Beispiel #1
    def override_fields(parent, data, graded, earliest=None, ccx_ids_to_delete=None):
        Recursively apply CCX schedule data to CCX by overriding the
        `visible_to_staff_only`, `start` and `due` fields for units in the
        if ccx_ids_to_delete is None:
            ccx_ids_to_delete = []
        blocks = {
            str(child.location): child
            for child in parent.get_children()}

        for unit in data:
            block = blocks[unit['location']]
                ccx, block, 'visible_to_staff_only', unit['hidden'])

            start = parse_date(unit['start'])
            if start:
                if not earliest or start < earliest:
                    earliest = start
                override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'start', start)
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'start_id'))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, 'start')

            due = parse_date(unit['due'])
            if due:
                override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'due', due)
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'due_id'))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, 'due')

            if not unit['hidden'] and block.graded:
                graded[block.format] = graded.get(block.format, 0) + 1

            children = unit.get('children', None)
            # For a vertical, override start and due dates of all its problems.
            if unit.get('category', None) == u'vertical':
                for component in block.get_children():
                    # override start and due date of problem (Copy dates of vertical into problems)
                    if start:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, 'start', start)

                    if due:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, 'due', due)

            if children:
                override_fields(block, children, graded, earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete)
        return earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete
Beispiel #2
    def override_fields(parent, data, graded, earliest=None, ccx_ids_to_delete=None):
        Recursively apply CCX schedule data to CCX by overriding the
        `visible_to_staff_only`, `start` and `due` fields for units in the
        if ccx_ids_to_delete is None:
            ccx_ids_to_delete = []
        blocks = {
            str(child.location): child
            for child in parent.get_children()}

        for unit in data:
            block = blocks[unit['location']]
                ccx, block, 'visible_to_staff_only', unit['hidden'])

            start = parse_date(unit['start'])
            if start:
                if not earliest or start < earliest:
                    earliest = start
                override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'start', start)
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'start_id'))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, 'start')

            due = parse_date(unit['due'])
            if due:
                override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'due', due)
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, 'due_id'))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, 'due')

            if not unit['hidden'] and block.graded:
                graded[block.format] = graded.get(block.format, 0) + 1

            children = unit.get('children', None)
            # For a vertical, override start and due dates of all its problems.
            if unit.get('category', None) == u'vertical':
                for component in block.get_children():
                    # override start and due date of problem (Copy dates of vertical into problems)
                    if start:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, 'start', start)

                    if due:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, 'due', due)

            if children:
                override_fields(block, children, graded, earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete)
        return earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete
Beispiel #3
    def override_fields(parent, data, graded, earliest=None, ccx_ids_to_delete=None):
        Recursively apply CCX schedule data to CCX by overriding the
        `visible_to_staff_only`, `start` and `due` fields for units in the
        if ccx_ids_to_delete is None:
            ccx_ids_to_delete = []
        blocks = {str(child.location): child for child in parent.get_children()}

        for unit in data:
            block = blocks[unit["location"]]
            override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, "visible_to_staff_only", unit["hidden"])

            start = parse_date(unit["start"])
            if start:
                if not earliest or start < earliest:
                    earliest = start
                override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, "start", start)
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, "start_id"))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, "start")

            # Only subsection (aka sequential) and unit (aka vertical) have due dates.
            if "due" in unit:  # checking that the key (due) exist in dict (unit).
                due = parse_date(unit["due"])
                if due:
                    override_field_for_ccx(ccx, block, "due", due)
                    ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, "due_id"))
                    clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, "due")
                # In case of section aka chapter we do not have due date.
                ccx_ids_to_delete.append(get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, "due_id"))
                clear_ccx_field_info_from_ccx_map(ccx, block, "due")

            if not unit["hidden"] and block.graded:
                graded[block.format] = graded.get(block.format, 0) + 1

            children = unit.get("children", None)
            # For a vertical, override start and due dates of all its problems.
            if unit.get("category", None) == u"vertical":
                for component in block.get_children():
                    # override start and due date of problem (Copy dates of vertical into problems)
                    if start:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, "start", start)

                    if due:
                        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, component, "due", due)

            if children:
                override_fields(block, children, graded, earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete)
        return earliest, ccx_ids_to_delete