def __init__(self, target, target_label, target_mids, target_surface):

        # Load input data, and initialie data attribtues
        self.ID = target

        # we load the surface as a source of control
        # we need to determine if our label file is the same size as the
        # surface or if it needs to be adjusted
        verts = ld.loadGii(target_surface, 0)

        # get correct number of vertices
        self.N = verts.shape[0]
        self.label = ld.loadGii(target_label, 0)

        self.mids = ld.loadMat(target_mids) - 1

        if self.N != len(self.label):

            print('Warning:  Target surface has more vertices that '\
                            'label file.  Adjusting label file.')

            self.label = ld.fixLabelSize(self.mids, self.label, self.N)

        # Initialize library attribtues
        # vertCounts contains the labels a vertex-of-interest maps to
        self.vertCounts = {}
        self.vertCounts = self.vertCounts.fromkeys(list(np.arange(self.N)))

        # labCounts contains the labels a label-of-interest maps to
        self.labCounts = {}
        self.labCounts = self.labCounts.fromkeys(list(self.label))

        self.matchedSubjects = set([])
def labelErrorDistances(surfaceAdjFile,trueFile,midlineFile,predictedFile,maxValue):
    Compute how far away the misclassified label is from the predicted label.
    Distance is based on the geodesic distance map of labels on the cortical
    - - - - -
        surfaceAdj : surface adjacency file of vertices
        trueFile : true cortical parcellation map file
        midlineFile : midline index file
        predictedFile : predicted cortical parcellation map file
    reIndexed = np.zeros((maxValue+1,maxValue+1))

    pred = ld.loadGii(predictedFile,0).astype(np.int32)
    true = ld.loadGii(trueFile,0).astype(np.int32)
    errors = np.where(true != pred)[0]
    print len(errors)
    L = aj.LabelAdjacency(trueFile,surfaceAdjFile,midlineFile)
    labelAdj = L.adj_list
    # create graph of label adjacency
    GL = nx.from_dict_of_lists(labelAdj)
    # get matrix of pairwise shortest paths between all labels
    apsp = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(GL)
    res_apsp = np.asarray(np.reshape(apsp,np.product(apsp.shape)).T)
    unraveled = np.unravel_index(np.arange(len(res_apsp)),apsp.shape)
    newInds = (np.asarray(GL.nodes())[unraveled[0]],
    nans = list(set(np.arange(maxValue+1)).difference(set(GL.nodes())))
    reIndexed[newInds] = apsp[unraveled]
    reIndexed[nans,:] = np.nan
    reIndexed[:,nans] = np.nan
    errorDistance = reIndexed[true[errors],pred[errors]]

    return errorDistance
Beispiel #3
def populationRegionSize(subjectList, labelDirectory, extension):
    Method to compute the sizes of each region across the training set.
    - - - - - 
        subjectList : (list,.txt) list of subjects to include
        labelDirectory : directory containing the label files
        extension : label file extension

    if isinstance(subjectList, str):
        with open(subjectList, 'r') as inFile:
            subjects = inFile.readlines()
        subjects = [x.strip() for x in subjects]
    elif isinstance(subjectList, list):
        subjects = subjectList
        print 'Incorrect subject list type.'

    labelSizes = {k: [] for k in np.arange(1, 181)}

    for subj in subjects:

        inLabel = labelDirectory + str(subj) + extension

        if os.path.isfile(inLabel):

            pred = ld.loadGii(inLabel)

            for k in labelSizes.keys():
                if k in set(pred):
                    labelSizes[k].append(len(np.where(pred == k)[0]))

    return labelSizes
Beispiel #4
def computeLabelLayers(labelFile, surfaceAdjacency, borderFile):
    Method to find level structures of vertices, where each structure is a set
    of vertices that are a distance k away from the border vertices.

    label = ld.loadGii(labelFile, 0)
    surfAdj = ld.loadPick(surfaceAdjacency)
    borders = ld.loadPick(borderFile)

    # get set of non-zero labels in label file
    L = set(label) - set([0])

    layers = {}.fromkeys(L)
    fullList = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed(labelLayers)(lab,
                        np.where(label == lab)[0],
                        surfAdj,borders[lab]) for lab in L)

    for i, labelValue in enumerate(L):
        if borders.has_key(labelValue):

            inds = np.where(label == labelValue)[0]
            bm = borders[labelValue]

            layers[labelValue] = labelLayers(labelValue, inds, surfAdj, bm)

    return layers
    def __init__(self, source, source_label, source_mids, source_surface):

        self.ID = source

        verts = ld.loadGii(source_surface, 0)

        self.N = verts.shape[0]
        self.label = ld.loadGii(source_label, 0)

        self.mids = ld.loadMat(source_mids) - 1

        if self.N != len(self.label):

            print('Warning:  Surface has more vertices that '\
                            'label file.  Adjusting label file.')

            self.label = ld.fixLabelSize(self.mids, self.label, self.N)

        self.vertLib = {}
Beispiel #6
def processLabelResizing(subjectList, dataDir, hemi):

    with open(subjectList, 'r') as inFile:
        subjects = inFile.readlines()
    subjects = [x.strip() for x in subjects]

    hcpDir = dataDir + 'Haynor/Connectome_4_With_MMP/Labels/'
    midDir = dataDir + 'parcellearning/Data/Midlines/'
    funDir = dataDir + 'HCP/Connectome_4/'
    outDir = dataDir + 'parcellearning/Data/Labels/HCP/'

    lExt = '.' + hemi + '.CorticalAreas_dil_NoTask_Final_Individual.32k_fs_LR.dlabel.nii'
    fExt = '.' + hemi + '.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.func.gii'
    mExt = '.' + hemi + '.Midline_Indices.mat'

    N = 32492

    inCMAP = dataDir + 'parcellearning/Data/Labels/' + 'Label_Lookup_300.txt'

    for s in subjects:

        inLabel = hcpDir + s + lExt
        inMid = midDir + s + mExt
        inFunc = funDir + s + '/Surface/MNI/' + s + fExt

        if os.path.isfile(inLabel) and os.path.isfile(
                inMid) and os.path.isfile(inFunc):

            outFunc = outDir + s + '.' + hemi + '.CorticalAreas.fixed.32k_fs_LR.func.gii'
            outLabel = outDir + s + '.' + hemi + '.CorticalAreas.fixed.32k_fs_LR.label.gii'

            label = ld.loadGii(inLabel)
            mids = ld.loadMat(inMid)

            fixed = ld.fixLabelSize(mids, label, N)

            M = nb.load(inFunc)
            M.darrays[0].data = np.asarray(fixed.astype(np.float32))

  , outFunc)

            cmd = '/usr/bin/wb_command -metric-label-import {} {} {}'.format(
                outFunc, inCMAP, outLabel)

Beispiel #7
    labelFile = ''.join([lbd, subj, le])
    surfAdj = ''.join([sj, subj, se])
    outFile = ''.join([od, subj, oe])

    print labelFile
    print surfAdj
    print outFile

    if os.path.exists(labelFile) and os.path.exists(surfAdj):
        print 'Label file and surface adjacency list exist.'
        if not os.path.exists(outFile):

            print labelFile.split('/')[-1]
            print surfAdj.split('/')[-1]
            print outFile.split('/')[-1]

            print 'Computing topological matrix.\n'

            label = ld.loadGii(labelFile, darray=0)

            with open(surfAdj, 'r') as inJ:
                adj = json.load(inJ)
            adj = {int(k): map(int, adj[k]) for k in adj.keys()}

            # Compute the topology structure of a given label map
            # topMat is a row-normalized data matrix
            _, topMat = tv.labelCounts(label, values, adj)

            tm = {'topology': topMat}
            sio.savemat(outFile, tm)
Beispiel #8
def neighborhoodErrorMap(labVal, labelAdjacency, truthLabFile, predLabFile,
                         labelLookup, outputColorMap):
    Method to visualize the results of a prediction map, focusing in on a 
    spefic core label.
    - - - - -
        core : region of interest
        labelAdjacency : label adjacency list
        truthLabFile : ground truth label file
        predLabFile : predicted label file
        labelLookup : label color lookup table
        outputColorMap : new color map for label files

    # load files
    labAdj = ld.loadPick(labelAdjacency)
    truth = ld.loadGii(truthLabFile, 0)
    pred = ld.loadGii(predLabFile, 0)

    # extract current colors from colormap
    parsedColors = parseColorLookUpFile(labelLookup)

    # initialize new color map file
    color_file = open(outputColorMap, "w")

    trueColors = ' '.join(map(str, [255, 255, 255]))
    trueName = 'Label {}'.format(labVal)
    trueRGBA = '{} {} {}\n'.format(labVal, trueColors, 255)

    trueStr = '\n'.join([trueName, trueRGBA])

    # get labels that neighbor core
    neighbors = labAdj[labVal]
    # get indices of core label in true map
    truthInds = np.where(truth == labVal)[0]

    # initialize new map
    visualizeMap = np.zeros((truth.shape))
    visualizeMap[truthInds] = labVal

    # get predicted label values existing at truthInds
    predLabelsTruth = pred[truthInds]

    for n in neighbors:

        # get color code for label, adjust and write text to file
        oriName = 'Label {}'.format(n)
        oriCode = parsedColors[n]
        oriColors = ' '.join(map(str, oriCode))
        oriRGBA = '{} {} {}\n'.format(n, oriColors, 255)
        oriStr = '\n'.join([oriName, oriRGBA])


        adjLabel = n + 180
        adjName = 'Label {}'.format(adjLabel)
        adjColors = shiftColor(oriCode, mag=30)
        adjColors = ' '.join(map(str, adjColors))
        adjRGBA = '{} {} {}\n'.format(adjLabel, adjColors, 255)
        adjStr = '\n'.join([adjName, adjRGBA])


        # find where true map == n and set this value
        n_inds = np.where(truth == n)[0]
        visualizeMap[n_inds] = n

        # find where prediction(core) == n, and set to adjusted value
        n_inds = np.where(predLabelsTruth == n)[0]
        visualizeMap[truthInds[n_inds]] = adjLabel


    return visualizeMap
    def buildLibraries(self, source, source_label, source_mids, source_surf,
        Updates the vertex and label libraries with matching results.
        - - - - -
            source : source subject ID
            source_label : source label file
            matching : source-to-target matching file produed by 
                        DiffeoSpectralMatching (corr12 or corr21)

        # vert vertices of source surface
        verts = ld.loadGii(source_surf, 0)

        # get number of vertices in source surface
        sN = verts.shape[0]

        # load source label and midline vertices
        sLab = ld.loadGii(source_label, 0)
        sMids = ld.loadMat(source_mids) - 1

        # check to make sure label file has same number of vertices as
        # surface
        if len(sLab) != sN:

            sLab = ld.fixLabelSize(sMids, sLab, sN)

        # load source-to-target matching
        s2t = np.squeeze(ld.loadMat(matching) - 1).astype(int)

        # fix matching
        # target vertices in target space, source vertices correct length
        # s2t is of length (sN-mids), with indices in that range
        # will become length sN with indices in correct range
        fixed = ld.fixMatching(s2t, sN, sMids, self.N, self.mids).astype(int)

        # check if source subject already added
        if source not in self.matchedSubjects:

            # check to make sure matching / source label file same length
            if len(fixed) == len(sLab):

                # add matched subject to list of seen

                for node in np.arange(len(fixed)):

                    # get target vertex to which source vertex is mapped
                    vertex = fixed[node]
                    # get label of source vertex
                    sl = sLab[node]

                    # if target vertex and source label not midline
                    if vertex != -1 and sl > 0:

                        # get target vertex label
                        tl = self.label[vertex]

                        # check if current vertex already in vertexLibrary.keys
                        if not self.vertCounts[vertex]:
                            self.vertCounts[vertex] = {sl: 1}
                            if sl not in self.vertCounts[vertex].keys():
                                self.vertCounts[vertex].update({sl: 1})
                                self.vertCounts[vertex][sl] += 1

                        if not self.labCounts[tl]:
                            self.labCounts[tl] = {sl: 1}
                            if sl not in self.labCounts[tl].keys():
                                self.labCounts[tl].update({sl: 1})
                                self.labCounts[tl][sl] += 1
                print('Warning:  Matching not the same length as '\
                                'source label file.')
            print('Source has already been included in the libraries.')
Beispiel #10
    featureFile = ''.join([featureDir, subj, featureExt])
    labelFile = ''.join([labelDir, subj, labelExt])

    if os.path.exists(featureFile) and os.path.exists(labelFile):

        print 'Processing %s' % subj
        features = h5py.File(featureFile, mode='r')

        features = h5py.File(featureFile, mode='r')
        dataDict = features[subj]

        dataArray = du.mergeValueArrays(dataDict, keys=featureKeys)

        label = ld.loadGii(labelFile, darray=np.arange(1))

        regSim = hmg.regionalSimilarity(dataArray, label)
        regSize = {}.fromkeys(regSim.keys())

        for k in regSize.keys():
            indx = np.where(label == k)[0]
            regSize[k] = len(indx)

        df_hmg = df_hmg.append(regSim, ignore_index=True)
        df_size = df_size.append(regSize, ignore_index=True)

if df_hmg.shape[0] != 0:
if df_size.shape[0] != 0:
    df_size.to_csv(''.join([f_path, '.size', f_ext]))
Beispiel #11
trueDir = args.trueDir
trueExt = args.trueExt

predDir = args.predDir
predExt = args.predExt

output = args.output

with open(args.subjectList, 'r') as inSubj:
    subjects = inSubj.readlines()
subjects = [x.strip() for x in subjects]

dice = []
for subj in subjects:

    trueFile = ''.join([trueDir, subj, trueExt])
    predFile = ''.join([predDir, subj, predExt])

    if os.path.exists(trueFile) and os.path.exists(predFile):
        true = ld.loadGii(trueFile, 0)
        pred = ld.loadGii(predFile, 0)

        inds = np.where(true > 0)[0]

        d = hmg.diceLabel(true[inds], pred[inds])

DF = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Dice'])
DF['Dice'] = np.asarray(dice)
labDir = args.labelDir
labExt = args.labelExt

trueDir = args.trueDir
trueExt = args.trueExt

output = args.output

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['accuracy'])

with open(args.subjectList, 'r') as inSubj:
    subjects = inSubj.readlines()
subjects = [x.strip() for x in subjects]

for subj in subjects:

    predLabel = ''.join([labDir, subj, labExt])
    trueLabel = ''.join([trueDir, subj, trueExt])

    if os.path.exists(predLabel) and os.path.exists(trueLabel):

        pred = ld.loadGii(predLabel, darray=np.arange(1))
        true = ld.loadGii(trueLabel, darray=np.arange(1))

        trueInds = np.where(true > 0)[0]

        accuracy = np.mean(pred[trueInds] == true[trueInds])
        df = df.append({'accuracy': accuracy}, ignore_index=True)
