Beispiel #1
    #ask the user for database to process
    files = getFilesToProcess()

    for file in files:

        # connect to database
        connection = sqlite3.connect(file)

        # create an animalPool, which basically contains your animals
        animalPool = AnimalPool()

        # load infos about the animals

        # load all detection (positions) of all animals for the first hour
        animalPool.loadDetection(start=0, end=oneHour)

        eventTimeLine = EventTimeLine(connection,
                                      "Oral-genital Contact",

        print("Event list for label ", eventTimeLine.eventNameWithId)
        print("for animal 1:", animalPool.getAnimalDictionnary()[1].RFID)
        print("for animal 2:", animalPool.getAnimalDictionnary()[2].RFID)
        print("Number of events:", len(eventTimeLine.getEventList()))

        print("start frame", "end frame", "duration(in frame)")
        for event in eventTimeLine.eventList:
@author: Fab

import sqlite3
from lmtanalysis.FileUtil import getFilesToProcess
from lmtanalysis.Animal import AnimalPool
from lmtanalysis.Measure import oneHour

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #ask the user for database to process
    files = getFilesToProcess()

    for file in files:

        # connect to database
        connection = sqlite3.connect(file)

        # create an animalPool, which basically contains your animals
        animalPool = AnimalPool()

        # load infos about the animals

        # load all detection (positions) of all animals for the first hour
        animalPool.loadDetection(start=0, end=oneHour, lightLoad=True)

        # plot and show trajectory
Beispiel #3
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #ask the user for database to process
    files = getFilesToProcess()
    for file in files:
        # connect to database
        connection = sqlite3.connect( file )
        # create an animalPool, which basically contains your animals
        animalPool = AnimalPool()
        # load infos about the animals
        animalPool.loadAnimals( connection )
        animalPool.loadDetection( 0, 3*24*oneHour )
        min = 0
        max = 24*oneHour        
        for animal in animalPool.getAnimalList():
            bt = animal.getBodyThreshold( tmin= min, tmax = max )
            bs = animal.getMedianBodyHeight( tmin= min , tmax = max )
            print (  "min:\t" , str(min), "\tmax:\t", str(max), "\tAnimal:\t" , str(animal.baseId), "\tBT:\t " , str(bt) , "\tBS:\t" , str(bs) )

        min = 24*oneHour    
        max = 2*24*oneHour        
        for animal in animalPool.getAnimalList():
            bt = animal.getBodyThreshold( tmin= min, tmax = max )
            bs = animal.getMedianBodyHeight( tmin= min , tmax = max )
            print (  "min:\t" , str(min), "\tmax:\t", str(max), "\tAnimal:\t" , str(animal.baseId), "\tBT:\t " , str(bt) , "\tBS:\t" , str(bs) )
Beispiel #4
from lmtanalysis.FileUtil import getFilesToProcess
from lmtanalysis.Animal import AnimalPool
from lmtanalysis.Measure import oneHour, oneMinute

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #ask the user for database to process
    files = getFilesToProcess()

    for file in files:

        # connect to database
        connection = sqlite3.connect(file)

        # create an animalPool, which basically contains your animals
        animalPool = AnimalPool()

        # load infos about the animals

        # load all detection (positions) of all animals for the first hour
        animalPool.loadDetection(start=0, end=10 * oneMinute)

        # filter detection by area (in cm from the top left of the cage)
        animalPool.filterDetectionByArea(0, 30, 25, 50)

        # loop over all animals in this database
        for animal in animalPool.getAnimalList():

Beispiel #5
    minT = 6 * oneHour
    #maxT = 3*oneDay
    maxT = (6 + 1) * oneHour

    for file in files:

        # connect to database
        connection = sqlite3.connect(file)

        # create an animalPool, which basically contains your animals
        animalPool = AnimalPool()

        # load infos about the animals
        animalPool.loadDetection(0, 1 * oneHour)
        min = 0
        max = 24*oneHour        
        for animal in animalPool.getAnimalList():
            bt = animal.getBodyThreshold( tmin= min, tmax = max )
            bs = animal.getMedianBodyHeight( tmin= min , tmax = max )
            print (  "min:\t" , str(min), "\tmax:\t", str(max), "\tAnimal:\t" , str(animal.baseId), "\tBT:\t " , str(bt) , "\tBS:\t" , str(bs) )

        for start in range( 0,24 ):
            min = start*oneHour
            max = (start+1)*oneHour        
            for animal in animalPool.getAnimalList():
                bt = animal.getBodyThreshold( tmin= min, tmax = max )