Beispiel #1
def rain(update, coin_properties: CoinProperties):
    ticker = coin_properties.ticker
    arguments = update.message.text.split(' ')
    user = commonhelper.get_username(update)

    if len(arguments) < 2:
        raise BotUserError(messages.rain_error(ticker.lower()))

    amount_to_rain = arguments[1]
    total_balance, wallet_balance = commonhelper.get_user_balance(
        user, coin_properties)
    amount_to_rain = commonhelper.get_validated_amount(amount_to_rain, user,
    eligible_users = ActivityTracker().get_current_active_users(update, user)

    commonhelper.move_to_main(coin_properties, user, wallet_balance)

    if len(eligible_users) == 0:
        raise BotUserError('Found no active users except You... :\'(')

        Configuration.TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME)  # Give some to the bot
    amount_per_user = amount_to_rain / len(eligible_users)
    amount_per_user = round_down(amount_per_user, 8)
    amount_remainder = round_down(
        amount_to_rain - amount_per_user * len(eligible_users) +
        amount_per_user, 8)
    at_users = '|'
    users_balance_changes = []
    connection = database.create_connection()

    with connection:
        users_balance_changes.append((user, ticker, str(-amount_to_rain)))

        for eligible_user in eligible_users:
            if eligible_user is Configuration.TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME:
                    (eligible_user, ticker, str(amount_remainder)))
                    (eligible_user, ticker, str(amount_per_user)))
            at_users = at_users.__add__(' @' + eligible_user + ' |')

        database.execute_many(connection, Statements['UPDATE_USER_BALANCE'],
        f'rain amount ´{amount_to_rain}´ split between {len( eligible_users )} users.'

    return f'@{user} has rained {amount_to_rain} {ticker} to ' \
           f'{len( eligible_users )} active users: {at_users}\n{amount_per_user} ' \
           f'{ticker} received per user.',
Beispiel #2
def market(update, coin_properties: CoinProperties):
    ticker = coin_properties.ticker
    fiat_price = markethelper.get_fiat_price(ticker)
    market_cap = markethelper.get_market_cap(ticker)
    fiat_price = round_down(fiat_price, 2)
    market_cap = round(market_cap, 2)

    return f'The current market cap of {ticker} is $ {market_cap}.\n' \
           f'1 {ticker} is valued at $ {fiat_price}.',
Beispiel #3
def balance(update, coin_properties: CoinProperties):
    ticker = coin_properties.ticker
    user = commonhelper.get_username(update)
    fiat_price = markethelper.get_fiat_price(ticker)
    total_balance, wallet_balance = commonhelper.get_user_balance(
        user, coin_properties)
    total_balance = round_down(total_balance, 8)
    fiat_balance = total_balance * decimal.Decimal(fiat_price)
    fiat_balance = round_down(fiat_balance, 2)

    if total_balance == 0:
        message = f'@{user}, Your current balance is empty.'
        message = f'@{user}, Your current balance is: {total_balance} {ticker}'

    if fiat_balance != 0:
        message += f' ≈  $ {fiat_balance:.2f}'

    commonhelper.move_to_main(coin_properties, user, wallet_balance)

    return message,
def get_user_balance( user, coin_properties: CoinProperties ):
        user_balance = clientcommandprocessor.run_client_command( coin_properties.rpc_configuration, 'getbalance', None, user )
        connection = database.create_connection()

        with connection:
            user_off_chain_balance = database.fetch_result( connection, Statements[ 'SELECT_USER_OFF_CHAIN_BALANCE' ], (user, coin_properties.ticker) )

        if user_off_chain_balance is None:
            user_off_chain_balance = 0

        user_off_chain_balance = round_down( user_off_chain_balance, 8 )
        total_balance = user_balance + user_off_chain_balance

        return total_balance, user_balance
    except BotUserError:
        raise BotUserError
def get_validated_amount( amount, user, user_balance ):
        if amount.lower() == 'all':
            amount = user_balance
            amount = round_down( amount, 8 )
    except ValueError:
        raise BotUserError( f'´{amount}´ is not a valid amount' )

    if amount <= 0:
        raise BotUserError( f'Amount has to be bigger than 0' )

    if float( amount ) < 0.1:
        raise BotUserError( f'Amount has to be greater or equal to 0.1' )

    if user_balance < amount:
        raise BotUserError( f'@{user}, You have insufficient funds.' )

    return amount
Beispiel #6
def withdraw(update, coin_properties: CoinProperties):
    ticker = coin_properties.ticker
    arguments = update.message.text.split(' ')

    user = commonhelper.get_username(update)

    if len(arguments) < 3:
        raise BotUserError(messages.withdraw_error(ticker.lower()))

    address = arguments[1]
    address = commonhelper.get_validated_address(address, coin_properties)
    amount = arguments[2]
    total_balance, wallet_balance = commonhelper.get_user_balance(
        user, coin_properties)
    amount = commonhelper.get_validated_amount(amount, user, total_balance)
    configured_transaction_fee = round_down(coin_properties.withdrawal_fee, 8)

    if amount < coin_properties.minimum_withdraw:
        raise BotUserError(
            f'Minimum allowed withdrawal amount is {configured_transaction_fee}{ticker}.'

    if arguments[2].lower is 'all':
        amount -= configured_transaction_fee
    elif amount + configured_transaction_fee > total_balance:
        raise BotUserError(
            f'Unable to withdraw {amount}{ticker}. '
            f'Amount combined with withdrawal fee {configured_transaction_fee}{ticker} exceeds the available balance: '
            f'{round_down( amount + configured_transaction_fee, 8 )}{ticker} > {round_down( total_balance, 8 )}{ticker}.'

    commonhelper.move_to_main(coin_properties, user, wallet_balance)
    transaction_id = clientcommandprocessor.run_client_command(
        coin_properties.rpc_configuration, 'sendtoaddress', None, address,
    real_transaction_fee = commonhelper.get_transaction_fee(
        coin_properties.rpc_configuration, transaction_id)

    users_balance_changes = [
        (user, ticker, str(-amount - configured_transaction_fee)),
        (Configuration.TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME, ticker,
         str(configured_transaction_fee + real_transaction_fee))

        connection = database.create_connection()
        with connection:
    except Exception as e:
        return messages.GENERIC_ERROR

    blockchain_explorer: BlockchainExplorerConfiguration = coin_properties.blockchain_explorer

    if blockchain_explorer is not None:
        address = f'<a href="{blockchain_explorer.url}/{blockchain_explorer.address_prefix}/{address}">{address}</a>'
        transaction_id = f'<a href="{blockchain_explorer.url}/{blockchain_explorer.tx_prefix}/{transaction_id}">{transaction_id}</a>'

    return f'@{user} has successfully withdrawn {amount}{ticker} to address: {address}.<pre>\r\n</pre>TX:&#160;{transaction_id}. ' \
           f'Withdrawal fee of {configured_transaction_fee}{ticker} was applied.', 'HTML'