Beispiel #1
def file_view(request):
    Show an uploaded file.

    TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "temp"

        action = request.matchdict["action"]
        identifier = request.matchdict["identifier"]
    except KeyError:
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    # Check if the action is valid
    if not (action == "view" or action == "download"):
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    # Check if the identifier is valid
    if validate_uuid(identifier) is False:
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    # Try to find necessary information of the file (mime-type)
    db_file_query = Session.query(File).filter(File.identifier == identifier)

        db_file =
    except NoResultFound:
        raise HTTPNotFound()
    except MultipleResultsFound:
        # This should actually never happen since we are dealing with UUIDs
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    # Get file extension
    extension = get_valid_file_extension(request, db_file.mime)
    if extension is None:
        # This should also never happen because files without valid mime type
        # should not have been uploaded in the first place
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    # Put together the filename
    filename = "%s%s" % (identifier, extension)

    # Try to find the file on disk
    upload_path = upload_directory_path(request)
    folder1, folder2 = get_folders_from_identifier(str(identifier))
    filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, folder1, folder2, filename)

    # Check that the file is on the disk
    temporaryFile = False
    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        # If the file was not found in its proper directory, try to find it in
        # the temporary upload directory. This means the Activity was not (yet)
        # submitted and the file is only visible for logged in users.
        filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME, filename)
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            # If it is still not found, raise error
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        # TODO: Authentication: Handle it properly
        if "system.Authenticated" not in effective_principals(request):
            raise HTTPForbidden()

        temporaryFile = True

    # If the file is not in the temporary folder, find its Activity versions by
    # searching for its A_Value (filename|UID).
    if temporaryFile is False:
        a_value = "%s|%s" % (, db_file.identifier)
        a_db_query = (
            .join(A_Tag_Group, A_Tag_Group.fk_activity ==
            .join(A_Tag, A_Tag.fk_tag_group ==
            .join(A_Key, A_Tag.fk_key ==
            .join(A_Value, A_Tag.fk_value ==

        # Files for Activities are always visible if there is an active version
        # having the file attached.
        # Files for pending versions of Activities are only visible if the
        # current user is moderator or edited at least one pending version.
        showFile = False
        for a in a_db_query.all():
            if a.fk_status == 2:
                # Active: There is an active version with the file, show it
                showFile = True
            if a.fk_status == 1 and request.user is not None:
                # Pending: Check if user is moderator or created the version.
                if "group:moderators" in effective_principals(request):
                    # Moderator
                    showFile = True
                if a.changeset.user == request.user:
                    # Editor of a version
                    showFile = True

        if showFile is False:
            raise HTTPForbidden()

    # Open the file
    file = open(filepath, "rb").read()

    response = Response(body=file, content_type=str(db_file.mime))

    if action == "download":
        response.content_disposition = "attachment; filename=%s" %

    return response
Beispiel #2
def check_file_location_name(request, filevaluestring):
    Check if the files in a filevaluestring of the format
    are still in the temporary upload directory (meaning that they were
    just recently uploaded). If so, move them to their proper directory
    (create it if necessary).
    (Also check if the file was renamed. In this case, update the
    database entry.) - see comments below

    TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "temp"

    # A database query is needed to find out the mime-type (for the file
    # extension) and the name of the file.

    fileidentifiers = []
    filenames = []

    fileobjects = filevaluestring.split(",")
    for file in fileobjects:
        # Collect all fileidentifiers to query the database only once
        f = file.split("|")
        if len(f) != 2:
            # Something is wrong with the filevaluestring: skip it

    files_query = Session.query(File).filter(File.identifier.in_(fileidentifiers)).all()

    for i, fileidentifier in enumerate(fileidentifiers):
        # Loop all the file identifiers
        for f_db in files_query:
            # For each file identifier, try to find it in the database query
            if str(f_db.identifier) != fileidentifier:

            # Check if the file needs to be moved. This is the case if the file
            # is found in the temporary upload directory.

            extension = get_valid_file_extension(request, f_db.mime)
            if extension is None:
                # This should also never happen because files without valid
                # mime type should not have been uploaded in the first place

            # Put together the filename
            filename = "%s%s" % (fileidentifier, extension)

            # Try to find the file in the temporary directory
            upload_path = upload_directory_path(request)
            filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME, filename)

            if os.path.exists(filepath):
                # If the file is still in the temporary directory, move it
                folder1, folder2 = get_folders_from_identifier(fileidentifier)
                new_location = os.path.join(upload_path, folder1, folder2)

                # If the directory does not yet exist, create it
                if not os.path.exists(new_location):

                # Rename works to move the file
                os.rename(filepath, os.path.join(new_location, filename))

                    "Moved file %s from temporary folder to new location at \
                    % (, new_location)

    # Return the file information, use only the valid ones
    rets = []
    for i, fileidentifier in enumerate(fileidentifiers):
        rets.append("%s|%s" % (filenames[i], fileidentifier))

    return ",".join(rets)
Beispiel #3
def handle_upload(request, filedict):
    Handle the upload of a new file.

    TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "temp"

    ret = {"success": False, "msg": ""}

    filename = None
    filetype = None
    file = None

        filename = filedict["filename"]
        file = filedict["fp"]
        filetype = filedict["mimetype"]
        ret["msg"] = _("Not all necessary values were provided.")
        valid = False

    if filename is None or file is None or filetype is None:
        ret["msg"] = "Uploaded file not found."

    # Check upload directory
    upload_path = upload_directory_path(request)
    if upload_path is None or not os.path.exists(upload_path):
        ret["msg"] = _("Upload directory not specified or not found.")
        return ret

    # Check filetype
    fileextension = get_valid_file_extension(request, filetype)
    if fileextension is None:
        ret["msg"] = _("File type is not valid.")
        return ret

    # Check filesize
    size = get_file_size(file)
    if size > upload_max_file_size(request):
        ret["msg"] = _("File is too big.")
        return ret

    # Do the actual file processing

    # Strip leading path from file name to avoid directory traversal
    # attacks
    old_filename = os.path.basename(filename)

    # Internet Explorer will attempt to provide full path for filename
    # fix
    old_filename = old_filename.split("\\")[-1]

    # Remove the extension and check the filename
    clean_filename = ".".join(old_filename.split(".")[:-1])
    clean_filename = _clean_filename(clean_filename)

    # Make sure the filename is not too long
    if len(clean_filename) > 500:
        clean_filename = clean_filename[:500]

    # Append the predefined file extension
    clean_filename = "%s%s" % (clean_filename, fileextension)

    # Use a randomly generated UUID as filename
    file_identifier = uuid.uuid4()
    new_filename = "%s%s" % (file_identifier, fileextension)

    # Check if the directories already exist. If not, create them.
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME)):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME))

    new_filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME, new_filename)

    # Open the new file for writing
    f = open(new_filepath, "wb", 10000)

    datalength = 0

    # Read the file in chunks
    for chunk in _file_buffer(file):
        datalength += len(chunk)

    # Open the file again to get the hash
    hash = get_file_hash(new_filepath)

    # Database values
    db_file = File(identifier=file_identifier, name=clean_filename, mime=filetype, size=datalength, hash=hash)

    log.debug("The uploaded file (%s) was saved as %s at %s" % (clean_filename, new_filename, new_filepath))

    ret["filename"] = clean_filename
    ret["fileidentifier"] = str(file_identifier)

    ret["msg"] = _("File was successfully uploaded")
    ret["success"] = True

    localizer = get_localizer(request)
    ret["msg"] = localizer.translate(ret["msg"])

    return ret