def sendAuth(self): answer = False'Trying to authenticate to kettle...') try: self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "ff" + self.__key + "aa") #send authorise key self.child.expect("value: ") # wait for response self.child.expect("\r\n") # wait for end string log.debug(self.child.before) #for debug connectedStr = self.child.before[0:].decode( "utf-8") # answer from device answ = connectedStr.split()[3] # parse: 00 - no 01 - yes self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') if answ == '01': answer = True self.auth = True'Successfully authenticated') else:'Could not authenticate') self.auth = False self.iterase() except: answer = False log.error('Authentication error') return answer
def firstConnect(self): self.__is_busy = True #will eventually force disconnet iter = 0 itera = 0 try: while iter < CONF_MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS: # 10 attempts to connect"Connection attempt #%s" % (iter)) if self.connect(): iter = 11 #to break while itera < CONF_MAX_AUTH_ATTEMPTS: # 10 attempts to auth"Authentication attempt #%s" % (itera)) if self.sendSubcribeToResponses(): if self.sendAuth(): break sleep(1) itera += 1 sleep(1) iter += 1 except: log.error('Error during first connect') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) self.reset() if self.auth: self.ready = True self.sendInitialSettings() else: log.error('Error during first connect: not authenticated') self.reset() return self.auth
def connect(self): answer = False if self.__is_busy:"Busy") self.disconnect() try:"Trying to connect to kettle [%s]..." % (self.__mac)) self.__is_busy = True self.child = pexpect.spawn("gatttool -I -t random -b " + self.__mac, ignore_sighup=False) self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>', timeout=1) self.child.sendline("connect") self.child.expect(r'Connection successful.*\[LE\]>', timeout=1) log.debug(self.child.after) self.__is_busy = False answer = True self.connected = True"Connected") except: log.error('Error during connection attempt') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) #+str(sys.exc_info()[1]) self.connected = False return answer
def sendGetStatus(self): answ = False"Starting getting current status...") try: self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "06aa") # status of device self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") statusStr = self.child.before[0:].decode( "utf-8" ) # answer from device example 55 xx 06 00 00 00 00 01 2a 1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 aa log.debug(statusStr) answer = statusStr.split() self.status = str(answer[11]) self.temp = self.hexToDec(str(answer[8])) self.mode = str(answer[3]) tgtemp = str(answer[5]) if tgtemp != '00': self.tgtemp = self.hexToDec(tgtemp) else: self.tgtemp = 100 self.durat = str(answer[16]) self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase() "Status aquired [mode = %s, targettemp = %s, temp = %s, status = %s (00 off, 02 on), durat = 0x%s]" % (self.mode, self.tgtemp, self.temp, self.status, self.durat)) answ = True except: answ = False log.error('error get status') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ
def sendSetMode( self, mode, target_temp, boilduration_correction ): # 00 - boil 01 - heat to temp 03 - backlight (boil by default) temp - in DEC answ = False"Starting set current mode and parameters...") try: modest = mode if len(str(mode)) == 2 else "0" + str(mode) #log.debug("Mode:" + modest) boildurationHex = self.decToHex( self.hexToDec("80") + int(boilduration_correction)) #log.debug("Boil dur:" + boildurationHex) if modest == "01" or modest == "02": target_temp = min(target_temp, 91) #max allowed 90 in mode 1 & 2 sendline = "0x000e 55" + self.decToHex( self.__iter) + "05" + modest + "00" + self.decToHex( target_temp ) + "00000000000000000000" + boildurationHex + "0000aa" log.debug("Sending command string: [" + sendline + "]") self.child.sendline("char-write-req " + sendline) # set Properties self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") log.debug(str(self.child.before) + " [should be 55 05 05 >01< aa]") answer = self.child.before.split() log.debug("Ok:" + str(answer[3] == b"01")) self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase() answ = answer[3] == b"01" except Exception as e: answ = False log.error('Error seting mode') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + "|" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) return answ
def sendSetLightsColor(self, boilOrLight='00', rgb1='0000ff', rgb2='ff0000'): # 00 - boil light 01 - backlight answ = False"Sending set lights color command...") try: if rgb1 == '0000ff' and rgb2 == 'ff0000': rgb_mid = '00ff00' else: rgb_mid = self.calcMidColor(rgb1, rgb2) if boilOrLight == "00": scale_light = ['28', '46', '64'] else: scale_light = ['00', '32', '64'] self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "32" + boilOrLight + scale_light[0] + self.__rand + rgb1 + scale_light[1] + self.__rand + rgb_mid + scale_light[2] + self.__rand + rgb2 + "aa") self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") log.debug(str(self.child.before) + " [should be 55 09 32 00 aa]") self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase()"Set lights color command complete") answ = True except: answ = False log.error('error set colors of light') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ
def sendSync(self, timezone=3): answ = False"Syncing kettle...") try: tmz_hex_list = wrap(str(self.decToHex(timezone * 60 * 60)), 2) tmz_str = '' for i in reversed(tmz_hex_list): tmz_str += i timeNow_list = wrap( str(self.decToHex(time.mktime(, 2) timeNow_str = '' for i in reversed(timeNow_list): timeNow_str += i self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "6e" + timeNow_str + tmz_str + "0000aa") self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") log.debug(str(self.child.before) + " [should be 55 02 6e 00 aa]") self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase()"Syncing kettle complete") answ = True except: answ = False log.error('error sync time') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ
def sendSubcribeToResponses(self): answ = False'Trying to subcsribe to kettle notifications...') try: self.child.sendline("char-write-cmd 0x000c 0100" ) #send packet to receive messages in future self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>')'Successfully subscribed to notifications') answ = True except: answ = False log.error('Error during device subscription') return answ
def sendStop(self): answ = False"Switching off kettle...") try: self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "04aa") # OFF self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") log.debug(str(self.child.before) + " [should be 55 06 04 >01< aa]") answer = self.child.before.split() log.debug("Ok:" + str(answer[3] == b"01")) self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase() answ = answer[3] == b"01" ("Kettle switched off successfully") except: answ = False log.error('error starting mode OFF') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ
def sendUseBackLight(self, use=True): answ = False"Sending Use backlight command...") onoff = "00" if use: onoff = "01" try: self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "37c8c8" + onoff + "aa") # onoff: 00 - off, 01 - on self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") log.debug(str(self.child.before) + " [should be 55 08 32 00 aa]") self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase()"Use backlight command is complete") answ = True except: answ = False log.error('error set use backlight') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ
def sendGetStat(self): answ = False"Starting quering statistics...") try: self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "4700aa") self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") statusStr = self.child.before[0:].decode("utf-8") log.debug(statusStr) self.Watts = self.hexToDec( str(statusStr.split()[11] + statusStr.split()[10] + statusStr.split()[9])) # in Watts self.Alltime = round(self.Watts / CONF_KETTLE_POWER, 1) # in hours self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase() self.child.sendline("char-write-req 0x000e 55" + self.decToHex(self.__iter) + "5000aa") self.child.expect("value: ") self.child.expect("\r\n") statusStr = self.child.before[0:].decode("utf-8") self.Times = self.hexToDec( str(statusStr.split()[7] + statusStr.split()[6])) self.child.expect(r'\[LE\]>') self.iterase() "Statistics aquired [watts = %s, alltime = %s, times = %s]" % (self.Watts, self.Alltime, self.Times)) answ = True except: answ = False log.error('error geting statistics') log.debug("Unexpected error info:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0])) return answ