
        if end:
            high = ZZ(str(end))
            raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).")
        if low == high: return [low]
        if split0 and low < 0 and high > 0:
            if low == -1: m = [low]
            else: m = [low,ZZ(-1)]
            if high == 1: p = [high]
            else: p = [ZZ(1),high]
            return [m,p]
            return [[low, high]]
        return [ZZ(str(arg))]
Beispiel #2
def parse_galgrp(inp, query, qfield, err_msg=None, list_ok=True):
        if list_ok:
            from lmfdb.galois_groups.transitive_group import complete_group_codes
            gcs = complete_group_codes(inp)
            from lmfdb.galois_groups.transitive_group import complete_group_code
            gcs = complete_group_code(inp.upper())

        galfield, nfield = qfield
        if nfield and nfield not in query:
            nvals = list(set([s[0] for s in gcs]))
            if len(nvals) == 1:
                query[nfield] = nvals[0]
                query[nfield] = {'$in': nvals}
        # if nfield was already in the query, we could try to intersect it with nvals
        cands = ['{}T{}'.format(s[0],s[1]) for s in gcs]
        if len(cands) == 1:
            query[galfield] = cands[0]
            query[galfield] = {'$in': cands}
    except NameError:
        if re.match(r'^[ACDS]\d+$', inp):
            raise SearchParsingError("The requested group is not in the database")
        if err_msg:
            raise SearchParsingError(err_msg)
            raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a list made up of GAP id's, such as [4,1] or [12,5], transitive groups in nTj notation, such as 5T1, and <a title = 'Galois group labels' knowl=''>group labels</a>")
Beispiel #3
def parse_equality_constraints(inp, query, qfield, prefix='a', parse_singleton=int, shift=0): # Note that postgres -> index is one-based
    for piece in inp.split(','):
        piece = piece.strip().split('=')
        if len(piece) != 2:
            raise SearchParsingError("It must be a comma separated list of expressions of the form %sN=T"%(prefix))
        n,t = piece
        n = n.strip()
        if not n.startswith(prefix):
            raise SearchParsingError("%s does not start with %s"%(n, prefix))
        n = int(n[len(prefix):]) + shift
        t = parse_singleton(t.strip())
        query[qfield + '.%s'%n] = t
Beispiel #4
def prep_raw(inp, names={}):
    Prepare an input string for being passed as a ``$raw`` value to the database search.


    - ``inp`` -- a string from the website.  Aleady split up by commas and .. range indicators
    - ``names`` -- a dictionary providing a translation from user input to column names.  Only keys in the dictionary are accepted.


    A string with implicit multiplications inserted and full column names substituted for short names

    This function will raise a SearchParsingError if there is a syntax error or if there is a variable that's not in the names list
    inp = implicit_mul(inp, level=10) # level = 10 includes (a+b)(c+d) -> (a+b)*(c+d) which isn't safe in Sage but should be okay for us
    def filtered_var(s):
        if s not in names:
            raise SearchParsingError("%s is not a column of this table" % s)
        return var(s)
    # We use Sage's parser to make sure that the user input is well formed
    P = Parser(make_var=filtered_var)
    except SyntaxError:
        raise SearchParsingError("syntax error")
    pieces = re.split(r'([A-Za-z_]+)', inp)
    processed = []
    for piece in pieces:
        if piece in names:
    return {'$raw': "".join(processed)}
Beispiel #5
def parse_container(inp, query, qfield):
    inp = inp.replace('T','t')
    format_ok = re.match(r'^\d+(t\d+)?$',inp)
    if format_ok:
        query[qfield] = str(inp)
        raise SearchParsingError("You must specify a permutation representation, such as 6T13" )
Beispiel #6
def parse_bracketed_rats(inp, query, qfield, maxlength=None, exactlength=None, split=True, process=None, listprocess=None, keepbrackets=False, extractor=None):
    if (not BRACKETED_RAT_RE.match(inp) or
        (maxlength is not None and inp.count(',') > maxlength - 1) or
        (exactlength is not None and inp.count(',') != exactlength - 1) or
        (exactlength is not None and inp == '[]' and exactlength > 0)):
        if exactlength == 2:
            lstr = "pair of rational numbers"
            example = "[2,3/2] or [3,3]"
        elif exactlength == 1:
            lstr = "list of 1 rational number"
            example = "[2/5]"
        elif exactlength is not None:
            lstr = "list of %s rational numbers" % exactlength
            example = str(list(range(2,exactlength+2))).replace(", ","/13,") + " or " + str([3]*exactlength).replace(", ","/4,")
        elif maxlength is not None:
            lstr = "list of at most %s rational numbers" % maxlength
            example = str(list(range(2,maxlength+2))).replace(", ","/13,") + " or " + str([2]*max(1, maxlength-2)).replace(", ","/41,")
            lstr = "list of rational numbers"
            example = "[1/7,2,3] or [5,6/71]"
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a %s in square brackets, such as %s." % (lstr, example))
        if inp == '[]': # fixes bug in the code below (split never returns an empty list)
            if split:
                query[qfield] = []
                query[qfield] = ''
        L = [QQ(a) for a in inp[1:-1].split(',')]
        if process is not None:
            L = [process(a) for a in L]
        if listprocess is not None:
            L = listprocess(L)
        if extractor is not None:
            for qf, v in zip(qfield, extractor(L)):
                if qf in query and query[qf] != v:
                    raise SearchParsingError("Inconsistent specification of %s: %s vs %s"%(qf, query[qf], v))
                query[qf] = v
        elif split:
            query[qfield] = L
            inp = '[%s]'%','.join([str(a) for a in L])
            if keepbrackets:
                inp = inp.replace("[","['").replace("]","']").replace(",","','")
                query[qfield] = inp
                query[qfield] = inp[1:-1]
Beispiel #7
 def raise_power(ab):
     if ab.count("e") == 0:
         return ZZ(ab)
     elif ab.count("e") == 1:
         a,b = ab.split("e")
         return ZZ(a)**ZZ(b)
         raise SearchParsingError("Malformed absolute discriminant.  It must be a sequence of strings AeB for A and B integers, joined by _s.  For example, 2e7_3e5_11.")
Beispiel #8
def parse_primes(inp, query, qfield, mode=None, radical=None):
    format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(inp)
    if format_ok:
        primes = [int(p) for p in inp.split(',')]
        format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in primes])
    if not format_ok:
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).")
    _parse_subset(primes, query, qfield, mode, radical, prod)
Beispiel #9
def parse_hmf_weight(inp, query, qfield):
    parallel_field, normal_field = qfield
        query[parallel_field] = int(inp)
    except ValueError:
            query[normal_field] = str(split_list(inp))
        except ValueError:
            raise SearchParsingError("It must be either an integer (parallel weight) or a comma separated list of integers enclosed in brackets, such as 2, or [2,2], or [2,4,6].")
Beispiel #10
def parse_bool(inp, query, qfield, process=None, blank=[]):
    if inp in blank:
    if process is None: process = lambda x: x
    if inp in ["True", "yes", "1", "even"]: # artin reps use parse_bool for an is_even parity field
        query[qfield] = process(True)
    elif inp in ["False", "no", "-1", "0", "odd"]:
        query[qfield] = process(False)
    elif inp == "Any":
        # On the Galois groups page, these indicate "All"
        raise SearchParsingError("It must be True or False.")
Beispiel #11
 def make_sub_query(part):
     sub_query = {}
     part = part.strip()
     if not part:
         raise SearchParsingError("Every count specified must be nonempty.")
     if part[0] == '[':
         ispec = initial_segment + [x.strip() for x in part[1:-1].split(',')]
         if not all(ispec):
             raise SearchParsingError("Every count specified must be nonempty.")
         if len(ispec) == 1 and first_field is not None:
             sub_query[first_field] = parse_one(ispec[0])[1]
             if any('-' in x[1:] for x in ispec):
                 raise SearchParsingError("Ranges not supported.")
             sub_query[qfield] = {'$startswith':' '.join(ispec) + ' '}
     elif first_field is not None:
         sub_query[first_field] = parse_one(part)[1]
         if '-' in part[1:]:
             raise SearchParsingError("Ranges not supported.")
         sub_query[qfield] = {'$startswith':'%s %s '%(' '.join(initial_segment), part)}
     return sub_query
Beispiel #12
def parse_restricted(inp, query, qfield, allowed, process=None, blank=[]):
    if inp in blank:
    if process is None: process = lambda x: x
    allowed = [str(a) for a in allowed]
    if inp not in allowed:
        if len(allowed) == 0:
            allowed_str = "unspecified"
        if len(allowed) == 1:
            allowed_str = allowed[0]
        elif len(allowed) == 2:
            allowed_str = " or ".join(allowed)
            allowed_str = ", ".join(allowed[:-1]) + " or " + allowed[-1]
        raise SearchParsingError("It must be %s"%allowed_str)
    query[qfield] = process(inp)
Beispiel #13
def parse_floats(inp, query, qfield, allow_singletons=False):
    parse_endpoint = float
    if allow_singletons:
        msg = "It needs to be an float (such as 25 or 25.0), a range of floats (such as 2.1-8.7), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9.2,16 or 4-25.1, 81-121)."
        def parse_singleton(a):
            if isinstance(a, string_types) and '.' in a:
                prec = len(a) - a.find('.') - 1
                prec = 0
            a = float(a)
            return {'$gte': a - 0.5 * 10**(-prec), '$lte': a + 0.5 * 10**(-prec)}
        msg = "It must be a range of floats (such as 2.1-8.7) or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4-25.1, 81-121)."
        def parse_singleton(a):
            raise SearchParsingError(msg)
    if LIST_FLOAT_RE.match(inp):
        collapse_ors(parse_range2(inp, qfield, parse_singleton, parse_endpoint), query)
        raise SearchParsingError(msg)
Beispiel #14
def parse_signed_ints(inp, query, qfield, parse_one=None):
    if parse_one is None:
        parse_one = lambda x: (int(x.sign()), int(x.abs())) if x != 0 else (1,0)
    sign_field, abs_field = qfield
    if SIGNED_LIST_RE.match(inp):
        parsed = parse_range3(inp, split0 = True)
        # if there is only one part, we don't need an $or
        if len(parsed) == 1:
            parsed = parsed[0]
            if type(parsed) == list:
                s0, d0 = parse_one(parsed[0])
                s1, d1 = parse_one(parsed[1])
                if s0 < 0:
                    query[abs_field] = {'$gte': d1, '$lte': d0}
                    query[abs_field] = {'$lte': d1, '$gte': d0}
                s0, d0 = parse_one(parsed)
                query[abs_field] = d0
            if sign_field is not None:
                query[sign_field] = s0
            iquery = []
            for x in parsed:
                if type(x) == list:
                    if len(x) == 1:
                        s0, abs_D = parse_one(x[0])
                        s0, d0 = parse_one(x[0])
                        s1, d1 = parse_one(x[1])
                        if s0 < 0:
                            abs_D = {'$gte': d1, '$lte': d0}
                            abs_D = {'$lte': d1, '$gte': d0}
                    s0, abs_D = parse_one(x)
                if sign_field is None:
                    iquery.append({abs_field: abs_D})
                    iquery.append({sign_field: s0, abs_field: abs_D})
            collapse_ors(['$or', iquery], query)
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).")
Beispiel #15
def _parse_subset(inp, query, qfield, mode, radical, product):
    def add_condition(kwd):
        if qfield in query:
            query[qfield][kwd] = inp
            query[qfield] = {kwd: inp}
    if mode == 'exclude':
    elif mode == 'subset':
        # sadly, jsonb GIN indexes don't support <@, so we don't want to use
        # $containedin if we can help it.
        # Even more sadly, even switching to querying on the radical doesn't help,
        # since the query planner still uses an index scan on the primary key.
        #if len(inp) <= 5 and radical is not None:
        #    if radical in query:
        #        raise SearchParsingError("Cannot specify containment and equality simultaneously")
        #    query[radical] = {'$or': [product(X) for X in subsets(inp)]}
    elif mode == 'include' or not mode: # include is the default
    elif mode == 'exactly':
        if radical is not None:
            query[radical] = product(inp)
        inp = sorted(inp)
        if inp:
            dup_free = [inp[0]]
            for i,x in enumerate(inp[1:]):
                if x != inp[i]:
            dup_free = []
        if qfield in query:
            raise SearchParsingError("Cannot specify containment and equality simultaneously")
        query[qfield] = dup_free
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode: programming error in LMFDB code")
Beispiel #16
 def __call__(self, info, query, field=None, name=None, qfield=None, *args, **kwds):
         if field is None: field=self.default_field
         inp = info.get(field)
         if not inp: return
         if name is None:
             if self.default_name is None:
                 name = field.replace('_',' ').capitalize()
                 name = self.default_name
         inp = str(inp)
             raise SearchParsingError("You have entered spaces in between digits. Please add a comma or delete the spaces.")
         inp = clean_input(inp, self.clean_spaces)
         if qfield is None:
             if field is None:
                 qfield = self.default_qfield
                 qfield = field
         if self.prep_ranges:
             inp = prep_ranges(inp)
         if self.prep_plus:
             inp = inp.replace('+','')
         if self.pass_name:
             self.f(inp, query, name, qfield, *args, **kwds)
             self.f(inp, query, qfield, *args, **kwds)
         if self.clean_info:
             info[field] = inp
     except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError) as err:
         if self.error_is_safe:
             flash_error("<span style='color:black'>%s</span> is not a valid input for <span style='color:black'>%s</span>. "+str(err)+".", inp, name)
             flash_error("<span style='color:black'>%s</span> is not a valid input for <span style='color:black'>%s</span>. %s", inp, name, str(err))
         info['err'] = ''
Beispiel #17
 def filtered_var(s):
     if s not in names:
         raise SearchParsingError("%s is not a column of this table" % s)
     return var(s)
Beispiel #18
 def parse_singleton(a):
     raise SearchParsingError(msg)
Beispiel #19
def parse_nf_elt(inp, query, name, qfield, field_label='field_label'):
    if field_label not in query:
        raise SearchParsingError("You must specify a field when searching by %s"%name)
    deg = int(query[field_label].split('.')[0])
    query[qfield] = pol_string_to_list(inp, deg=deg)
Beispiel #20
 def notq():
     raise SearchParsingError(r"The rational numbers $\Q$ cannot be a proper intermediate field.")
Beispiel #21
def input_to_subfield(inp):
    def finish(result):
        return '.'.join([str(z) for z in result])

    def notq():
        raise SearchParsingError(r"The rational numbers $\Q$ cannot be a proper intermediate field.")

    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    inp = inp.replace(u'\u2212', '-')

    # remove non-ascii characters from inp
    # we need to encode and decode for Python 3, as 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
    inp = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7f]', r'', inp)
    if len(inp) == 0:
        return None

    # Do we have a nf label
    if re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.[0-9e_]+\.\d+',inp):
        from lmfdb import db
        myfield = db.nf_fields.lookup(inp)
        if myfield:
            return finish(myfield['coeffs'])
            raise SearchParsingError("It is not the label for a subfield in the database.")

    F = inp.lower() # keep original if needed
    # Is it a polynomial
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
        pol = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')(str(F1))
        pol *= pol.denominator()
        if not pol.is_irreducible():
            raise SearchParsingError("It is not an irreducible polynomial.")
        coeffs = R(pari(pol).polredabs()).coefficients(sparse=False)
        if coeffs == [0,1]:
        return finish(coeffs)
    # Nicknames
    if F == 'q':
    if F in ['qi', 'q(i)']:
        return '1.0.1'
    if F[0] == 'q':
        if '(' in F and ')' in F:
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                d = 0
            if d == 0 or d == 1:
                raise SearchParsingError("After {0}, the remainder must be a nonzero integer which is not a perfect square.  Use {0}5 or {0}-11 for example.".format(inp[:5]))
            # Recursion has it use polredabs to get the polynomial
            return input_to_subfield("x^2 - (%s)" % d)
        # Look for cyclotomic
        if F[0:5] == 'qzeta':
            if '_' in F:
                F = F.replace('_','')
            match_obj = re.match(r'^qzeta(\d+)(\+|plus)?$', F)
            if not match_obj:
                raise SearchParsingError("After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer or a positive integer followed by '+'.  Use {0}5 or {0}19+, for example.".format(F[:5]))

            d = ZZ(str(
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d < 1:
                raise SearchParsingError("After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer or a positive integer followed by '+'.  Use {0}5 or {0}19+, for example.".format(F[:5]))
            if d==1: # asking for Q

            if  # asking for the totally real field
                from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import rcyclolookup
                if d < 5: # again, asking for subfield Q
                if d in rcyclolookup:
                    return input_to_subfield(rcyclolookup[d])
                    raise SearchParsingError("Subfield %s is not available." % F)
                f = pari.polcyclo(d)
                return input_to_subfield(str(f))
                # Want polcyclo here
                raise SearchParsingError('%s is not in the database.' % F)
            f = pari.polcyclo(d)
            return input_to_subfield(str(f))
    raise SearchParsingError('It is not a valid field nickname or label, or a defining polynomial.')
Beispiel #22
def nf_string_to_label(FF):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if FF in ['q', 'Q']:
        return ''
    if FF.lower() in ['qi', 'q(i)']:
        return ''
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    FF = FF.replace(u'\u2212', '-')
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    # we need to encode and decode for Python 3, as 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
    # Remove non-ascii characters
    FF = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7f]', r'', FF)
    F = FF.lower() # keep original if needed
    if len(F) == 0:
        raise SearchParsingError("Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial.")
    if F[0] == 'q':
        if '(' in F and ')' in F:
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                d = 0
            if d == 0:
                raise SearchParsingError("After {0}, the remainder must be a nonzero integer.  Use {0}5 or {0}-11 for example.".format(FF[:5]))
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[0:5] == 'qzeta':
            if '_' in F:
                F = F.replace('_','')
            match_obj = re.match(r'^qzeta(\d+)(\+|plus)?$', F)
            if not match_obj:
                raise SearchParsingError("After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer or a positive integer followed by '+'.  Use {0}5 or {0}19+, for example.".format(F[:5]))

            d = ZZ(str(
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)

            if  # asking for the totally real field
                from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import rcyclolookup
                if d in rcyclolookup:
                    return rcyclolookup[d]
                    raise SearchParsingError('%s is not in the database.' % F)
            # Now not the totally real subfield
            from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import cyclolookup
            if d in cyclolookup:
                return cyclolookup[d]
                raise SearchParsingError('%s is not in the database.' % F)
        raise SearchParsingError('It is not a valid field name or label, or a defining polynomial.')
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        from lmfdb.number_fields.number_field import poly_to_field_label
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        raise SearchParsingError('%s does not define a number field in the database.'%F)
    # Expand out factored labels, like 11.11.11e20.1
    if not re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.[0-9e_]+\.\d+',F):
        raise SearchParsingError("A number field label must be of the form d.r.D.n, such as")
    parts = F.split(".")
    def raise_power(ab):
        if ab.count("e") == 0:
            return ZZ(ab)
        elif ab.count("e") == 1:
            a,b = ab.split("e")
            return ZZ(a)**ZZ(b)
            raise SearchParsingError("Malformed absolute discriminant.  It must be a sequence of strings AeB for A and B integers, joined by _s.  For example, 2e7_3e5_11.")
    parts[2] = str(prod(raise_power(c) for c in parts[2].split("_")))
    return ".".join(parts)
Beispiel #23
def parse_posints(inp, query, qfield, parse_singleton=int):
    if LIST_POSINT_RE.match(inp):
        collapse_ors(parse_range2(inp, qfield, parse_singleton), query)
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a positive integer (such as 25), a range of positive integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).")
Beispiel #24
def parse_rats(inp, query, qfield, process=None):
    if process is None: process = lambda x: x
    if LIST_RAT_RE.match(inp):
        collapse_ors(parse_range2rat(inp, qfield, process), query)
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a non-negative rational number (such as 4/3), a range of non-negative rational numbers (such as 2-5/2 or 2.5..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).")
Beispiel #25
def parse_bracketed_posints(inp, query, qfield, maxlength=None, exactlength=None, split=True, process=None, listprocess=None, check_divisibility=None, keepbrackets=False, extractor=None):
    if (not BRACKETED_POSINT_RE.match(inp) or
        (maxlength is not None and inp.count(',') > maxlength - 1) or
        (exactlength is not None and inp.count(',') != exactlength - 1) or
        (exactlength is not None and inp == '[]' and exactlength > 0)):
        if exactlength == 2:
            lstr = "pair of integers"
            example = "[6,2] or [32,32]"
        elif exactlength == 1:
            lstr = "list of 1 integer"
            example = "[2]"
        elif exactlength is not None:
            lstr = "list of %s integers" % exactlength
            example = str(list(range(2,exactlength+2))).replace(" ","") + " or " + str([3]*exactlength).replace(" ","")
        elif maxlength is not None:
            lstr = "list of at most %s integers" % maxlength
            example = str(list(range(2,maxlength+2))).replace(" ","") + " or " + str([2]*max(1, maxlength-2)).replace(" ","")
            lstr = "list of integers"
            example = "[1,2,3] or [5,6]"
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a %s in square brackets, such as %s." % (lstr, example))
        if inp == '[]': # fixes bug in the code below (split never returns an empty list)
            if split:
                query[qfield] = []
                query[qfield] = ''
        L = [int(a) for a in inp[1:-1].split(',')]
        if check_divisibility == 'decreasing':
            # Check that each entry divides the previous
            #L = [int(a) for a in inp[1:-1].split(',')]
            for i in range(len(L)-1):
                if L[i] % L[i+1] != 0:
                    raise SearchParsingError("Each entry must divide the previous, such as [4,2].")
        elif check_divisibility == 'increasing':
            # Check that each entry divides the previous
            # L = [int(a) for a in inp[1:-1].split(',')]
            for i in range(len(L)-1):
                if L[i+1] % L[i] != 0:
                    raise SearchParsingError("Each entry must divide the next, such as [2,4].")
        if process is not None:
            L = [process(a) for a in L]
        if listprocess is not None:
            L = listprocess(L)
        if extractor is not None:
            # This is currently only used by number field signatures
            # It assumes degree is fairly simple in the query
            for qf, v in zip(qfield, extractor(L)):
                if qf in query:
                    # If used more generally we should check every modifier
                    # value -1 is used to force empty search results
                    if isinstance(query[qf], dict):
                        if (('$in' in query[qf] and not v in query[qf]['$in'])
                           or ('$gt' in query[qf] and not v > query[qf]['$gt'])
                           or ('$gte' in query[qf] and not v >= query[qf]['$gte'])
                           or ('$lt' in query[qf] and not v < query[qf]['$lt'])
                           or ('$lte' in query[qf] and not v <= query[qf]['$lte'])):
                            query[qf] = -1
                            query[qf] = v
                        if v != query[qf]:
                            query[qf] = -1
                    query[qf] = v
        elif split:
            query[qfield] = L
            inp = '[%s]'%','.join([str(a) for a in L])
            query[qfield] = inp if keepbrackets else inp[1:-1]
Beispiel #26
def parse_rational(inp, query, qfield):
    if QQ_RE.match(inp):
        query[qfield] = str(QQ(inp))
        raise SearchParsingError("It needs to be a rational number.")