Beispiel #1
def sort_infer(term):
    res = concretize_sorts(term)
    for x in chain(lu.used_variables(res),lu.used_constants(res)):
        if lg.contains_topsort(x.sort) or lg.is_polymorphic(x.sort):
            raise IvyError(None,"cannot infer sort of {} in {}".format(x,term))
#    print "sort_infer: res = {!r}".format(res)
    return res
Beispiel #2
def sort_infer(term):
    res = concretize_sorts(term)
    for x in chain(lu.used_variables(res),lu.used_constants(res)):
        if lg.contains_topsort(x.sort) or lg.is_polymorphic(x.sort):
            raise IvyError(None,"cannot infer sort of {}".format(x))
#    print "sort_infer: res = {!r}".format(res)
    return res
Beispiel #3
def check_concretely_sorted(term,no_error=False,unsorted_var_names=()):
    for x in chain(lu.used_variables(term),lu.used_constants(term)):
        if lg.contains_topsort(x.sort) or lg.is_polymorphic(x.sort):
            if not in unsorted_var_names:
                if no_error:
                    raise lg.SortError
                raise IvyError(None,"cannot infer sort of {} in {}".format(x,repr(term)))
Beispiel #4
def check_concretely_sorted(term, no_error=False, unsorted_var_names=()):
    for x in chain(lu.used_variables(term), lu.used_constants(term)):
        if lg.contains_topsort(x.sort) or lg.is_polymorphic(x.sort):
            if not in unsorted_var_names:
                if no_error:
                    raise lg.SortError
                raise IvyError(
                    "cannot infer sort of {} in {}".format(x, repr(term)))
Beispiel #5
def is_concretely_sorted(term):
    return not lg.contains_topsort(term) and not lg.is_polymorphic(term)
Beispiel #6
def is_concretely_sorted(term):
    return not lg.contains_topsort(term) and not lg.is_polymorphic(term)
Beispiel #7
def infer_sorts(t, env=None):
    Infer the sort of term t in environment env.

    env maps symbol names to sort variables.

    The result is a pair: (s, tt) where s is a sort or sort variable
    with the sort of t in env, and tt is a closure that, when called,
    will concretize t according to inferred sort information at its
    call time.

    If env is not None, it must contain all the free variables and
    constants used in t.

    if env is None:
        names = free_variables(t,
                                                   for x in used_constants(t))
        env = dict((name, SortVar()) for name in names)

    if type(t) in (Var, Const):
        if is_polymorphic(t):  # each instance can have different sort
            s = insert_sortvars(t.sort, {})
            s = env[]
            unify(s, t.sort)
        return s, lambda: type(t)(, convert_from_sortvars(s))

    elif type(t) is Apply:
        func_s, func_t = infer_sorts(t.func, env)
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.terms]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        sorts = terms_s + [SortVar()]
        unify(func_s, FunctionSort(*sorts))
        return sorts[-1], lambda: Apply(func_t(), *(x() for x in terms_t))

    elif type(t) is Eq:
        s1, t1 = infer_sorts(t.t1, env)
        s2, t2 = infer_sorts(t.t2, env)
        unify(s1, s2)
        return Boolean, lambda: Eq(t1(), t2())

    elif type(t) is Ite:
        s_cond, t_cond = infer_sorts(t.cond, env)
        s_then, t_then = infer_sorts(t.t_then, env)
        s_else, t_else = infer_sorts(t.t_else, env)
        unify(s_cond, Boolean)
        unify(s_then, s_else)
        return s_then, lambda: Ite(t_cond(), t_then(), t_else())

    elif type(t) in (Not, And, Or, Implies, Iff):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        for s in terms_s:
            unify(s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(*[x() for x in terms_t])

    elif type(t) in (ForAll, Exists):
        # create a copy of the environment and shadow that quantified
        # variables
        env = env.copy()
        env.update((, SortVar()) for v in t.variables)
        vars_t = [infer_sorts(v, env)[1] for v in t.variables]
        body_s, body_t = infer_sorts(t.body, env)
        unify(body_s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(
            [x() for x in vars_t],

    elif hasattr(t, 'clone'):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.args]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        return TopSort(), lambda: t.clone([x() for x in terms_t])

        assert False, type(t)
Beispiel #8
def infer_sorts(t, env=None):
    Infer the sort of term t in environment env.

    env maps symbol names to sort variables.

    The result is a pair: (s, tt) where s is a sort or sort variable
    with the sort of t in env, and tt is a closure that, when called,
    will concretize t according to inferred sort information at its
    call time.

    If env is not None, it must contain all the free variables and
    constants used in t.

    if env is None:
        names = free_variables(t, by_name=True).union(
   for x in used_constants(t)
        env = dict((name, SortVar()) for name in names)

    if type(t) in (Var, Const):
        if is_polymorphic(t):  # each instance can have different sort
            s = insert_sortvars(t.sort,{})
            s = env[]
            unify(s, t.sort)
        return s, lambda: type(t)(, convert_from_sortvars(s))

    elif type(t) is Apply:
        func_s, func_t = infer_sorts(t.func, env)
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.terms]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        sorts = terms_s + [SortVar()]
        unify(func_s, FunctionSort(*sorts))
        return sorts[-1], lambda: Apply(func_t(), *(
            x() for x in terms_t

    elif type(t) is Eq:
        s1, t1 = infer_sorts(t.t1, env)
        s2, t2 = infer_sorts(t.t2, env)
        unify(s1, s2)
        return Boolean, lambda: Eq(t1(), t2())

    elif type(t) is Ite:
        s_cond, t_cond = infer_sorts(t.cond, env)
        s_then, t_then = infer_sorts(t.t_then, env)
        s_else, t_else = infer_sorts(t.t_else, env)
        unify(s_cond, Boolean)
        unify(s_then, s_else)
        return s_then, lambda: Ite(t_cond(), t_then(), t_else())

    elif type(t) in (Not, And, Or, Implies, Iff):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t]
        terms_s = [x for x, y in xys]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        for s in terms_s:
            unify(s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(*[
            x() for x in terms_t

    elif type(t) in (ForAll, Exists):
        # create a copy of the environment and shadow that quantified
        # variables
        env = env.copy()
        env.update((, SortVar()) for v in t.variables)
        vars_t = [infer_sorts(v, env)[1] for v in t.variables]
        body_s, body_t = infer_sorts(t.body, env)
        unify(body_s, Boolean)
        return Boolean, lambda: type(t)(
            [x() for x in vars_t],

    elif hasattr(t,'clone'):
        xys = [infer_sorts(tt, env) for tt in t.args]
        terms_t = [y for x, y in xys]
        return TopSort(), lambda: t.clone([
            x() for x in terms_t
        assert False, type(t)