def main(): LogHelper.start_logging("logdownloader.log") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AWS bootstrapper log downloader" + "Downloads instances logs from AWS S3") parser.add_argument( "--manifestPath", help= "path to a manifest file describing the jobs and data requirements for the application", required=True) parser.add_argument("--outputPath", help="directory to where instance logs will be copied", required=True) try: args = vars(parser.parse_args()) manifestPath = os.path.abspath(args["manifestPath"]) outputdir = os.path.abspath(args["outputPath"]) s3 = boto3.resource('s3') app = Application(s3, manifestPath, outputdir) app.downloadLogs(outputdir) except Exception as ex: logging.exception("error in log downloader") sys.exit(1)
def uploadInstanceLog(self, instanceId): """ uploads the log file to the s3 key for the specified instance """ s3DocumentName = LogHelper.instanceLogFileName(instanceId) instanceLogPath = LogHelper.instanceLogPath( self.s3Interface.localTempDir, instanceId) self.uploadInstanceData(instanceId, s3DocumentName, instanceLogPath, False)
def removefrombuffer(self, hash, backup_group): path = self.buffer_path_from_hash(hash, backup_group) try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: log_helper = LogHelper() log = log_helper.getLogger() log.warn( { 'action': 'Could not remove File from Buffer', 'hash': hash, 'exception_type': type(e), 'exception': e }, exc_info=True)
def request(self): """ 请求短信websevices :return: """ log = LogHelper() try: webservice = httplib.HTTP(self.Url) webservice.putrequest("POST", self.MethodName) webservice.putheader("Host", self.Host) webservice.putheader("Content-type", self.ContentType) webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(self.SoapMessage)) webservice.putheader("SOAPAction", self.SOAPAction) webservice.endheaders() webservice.send(self.SoapMessage) print(self.SoapMessage) statuscode, statusmessage, header = webservice.getreply() print("Response: ", statuscode, statusmessage) # print "headers: " # print header res = webservice.getfile().read() print(res.decode('utf-8')) try: dom = minidom.parseString(res) nodes = dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( 'SendSmsSaveLogResult') if nodes is None or nodes[0] is None: return "发送失败".decode('utf-8') else: return nodes[0] except BaseException as ex: log.error("解析返回结果出错【%s】" % ex) print(ex) return "发送失败".decode('utf-8') except BaseException as ex: log.error("请求短信发送接口出错【%s】" % ex) print(ex) return "发送失败".decode('utf-8')
def sendsms(self, mobile, content): if mobile is None or mobile is '': msg = "手机号为空!!!".decode('utf-8') LogHelper().info(msg) print(msg) return if content is None or content is '': msg = "短信内容为空!!!".decode('utf-8') LogHelper().info(msg) print(msg) return # print("手机号:%s\n短信内容:%s\n" % (mobile,content)) SOAPMessage = self.RequestXml % (mobile, content, self.SmsSource, self.SupplierID, self.IsVoiceSms) # print(SOAPMessage) # print("\n") ws = WsRequest(SOAPMessage) result = ws.request() print(result)
def main(): LogHelper.start_logging("uploader.log") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AWS bootstrapper uploader" + "Uploades manifest and LocalToAWS documents described in manifest to S3") parser.add_argument("--manifestPath", help = "path to a manifest file describing the jobs and data requirements for the application", required=True) parser.add_argument("--localWorkingDir", help = "path to dir with read/write for processing data for upload and download to AWS S3", required=True) try: args = vars(parser.parse_args()) manifestPath = os.path.abspath(args["manifestPath"]) localWorkingDir = os.path.abspath(args["localWorkingDir"]) s3 = boto3.resource('s3') app = Application(s3, manifestPath, localWorkingDir) app.uploadS3Documents() except Exception as ex: logging.exception("error in launcher") sys.exit(1)
def main(): LogHelper.start_logging("launcher.log") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AWS bootstrapper launcher" + "Uploades manifest which contains data and commands to run on specified instances," + "initializes and launches instances with jobs specified in manifest") parser.add_argument( "--manifestPath", help= "path to a manifest file describing the jobs and data requirements for the application", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--instanceConfigPath", help="file path to a json file with EC2 instance configuration", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--localWorkingDir", help= "path to dir with read/write for processing data for upload and download to AWS S3", required=True) try: args = vars(parser.parse_args()) manifestPath = os.path.abspath(args["manifestPath"]) instanceConfigPath = os.path.abspath(args["instanceConfigPath"]) localWorkingDir = os.path.abspath(args["localWorkingDir"]) instanceConfig = {} with open(instanceConfigPath) as f: instanceConfig = json.load(f) s3 = boto3.resource('s3') ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=instanceConfig["EC2Config"]["Region"]) app = Application(s3, manifestPath, localWorkingDir) app.runInstances(ec2, instanceConfig) except Exception as ex: logging.exception("error in launcher") sys.exit(1)
def main(): LogHelper.start_logging("downloader.log") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AWS bootstrapper downloader: " + "Downloads AWSToLocal documents as specified in manifest, " + "or optionally the specified AWSToLocal documentName") parser.add_argument( "--manifestPath", help= "path to a manifest file describing the jobs and data requirements for the application", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--localWorkingDir", help= "path to dir with read/write for processing data for upload and download to AWS S3", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--documentName", help= "optional name of document to download (if unspecified all 'AWSToLocal' documents are downloaded)", required=False) try: args = vars(parser.parse_args()) manifestPath = os.path.abspath(args["manifestPath"]) localWorkingDir = os.path.abspath(args["localWorkingDir"]) s3 = boto3.resource('s3') app = Application(s3, manifestPath, localWorkingDir) if "documentName" in args and not args["documentName"] is None: app.downloadS3Document(args["documentName"]) else: app.downloadS3Documents() except Exception as ex: logging.exception("error in downloader") sys.exit(1)
from loghelper import LogHelper from tracehelper.tracehelper import Trace from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': # Initial log LOG = LogHelper.AppLog().LOGGER LOG.debug("init successful") trace = Trace([r'./test_data/a.log', r'./test_data/b.log', r'./test_data/c.log']) # trace = Trace([r'./test_data/c.log']) ############################### # develop _select = 'actimas/phs' my_list = trace.normalize_controller_log_dict(_select, suggestion=True) plt.plot(my_list)
class ScanFiles: backup_group = 1 run_id = -1 log_helper = LogHelper() log = log_helper.getLogger() db_helper = DBHelper() db_data = db_helper.getDictCursor() cursor = db_data["cursor"] file_helper = FileHelper() file_filter = [] dir_filter = [] def __init__(self, backup_group_id): self.backup_group = backup_group_id self.create_run() self.load_filters() def load_filters(self): cursor = self.cursor sql_loadfilefilter = 'Select expression from FILTERS ' \ 'where (BACKUPGROUP_ID = %s OR BACKUPGROUP_ID is null) ' \ 'and file = 1' sql_loaddirfilter = 'Select expression from FILTERS ' \ 'where (BACKUPGROUP_ID = %s OR BACKUPGROUP_ID is null) ' \ 'and dir = 1' try: cursor.execute(sql_loaddirfilter, (self.backup_group)) result = cursor.fetchall() self.dir_filter = self.compile_filters(result) cursor.execute(sql_loadfilefilter, (self.backup_group)) result = cursor.fetchall() self.file_filter = self.compile_filters(result) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def compile_filters(self, result_set): result = [] for data in result_set: raw_filter = '^(?=.*' + data["expression"].replace('*', '(.*)') + ').*' print(raw_filter) filter = re.compile(raw_filter) result.append(filter) return result def check_filter(self, filters, path): for filter in filters: match = filter.match(path) if match: return True return False def create_run(self): cursor = self.cursor sql = "INSERT INTO RUNS (BACKUPGROUP_ID, TIME_STARTED) VALUES (%s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" try: cursor.execute(sql, (self.backup_group)) self.run_id = cursor.lastrowid{ 'action': 'Create Run_ID', 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group }) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def scan_for_files(self): cursor = self.cursor sql_insert_file = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO FILES (backupgroup_id, path, path_hash) ' \ 'VALUES (%s, %s, md5(concat(%s, "-", %s)))' sql_insert_bu = """ INSERT INTO BACKUPITEMS (RUN_ID, FILE_ID, FILESIZE, LASTMODIFIED, BACKUPGROUP_ID) Select %s, id, %s, %s, %s from FILES where path_hash = md5(concat(%s, '-', %s)) """ dirs = self.get_basedirs(cursor) # ---------------- Scan Dirs totalfiles = 0 for dir in dirs: filesperdir = 0 filterdfiles = 0 started = int(round(time.time() * 1000)){ 'action': 'Start scanning Dir', 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'dir': dir['PATH'] }) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir['PATH']): for file in files: filesperdir += 1 file_hash = "" if filesperdir % 1000 == 0: cursor = self.new_connection() try: filedata = {} filedata['filepath'] = os.path.join(root, file) filedata['mtime'] = int( round( os.path.getmtime(filedata['filepath']) * 1000)) filedata['size'] = os.stat( filedata['filepath']).st_size # file filter filename = self.file_helper.get_filename( filedata['filepath']) if self.check_filter(self.file_filter, filename): print("Filtered (file) out " + filedata['filepath'] + ' (' + filename + ')') filterdfiles += 1 continue # dir filter parent = self.file_helper.get_parent( filedata['filepath']) if self.check_filter(self.dir_filter, parent): print("Filtered (dir) out " + filedata['filepath'] + ' (' + parent + ')') filterdfiles += 1 continue totalfiles += 1 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cursor.execute( sql_insert_file, (self.backup_group, filedata['filepath'], self.backup_group, filedata['filepath'])) cursor.execute( sql_insert_bu, (self.run_id, filedata['size'], filedata['mtime'], self.backup_group, self.backup_group, filedata['filepath'])) new_id = cursor.lastrowid affected_rows, file_hash = self.map_unchganged( cursor, filedata, new_id) if affected_rows > 0: self.log.debug({ 'action': 'Unchanged File', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'count': affected_rows }) else: file_hash = self.hash_match_or_create_item( cursor, filedata, new_id) if file_hash is not None: buffer_status = self.check_buffer_status( cursor, file_hash) if buffer_status <= 0: self.buffer_file(cursor, filedata, file_hash, new_id) else: self.log.debug({ 'action': 'File already Buffered', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': file_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) except Exception as e: cursor = self.new_connection() print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) if totalfiles % 10000 == 0: print("%s Files Scanned. Last Scanned: %s" % (totalfiles, filedata)) # print(filedata) finished = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) duration = finished - started divider = 1 if filesperdir > 0: divider = filesperdir per_file = duration / divider{ 'action': 'End scanning Dir', 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'dir': dir['PATH'], 'count': filesperdir, 'duration': duration, 'per_file': per_file, 'filtered': filterdfiles }) cursor = self.new_connection(){ 'action': 'End scanning Dirs', 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'count': totalfiles }) # ------------------ SET Hashing Complete cursor = self.new_connection() sql_sethashingsuccess = 'UPDATE RUNS SET SUCESSFUL = 1 WHERE ID = %s' try: cursor.execute(sql_sethashingsuccess, (self.run_id)){ 'action': 'Scanning and Hashing successful', 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group }) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def buffer_file(self, cursor, filedata, new_hash, new_id): sql_update_buffer_status = "Update ITEMS Set BUFFER_STATUS=%s where hash = %s and backupgroup_id = %s" sql_check_hash_exists = "select count(*) as count, max(id) as item_id from ITEMS where hash = %s and backupgroup_id = %s" sql_updatebuitem = 'update BACKUPITEMS set item_id = %s, hash = %s where id = %s ' # Build Target Path bufferpath = self.file_helper.buffer_path_from_hash( new_hash, self.backup_group) self.file_helper.create_parent_if_not_exist(bufferpath) # Copy File self.file_helper.copy_file(filedata['filepath'], bufferpath) # Validate Hash tgt_hash = self.file_helper.hash_file(bufferpath) if tgt_hash == new_hash: # Set Bufferstatus to 1 cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (1, new_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'File Buffered Successfully', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: # hash original again src_hash = self.file_helper.hash_file(filedata['filepath']) if src_hash != tgt_hash: # delete target and set buffer code to -1 self.file_helper.delete_file(bufferpath) cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (-1, new_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'Could not Buffer: Fast Changing', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: # Check if entry for new Hash exists cursor.execute(sql_check_hash_exists, (tgt_hash, self.backup_group)) rs2 = cursor.fetchone() if rs2["count"] == 0: # set orig Item Entry to -2 cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (-2, new_hash, self.backup_group)) # create items entry sql_insertitems = "Insert into ITEMS(backupgroup_id, hash, filesize) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql_insertitems, (self.backup_group, tgt_hash, os.stat(bufferpath).st_size)) # move file tgtpath2 = self.file_helper.buffer_path_from_hash( tgt_hash, self.backup_group) self.file_helper.create_parent_if_not_exist(tgtpath2) self.file_helper.move_file(bufferpath, tgtpath2) moved_hash = self.file_helper.hash_file(tgtpath2) if tgt_hash == moved_hash: # update BUI with new item and set buffer_status = 1 cursor.execute(sql_updatebuitem, (rs2["item_id"], tgt_hash, new_id)) cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (1, tgt_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'File Buffered Successfully but in Changed Version', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': tgt_hash, 'old hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: # Delete file and update item bufferstatus -4 self.file_helper.delete_file(tgtpath2) cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (-4, new_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'Could not Buffer: Changed and Fast Changing', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: buffer_status = self.check_buffer_status(tgt_hash) if buffer_status > 0: # delete target and change bui entry self.file_helper.delete_file(bufferpath) cursor.execute(sql_updatebuitem, (rs2["item_id"], tgt_hash, new_id)) cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (1, tgt_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'File Buffered Successfully Changed Version already in Buffer', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': tgt_hash, 'old hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: # move target tgtpath2 = self.file_helper.buffer_path_from_hash( tgt_hash, self.backup_group) self.file_helper.create_parent_if_not_exist(tgtpath2) self.file_helper.move_file(bufferpath, tgtpath2) moved_hash = self.file_helper.hash_file(tgtpath2) # validate new target if tgt_hash == moved_hash: cursor.execute(sql_updatebuitem, (rs2["item_id"], tgt_hash, new_id)){ 'action': 'File Buffered Successfully Changed Version in existing Item', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': tgt_hash, 'old hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) else: # Delete target and set buffer status -3 self.file_helper.delete_file(tgtpath2) cursor.execute(sql_update_buffer_status, (-3, new_hash, self.backup_group)){ 'action': 'Could not Buffer: Fast Changing in existing item', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'hash': new_hash, 'backup item': new_id }) def check_buffer_status(self, cursor, new_hash): sql_check_buffer_status = "SELECT BUFFER_STATUS FROM ITEMS I where hash = %s and backupgroup_id = %s" # print('[%s | %s]' % (new_hash, self.backup_group)) cursor.execute(sql_check_buffer_status, (new_hash, self.backup_group)) rs = cursor.fetchone() buffer_status = rs["BUFFER_STATUS"] return buffer_status def hash_match_or_create_item(self, cursor, filedata, new_id): sql_insertitems = "Insert into ITEMS(backupgroup_id, hash, filesize) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" # set hash and create item where necesarry # sql_sethash = 'UPDATE BACKUPITEMS SET HASH = %s WHERE id = %s' new_hash = self.file_helper.hash_file(filedata['filepath']) if new_hash is None: self.log.warn({ 'action': 'Could not hash', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, }) return new_hash cursor.execute(sql_sethash, (new_hash, new_id)) sql_matchwithitems = """ UPDATE BACKUPITEMS t inner join BACKUPITEMS b on = inner join ITEMS i on i.hash = b.hash SET b.ITEM_ID = where = %s and i.backupgroup_id = %s """ matched = cursor.execute(sql_matchwithitems, (new_id, self.backup_group)) if matched == 0: inserted = cursor.execute( sql_insertitems, (self.backup_group, new_hash, filedata['size'])) matched = cursor.execute(sql_matchwithitems, (new_id, self.backup_group)) else:{ 'action': 'File Unchanged', 'path': filedata['filepath'], 'run_id': self.run_id, 'backup_group': self.backup_group, 'count': matched, 'hash': new_hash }) return new_hash def map_unchganged(self, cursor, filedata, new_id): # check if file is unchanges sql_updateunchanged = """ Update BACKUPITEMS t inner join BACKUPITEMS as n on = inner join BACKUPITEMS as c on c.file_id = n.file_id and c.FILESIZE = n.FILESIZE and c.lastmodified = n.lastmodified inner join (select max(id) as id from BACKUPITEMS where file_id = (Select id from FILES where path_hash = md5(concat(%s, '-', %s))) and hash is not null) x on = SET t.item_id = c.item_id, t.hash=c.hash where = %s """ sql_gethash = "select hash from BACKUPITEMS as b where = %s" affected_rows = cursor.execute( sql_updateunchanged, (self.backup_group, filedata['filepath'], new_id)) mapped_hash = None if affected_rows > 0: cursor.execute(sql_gethash, new_id) rs = cursor.fetchone() mapped_hash = rs["hash"] return affected_rows, mapped_hash def get_basedirs(self, cursor): sql_dirs = 'Select PATH from DIRECTORY where BACKUPGROUP_ID = %s' # ---------------- Get Rlevant Base Dirs try: cursor.execute(sql_dirs, (self.backup_group)) dirs = cursor.fetchall() except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) return dirs def new_connection(self): self.db_helper.close(self.db_data) self.db_data = self.db_helper.getDictCursor() self.cursor = self.db_data["cursor"] return self.cursor
def main(): # get db cursor db_helper = DBHelper() file_helper = FileHelper() log_helper = LogHelper() log = log_helper.getLogger() db_data = db_helper.getDictCursor() cursor = db_data["cursor"]{ 'action': 'Restore started', 'BMU_PATH_SEARCH': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SEARCH'), 'BMU_PATH_REPLACE': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_REPLACE'), 'BMU_PATH_RUNID': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_RUNID'), 'BMU_PATH_DELIM': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DELIM'), 'BMU_PATH_DEPTH': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DEPTH'), 'BMU_PATH_SELECT': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SELECT') }) sql = """ select REPLACE(PATH, '%s', '%s') AS PATH, d.NAME as DRIVE, FILESIZE, i.HASH from BACKUPITEMS b inner join ITEMS i on b.item_id = inner join DRIVES d on COALESCE(DRIVE1_ID, DRIVE2_ID) = d.ID where b.run_id = %s and SUBSTRING_INDEX(path,'%s',%s) = '%s' order by COALESCE(DRIVE1_ID, DRIVE2_ID) asc, filesize desc """ % (os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SEARCH'), os.getenv('BMU_PATH_REPLACE'), os.getenv('BMU_PATH_RUNID'), os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DELIM'), os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DEPTH'), os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SELECT')) print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) files_to_restore = cursor.fetchall() count = 0 errors = "" error_list = [] for file_to_restore in files_to_restore: # print(file_to_restore) unescaped_path = file_to_restore['PATH'].replace('\\\\', '\\') # dirty hack: adds second backslash if path starts with backslash if str.startswith(unescaped_path, '\\'): unescaped_path = '\\' + unescaped_path file_to_restore['PATH'] = unescaped_path tgt = file_to_restore['PATH'] src = file_helper.path_from_hash(os.getenv('BMU_INT_ROOT'), file_to_restore['DRIVE'], file_to_restore['HASH']) if not file_helper.file_exists(tgt): while not file_helper.file_exists(src): print("Missing: " + src) input("Press Enter to continue...") if file_helper.file_exists(src): try: file_helper.create_parent_if_not_exist(tgt) file_helper.copy_file(src, tgt) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) errors += "Could not Copy " + src + " to " + tgt + ": " + str( e) error_list.append({ "source": src, "target": tgt, "exception": str(e) }) count += 1 print(tgt + " sucessfully restored [" + str(count) + "]") else: print(tgt + "allready exists, skipping") if count % 1000 == 0:{ 'action': 'Restore finished', 'BMU_PATH_SELECT': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SELECT'), 'BMU_PATH_RUNID': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_RUNID'), 'count': count, 'total': len(files_to_restore) }){ 'action': 'Restore finished', 'BMU_PATH_SEARCH': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SEARCH'), 'BMU_PATH_REPLACE': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_REPLACE'), 'BMU_PATH_RUNID': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_RUNID'), 'BMU_PATH_DELIM': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DELIM'), 'BMU_PATH_DEPTH': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_DEPTH'), 'BMU_PATH_SELECT': os.getenv('BMU_PATH_SELECT'), 'count': count, 'errors': error_list })
def downloadInstanceLog(self, instanceId, localDir): s3DocumentName = LogHelper.instanceLogFileName(instanceId) self.downloadInstanceData(instanceId, s3DocumentName, os.path.join(localDir, s3DocumentName))
# print("手机号:%s\n短信内容:%s\n" % (mobile,content)) SOAPMessage = self.RequestXml % (mobile, content, self.SmsSource, self.SupplierID, self.IsVoiceSms) # print(SOAPMessage) # print("\n") ws = WsRequest(SOAPMessage) result = ws.request() print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": argvLen = len(sys.argv) if argvLen < 2: msg = "没有设置参数".decode('utf-8') # print(msg) LogHelper().info(msg) sys.exit() elif argvLen < 3: msg = "参数设置不全".decode('utf-8') print(msg) LogHelper().info(msg) sys.exit() else: print(sys.argv[1]) print(sys.argv[2]) mobiles = sys.argv[1].split(',') # ['18888888888',] if cmp(platform.system(), 'Windows') == 0: content = sys.argv[2].decode('gbk').encode('utf-8') elif cmp(platform.system(), 'Linux') == 0: content = sys.argv[2] else:
def main(): """to be run on by each instance as a startup command""" import argparse, sys import boto3 #from powershell_s3 import powershell_s3 from s3interface import S3Interface from manifest import Manifest from instancemanager import InstanceManager from instancemetadatafactory import InstanceMetadataFactory from loghelper import LogHelper parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AWS Instance bootstrapper" + "Loads manifest which contains data and commands to run on this instance," + "downloads data from S3, runs commands, and uploads results to S3") parser.add_argument("--bucketName", help="the name of the S3 bucket to work with", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--manifestKey", help="the key pointing to the manifest file in the s3 bucket", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--instanceId", help="the id of this instance as defined in the manifest file", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--localWorkingDir", help= "a directory to store working files, it will be created if it does not exist on the instance", required=True) try: #boto3.set_stream_logger(name='botocore') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) bootstrapper = None bucketName = args["bucketName"] manifestKey = args["manifestKey"] instanceId = int(args["instanceId"]) localWorkingDir = args["localWorkingDir"] if not os.path.exists(localWorkingDir): os.makedirs(localWorkingDir) logPath = LogHelper.instanceLogPath(localWorkingDir, instanceId) LogHelper.start_logging(logPath)"startup")"creating boto3 s3 resource") s3 = boto3.resource('s3')"creating S3Interface") s3interface = S3Interface(s3, bucketName, localWorkingDir) localManifestPath = os.path.join(localWorkingDir, "manifest.json")"downloading manifest from S3") s3interface.downloadFile(manifestKey, localManifestPath) manifest = Manifest(localManifestPath) metafac = InstanceMetadataFactory(manifest) instancemanager = InstanceManager(s3interface, manifest, metafac) metadata = instancemanager.downloadMetaData(instanceId) bootstrapper = AWSInstanceBootStrapper(instanceId, manifest, s3interface, instancemanager, metadata) bootstrapper.DownloadS3Documents() bootstrapper.RunCommands() bootstrapper.UploadS3Documents() except Exception as ex: logging.exception("error in bootstrapper") if bootstrapper is not None: bootstrapper.UploadStatus() sys.exit(1)
class BackupFiles: drivepathinternal = os.getenv('BMU_INT_ROOT') drivepathexternal = os.getenv('BMU_EXT_ROOT') log_helper = LogHelper() log = log_helper.getLogger() db_helper = DBHelper() db_data = db_helper.getDictCursor() cursor = db_data["cursor"] file_helper = FileHelper() def __init__(self): pass def backup_files(self, backupgroup_id, external): logger = self.log filehelper = self.file_helper if external: drivepath = self.drivepathexternal else: drivepath = self.drivepathinternal drive_info = self.get_drive(backupgroup_id, external){ 'action': 'Starting Backuping Files', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'Drive Info': drive_info }) free_disk_space, free_quota = self.get_free_space( drive_info, drivepath){ 'action': 'Free Space', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'Drive Info': drive_info, 'free_quota': free_quota, 'free_space': free_disk_space }) if free_disk_space <= 0 or free_quota <= 0: logger.warn({ 'action': 'Disk Full, Aborting', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'Drive Info': drive_info, 'free_quota': free_quota, 'free_space': free_disk_space }) return drive_info["id"] files_to_save = self.get_filestosave(backupgroup_id, external) total_files = len(files_to_save) files_saved = 0{ 'action': 'Files To backup', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'files_to_backup': total_files }) skip_big = 0 for file_to_save in files_to_save: # # temporaray code for testing # # if file_to_save["filesize"] > 5000000000: #"Skipping File to big because of temporary file Size limit 5GB : %s" % file_to_save) # continue # # End of Temporary Code if free_disk_space < file_to_save[ "filesize"] or free_quota < file_to_save["filesize"]:{ 'action': 'Skipping File to big for remaining Space', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save }) skip_big += 1 continue target = filehelper.path_from_hash(drivepath, drive_info["name"], file_to_save["hash"]) source = filehelper.buffer_path_from_hash(file_to_save["hash"], backupgroup_id){ 'action': 'Copying File', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save }) if not filehelper.copy_file(source, target): logger.error({ 'action': 'Copying File', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save, 'source': source, 'target': target }) self.mark_item(backupgroup_id, file_to_save["hash"], external, -9) continue hash_tgt = filehelper.hash_file(target) if hash_tgt != file_to_save["hash"]: logger.error({ 'action': 'Hash not Matching', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save, 'hash_target': hash_tgt, 'target': target }) hash_src_new = filehelper.hash_file(source) if file_to_save["hash"] == hash_src_new: filehelper.delete_file(target) self.mark_item(backupgroup_id, file_to_save["hash"], external, -1) logger.error( "File changed during copying from buffer %s : %s != %s" % (target, hash_tgt, hash_src_new)) logger.error({ 'action': 'File changed during copying from buffer', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save, 'hash_target': hash_tgt, 'target': target, 'hash_src_new': hash_src_new }) continue else: filehelper.delete_file(target) self.mark_item(backupgroup_id, file_to_save["hash"], external, -2) logger.error({ 'action': 'Buffered File does not produce correct hash', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save, 'hash_target': hash_tgt, 'target': target, 'hash_src_new': hash_src_new }) continue else: self.mark_item(backupgroup_id, file_to_save["hash"], external, drive_info["id"]){ 'action': 'Backup File Successful', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'file_to_backup': file_to_save, 'hash_target': hash_tgt, 'target': target }) files_saved += 1 free_quota = free_quota - file_to_save["filesize"] free_disk_space = filehelper.freespace(drivepath){ 'action': 'Remaining Free Space', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'Drive Info': drive_info, 'free_quota': free_quota, 'free_space': free_disk_space }){ 'action': 'Finished Backup', 'backup_group': backupgroup_id, 'external': external, 'Drive Info': drive_info, 'free_quota': free_quota, 'free_space': free_disk_space, 'Files_To_Save': total_files, 'Files_Saved': files_saved }) if skip_big > 0: return drive_info["id"] else: return 0 def get_filestosave(self, backupgroup_id: int, external: bool): cursor = self.cursor tracking_field = 'DRIVE1_ID' if external: tracking_field = 'DRIVE2_ID' sql_getfilesforrun = """ Select as item_id, i.hash as hash, i.filesize as filesize, i.drive1_id as drive1_id, i.drive2_id as drive2_id, i.buffer_status from ITEMS i where (i.%s is null or i.%s = 0) and i.buffer_status = 1 and i.backupgroup_id = %s order by filesize desc """ % (tracking_field, tracking_field, backupgroup_id) # print(sql_getfilesforrun) try: cursor.execute(sql_getfilesforrun) files = cursor.fetchall() return files except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def get_drive(self, backupgroup_id, external): cursor = self.cursor sql_getdrive = """SELECT id, name, drivefull, extern, maxsize, drive_id, group_id FROM DRIVES d inner join DRIVES_GROUPS dg on = dg.drive_id where group_id = %s and drivefull = false and extern = %s limit 1 """ % (backupgroup_id, external) try: cursor.execute(sql_getdrive) result = cursor.fetchone() return result except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) return {} def get_free_space(self, drive_info: dict, drivepath: str): filehelper = self.file_helper cursor = self.cursor disk = filehelper.freespace(drivepath) sql_getusedspace = """ select sum(size) size from ( select max(filesize) as size, i.hash from ITEMS i where i.backupgroup_id = %s and (i.DRIVE1_ID = %s or i.DRIVE2_ID = %s) group by i.hash) x """ % (drive_info["group_id"], drive_info["id"], drive_info["id"]) # print(sql_getusedspace) try: cursor.execute(sql_getusedspace) result = cursor.fetchone() # print(result) if result["size"] is None: logical = int(drive_info["maxsize"]) else: logical = int(drive_info["maxsize"]) - int(result["size"]) return disk, logical except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) return disk, 0 def mark_item(self, bg_id, hash, external, status): tracking_field = 'DRIVE1_ID' if external: tracking_field = 'DRIVE2_ID' cursor = self.cursor sql_updateitem = 'update ITEMS i set %s = %s where backupgroup_id= %s and hash = "%s" ' % \ (tracking_field, status, bg_id, hash) try: cursor.execute(sql_updateitem) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def is_hash_known(self, hash, backup_group): cursor = self.cursor sql_updateitem = 'select id from ITEMS where backupgroup_id = %s and hash = \'%s\'' % \ (backup_group, hash) try: cursor.execute(sql_updateitem) data = cursor.fetchall() if len(data) == 0: return 0 else: return data[0]["id"] except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) return 0 def change_item_in_bui(self, bui_id, item_id, hash): cursor = self.cursor sql_updatebuitem = 'update BACKUPITEMS set item_id = %s, hash = \'%s\' where id = %s ' % \ (item_id, hash, bui_id) print(sql_updatebuitem) try: cursor.execute(sql_updatebuitem) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def create_item(self, bg_id, hash, external, status, size): tracking_field = 'DRIVE1_ID' sql_insertitem = 'insert into ITEMS (backupgroup_id, hash, %s, filesize) values (%s, \'%s\', %s, %s)' % \ (tracking_field, bg_id, hash, status, size) if external: tracking_field = 'DRIVE2_ID' sql_insertitem = 'insert into ITEMS (backupgroup_id, hash, DRIVE1_ID, DRIVE2_ID, filesize) values (%s, \'%s\', -12, %s, %s)' % \ (bg_id, hash, status, size) cursor = self.cursor try: cursor.execute(sql_insertitem) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def close_finished_runs(self): sql_get_finished = """ Select id, coalesce(x.count, 0) as count from RUNS r LEFT OUTER JOIN ( Select run_id, count(*) as count from BACKUPITEMS b inner join ITEMS i on (b.item_id = where i.DRIVE1_ID < 0 or i.DRIVE2_ID < 0 group by run_id ) x on = x.run_id where (ALL_SAVED IS NULL or ALL_SAVED = 0) and id not in ( Select distinct b.run_id as run_id from BACKUPITEMS b inner join ITEMS i on (b.item_id = where ((i.DRIVE1_ID is null or i.DRIVE1_ID = 0) or (i.DRIVE2_ID is null or i.DRIVE2_ID = 0)) ) """ sql_update_run = "UPDATE RUNS SET ALL_SAVED = 1, ERRORS_SAVING = %s where ID = %s" cursor = self.cursor try: cursor.execute(sql_get_finished) runs = cursor.fetchall() logger = self.log for run in runs: cursor.execute(sql_update_run, (run["count"], run["id"]))"Saved Run %s with %s Errors" % (run["id"], run["count"])){ 'action': 'Saved Runs', 'run_id': run["id"], 'Errors': run["count"] }) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def cleanupBuffer(self): fh = FileHelper() dbh = DBHelper() logger = self.log sql_savedbuffer = "select * from ITEMS where (DRIVE1_ID > 0 and DRIVE2_ID > 0) and buffer_status = 1 order by id " sql_updatebufferstatus = "UPDATE ITEMS SET BUFFER_STATUS = 2 WHERE ID = %s" usage = fh.bufferusage() print(usage) try: db = dbh.getDictCursor() cursor = db["cursor"] cursor.execute(sql_savedbuffer) result = cursor.fetchall() for file in result: if usage <= 0.8: break fh.removefrombuffer(file["HASH"], file["BACKUPGROUP_ID"]) usage = fh.bufferusage() cursor.execute(sql_updatebufferstatus, (file["ID"])) print("removed %s from buffer for BG %s " % (file["HASH"], file["BACKUPGROUP_ID"])) print(usage){ 'action': 'Removed from Buffer', 'hash': file["HASH"], 'bachup_group': file["BACKUPGROUP_ID"], "size": file["FILESIZE"] }) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb) def set_drive_full(self, id): cursor = self.cursor sql_updateitem = 'update DRIVES set drivefull = 1 where id=%s ' % id try: cursor.execute(sql_updateitem) except Exception as e: print("Exception") # sql error print(e) tb = e.__traceback__ traceback.print_tb(tb)