Beispiel #1
import sys
full_path = sys.path[0] + '/' + 'SimEvents.fits'

# Find out what the names of the HDUs in the file.
hdus = ntc.getNTupleNames ( full_path )
print "Names of the Header/Data Units are..."
print hdus

events = ntc.createDataArray ( full_path, hdus[1] )

# Set matrix of ploats
canvas.setPlotMatrix ( 3, 3 )

from hippo import Display, Cut

# Create a 1D histogram
hist = Display ( "Histogram", events, ('GLON', ) )
canvas.addDisplay ( hist )

# First create cuts individually 
from hippo import Cut
cut1 = Cut ( events, ( 'zenith_angle', ) )
canvas.addDisplay ( cut1 )
Beispiel #2
from load_hippo import app, canvas

# Create NTuple with its controller so Inspector can see it.
from hippo import NTupleController
ntc = NTupleController.instance()
# Create full path to example file in case this script is not run from
# this directory.
full_path = sys.path[0] + '/' + 'aptuple.tnt'

nt1 = ntc.createNTuple ( full_path )

canvas.setPlotMatrix ( 2, 3 )
from hippo import Display

hist = Display ( "Histogram", nt1, ("Cost", ) )
canvas.addDisplay( hist )

# Get the data representation so we can add function to it.
datarep1 = hist.getDataRep()
from hippo import Function
gauss = Function ( "Gaussian", datarep1 )
gauss.addTo ( hist )

# Get the function parameters and display them.
print "Before fitting"
parmnames = gauss.parmNames ( )
print parmnames
Beispiel #3
# Get full path to examplefile in case this script is not run from this
# directory.
import sys
full_path = sys.path[0] + '/' + 'aptuple.tnt'

# Read an ASCII NTuple file to create an NTuple.
ntc = NTupleController.instance()
nt1 = ntc.createNTuple ( full_path )

from hippo import Display

# Change the matrix from the default
canvas.setPlotMatrix ( 3, 4 )

# Create the  displays.

hist = Display ("Histogram", nt1, ('Cost', ) )
canvas.addDisplay( hist )

profile = Display ( "Profile", nt1, ('Age', 'Cost' ))
canvas.addDisplay ( profile )

color = Display ( "Color Plot", nt1, ('Age', 'Cost' ))
color.setBinWidth ( 'x', 1.0 )
canvas.addDisplay ( color )

contour = Display ( "Contour Plot", nt1, ('Age', 'Cost' ))
contour.setBinWidth ( 'x', 1.0 )
Beispiel #4

from load_hippo import  app, canvas
import hippo, hippofft

num = None
    import numpy as num
    import numpy.random as ra
except :
    import numarray as num
    import num.random_array as ra

canvas.setPlotMatrix ( 1, 3 )

# generate a random ordered sequence
npts = 400000
times = num.sort ( ra.uniform ( 1e9, 1e10, (npts, ) ) )

ds = hippo.NumArrayTuple ()
ds.addColumn ( 'times', times )

# Use the hippo FFT utility to get binned light curve display the
# normalized contents of the bins
lightcurve, bintimes = hippofft.simpleLightCurve( ds,'times', numberbins=4096 )