def cmd_excute(): try: h = db_connector.IP.objects.get(ip=sys.argv[1]) host = h.ip port = int(h.port) username = run_user auth = db_connector.AuthByIpAndRemoteUser.objects.get( ip__ip=host, remoteUser__name=username) password = auth.password auth_type = auth.authtype print password, auth_type pkey_file = auth.password except ObjectDoesNotExist: err_msg = 'No access right to host,please make sure you have your TriAquae user bound to remote user %s and host %s' % ( run_user, sys.argv[1]) logger.RecordLog(sys.argv[1], 'CommandExcution', cmd, err_msg, 'Error', track_mark, run_user, multi_run) print err_msg sys.exit() s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.load_system_host_keys() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: if auth_type == 'ssh-key': #pkey_file = '/home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa' key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkey_file) s.connect(host, port, username, pkey=key, timeout=5) stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(cmd) result =, logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Success', track_mark, run_user, multi_run) print Split_line, h.ip, Split_line, '\n', for line in result: print line, elif auth_type == 'ssh': s.connect(host, port, username, password, timeout=5) stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(cmd) result =, logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Success', track_mark, run_user, multi_run) print Split_line, h.ip, Split_line, '\n', if print 'error happend!', for line in result: print line, except paramiko.AuthenticationException: result = "%s ---Authentication failed!\n" % host print result logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Error', track_mark, run_user, multi_run) except: result = "%s ---timeout or configration error, please manually check the connection!\n" % host print result logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Error', track_mark, run_user, multi_run) s.close()
s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.load_system_host_keys() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) print h.protocol_type.protocol try: if h.protocol_type.protocol == 'SSH_KEY': #pkey_file = '/home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa' key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkey_file) s.connect(host, port, username, pkey=key, timeout=5) stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(cmd) #print Split_line,h.ip,Split_line result =, logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Success', track_mark, run_user) print Split_line, h.ip, Split_line, '\n', for line in result: print line, #print elif h.protocol_type.protocol == 'SSH': #try: s.connect(host, port, username, password, timeout=5) stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command(cmd) #print Split_line,h.ip,Split_line result =, logger.RecordLog(host, 'CommandExcution', cmd, result, 'Success', track_mark, run_user) print Split_line, h.ip, Split_line, '\n', if print 'error happend!', for line in result:
home = os.environ['HOME'] try: h = db_connector.IP.objects.get(ip=sys.argv[1]) host = h.ip port = int(h.port) username = sys.argv[2] auth = db_connector.AuthByIpAndRemoteUser.objects.get( ip__ip=host, remoteUser__name=username) password = auth.password auth_type = auth.authtype option = sys.argv[3] pkey_file = auth.password except ObjectDoesNotExist: err_msg = 'No access right to host,please make sure you have your OPS user bound to remote user %s and host %s' % ( sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]) logger.RecordLog(sys.argv[1], 'SftpConnection', 'N/A', err_msg, 'Error', track_mark, sys.argv[2], multi_run) print err_msg sys.exit() try: run_user = sys.argv[6] except IndexError: run_user = '******' s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.load_system_host_keys() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: t = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) if auth_type == 'ssh-key': key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkey_file) t.connect(username=username, pkey=key)
def cmd_excute(): try: h=db_connector.IP.objects.get(ip = sys.argv[1]) host= h.ip port= int(h.port ) username = sys.argv[2] auth = db_connector.AuthByIpAndRemoteUser.objects.get(ip__ip=host, remoteUser__name= username) password = auth.password auth_type = auth.authtype option = sys.argv[3] pkey_file= auth.password except ObjectDoesNotExist: err_msg = 'No access right to host,please make sure you have your OPS user bound to remote user %s and host %s' %(sys.argv[2],sys.argv[1]) logger.RecordLog(sys.argv[1],'SftpConnection','N/A',err_msg,'Error',track_mark,sys.argv[2],multi_run) print err_msg sys.exit() try: run_user = sys.argv[6] except IndexError: run_user = '******' s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.load_system_host_keys() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: t = paramiko.Transport((host,port)) if auth_type == 'ssh-key': key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkey_file) t.connect(username=username,pkey=key) elif auth_type == 'ssh': t.connect(username=username,password=password) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: msg= host,'---Authentication failed!' print msg logger.RecordLog(host,'SftpConnection','N/A',msg,'Error',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) sys.exit() except paramiko.SSHException: msg= host,'---Unable to connect,no route to host!' print msg logger.RecordLog(host,'SftpConnection','N/A',msg,'Error',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) sys.exit() sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) remote_path = sys.argv[5] sftp_recv = tri_config.Tri_sftp_recv_dir if option == '-s': #send file local_file = sys.argv[4] filename = local_file.split('/')[-1] remote_file ='%s/%s' %(remote_path,filename) msg= '------- sending file %s to %s -------' %(local_file,host) print msg try: sftp.mkdir(remote_path) except IOError:pass sftp.put(local_file,remote_file) msg = host,"send file %s to remote directory successful: %s, under %s's home direcotry" % (filename,remote_path,username) logger.RecordLog(host,'SendFile','N/A',msg,'Success',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) sftp.put(local_file,remote_file) print 'Done!' elif option == '-g': # get file remote_file = sys.argv[4] filename = remote_file.split('/')[-1] local_file = '%s/%s_%s' %(sftp_recv,host,filename) print '------- getting file %s from %s -------' %(remote_file,host) try: sftp.lstat(remote_file) sftp.get(remote_file,local_file) print 'put file %s into local path: ' % local_file msg = "Result:",'Get file %s from remote ip %s and put it into local path: %s successful' %(remote_file,host,local_file) logger.RecordLog(host,'GetFile','N/A',msg,'Success',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) print 'Done' except IOError: msg= 'Error:','file on remote ip %s not exist or it is a directory!' % host print msg logger.RecordLog(host,'GetFile','N/A',msg,'Error',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) s.close()
cmd = sys.argv[2] try: h=db_connector.IP.objects.get(ip = sys.argv[1]) host= h.ip port= int(h.port ) username = run_user auth = db_connector.AuthByIpAndRemoteUser.objects.get(ip__ip=host, remoteUser__name= username) password = auth.password auth_type = auth.authtype print password, auth_type #pkey_file = db_connector.RemoteUser.objects.get(user_name='root',description="test").RsaKey_file_path pkey_file= auth.password except ObjectDoesNotExist: err_msg = 'No access right to host,please make sure you have your TriAquae user bound to remote user %s and host %s' %(run_user,sys.argv[1]) logger.RecordLog(sys.argv[1],'CommandExcution',cmd,err_msg,'Error',track_mark,run_user,multi_run) print err_msg sys.exit() s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.load_system_host_keys() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: if auth_type == 'ssh-key': #pkey_file = '/home/alex/.ssh/id_rsa' key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkey_file) s.connect(host,port,username,pkey=key,timeout=5) stdin,stdout,stderr = s.exec_command(cmd) #print Split_line,h.ip,Split_line