def countWithConditionQueries(): countWithCondition = [{ 'input': 'Count how many city there are where the name is Matthew ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE = 'matthew';" }, { 'input': 'Count how many city there are where the score is greater than 2 ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score > '2';" }, { 'input': "Combien y a t'il de client dont le nom est Jean ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';" }] for test in countWithCondition: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def countQueries(): count = [{ 'input': 'What is the number of the city in this database?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city;' }, { 'input': "Combien y a t'il de client ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client;" }, { 'input': "Compte les nom des élève dont les nom sont BELLE", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle';" }] for test in countQueries: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def oneConditionQueries(): oneCondition = [{ 'input': 'What is the emp with the name is rupinder ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM emp WHERE = 'rupinder';" }, { 'input': "Show data for city where cityName is 'Pune Agra'", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName = 'pune agra';" }, { 'input': "Quel est l'age du client dont le nom est Jean ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.age FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';" }] for test in oneCondition: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def test_exception(): errorTest = [ { 'input': 'Quel est le nom des reservation ?', # No table name found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': 'Affiche moi.', # No keyword found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': 'Affiche moi les étudiants', # No keyword found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': "Quel est le professeur qui enseigne la matière SVT ?", # There is at least column `matiere` that is unreachable from table `PROFESSEUR`! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': "compte les salle des élève", # There is at least column `salle` that is unreachable from table `ELEVE`! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' } ] for test in errorTest: with pytest.raises(Exception): Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(test['input'])
def orderByQueries(): orderBy = [{ 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY ASC;" }, { 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score in ascending order", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }] for test in orderBy: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def noTableFoundExceptionQueries(): noTable = [{ 'input': 'Quel est le nom des reservation ?', # No table name found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }] for test in noTable: with pytest.raises(Exception): Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(test['input'])
def selectAllQueries(): selectAll = [{ 'input': 'List me the info of city table', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT * FROM city;' }] for test in selectAll: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def multiColumnsSelectQueries(): multiColumnsSelect = [{ 'input': 'List all name and score of all emp', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT, emp.score FROM emp;' }] for test in multiColumnsSelect: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def aggregateQueries(): aggregate = [{ 'input': "Quel est la moyenne d'age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT AVG(eleve.age) FROM eleve;" }] for test in aggregate: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def formquery(): if request.method == 'GET': sentence = request.args.get('message') print("Method calling") return json.dumps({'query_result': Ln2sql( database_path='database_store/developerSurvey_Schema.sql', language_path='lang_store/english.csv', json_output_path='./output.json', thesaurus_path=None, stopwords_path=None, ).get_query(sentence).replace('\n', ' ')})
def t2db(): print('inside') sentence = request.form['sentence'] ln2sql = Ln2sql( database_path='', # database_path='../people.sql', language_path='lang_store/english.csv', userid='fdf19c90-914d-11e9-8a3a-05a1d557cb54').get_query(sentence) connection = pg.connect("host='" + DB['host'] + "' dbname=" + DB['dbname'] + " user="******" password='******'password'] + "'") df = pd.read_sql_query(ln2sql, con=connection) #print(df) resp = jsonpify(df.values.tolist()) return (resp)
def groupByQueries(): groupBy = [{ 'input': "Quel est l'adresse et le numéro de téléphone du client dont le nom est Marc et dont l'age est supérieur à 14 groupé par adresse ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.adresse, client.telephone FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'marc' AND client.age > '14' GROUP BY client.adresse;" }] for test in groupBy: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def distinctQueries(): distinct = [{ 'input': "Quels sont distinctivement les age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT DISTINCT eleve.age FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "compte distinctivement les eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Compte distinctivement les age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT eleve.age) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "count distinctly how many city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "Count distinctly how many different name of city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "What are the distinct name of city with a score equals to 9?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT DISTINCT FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score = '9';" }] for test in distinct: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def oneColumnSelectQueries(): oneColumnSelect = [{ 'input': 'Tell me all id from city', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT FROM city;' }, { 'input': 'What are the name of emp', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT FROM emp;' }] for test in oneColumnSelect: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def noKeywordFoundExceptionQueries(): noKeyword = [ { 'input': 'Affiche moi.', # No keyword found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': 'Affiche moi les étudiants', # No keyword found in sentence! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' } ] for test in noKeyword: with pytest.raises(Exception): Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(test['input'])
def noLinkForJoinFoundExceptionQueries(): noLink = [ { 'input': "Quel est le professeur qui enseigne la matière SVT ?", # There is at least column `matiere` that is unreachable from table `PROFESSEUR`! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' }, { 'input': "compte les salle des élève", # There is at least column `salle` that is unreachable from table `ELEVE`! 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv' } ] for test in noLink: with pytest.raises(Exception): Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(test['input'])
def lanch_parsing(self): try: thesaurus_path = None if str(self.thesaurus_path_label["text"]) != "No thesaurus selected...": thesaurus_path = str(self.thesaurus_path_label["text"]) if (str(self.database_path_label["text"]) != "No SQL dump selected...") and ( str(self.language_path_label["text"]) != "No configuration file selected...") and ( str(self.input_sentence_string.get()) != "Enter a sentence..."): Ln2sql(self.database_path_label["text"], self.language_path_label["text"], thesaurus_path=thesaurus_path, json_output_path='./output.json').get_query(self.input_sentence_string.get()) showinfo('Result', 'Parsing done!') else: showwarning('Warning', 'You must fill in all fields, please.') except Exception as e: showwarning('Error', e) return
def budchat(): resp = rephrase(request.json['sentence'], request.json['user_id'], model) print(resp) if (resp['Class'] == 'Prediction'): connection = pg.connect("host='" + DB['host'] + "' dbname=" + DB['dbname'] + " user="******" password='******'password'] + "'") df = pd.read_sql_query( "select column_name from column_meta where table_meta_id='" + request.json['table_meta_id'] + "';", con=connection) resp['Columns'] = df['column_name'].values.tolist() return Response(response=json.dumps(resp), status=200) else: try: ln2sql = Ln2sql(database_path='', language_path='lang_store/english.csv', userid=resp['user_id']).get_query( resp['Mapped Query']) connection = pg.connect("host='" + DB['host'] + "' dbname=" + DB['dbname'] + " user="******" password='******'password'] + "'") df = pd.read_sql_query(ln2sql, con=connection) res = {'data': df.head(20).values.tolist(), 'Reply': 'Here you go'} if (len(res['data']) == 0): response = { 'Reply': 'We are not able to find any relevant Data' } return Response(response=json.dumps(response), status=200) res['data'].insert(0, df.columns.tolist()) resp = jsonpify(res) return (resp) except Exception as e: print(e) response = chat(resp['Mapped Query'], resp['user_id'], st) return Response(response=json.dumps(response), status=200)
def multiConditionQueries(): multiCondition = [{ 'input': "Show data for city where cityName is not Pune and id like 1", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName != 'pune' AND LIKE '%1%';" }, { 'input': "Quel est l'adresse du client dont le nom est Jean et dont l'age est supérieur à 14 ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.adresse FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean' AND client.age > '14';" }] for test in multiCondition: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
def joinQueries(): join = [{ 'input': 'What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is matthew', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = WHERE = 'matthew';" }, { 'input': "What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is rupinder", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = WHERE = 'rupinder';" }] for test in join: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']
from ln2sql.ln2sql import Ln2sql # database_path='database_store/school.sql', #database_path='../ism.sql', sql = ln2sql = Ln2sql( database_path='database_store/ism.sql', language_path='lang_store/english.csv', json_output_path=None, thesaurus_path=None, stopwords_path=None, ).get_query("what is Symptom and CategoryName for all Incident whose ID is 1") print("gen:") print(sql)
def test_main(): thesaurusTest = [ { 'input': "Compte le nombre d'étudiant", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Compte le nombre des dénomination des étudiant", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Quelles sont les ancienneté et les dénomination des élève ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT eleve.age, eleve.nom FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Quelles sont les ancienneté et les dénomination des étudiant ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT eleve.age, eleve.nom FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Quelles sont les salle des classe", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;" }, { 'input': "Quelles sont les salle des cours", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;" }, { 'input': "Quelles sont les pièce des cours", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;" }, { 'input': "Compte les dénomination des étudiant dont les dénomination sont BELLE", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle';" }, { 'input': "Compte les dénomination des étudiant dont les dénomination sont BELLE et l'ancienneté est 25", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle' AND eleve.age = '25';" } ] thesaurusTest2 = [ { 'input': "Quel est le cours où la pièce est B45", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat', 'output': "SELECT * FROM classe WHERE classe.salle = 'b45';" } ] for test in thesaurusTest: assert _clean_output(Ln2sql( test['database'], test['language'], thesaurus_path=test['thesaurus'] ).get_query(test['input'])) == test['output']
def test_main(): correctTest = [{ 'input': 'List me the info of city table', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT * FROM city;' }, { 'input': 'What is the number of the city in this database?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city;' }, { 'input': 'Tell me all id from city', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT FROM city;' }, { 'input': 'What are the name of emp', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT FROM emp;' }, { 'input': 'List all name and score of all emp', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': 'SELECT, emp.score FROM emp;' }, { 'input': 'Count how many city there are where the name is Matthew ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE = 'matthew';" }, { 'input': 'What is the emp with the name is rupinder ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM emp WHERE = 'rupinder';" }, { 'input': 'What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is matthew', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = WHERE = 'matthew';" }, { 'input': 'Count how many city there are where the score is greater than 2 ?', 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score > '2';" }, { 'input': "Show data for city where cityName is 'Pune Agra'", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName = 'pune agra';" }, { 'input': "Show data for city where cityName is not Pune and id like 1", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName != 'pune' AND LIKE '%1%';" }, { 'input': "What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is rupinder", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = WHERE = 'rupinder';" }, { 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY ASC;" }, { 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score in ascending order", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "Combien y a t'il de client ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client;" }, { 'input': "Combien y a t'il de client dont le nom est Jean ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';" }, { 'input': "Quel est l'age du client dont le nom est Jean ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.age FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';" }, { 'input': "Quel est l'adresse du client dont le nom est Jean et dont l'age est supérieur à 14 ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.adresse FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean' AND client.age > '14';" }, { 'input': "Quel est l'adresse et le numéro de téléphone du client dont le nom est Marc et " "dont l'age est supérieur à 14 groupé par adresse ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT client.adresse, client.telephone FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'marc' AND c" "lient.age > '14' GROUP BY client.adresse;" }, { 'input': "Quel est la moyenne d'age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT AVG(eleve.age) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Quels sont distinctivement les age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT DISTINCT eleve.age FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "compte distinctivement les eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "Compte distinctivement les age des eleve ?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT eleve.age) FROM eleve;" }, { 'input': "count distinctly how many city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "Count distinctly how many different name of city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId ORDER BY DESC, emp.score ASC;" }, { 'input': "What are the distinct name of city with a score equals to 9?", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv', 'output': "SELECT DISTINCT FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score = '9';" }, { 'input': "Compte les nom des élève dont les nom sont BELLE", 'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql', 'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv', 'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle';" }] for test in correctTest: assert _clean_output( Ln2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query( test['input'])) == test['output']