Beispiel #1
def batch_test_ss_mlp(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Run multiple semisupervised learning tests."""
    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 128
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28*28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 2
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 2.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = False

    # Goofy symbolic sacrament to Theano
    x_in = T.matrix('x_in')

    # Run tests with different sorts of regularization
    for test_num in range(test_count):
        # Run test with EAR regularization on unsupervised examples
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_sde_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(su_count, test_num)
        mlp_params['ear_type'] = 2
        #sgd_params['epochs'] = 500
        #mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 0.0
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 600
        mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 2.0
        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(test_num)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=True)
        # Construct the EarNet object that we will be training
        NET = EarNet(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.1)
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
Beispiel #2
def train_ss_mlp(NET, mlp_params, sgd_params, rng, su_count=1000):
    """Run semisupervised DEV-regularized test."""

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng)

    # Tell the net that it's semisupervised, which will force it to use only
    # unlabeled examples for computing the DEV regularizer.
    NET.is_semisupervised = 1

    # Run training on the given NET
    NT.train_ss_mlp(NET=NET, \
        mlp_params=mlp_params, \
        sgd_params=sgd_params, \
    return 1
Beispiel #3
def train_ss_mlp(NET, mlp_params, sgd_params, rng, su_count=1000):
    """Run semisupervised DEV-regularized test."""

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng)

    # Tell the net that it's semisupervised, which will force it to use only
    # unlabeled examples for computing the DEV regularizer.
    NET.is_semisupervised = 1

    # Run training on the given NET
    NT.train_ss_mlp(NET=NET, \
        mlp_params=mlp_params, \
        sgd_params=sgd_params, \
Beispiel #4
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.75
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 128
    # Set parameters for the network to be trained
    mlp_params = {}
    mlp_params['layer_sizes'] = [28*28, 500, 500, 11]
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    mlp_params['dev_clones'] = 1
    mlp_params['dev_types'] = [1, 1, 2]
    mlp_params['dev_lams'] = [0.1, 0.1, 2.0]
    mlp_params['use_bias'] = 1

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, 1000, rng)

    # Set the type of network to train, based on user input
    if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
        print "Usage: {0} [raw|sde|dev] [result_tag]".format(sys.argv[0])
    elif sys.argv[1] == "raw":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'raw'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
        mlp_params['dev_lams'] = [0.0 for l in mlp_params['dev_lams']]
    elif sys.argv[1] == "sde":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'sde'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
    elif sys.argv[1] == "dev":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'dev'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
Beispiel #5
if __name__=="__main__":
    import utils as utils
    from load_data import load_udm, load_udm_ss, load_mnist
    from NetLayers import relu_actfun
    import PeaNet as PNet
    import GenNet as GNet
    import InfNet as INet

    # Initialize a source of randomness
    rng = np.random.RandomState(123)

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    sup_count = 600
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, sup_count, rng, zero_mean=True)
    Xtr_su = datasets[0][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_su = datasets[0][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Xtr_un = datasets[1][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_un = datasets[1][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    # get the joint labeled and unlabeled data
    Xtr_un = np.vstack([Xtr_su, Xtr_un]).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_un = np.vstack([Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis], Ytr_un[:,np.newaxis]])
    Ytr_un = 0 * Ytr_un # KEEP CATS FIXED OR FREE? YES/NO?
    # get the labeled data
    Xtr_su = Xtr_su.astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_su = Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis]
    # get observations and labels for the validation set
    Xva = datasets[2][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Yva = datasets[2][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Yva = Yva[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
Beispiel #6
def batch_test_ss_mlp_pt(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Setup basic test for semisupervised EAR-regularized MLP."""
    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.01
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
    sgd_params['result_tag'] = '---'
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28*28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.0, 1.0]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 1.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-2
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = True

    for test_num in range(test_count):
        rng_seed = test_num
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "test_{0:d}".format(test_num)

        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm(dataset, zero_mean=False)

        # Construct the EarNet object that we will be training
        x_in = T.matrix('x_in')
        NET = EarNet(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.05)

        # First, pretrain each layer in the mlp. #
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_ear_pt_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(su_count,test_num)
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 25
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.02
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 40
        for i in range(len(NET.dae_costs)):
            print("Pretraining hidden layer(s) at depth {0:d}".format(i+1))
            train_dae(NET, i, sgd_params, datasets)

        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
        # Run semisupervised training on the given MLP
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.04
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = True
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with no EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 100
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 15
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 20
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 100
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
Beispiel #7
def batch_test_ss_mlp_gentle(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Setup basic test for semisupervised EAR-regularized MLP."""

    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
    sgd_params['result_tag'] = 'xxx'
    sgd_params['top_only'] = False
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28*28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 1.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-2
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = True

    for test_num in range(test_count):
        rng_seed = test_num
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_ear_gentle_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(su_count, test_num)

        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=False)

        # Construct the EarNet object that we will be training
        x_in = T.matrix('x_in')
        NET = EarNet(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.1)

        # Run semisupervised training on the given MLP
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        NET.set_ear_lam(1.0) # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        NET.set_ear_lam(1.5) # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 15
        NET.set_ear_lam(2.0) # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 70
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.05
        NET.set_ear_lam(3.0) # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
def manifold_walk_regularization():

    for t_num in range(10):
	    out_file = open("MWR_TEST_RESULTS_{0:d}.txt".format(t_num), 'wb')

	    # Initialize a source of randomness
	    rng = np.random.RandomState(t_num)

	    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
	    sup_count = 600
	    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
	    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, sup_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
	    Xtr_su = datasets[0][0].get_value(borrow=False)
	    Ytr_su = datasets[0][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
	    Xtr_un = datasets[1][0].get_value(borrow=False)
	    Ytr_un = datasets[1][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)

	    # get the joint labeled and unlabeled data
	    Xtr_un = np.vstack([Xtr_su, Xtr_un]).astype(theano.config.floatX)
	    Ytr_un = np.vstack([Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis], Ytr_un[:,np.newaxis]])
	    Ytr_un = 0 * Ytr_un # KEEP CATS FIXED OR FREE? YES/NO?
	    Xtr_mean = np.mean(Xtr_un, axis=0, keepdims=True)
	    # get the labeled data
	    Xtr_su = Xtr_su.astype(theano.config.floatX)
	    Ytr_su = Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis]
	    # get observations and labels for the validation set
	    Xva = datasets[2][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
	    Yva = datasets[2][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
	    Yva = Yva[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
	    # get observations and labels for the test set
	    Xte = datasets[3][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
	    Yte = datasets[3][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
	    Yte = Yte[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
	    # get size information for the data and training batches
	    un_samples = Xtr_un.shape[0]
	    su_samples = Xtr_su.shape[0]
	    va_samples = Xva.shape[0]
	    data_dim = Xtr_su.shape[1]
	    label_dim = 10
	    batch_size = 100

	    # Symbolic inputs
	    Xd = T.matrix(name='Xd')
	    Xc = T.matrix(name='Xc')
	    Xm = T.matrix(name='Xm')
	    Xt = T.matrix(name='Xt')
	    Xp = T.matrix(name='Xp')
	    Yd = T.icol('Yd')

	    # Load inferencer and generator from saved parameters
	    gn_fname = "MNIST_WALKOUT_TEST_BIN/pt_walk_params_b150000_GN.pkl"
	    in_fname = "MNIST_WALKOUT_TEST_BIN/pt_walk_params_b150000_IN.pkl"
	    IN = INet.load_infnet_from_file(f_name=in_fname, rng=rng, Xd=Xd)
	    GN = GNet.load_gennet_from_file(f_name=gn_fname, rng=rng, Xp=Xp)
	    prior_dim = GN.latent_dim

	    MCS = MCSampler(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, i_net=IN, g_net=GN, chain_len=2, \
	                    data_dim=data_dim, prior_dim=prior_dim)
	    full_chain_len = MCS.chain_len + 1

	    # setup "chain" versions of the labeled/unlabeled/validate sets
	    Xtr_su_chains = [Xtr_su.copy() for i in range(full_chain_len)]
	    Xtr_un_chains = [Xtr_un.copy() for i in range(full_chain_len)]
	    Ytr_su_chains = [Ytr_su for i in range(full_chain_len)]
	    Ytr_un_chains = [Ytr_un for i in range(full_chain_len)]
	    Xva_chains = [Xva for i in range(full_chain_len)]
	    Yva_chains = [Yva for i in range(full_chain_len)]

	    # downsample, to feed less into the PNS
	    Xtr_su_short = downsample_chains(Xtr_su_chains, stride=1)
	    Xtr_un_short = downsample_chains(Xtr_un_chains, stride=1)
	    Ytr_su_short = downsample_chains(Ytr_su_chains, stride=1)
	    Ytr_un_short = downsample_chains(Ytr_un_chains, stride=1)
	    Xva_short = downsample_chains(Xva_chains, stride=1)
	    Yva_short = downsample_chains(Yva_chains, stride=1)
	    short_chain_len = len(Xtr_su_short)
	    print("REGULARIZATION CHAIN STEPS: {0:d}".format(short_chain_len))

	    # choose some parameters for the categorical inferencer
	    pn_params = {}
	    pc0 = [data_dim, 800, 800, label_dim]
	    pn_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
	    # Set up some spawn networks
	    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
	    pn_params['spawn_configs'] = [ sc0 ]
	    pn_params['spawn_weights'] = [ 1.0 ]
	    # Set remaining params
	    pn_params['activation'] = relu_actfun
	    pn_params['init_scale'] = 0.5
	    pn_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
	    pn_params['vis_drop'] = 0.2
	    pn_params['hid_drop'] = 0.5

	    # Initialize the base network for this PNSeq
	    PN = PeaNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=pn_params)

	    print("Initializing PNS...")
	    # Initialize the PeaNetSeq
	    PNS = PeaNetSeq(rng=rng, pea_net=PN, seq_len=short_chain_len, \
	    		seq_Xd=None, params=None)

	    # set weighting parameters for the various costs...

	    learn_rate = 0.05
	    PNS.set_pn_sgd_params(lr_pn=learn_rate, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999)
	    for i in range(300000):
	        if i < 5000:
	            scale = float(i + 1) / 5000.0
	        if ((i+1 % 100000) == 0):
	            learn_rate = learn_rate * 0.5
	        if ((i % 250) == 0):
	        	Xtr_su_chains = resample_chain_steps(MCS, Xtr_su_chains)
	        	Xtr_un_chains = resample_chain_steps(MCS, Xtr_un_chains)
	        	Xtr_su_short = downsample_chains(Xtr_su_chains, stride=1)
	        	Xtr_un_short = downsample_chains(Xtr_un_chains, stride=1)
	        # get some data to train with
	        su_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=su_samples,size=(batch_size,))
	        xsuc = [(x.take(su_idx, axis=0) - Xtr_mean) for x in Xtr_su_short]
	        ysuc = [y.take(su_idx, axis=0) for y in Ytr_su_short]
	        un_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(batch_size,))
	        xunc = [(x.take(un_idx, axis=0) - Xtr_mean) for x in Xtr_un_short]
	        yunc = [y.take(un_idx, axis=0) for y in Ytr_un_short]
	        Xb_chains = [np.vstack((xsu, xun)) for (xsu, xun) in zip(xsuc, xunc)]
	        Yb_chains = [np.vstack((ysu, yun)) for (ysu, yun) in zip(ysuc, yunc)]
	        # set learning parameters for this update
	        PNS.set_pn_sgd_params(lr_pn=learn_rate, mom_1=0.9, mom_2=0.999)
	        # do a minibatch update of all PeaNet parameters
	        outputs = PNS.train_joint(*(Xb_chains + Yb_chains))
	        joint_cost = 1.0 * outputs[0]
	        class_cost = 1.0 * outputs[1]
	        pea_cost = 1.0 * outputs[2]
	        ent_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
	        other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[4]
	        assert(not (np.isnan(joint_cost)))
	        if ((i % 500) == 0):
	            o_str = "batch: {0:d}, joint: {1:.4f}, class: {2:.4f}, pea: {3:.4f}, ent: {4:.4f}, other_reg: {5:.4f}".format( \
	                    i, joint_cost, class_cost, pea_cost, ent_cost, other_reg_cost)
	            # check classification error on training and validation set
	            train_err = PNS.classification_error(Xtr_su-Xtr_mean, Ytr_su)
	            va_err = PNS.classification_error(Xva-Xtr_mean, Yva)
	            o_str = "    tr_err: {0:.4f}, va_err: {1:.4f}".format(train_err, va_err)
	        if ((i % 1000) == 0):
	            # draw the main PeaNet's first-layer filters/weights
	            file_name = "MWR_PN_WEIGHTS.png".format(i)
	            utils.visualize_net_layer(PNS.PN.proto_nets[0][0], file_name)
	    print("TESTING COMPLETE!")
def batch_test_ss_mlp(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Run multiple semisupervised learning tests."""
    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 128
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28 * 28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    sc1 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 2
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 2.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = False

    # Goofy symbolic sacrament to Theano
    x_in = T.matrix('x_in')

    # Run tests with different sorts of regularization
    for test_num in range(test_count):
        # Run test with EAR regularization on unsupervised examples
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_sde_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(
            su_count, test_num)
        mlp_params['ear_type'] = 2
        #sgd_params['epochs'] = 500
        #mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 0.0
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 600
        mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 2.0
        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(test_num)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=True)
        # Construct the EAR_NET object that we will be training
        NET = EAR_NET(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.1)
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
Beispiel #10
def batch_test_ss_mlp_pt(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Setup basic test for semisupervised EAR-regularized MLP."""
    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.01
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
    sgd_params['result_tag'] = '---'
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28 * 28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    sc1 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.0, 1.0]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 1.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-2
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = True

    for test_num in range(test_count):
        rng_seed = test_num
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "test_{0:d}".format(test_num)

        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm(dataset, zero_mean=False)

        # Construct the EAR_NET object that we will be training
        x_in = T.matrix('x_in')
        NET = EAR_NET(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.05)

        # First, pretrain each layer in the mlp. #
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_ear_pt_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(
            su_count, test_num)
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 25
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.02
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 40
        for i in range(len(NET.dae_costs)):
            print("Pretraining hidden layer(s) at depth {0:d}".format(i + 1))
            train_dae(NET, i, sgd_params, datasets)

        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
        # Run semisupervised training on the given MLP
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.04
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = True
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        COMMENT = """
        # Train with no EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 100
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 15
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 20
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 100
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
Beispiel #11
def batch_test_ss_mlp_gentle(test_count=10, su_count=1000):
    """Setup basic test for semisupervised EAR-regularized MLP."""

    # Set some reasonable sgd parameters
    sgd_params = {}
    sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.5
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
    sgd_params['result_tag'] = 'xxx'
    sgd_params['top_only'] = False
    # Set some reasonable mlp parameters
    mlp_params = {}
    # Set up some proto-networks
    pc0 = [28 * 28, 800, 800, 11]
    mlp_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    sc1 = {
        'proto_key': 0,
        'input_noise': 0.1,
        'bias_noise': 0.1,
        'do_dropout': True
    mlp_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    mlp_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
    mlp_params['ear_lam'] = 1.0
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-2
    mlp_params['reg_all_obs'] = True

    for test_num in range(test_count):
        rng_seed = test_num
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = "ss_ear_gentle_s{0:d}_t{1:d}".format(
            su_count, test_num)

        # Initialize a random number generator for this test
        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)
        # Load some data to train/validate/test with
        dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
        datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, su_count, rng, zero_mean=False)

        # Construct the EAR_NET object that we will be training
        x_in = T.matrix('x_in')
        NET = EAR_NET(rng=rng, input=x_in, params=mlp_params)
        init_biases(NET, b_init=0.1)

        # Run semisupervised training on the given MLP
        sgd_params['batch_size'] = 100
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['top_only'] = False
        mlp_params['ear_type'] = 5
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.1
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 5
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with weak EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        NET.set_ear_lam(1.0)  # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 10
        NET.set_ear_lam(1.5)  # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 15
        NET.set_ear_lam(2.0)  # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
        # Train with more EAR regularization
        sgd_params['epochs'] = 70
        sgd_params['start_rate'] = 0.05
        NET.set_ear_lam(3.0)  # for EAR
        #NET.set_ear_lam(0.0) # for SDE
        train_ss_mlp(NET, sgd_params, datasets)
Beispiel #12
    sgd_params['decay_rate'] = 0.998
    sgd_params['wt_norm_bound'] = 3.75
    sgd_params['epochs'] = 1000
    sgd_params['batch_size'] = 128
    # Set parameters for the network to be trained
    mlp_params = {}
    mlp_params['layer_sizes'] = [28 * 28, 500, 500, 11]
    mlp_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    mlp_params['dev_clones'] = 1
    mlp_params['dev_types'] = [1, 1, 2]
    mlp_params['dev_lams'] = [0.1, 0.1, 2.0]
    mlp_params['use_bias'] = 1

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, 1000, rng)

    # Set the type of network to train, based on user input
    if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
        print "Usage: {0} [raw|sde|dev] [result_tag]".format(sys.argv[0])
    elif sys.argv[1] == "raw":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'raw'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
        mlp_params['dev_lams'] = [0.0 for l in mlp_params['dev_lams']]
    elif sys.argv[1] == "sde":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'sde'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
    elif sys.argv[1] == "dev":
        sgd_params['mlp_type'] = 'dev'
        sgd_params['result_tag'] = sys.argv[2]
Beispiel #13
def test_git_on_gip(hyper_params=None, rng_seed=1234):
    assert(not (hyper_params is None))
    # Initialize a source of randomness
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)

    sup_count = 100
    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, sup_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
    Xtr_su = datasets[0][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_su = datasets[0][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Xtr_un = datasets[1][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_un = datasets[1][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    # get the joint labeled and unlabeled data
    Xtr_un = np.vstack([Xtr_su, Xtr_un]).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_un = np.vstack([Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis], Ytr_un[:,np.newaxis]])
    # get the labeled data
    Xtr_su = Xtr_su.astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_su = Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis]
    # get observations and labels for the validation set
    Xva = datasets[2][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Yva = datasets[2][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Yva = Yva[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
    # get size information for the data
    un_samples = Xtr_un.shape[0]
    su_samples = Xtr_su.shape[0]
    va_samples = Xva.shape[0]

    # set up some symbolic variables for input/output
    Xp = T.matrix('Xp_base')
    Xd = T.matrix('Xd_base')
    Xc = T.matrix('Xc_base')
    Xm = T.matrix('Xm_base')
    Yd = T.icol('Yd_base')

    # set some "shape" parameters for the networks
    data_dim = Xtr_un.shape[1]
    label_dim = 10
    prior_1_dim = 50
    prior_2_dim = 50
    prior_sigma = 1.0
    batch_size = 100

    gn1_params = {}
    gn1_config = [prior_1_dim, 600, 600, data_dim]
    gn1_params['mlp_config'] = gn1_config
    gn1_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    gn1_params['out_type'] = 'bernoulli'
    gn1_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    gn1_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    gn1_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    gn1_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the continuous inferencer
    in1_params = {}
    shared_config = [data_dim, 600, 600]
    top_config = [shared_config[-1], prior_1_dim]
    in1_params['shared_config'] = shared_config
    in1_params['mu_config'] = top_config
    in1_params['sigma_config'] = top_config
    in1_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    in1_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    in1_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    in1_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    in1_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    in1_params['input_noise'] = 0.0
    # Initialize the base networks for this GIPair
    IN1 = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=in1_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    GN1 = GenNet(rng=rng, Xp=Xp, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=gn1_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    # Initialize biases in IN and GN
    # Initialize the GIPair
    GIP = GIPair(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, g_net=GN1, i_net=IN1, \
            data_dim=data_dim, prior_dim=prior_1_dim, \
            params=None, shared_param_dicts=None)
    # Set cost weighting parameters

    # set parameters for the generator network
    gn2_params = {}
    gn2_config = [(prior_2_dim + label_dim), 300, prior_1_dim]
    gn2_params['mlp_config'] = gn2_config
    gn2_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    gn2_params['out_type'] = 'gaussian'
    gn2_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    gn2_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    gn2_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    gn2_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the continuous inferencer
    in2_params = {}
    shared_config = [prior_1_dim, 300]
    top_config = [shared_config[-1], prior_2_dim]
    in2_params['shared_config'] = shared_config
    in2_params['mu_config'] = top_config
    in2_params['sigma_config'] = top_config
    in2_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    in2_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    in2_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    in2_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    in2_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    in2_params['input_noise'] = 0.0
    # choose some parameters for the categorical inferencer
    pn2_params = {}
    pc0 = [prior_1_dim, 300, label_dim]
    pn2_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.0, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': False}
    #sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    pn2_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0] #[sc0, sc1]
    pn2_params['spawn_weights'] = [1.0] #[0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    pn2_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    pn2_params['ear_type'] = 6
    pn2_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    pn2_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    pn2_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0

    # Initialize the base networks for this GITrip
    GN2 = GenNet(rng=rng, Xp=Xp, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=gn2_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    IN2 = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=in2_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    PN2 = PeaNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=pn2_params)
    # Initialize biases in GN, IN, and PN

    # Initialize the GITrip
    GIT = GITrip(rng=rng, \
            Xd=Xd, Yd=Yd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, \
            g_net=GN2, i_net=IN2, p_net=PN2, \
            data_dim=prior_1_dim, prior_dim=prior_2_dim, \
            label_dim=label_dim, batch_size=batch_size, \
            params=None, shared_param_dicts=None)
    # Set cost weighting parameters

    GOG = GITonGIP(rng=rng, \
            Xd=Xd, Yd=Yd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, \
            gip_vae=GIP, git_vae=GIT, \
            data_dim=data_dim, prior_1_dim=prior_1_dim, \
            prior_2_dim=prior_2_dim, label_dim=label_dim, \
            batch_size=batch_size, \
            params=None, shared_param_dicts=None)

    learn_rate_git = hyper_params['learn_rate_git']
    lam_pea_git = hyper_params['lam_pea_git']
    lam_cat_git = hyper_params['lam_cat_git']
    lam_ent_git = hyper_params['lam_ent_git']
    lam_l2w_git = hyper_params['lam_l2w_git']
    out_name = hyper_params['out_name']

    out_file = open(out_name, 'wb')
    out_file.write("**TODO: More informative output, and maybe a real log**\n")
    out_file.write("learn_rate_git: {0:.4f}\n".format(learn_rate_git))
    out_file.write("lam_pea_git: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_pea_git))
    out_file.write("lam_cat_git: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_cat_git))
    out_file.write("lam_ent_git: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_ent_git))
    out_file.write("lam_l2w_git: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_l2w_git))

    learn_rate = 0.002
    for i in range(250000):
        if ((i+1 % 100000) == 0):
            learn_rate = learn_rate * 0.8
        scale = min(1.0, (float(i+1) / 50000.0))
        GIP.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
        # sample some unlabeled data to train with
        tr_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(batch_size,))
        Xd_batch = binarize_data(Xtr_un.take(tr_idx, axis=0))
        Xc_batch = 0.0 * Xd_batch
        Xm_batch = 0.0 * Xd_batch
        # do a minibatch update of the model, and compute some costs
        outputs = GOG.train_gip(Xd_batch, Xc_batch, Xm_batch)
        joint_cost = 1.0 * outputs[0]
        data_nll_cost = 1.0 * outputs[1]
        post_kld_cost = 1.0 * outputs[2]
        other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
        if ((i % 1000) == 0):
            o_str = "batch: {0:d}, joint_cost: {1:.4f}, data_nll_cost: {2:.4f}, post_kld_cost: {3:.4f}, other_reg_cost: {4:.4f}".format( \
                    i, joint_cost, data_nll_cost, post_kld_cost, other_reg_cost)
        if ((i % 5000) == 0):
            file_name = "GOG_GIP_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            Xd_samps = np.repeat(Xd_batch[0:10,:], 3, axis=0)
            sample_lists = GIP.sample_gil_from_data(Xd_samps, loop_iters=10)
            Xs = np.vstack(sample_lists["data samples"])
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name)

    #tr_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(10000,))
    #Xd_batch = binarize_data(Xtr_un.take(tr_idx, axis=0))
    #Xp_batch = GIP.IN.mean_posterior(Xd_batch, 0.0*Xd_batch, 0.0*Xd_batch)
    #Xp_std = np.std(Xp_batch, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    #dim_mask = 1.0 * (Xp_std > 0.1)
    #print("MASK NNZ: {0:.4f}".format(np.sum(dim_mask)))

    learn_rate = learn_rate_git
    GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=learn_rate, momentum=0.98)
    for i in range(250000):
        scale = 1.0
        if (i < 25000):
            scale = float(i+1) / 25000.0
        if ((i+1 % 50000) == 0):
            learn_rate = learn_rate * 0.8
        # do a minibatch update using unlabeled data
        if True:
            # get some data to train with
            un_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_un = binarize_data(Xtr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_un = Ytr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            Xm_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            # do a minibatch update of the model, and compute some costs
            GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            GIT.set_lam_kld(scale * 1.0)
            GIT.set_lam_pea(scale * lam_pea_git)
            GIT.set_lam_ent(scale * lam_ent_git)
            outputs = GOG.train_git(Xd_un, Xc_un, Xm_un, Yd_un)
            joint_cost = 1.0 * outputs[0]
            data_nll_cost = 1.0 * outputs[1]
            post_kld_cost = 1.0 * outputs[2]
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
            post_pea_cost = 1.0 * outputs[4]
            post_ent_cost = 1.0 * outputs[5]
            other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[6]
        if True:
            # get some data to train with
            su_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=su_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_su = binarize_data(Xtr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_su = Ytr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            Xm_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            # update only based on the label-based classification cost
            GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            GIT.set_lam_cat(scale * lam_cat_git)
            GIT.set_lam_pea(scale * lam_pea_git)
            outputs = GOG.train_git(Xd_su, Xc_su, Xm_su, Yd_su)
            joint_2 = 1.0 * outputs[0]
            data_nll_2 = 1.0 * outputs[1]
            post_kld_2 = 1.0 * outputs[2]
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
            post_pea_2 = 1.0 * outputs[4]
            post_ent_2 = 1.0 * outputs[5]
            other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[6]
        if ((i % 500) == 0):
            o_str = "batch: {0:d}, joint_cost: {1:.4f}, nll: {2:.4f}, kld: {3:.4f}, cat: {4:.4f}, pea: {5:.4f}, ent: {6:.4f}, other_reg: {7:.4f}".format( \
                    i, joint_cost, data_nll_cost, post_kld_cost, post_cat_cost, post_pea_cost, post_ent_cost, other_reg_cost)
            if ((i % 2500) == 0):
                # check classification error on training and validation set
                train_err = GOG.classification_error(Xtr_su, Ytr_su)
                va_err = GOG.classification_error(Xva, Yva)
                o_str = "    tr_err: {0:.4f}, va_err: {1:.4f}".format(train_err, va_err)
        if ((i % 5000) == 0):
            file_name = "GoG_GIT_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            va_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=va_samples,size=(5,))
            Xd_samps = np.vstack([Xd_un[0:5,:], binarize_data(Xva[va_idx,:])])
            Xd_samps = np.repeat(Xd_samps, 3, axis=0)
            sample_lists = GOG.sample_git_from_data(Xd_samps, loop_iters=10)
            Xs = np.vstack(sample_lists["data samples"])
            Ys = GOG.class_probs(Xs)
            Xs = mnist_prob_embed(Xs, Ys)
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name)
Beispiel #14
def test_gi_stack(hyper_params=None, sup_count=600, rng_seed=1234):
    assert(not (hyper_params is None))
    # Initialize a source of randomness
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, sup_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
    Xtr_su = datasets[0][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_su = datasets[0][1].get_value(borrow=False)
    Xtr_un = datasets[1][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_un = datasets[1][1].get_value(borrow=False)
    # get the unlabeled data
    Xtr_un = np.vstack([Xtr_su, Xtr_un]).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_un = np.vstack([Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis], Ytr_un[:,np.newaxis]]).astype(np.int32)
    Ytr_un = 0 * Ytr_un
    # get the labeled data
    Xtr_su = Xtr_su.astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_su = Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis].astype(np.int32)
    # get observations and labels for the validation set
    Xva = datasets[2][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Yva = datasets[2][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Yva = Yva[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
    # get size information for the data
    un_samples = Xtr_un.shape[0]
    su_samples = Xtr_su.shape[0]
    va_samples = Xva.shape[0]

    # Construct a GenNet and an InfNet, then test constructor for GIPair.
    # Do basic testing, to make sure classes aren't completely broken.
    Xp = T.matrix('Xp_base')
    Xd = T.matrix('Xd_base')
    Xc = T.matrix('Xc_base')
    Xm = T.matrix('Xm_base')
    Yd = T.icol('Yd_base')
    data_dim = Xtr_un.shape[1]
    label_dim = 10
    prior_dim = 50
    prior_sigma = 1.0
    batch_size = 150
    # Choose some parameters for the generator network
    gn_params = {}
    gn_config = [prior_dim, 600, 600, data_dim]
    gn_params['mlp_config'] = gn_config
    gn_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    gn_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    gn_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    gn_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    gn_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the continuous inferencer
    in_params = {}
    shared_config = [data_dim, 600, 600]
    top_config = [shared_config[-1], prior_dim]
    in_params['shared_config'] = shared_config
    in_params['mu_config'] = top_config
    in_params['sigma_config'] = top_config
    in_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    in_params['init_scale'] = 2.0
    in_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    in_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    in_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    in_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    in_params['input_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the categorical inferencer
    pn_params = {}
    pc0 = [prior_dim, 800, 800, label_dim]
    pn_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    pn_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    pn_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    pn_params['activation'] = relu_actfun
    pn_params['init_scale'] = 2.0
    pn_params['ear_type'] = 6
    pn_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    pn_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    pn_params['hid_drop'] = 0.5

    # Initialize the base networks for this GIPair
    GN = GenNet(rng=rng, Xp=Xp, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=gn_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    IN = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=in_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    PN = PeaNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=pn_params)
    # Initialize biases in GN, IN, and PN
    # Initialize the GIStack
    GIS = GIStack(rng=rng, \
            Xd=Xd, Yd=Yd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, \
            g_net=GN, i_net=IN, p_net=PN, \
            data_dim=data_dim, prior_dim=prior_dim, \
            label_dim=label_dim, batch_size=batch_size, \
            params=None, shared_param_dicts=None)
    # set weighting parameters for the various costs...

    # Set initial learning rate and basic SGD hyper parameters
    num_updates = hyper_params['num_updates']
    learn_rate = hyper_params['learn_rate']
    lam_pea = hyper_params['lam_pea']
    lam_cat = hyper_params['lam_cat']
    lam_ent = hyper_params['lam_ent']
    lam_l2w = hyper_params['lam_l2w']
    out_name = hyper_params['out_name']

    out_file = open(out_name, 'wb')
    out_file.write("**TODO: More informative output, and maybe a real log**\n")
    out_file.write("sup_count: {0:d}\n".format(sup_count))
    out_file.write("learn_rate: {0:.4f}\n".format(learn_rate))
    out_file.write("lam_pea: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_pea))
    out_file.write("lam_cat: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_cat))
    out_file.write("lam_ent: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_ent))
    out_file.write("lam_l2w: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_l2w))

    GIS.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=learn_rate, momentum=0.98)
    for i in range(num_updates):
        if (i < 100000):
            # start with some updates only for the VAE (InfNet and GenNet)
            scale = float(min(i+1, 50000)) / 50000.0
            lam_cat = 0.0
            lam_pea = 0.0
            lam_ent = 0.0
            learn_rate_pn = 0.0
            # move on to updates that include loss from the PeaNet
            scale = 1.0
            lam_cat = hyper_params['lam_cat']
            lam_pea = hyper_params['lam_pea']
            if i < 150000:
                lam_ent = float(i - 99999) * hyper_params['lam_ent']
                lam_ent = hyper_params['lam_ent']
            learn_rate_pn = learn_rate
        if ((i+1 % 100000) == 0):
            learn_rate = learn_rate * 0.7
        # do a minibatch update using unlabeled data
        if True:
            # get some data to train with
            un_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_un = binarize_data(Xtr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_un = Ytr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            Xm_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            # do a minibatch update of the model, and compute some costs
            GIS.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            GIS.set_pn_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate_pn), momentum=0.98)
            GIS.set_lam_kld(0.01 + (0.99*scale))
            outputs = GIS.train_joint(Xd_un, Xc_un, Xm_un, Yd_un)
            joint_cost = 1.0 * outputs[0]
            data_nll_cost = 1.0 * outputs[1]
            post_kld_cost = 1.0 * outputs[2]
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
            post_pea_cost = 1.0 * outputs[4]
            post_ent_cost = 1.0 * outputs[5]
            other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[6]
        # do another minibatch update incorporating label information
        if (i >= 100000):
            # get some data to train with
            su_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=su_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_su = binarize_data(Xtr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_su = Ytr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            Xm_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            # update only based on the label-based classification cost
            GIS.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            GIS.set_pn_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate_pn), momentum=0.98)
            outputs = GIS.train_joint(Xd_su, Xc_su, Xm_su, Yd_su)
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
        assert(not (np.isnan(joint_cost)))
        if ((i % 500) == 0):
            o_str = "batch: {0:d}, joint_cost: {1:.4f}, nll: {2:.4f}, kld: {3:.4f}, cat: {4:.4f}, pea: {5:.4f}, ent: {6:.4f}, other_reg: {7:.4f}".format( \
                    i, joint_cost, data_nll_cost, post_kld_cost, post_cat_cost, post_pea_cost, post_ent_cost, other_reg_cost)
            if ((i % 1000) == 0):
                # check classification error on training and validation set
                train_err = GIS.classification_error(Xtr_su, Ytr_su)
                va_err = GIS.classification_error(Xva, Yva)
                o_str = "    tr_err: {0:.4f}, va_err: {1:.4f}".format(train_err, va_err)
        if ((i % 5000) == 0):
            file_name = "GIS_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            va_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=va_samples,size=(5,))
            Xd_samps = np.vstack([Xd_un[0:5,:], binarize_data(Xva[va_idx,:])])
            Xd_samps = np.repeat(Xd_samps, 3, axis=0)
            sample_lists = GIS.sample_gis_from_data(Xd_samps, loop_iters=10)
            Xs = np.vstack(sample_lists["data samples"])
            Ys = GIS.class_probs(Xs)
            Xs = mnist_prob_embed(Xs, Ys)
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name)
    print("TESTING COMPLETE!")
Beispiel #15
def test_gi_trip(hyper_params=None, sup_count=600, rng_seed=1234):
    assert(not (hyper_params is None))
    # Initialize a source of randomness
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rng_seed)

    # Load some data to train/validate/test with
    dataset = 'data/mnist.pkl.gz'
    datasets = load_udm_ss(dataset, sup_count, rng, zero_mean=False)
    Xtr_su = datasets[0][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_su = datasets[0][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Xtr_un = datasets[1][0].get_value(borrow=False)
    Ytr_un = datasets[1][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    # get the joint labeled and unlabeled data
    Xtr_un = np.vstack([Xtr_su, Xtr_un]).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_un = np.vstack([Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis], Ytr_un[:,np.newaxis]])
    Ytr_un = 0 * Ytr_un # KEEP CATS FIXED OR FREE? YES/NO?
    # get the labeled data
    Xtr_su = Xtr_su.astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Ytr_su = Ytr_su[:,np.newaxis]
    # get observations and labels for the validation set
    Xva = datasets[2][0].get_value(borrow=False).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    Yva = datasets[2][1].get_value(borrow=False).astype(np.int32)
    Yva = Yva[:,np.newaxis] # numpy is dumb
    # get size information for the data
    un_samples = Xtr_un.shape[0]
    su_samples = Xtr_su.shape[0]
    va_samples = Xva.shape[0]

    # set up some symbolic variables for input to the GITrip
    Xp = T.matrix('Xp_base')
    Xd = T.matrix('Xd_base')
    Xc = T.matrix('Xc_base')
    Xm = T.matrix('Xm_base')
    Yd = T.icol('Yd_base')
    # set some "shape" parameters for the networks
    data_dim = Xtr_un.shape[1]
    label_dim = 10
    prior_dim = 50
    prior_sigma = 1.0
    batch_size = 150
    # set parameters for the generator network
    gn_params = {}
    gn_config = [(prior_dim + label_dim), 500, 500, data_dim]
    gn_params['mlp_config'] = gn_config
    gn_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    gn_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    gn_params['vis_drop'] = 0.0
    gn_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    gn_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the continuous inferencer
    in_params = {}
    shared_config = [data_dim, 500, 500]
    top_config = [shared_config[-1], prior_dim]
    in_params['shared_config'] = shared_config
    in_params['mu_config'] = top_config
    in_params['sigma_config'] = top_config
    in_params['activation'] = softplus_actfun
    in_params['init_scale'] = 1.0
    in_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    in_params['vis_drop'] = 0.2
    in_params['hid_drop'] = 0.0
    in_params['bias_noise'] = 0.1
    in_params['input_noise'] = 0.1
    # choose some parameters for the categorical inferencer
    pn_params = {}
    pc0 = [data_dim, (200, 4), (200, 4), label_dim]
    pn_params['proto_configs'] = [pc0]
    # Set up some spawn networks
    sc0 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    sc1 = {'proto_key': 0, 'input_noise': 0.1, 'bias_noise': 0.1, 'do_dropout': True}
    pn_params['spawn_configs'] = [sc0, sc1]
    pn_params['spawn_weights'] = [0.5, 0.5]
    # Set remaining params
    pn_params['activation'] = relu_actfun
    pn_params['ear_type'] = 6
    pn_params['lam_l2a'] = 1e-3
    pn_params['vis_drop'] = 0.2
    pn_params['hid_drop'] = 0.5

    # Initialize the base networks for this GITrip
    GN = GenNet(rng=rng, Xp=Xp, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=gn_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    IN = InfNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, prior_sigma=prior_sigma, \
            params=in_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    PN = PeaNet(rng=rng, Xd=Xd, params=pn_params)
    # Initialize biases in GN, IN, and PN

    # Initialize the GITrip
    git_params = {}
    GIT = GITrip(rng=rng, \
            Xd=Xd, Yd=Yd, Xc=Xc, Xm=Xm, \
            g_net=GN, i_net=IN, p_net=PN, \
            data_dim=data_dim, prior_dim=prior_dim, \
            label_dim=label_dim, batch_size=batch_size, \
            params=git_params, shared_param_dicts=None)
    # set weighting parameters for the various costs...
    # Set initial learning rate and basic SGD hyper parameters
    num_updates = hyper_params['num_updates']
    learn_rate = hyper_params['learn_rate']
    lam_cat = hyper_params['lam_cat']
    lam_pea = hyper_params['lam_pea']
    cat_prior = hyper_params['cat_prior']
    lam_l2w = hyper_params['lam_l2w']
    out_name = hyper_params['out_name']

    out_file = open(out_name, 'wb')
    out_file.write("**TODO: More informative output, and maybe a real log**\n")
    out_file.write("sup_count: {0:d}\n".format(sup_count))
    out_file.write("learn_rate: {0:.4f}\n".format(learn_rate))
    out_file.write("lam_pea: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_pea))
    out_file.write("lam_cat: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_cat))
    out_file.write("lam_l2w: {0:.4f}\n".format(lam_l2w))
    out_file.write("cat_prior: {0:s}\n".format(str(cat_prior)))

    GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=learn_rate, momentum=0.98)
    for i in range(num_updates):
        if i < 75000:
            scale = float(i + 1) / 75000.0
            lam_ent = -1.0
            lam_dir = 0.0
            scale = 1.0
            lam_ent = cat_prior['lam_ent']
            lam_dir = cat_prior['lam_dir']
        if ((i+1 % 100000) == 0):
            learn_rate = learn_rate * 0.75
        # do a minibatch update using unlabeled data
        if True:
            # get some data to train with
            un_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=un_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_un = binarize_data(Xtr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_un = Ytr_un.take(un_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            Xm_un = 0.0 * Xd_un
            # do a minibatch update of the model, and compute some costs
            GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            GIT.set_lam_kld(0.1 + (0.9 * scale))
            outputs = GIT.train_joint(Xd_un, Xc_un, Xm_un, Yd_un)
            joint_cost = 1.0 * outputs[0]
            data_nll_cost = 1.0 * outputs[1]
            post_kld_cost = 1.0 * outputs[2]
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
            post_pea_cost = 1.0 * outputs[4]
            post_ent_cost = 1.0 * outputs[5]
            post_dir_cost = 1.0 * outputs[6]
            other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[7]
        # do another minibatch update incorporating label information
        if True:
            # get some data to train with
            su_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=su_samples,size=(batch_size,))
            Xd_su = binarize_data(Xtr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0))
            Yd_su = Ytr_su.take(su_idx, axis=0)
            Xc_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            Xm_su = 0.0 * Xd_su
            # update only based on the label-based classification cost
            GIT.set_all_sgd_params(learn_rate=(scale*learn_rate), momentum=0.98)
            outputs = GIT.train_joint(Xd_su, Xc_su, Xm_su, Yd_su)
            joint_2 = 1.0 * outputs[0]
            data_nll_2 = 1.0 * outputs[1]
            post_kld_2 = 1.0 * outputs[2]
            post_cat_cost = 1.0 * outputs[3]
            post_pea_2 = 1.0 * outputs[4]
            post_ent_2 = 1.0 * outputs[5]
            other_reg_cost = 1.0 * outputs[6]
        assert(not (np.isnan(joint_cost)))
        if ((i % 500) == 0):
            o_str = "batch: {0:d}, joint_cost: {1:.4f}, nll: {2:.4f}, kld: {3:.4f}, cat: {4:.4f}, pea: {5:.4f}, ent: {6:.4f}, dir: {7:.4f}, other_reg: {8:.4f}".format( \
                    i, joint_cost, data_nll_cost, post_kld_cost, post_cat_cost, post_pea_cost, post_ent_cost, post_dir_cost, other_reg_cost)
            if ((i % 1000) == 0):
                # check classification error on training and validation set
                train_err = GIT.classification_error(Xtr_su, Ytr_su)
                va_err = GIT.classification_error(Xva, Yva)
                o_str = "    tr_err: {0:.4f}, va_err: {1:.4f}".format(train_err, va_err)
        if ((i % 5000) == 0):
            # sample the VAE loop freely
            file_name = "GIT_CHAIN_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            va_idx = npr.randint(low=0,high=va_samples,size=(5,))
            Xd_samps = np.vstack([Xd_un[0:5,:], binarize_data(Xva[va_idx,:])])
            Xd_samps = np.repeat(Xd_samps, 3, axis=0)
            sample_lists = GIT.sample_git_from_data(Xd_samps, loop_iters=15)
            Xs = np.vstack(sample_lists["data samples"])
            Ys = GIT.class_probs(Xs)
            Xs = mnist_prob_embed(Xs, Ys)
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name, num_rows=15)
            # sample the VAE loop with some labels held fixed
            file_name = "GIT_SYNTH_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            Xd_samps = Xd_su[0:10,:]
            Xd_samps = np.repeat(Xd_samps, 3, axis=0)
            Yd_samps = Yd_su[0:10,:].reshape((10,1))
            Yd_samps = np.repeat(Yd_samps, 3, axis=0)
            SAMPS = GIT.sample_synth_labels(Xd_samps, Yd_samps, loop_iters=15, binarize=True)
            Xs = np.vstack(SAMPS["X_syn"])
            Ys = one_hot_np(np.vstack(SAMPS["Y_syn"]), cat_dim=11)
            Ys = Ys[:,1:]
            Xs = mnist_prob_embed(Xs, Ys)
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name, num_rows=15)
            # draw samples freely from the generative model's prior
            file_name = "GIT_PRIOR_SAMPLES_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            Xs = GIT.sample_from_prior(20*15)
            utils.visualize_samples(Xs, file_name, num_rows=15)
            # draw categorical inferencer's weights
            file_name = "GIT_PN_WEIGHTS_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            utils.visualize_net_layer(GIT.PN.proto_nets[0][0], file_name)
            # draw continuous inferencer's weights
            file_name = "GIT_IN_WEIGHTS_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            utils.visualize_net_layer(GIT.IN.shared_layers[0], file_name)
            # draw generator net final layer weights
            file_name = "GIT_GN_WEIGHTS_b{0:d}.png".format(i)
            utils.visualize_net_layer(GIT.GN.mlp_layers[-1], file_name, use_transpose=True)
    print("TESTING COMPLETE!")