Beispiel #1
 def gev(self, x):
     # 计算广义极值分布的参数
     x = x[~np.isnan(x)]
     if np.sum(x) == 0.0:
         return np.array([7.15350690e-07, 5.15304206e-06, -9.92961972e-01])
         return lmoments.pelgev(lmoments.samlmu(x))
Beispiel #2
def test_lm():
    import lmoments
    x = [360.228515625, 513.506103515625, 273.85031127929688, 340.94839477539062,
         244.13925170898438, 283.414306640625, 394.42819213867188, 284.3604736328125,
         281.26956176757812, 241.46173095703125, 489.75482177734375, 236.31536865234375,
         407.55133056640625, 244.6295166015625, 432.40670776367188, 260.501953125,
         517.23052978515625, 317.6553955078125, 407.61935424804688, 275.0709228515625,
         330.369140625, 285.92086791992188, 247.9954833984375, 344.34811401367188,
         379.55596923828125, 330.80569458007812, 312.35330200195312, 251.79550170898438,
         372.66928100585938, 239.72474670410156]

    pars = [ 128.28104749,  578.4927539 ,    0.62410911]
    data = [588.4747314453125, 693.6640625, 519.03155517578125, 716.58013916015625,
            686.29168701171875, 432.65786743164062, 682.72113037109375, 730.12603759765625,
            698.971923828125, 491.75332641601562, 597.258544921875, 487.13619995117188, 482.33123779296875,
            573.57861328125, 801.67169189453125, 616.41668701171875, 690.954833984375, 671.31646728515625,
            680.87554931640625, 534.18414306640625, 427.86019897460938, 236.22953796386719, 691.40972900390625,
            545.3563232421875, 553.059814453125, 549.1295166015625, 658.3983154296875, 719.122802734375,

    the_moments = lmoments.samlmu(sorted(data),5)
    pars = lmoments.pelgev(the_moments[0:3])
    mu, sigma, xi = pars
    print(objective_function_stationary_high([sigma, mu, -xi], data))
Beispiel #3
    def func(data):
        sample = lmoments.randgev(len(data), gevfit)
        samgevfit = lmoments.pelgev(lmoments.samlmu(sample))

        T = np.arange(0.1, 999.1, 0.1) + 1
        sT = lmoments.quagev(1.0 - 1. / T, samgevfit)
        res = samgevfit
        return tuple(res)
def pearsonfit(data):
    p3= np.array([lm.cdfpe3(i,para) for i in  data])

    return p3
def glo(data):
    """Generalized Logistic Generalized Logistic distribution function."""

    p3= np.array([lm.cdfglo(i,para) for i in  data])
    return pn
Beispiel #6
    def fit(self, data):
        # Initialise variables:
        loc, scale, shp = [self.nodata] * 3
        w = nodata * np.ones(len(
            self.intervals))  # Create empty return period array

        if (data.max() > 0.):  # Check for valid data
            ii = np.flatnonzero(
            )  # Return indices for non-zero elements of the flattened aray
            # Only calculate l-moments for those grid points where the values are
            # not all equal, and where there are 50 or more valid (>0) values.
            if data[ii].min() != data[ii].max():
                if len(ii) >= self.minrecords:
                    l1, l2, l3 = lmom.samlmu(data, 3)  # find 3 l-moments
                    # t3 = L-skewness (Hosking 1990)
                    t3 = l3 / l2
                    if (l2 <= 0.) or (np.abs(t3) >= 1.):
                        # Reject points where the second l-moment is negative
                        # or the ratio of the third to second is > 1, i.e. positive
                        # skew.
                        log.debug("Invalid l-moments")
                        # Parameter estimation returns the location, scale and
                        # shape parameters
                        xmom = [l1, l2, t3]
                        # Calculates the parameters of the distribution given its
                        # L-moments. GEV distribution calculated.
                        loc, scale, shp = np.array(lmom.pelgev(xmom))
                        # We only store the values if the first parameter is
                        # finite (i.e. the location parameter is finite)
                        if not np.isfinite(loc):
                            loc, scale, shp = [self.nodata] * 3

        # Calculate return period wind speeds
        for i, t in enumerate(self.intervals):
            # if no valid fit was found, then there are no return period wind speeds
            if shp <= 0.:
                w[i] = self.nodata
            # if a valid fit was found...
                # Calculate wind speed for each return period
                w[i] = (
                    np.transpose(loc + (scale / shp) *
                                 (1. - np.power(-1. * np.log(1. -
                                                             (1. / t)), shp))))

                # Replace any non-finite numbers with the missing value:
                if not np.isfinite(w[i]):
                    w[i] = self.nodata

        return w, loc, scale, shp
Beispiel #7
def pearsonfit(data):
    data = np.array(data)
    nozero = len(data.nonzero()[0])
    pze = 1 - float(nozero) / len(data)
    #print pze
    #data2=ma.masked_values(data.values, 0)

    para = lm.pelpe3(lm.samlmu(data[data != 0], 3))

    p3 = np.array([lm.cdfpe3(i, para) for i in data])

    p3 = stats.norm.ppf(p3)
    return p3
Beispiel #8
def gammafit(Data):
    data = np.array(Data)
    index1 = np.where(data == 0)[0]
    index2 = np.where(data != 0)[0]
    pze = float(len(index1)) / len(data)
    if pze >= (1 / 16.):
        indx = np.where(data == 0)[0]
        data[indx[0]] = 0.001

##    nozero=len(data.nonzero()[0])
##    pze=1-float(nozero)/len(data)

#print pze
#data2=ma.masked_values(data.values, 0)

    para = lm.pelgam(lm.samlmu(data[data != 0], 2))

    #global pze
    print(para, pze)

    gam = np.array([lm.cdfgam(i, para) for i in data])

    #global cdf

    ##    gam[index2]

    gam = stats.norm.ppf(gam.astype(float))

    cdf = np.zeros(
        shape=len(gam))  #([pze+(1-pze)*lm.cdfnor(i,[0,1]) for i in gam])
    cdf[index1] = pze
    cdf[index2] = np.array(
        [pze + (1 - pze) * lm.cdfnor(i, [0, 1]) for i in gam[index2]])

    ##    print para
    pn = stats.norm.ppf(cdf.astype(float))
    pn[np.where(pn < -4)[0]] = -4
    del data
    return pn
Beispiel #9
def gamma_parameters(summed_monthly_values, scale_months):
    :param monthly_values:
    :param scale_months:

    # allocate the array of gamma parameters we'll return
    gamma_parameters = np.full((12, 2), np.nan, dtype=np.float64)

    # process each calendar month's values separately
    for i in range(12):

        # get the values for the calendar month
        calendar_month_sums = summed_monthly_values[i::12]

        # strip out all the NaN values
        calendar_month_sums = calendar_month_sums[np.logical_not(

        # get the non-zero values only (resulting array will still contain NaNs if present)
        nonzero_calendar_month_values = calendar_month_sums[np.nonzero(

        # determine how many zeros there were
        number_of_sums = calendar_month_sums.shape[0]
        number_of_nonzeros = nonzero_calendar_month_values.shape[0]
        number_of_zeros = number_of_sums - number_of_nonzeros

        # calculate the probability of zero, the first gamma parameter
        probability_of_zero = number_of_zeros / number_of_sums

        if probability_of_zero > 0.1:
            gamma_parameters[i, :] = 0.0
            # Fit gamma distribution
                LMU = lmoments.samlmu(nonzero_calendar_month_values)
                gamfit = lmoments.pelgam(LMU)
                gamma_parameters[i, :] = gamfit
                gamma_parameters[i, :] = 0.0

    return gamma_parameters
Beispiel #10
def do_it(data, title):
    lmom = lmoments.samlmu(data)
    gevfit = lmoments.pelgev(
        lmom)  # the parameters of the GEV distribtion as estimated on data

    # return years (1.1 to 1000)
    T = np.arange(0.1, 999.1, 0.1) + 1
    sT = lmoments.quagev(1.0 - 1. / T, gevfit)

    # prepare index for obs
    N = np.r_[1:len(data) + 1] * 1.0  #must *1.0 to convert int to float
    Nmax = max(N)

    # get confidence intervals
    bootout = ci_bootstrap(data, gevfit)
    ci_Td = bootout["ci_Td"]
    ci_Tu = bootout["ci_Tu"]
    params_ci = bootout["params_ci"]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    plt.setp(ax.lines, linewidth=2, color='magenta')

    base_x = 10
    subs_x = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    ax.set_title("Execution Time GEV Distribution - " + title, fontsize=18)
    ax.set_xlabel("Expected Frequency of Extrema", fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylabel("Maximum Execution Time", fontsize=14)
    ax.semilogx(T, sT, basex=base_x)
    #ax.plot(T, sT)
    ax.scatter(Nmax / N, np.sort(data)[::-1], color='orangered')

    ax.semilogx(T, ci_Td, '--', basex=base_x)
    #ax.plot(T, ci_Td, '--')
    ax.semilogx(T, ci_Tu, '--', basex=base_x)
    #ax.plot(T, ci_Tu, '--')
    ax.fill_between(T, ci_Td, ci_Tu, color='0.75', alpha=0.5)
Beispiel #11
 def _wak(self, dat, l):
     ''' Fit a wakeby distribution'''
     para = lm.pelwak(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfwak, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfwak, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf
Beispiel #12
 def _gno(self, dat, l):
     '''Fit a Generalized Normal Dist'''
     para = lm.pelgno(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfgno, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfgno, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf
Beispiel #13
        check = 0
        for i in range(0,len(inp)):
            if round(inp[i],roundnum) != round(outp[i],roundnum):
                print("ERROR found in "+name)
                print("EXPECTED VALUE: "+str(outp[i]))
                print("ACTUAL VALUE: "+str(inp[i]))
                check = 1
        if check == 0:
            print(name+" Function SUCCESS")
        print("ERROR found in "+name)

testdata = [2.0,3.0,4.0,2.4,5.5,1.2,5.4,2.2,7.1,1.3,1.5]
LMU = lmoments.samlmu(testdata)
correctLMU = [3.23636364, 1.14181818, 0.27388535, 0.02335456, -0.04246285]
correctLMU = [3.23636364, 1.14181818, 0.27388535, 0.02335456, -0.04246285]
check = 0
for i in range(0,len(correctLMU)):
    if round(LMU[i],6) != round(correctLMU[i],6):
        print("ERROR found in SAMLMU")
        print("EXPECTED VALUE: "+str(correctLMU[i]))
        print("ACTUAL VALUE: "+str(LMU[i]))
        check = 1
if check == 0:
    print("SAMLMU Function SUCCESS")

Beispiel #14
 def _pe3(self, dat, l):
     ''' Fit a Pearson type 3 distribution'''
     para = lm.pelpe3(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfpe3, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfpe3, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf

            i = i + 1

        df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Max U10': max_wind_30})
        #we want the highest wind speeds to get the highest rank
        df1['Ranked'] = df1['Max U10'].rank(ascending=0)
        df1 = df1.sort_values(by=['Ranked'])
        ranklist1 = df1['Ranked'].tolist()
        windlist1 = df1['Max U10'].tolist()

        windlist1 = windlist1[::-1]
        ratio = len(windlist1) / 38.
        #fit the different extreme value distributions
            LMU = lmoments.samlmu(windlist1)

            gevfit = lmoments.pelgev(LMU)
            expfit = lmoments.pelexp(LMU)
            gumfit = lmoments.pelgum(LMU)
            weifit = lmoments.pelwei(LMU)
            gpafit = lmoments.pelgpa(LMU)

            gevST = lmoments.quagev(1.0 - 1. / T, gevfit)
            expST = lmoments.quaexp(1.0 - 1. / T, expfit)
            gumST = lmoments.quagum(1.0 - 1. / T, gumfit)
            weiST = lmoments.quawei(1.0 - 1. / T, weifit)
            gpaST = lmoments.quagpa(1.0 - 1. / T, gpafit)
            for t, tl in zip(range(0, len(bootstrapgev)), tlist):
                bootstrapgev[t].append(np.interp(tl, T, gevST))
Beispiel #16
def estimateEVD(v, years, missingValue=-9999., minRecords=50, yrspersim=1):
    Calculate extreme value distribution parameters using the Lmoments module

    :param v: array of data values.
    :type v: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param years: array of years for which to calculate return period values.
    :type years: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param float missingValue: value to insert if fit does not converge.
    :param int minRecords: minimum number of valid observations required to
                           perform fitting.
    :param int yrspersim: data represent block maxima - this gives the length
                          of each block in years.

    :return: return period values
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: location, shape and scale parameters of the distribution
    :rtype: float
    # Convert to float to prevent integer division & ensure consistent data
    # types for output variables
    yrspersim = float(yrspersim)
    missingValue = float(missingValue)
    years = np.array(years)
    # Initialise variables:
    loc, scale, shp = [missingValue, missingValue, missingValue]
    w = missingValue * np.ones(len(years))

    if (v.max() > 0.):
        ii = np.flatnonzero(v)
        # Only calculate l-moments for those grid points where the values are 
        # not all equal, and where there are 50 or more valid values.
        if v[ii].min() != v[ii].max():
            if len(ii) >= minRecords:
                l1, l2, l3 = lmom.samlmu(v[ii], 3)
                t3 = l3 / l2
                if (l2 <= 0.) or (np.abs(t3) >= 1.):
                    # Reject points where the second l-moment is negative
                    # or the ratio of the third to second is > 1.
                    log.debug("Invalid l-moments")
                    # Parameter estimation returns the location, scale and shape 
                    # parameters
                    xmom = [l1, l2, t3]
                    loc, scale, shp = np.array(lmom.pelgev(xmom))
                    # We only store the values if the first parameter is
                    # finite (i.e. the location parameter is finite)
                    if not np.isfinite(loc):
                        loc, scale, shp = [
                            missingValue, missingValue, missingValue]

    for i, t in enumerate(years):
        if shp == -9999:
            w[i] = missingValue
            w[i] = (np.transpose(loc + (scale / shp) *
                    (1. - np.power(-1. * np.log(1. - (yrspersim / t)),

            # Replace any non-finite numbers with the missing value:
            if not np.isfinite(w[i]):
                w[i] = missingValue

    return w, loc, scale, shp
Beispiel #17
 def _nor(self, dat, l):
     '''Fir a Normal Distribution'''
     para = lm.pelnor(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfnor, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfnor, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf
Beispiel #18
def gevfit(data, intervals, nodata=-9999., minrecords=50, yrspersim=1):
    Calculate extreme value distribution parameters using the Lmoments module.
    Return period values are not calculated if the shape parameter is negative
    or zero.

    :param data: array of data values. Values represent max events for each year 
              of simulation at a single grid box
    :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param intervals: array of years for which to calculate return period values.
    :type intervals: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param float nodata: value to insert if fit does not converge.
    :param int minRecords: minimum number of valid observations required to
                           perform fitting.
    :param int yrspersim: data represent block maxima - this gives the length
                          of each block in years.


    :param w: `numpy.array` of return period wind speed values
    :param loc: location parameter
    :param scale: scale parameter
    :param shp: shape parameter

    # Convert to float to prevent integer division & ensure consistent data
    # types for output variables
    yrspersim = float(yrspersim)
    nodata = float(nodata)
    intervals = np.array(intervals)

    # Initialise variables:
    loc, scale, shp = [nodata, nodata, nodata]
    w = nodata * np.ones(len(intervals))  # Create empty return period array

    if (data.max() > 0.):  # Check for valid data
        ii = np.flatnonzero(
            data)  # Return indices for non-zero elements of the flattened aray
        # Only calculate l-moments for those grid points where the values are
        # not all equal, and where there are 50 or more valid (>0) values.
        if data[ii].min() != data[ii].max():
            if len(ii) >= minrecords:
                l1, l2, l3 = lmom.samlmu(data, 3)  # find 3 l-moments
                # t3 = L-skewness (Hosking 1990)
                t3 = l3 / l2
                if (l2 <= 0.) or (np.abs(t3) >= 1.):
                    # Reject points where the second l-moment is negative
                    # or the ratio of the third to second is > 1, i.e. positive
                    # skew.
                    log.debug("Invalid l-moments")
                    # Parameter estimation returns the location, scale and
                    # shape parameters
                    xmom = [l1, l2, t3]
                    # Calculates the parameters of the distribution given its
                    # L-moments. GEV distribution calculated.
                    loc, scale, shp = np.array(lmom.pelgev(xmom))
                    # We only store the values if the first parameter is
                    # finite (i.e. the location parameter is finite)
                    if not np.isfinite(loc):
                        loc, scale, shp = [nodata, nodata, nodata]

    # Calculate return period wind speeds
    for i, t in enumerate(intervals):
        # if no valid fit was found, then there are no return period wind speeds
        if shp <= 0.:
            w[i] = nodata
        # if a valid fit was found...
            # Calculate wind speed for each return period
            w[i] = (np.transpose(
                loc + (scale / shp) *
                (1. - np.power(-1. * np.log(1. - (yrspersim / t)), shp))))

            # Replace any non-finite numbers with the missing value:
            if not np.isfinite(w[i]):
                w[i] = nodata

    return w, loc, scale, shp
Beispiel #19
 def _gpa(self, dat, l):
     ''' Fit a Generalised Pareto distribution'''
     para = lm.pelgpa(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfgpa, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfgpa, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf
# 1 GEV (General Extreme V)
# para1 = \mu
# para2 = \sigma
# para3 = \theta
if FUNC == 'GEV':
    #for i in progressbar(range(ysize), "Computing: ", 40):
    for i in range(ysize):
        if i % 10 == 0: print(i, 'out of ', ysize)
        for j in range(xsize):
            if np.nanmean(datm[:, i, j]) > -9990.:
                # There are many grids with constant values or
                # there is only one large value but others are constant.
                # We cannot calculate the parameters with this time series.
                if np.std(datm[:-5, i, j]) > 1e-5:
                    lmoms = lmom.samlmu(datm[:, i, j], 4)
                    params = lmom.pelgev(lmoms)

                        para1[i, j] = params[0]
                        para2[i, j] = params[1]
                        para3[i, j] = params[2]
                        p_AIC[i, j] = lmom.AIC(datm[:, i, j], FUNC)

                        y = lmom.quagev(p, params)
                        c_AIC[i, j] = calc_aic(datm[:, i, j], y)
                        py_AIC[i, j] = aic.aic(datm[:, i, j], y, len(params))

                        para1[i, j] = np.nanmean(datm[:, i, j])
                        para2[i, j] = -9999.
Beispiel #21
def estimateEVD(v, years, missingValue=-9999., minRecords=50, yrspersim=1):
    Calculate extreme value distribution parameters using the Lmoments module.
    Return period values are not calculated if the shape parameter is negative
    or zero.

    :param v: array of data values.
    :type v: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param years: array of years for which to calculate return period values.
    :type years: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param float missingValue: value to insert if fit does not converge.
    :param int minRecords: minimum number of valid observations required to
                           perform fitting.
    :param int yrspersim: data represent block maxima - this gives the length
                          of each block in years.

    :return: return period values
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :return: location, shape and scale parameters of the distribution
    :rtype: float

    # Convert to float to prevent integer division & ensure consistent data
    # types for output variables
    yrspersim = float(yrspersim)
    missingValue = float(missingValue)
    years = np.array(years)

    # Initialise variables:
    loc, scale, shp = [missingValue, missingValue, missingValue]
    w = missingValue * np.ones(len(years))

    if (v.max() > 0.):
        ii = np.flatnonzero(v)
        # Only calculate l-moments for those grid points where the values are
        # not all equal, and where there are 50 or more valid (>0) values.
        if v[ii].min() != v[ii].max():
            if len(ii) >= minRecords:
                l1, l2, l3 = lmom.samlmu(v, 3)
                t3 = l3 / l2
                if (l2 <= 0.) or (np.abs(t3) >= 1.):
                    # Reject points where the second l-moment is negative
                    # or the ratio of the third to second is > 1.
                    log.debug("Invalid l-moments")
                    # Parameter estimation returns the location, scale and
                    # shape parameters
                    xmom = [l1, l2, t3]
                    loc, scale, shp = np.array(lmom.pelgev(xmom))
                    # We only store the values if the first parameter is
                    # finite (i.e. the location parameter is finite)
                    if not np.isfinite(loc):
                        loc, scale, shp = [
                            missingValue, missingValue, missingValue

    for i, t in enumerate(years):
        if shp <= 0.:
            w[i] = missingValue
            w[i] = (np.transpose(
                loc + (scale / shp) *
                (1. - np.power(-1. * np.log(1. - (yrspersim / t)), shp))))

            # Replace any non-finite numbers with the missing value:
            if not np.isfinite(w[i]):
                w[i] = missingValue

    return w, loc, scale, shp
def gev(x):
    param = lmoments.pelgev(lmoments.samlmu(x))
    return param
Beispiel #23
 def _gev(self, dat, l):
     ''' Fit a Generalised Extreme Value distribution'''
     para = lm.pelgev(lm.samlmu(dat, l))
     _cdf = partial(lm.cdfgev, para=para)
     _pdf = partial(lm.pdfgev, para=para)
     return para, _cdf, _pdf