Beispiel #1
class talbased(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, write=True):
        ##         if not osp.isfile(filepath):
        ##             # print "[] just for tests..."
        ##             # get parent frame
        ##             directory = osp.abspath(osp.dirname(sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__file__']))
        ##             filepath = osp.join(directory, filepath)
        self.filename = filename
        self.write = write

    def __call__(self, viewfunc):
        def wrapped(instance, *args, **kwargs):
            variables = viewfunc(instance, *args, **kwargs)
            html = instance.tal_render(self._compiled_template(instance),
            if self.write:
                return html

        return wrapped

    def _compiled_template(self, instance):
        for fileordirectory in instance.config.appobjects_path():
            filepath = join(fileordirectory, self.filename)
            if isdir(fileordirectory) and exists(filepath):
                return compile_template_file(filepath)
        raise Exception('no such template %s' % self.filename)

    _compiled_template = cached(_compiled_template, 0)
Beispiel #2
 class Foo(object):
     def foo(self):
         """ what's up doc ? """
     def bar(self, zogzog):
         """ what's up doc ? """
     bar = cached(bar, 1)
     def quux(self, zogzog):
         """ what's up doc ? """
Beispiel #3
class Function(Statement, Lambda):
    _astng_fields = ('decorators', 'args', 'body')

    special_attributes = set(('__name__', '__doc__', '__dict__'))
    is_function = True
    # attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories
    blockstart_tolineno = None
    decorators = None

    def __init__(self, name, doc):
        self.locals = {}
        self.args = []
        self.body = []
        self.decorators = None = name
        self.doc = doc
        self.extra_decorators = []
        self.instance_attrs = {}

    def set_line_info(self, lastchild):
        self.fromlineno = self.lineno
        # lineno is the line number of the first decorator, we want the def statement lineno
        if self.decorators is not None:
            self.fromlineno += len(self.decorators.nodes)
        self.tolineno = lastchild.tolineno
        self.blockstart_tolineno = self.args.tolineno

    def block_range(self, lineno):
        """return block line numbers.

        start from the "def" position whatever the given lineno
        return self.fromlineno, self.tolineno

    def getattr(self, name, context=None):
        """this method doesn't look in the instance_attrs dictionary since it's
        done by an Instance proxy at inference time.
        if name == '__module__':
            return [cf(self.root().qname())]
        if name in self.instance_attrs:
            return self.instance_attrs[name]
        return std_special_attributes(self, name, False)

    def is_method(self):
        """return true if the function node should be considered as a method"""
        # check we are defined in a Class, because this is usually expected
        # (e.g. pylint...) when is_method() return True
        return self.type != 'function' and isinstance(self.parent.frame(), Class)

    def decoratornames(self):
        """return a list of decorator qualified names"""
        result = set()
        decoratornodes = []
        if self.decorators is not None:
            decoratornodes += self.decorators.nodes
        decoratornodes += self.extra_decorators
        for decnode in decoratornodes:
            for infnode in decnode.infer():
        return result
    decoratornames = cached(decoratornames)

    def is_bound(self):
        """return true if the function is bound to an Instance or a class"""
        return self.type == 'classmethod'

    def is_abstract(self, pass_is_abstract=True):
        """return true if the method is abstract
        It's considered as abstract if the only statement is a raise of
        NotImplementError, or, if pass_is_abstract, a pass statement
        for child_node in self.body:
            if isinstance(child_node, Raise):
                if child_node.raises_not_implemented():
                    return True
            if pass_is_abstract and isinstance(child_node, Pass):
                return True
            return False
        # empty function is the same as function with a single "pass" statement
        if pass_is_abstract:
            return True

    def is_generator(self):
        """return true if this is a generator function"""
        # XXX should be flagged, not computed
            return self.nodes_of_class(Yield, skip_klass=Function).next()
        except StopIteration:
            return False

    def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
        """infer what a function is returning when called"""
        if self.is_generator():
            yield Generator(self)
        returns = self.nodes_of_class(Return, skip_klass=Function)
        for returnnode in returns:
            if returnnode.value is None:
                yield Const(None)
                    for infered in returnnode.value.infer(context):
                        yield infered
                except InferenceError:
                    yield YES
Beispiel #4
class Function(Statement, Lambda):
    if PY3K:
        _astroid_fields = ('decorators', 'args', 'body', 'returns')
        returns = None
        _astroid_fields = ('decorators', 'args', 'body')

    special_attributes = set(('__name__', '__doc__', '__dict__'))
    is_function = True
    # attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories
    blockstart_tolineno = None
    decorators = None
    _type = "function"
    type = cachedproperty(_function_type)

    def __init__(self, name, doc):
        self.locals = {}
        self.args = []
        self.body = [] = name
        self.doc = doc
        self.extra_decorators = []
        self.instance_attrs = {}

    def fromlineno(self):
        # lineno is the line number of the first decorator, we want the def
        # statement lineno
        lineno = self.lineno
        if self.decorators is not None:
            lineno += sum(node.tolineno - node.lineno + 1
                                   for node in self.decorators.nodes)

        return lineno

    def blockstart_tolineno(self):
        return self.args.tolineno

    def block_range(self, lineno):
        """return block line numbers.

        start from the "def" position whatever the given lineno
        return self.fromlineno, self.tolineno

    def getattr(self, name, context=None):
        """this method doesn't look in the instance_attrs dictionary since it's
        done by an Instance proxy at inference time.
        if name == '__module__':
            return [cf(self.root().qname())]
        if name in self.instance_attrs:
            return self.instance_attrs[name]
        return std_special_attributes(self, name, False)

    def is_method(self):
        """return true if the function node should be considered as a method"""
        # check we are defined in a Class, because this is usually expected
        # (e.g. pylint...) when is_method() return True
        return self.type != 'function' and isinstance(self.parent.frame(), Class)

    def decoratornames(self):
        """return a list of decorator qualified names"""
        result = set()
        decoratornodes = []
        if self.decorators is not None:
            decoratornodes += self.decorators.nodes
        decoratornodes += self.extra_decorators
        for decnode in decoratornodes:
            for infnode in decnode.infer():
        return result
    decoratornames = cached(decoratornames)

    def is_bound(self):
        """return true if the function is bound to an Instance or a class"""
        return self.type == 'classmethod'

    def is_abstract(self, pass_is_abstract=True):
        """Returns True if the method is abstract.

        A method is considered abstract if
         - the only statement is 'raise NotImplementedError', or
         - the only statement is 'pass' and pass_is_abstract is True, or
         - the method is annotated with abc.astractproperty/abc.abstractmethod
        if self.decorators:
            for node in self.decorators.nodes:
                    infered = next(node.infer())
                except InferenceError:
                if infered and infered.qname() in ('abc.abstractproperty',
                    return True

        for child_node in self.body:
            if isinstance(child_node, Raise):
                if child_node.raises_not_implemented():
                    return True
            if pass_is_abstract and isinstance(child_node, Pass):
                return True
            return False
        # empty function is the same as function with a single "pass" statement
        if pass_is_abstract:
            return True

    def is_generator(self):
        """return true if this is a generator function"""
        # XXX should be flagged, not computed
        return next(self.nodes_of_class((Yield, YieldFrom),
                                        skip_klass=(Function, Lambda)), False)

    def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
        """infer what a function is returning when called"""
        if self.is_generator():
            yield Generator()
        # This is really a gigantic hack to work around metaclass generators
        # that return transient class-generating functions. Pylint's AST structure
        # cannot handle a base class object that is only used for calling __new__,
        # but does not contribute to the inheritance structure itself. We inject
        # a fake class into the hierarchy here for several well-known metaclass
        # generators, and filter it out later.
        if ( == 'with_metaclass' and 
                len(self.args.args) == 1 and 
                self.args.vararg is not None):
            metaclass = next(caller.args[0].infer(context))
            if isinstance(metaclass, Class):
                c = Class('temporary_class', None)
                c.hide = True
                c.parent = self
                c.bases = [next(b.infer(context)) for b in caller.args[1:]]
                c._metaclass = metaclass
                yield c
        returns = self.nodes_of_class(Return, skip_klass=Function)
        for returnnode in returns:
            if returnnode.value is None:
                yield Const(None)
                    for infered in returnnode.value.infer(context):
                        yield infered
                except InferenceError:
                    yield YES
Beispiel #5
class CWUser(AnyEntity):
    __regid__ = 'CWUser'
    fetch_attrs, cw_fetch_order = fetch_config(
        ['login', 'firstname', 'surname'])
    cw_fetch_unrelated_order = cw_fetch_order

    # used by repository to check if  the user can log in or not
    AUTHENTICABLE_STATES = ('activated', )

    # low level utilities #####################################################

    def groups(self):
        key = user_session_cache_key(self.eid, 'groups')
            return self._cw.transaction_data[key]
        except KeyError:
            with self._cw.security_enabled(read=False):
                groups = set(group for group, in self._cw.execute(
                    'Any GN WHERE U in_group G, G name GN, U eid %(userid)s',
                    {'userid': self.eid}))
            self._cw.transaction_data[key] = groups
            return groups

    def properties(self):
        key = user_session_cache_key(self.eid, 'properties')
            return self._cw.transaction_data[key]
        except KeyError:
            with self._cw.security_enabled(read=False):
                properties = dict(
                        'Any K, V WHERE P for_user U, U eid %(userid)s, '
                        'P pkey K, P value V', {'userid': self.eid}))
            self._cw.transaction_data[key] = properties
            return properties

    def prefered_language(self, language=None):
        """return language used by this user, if explicitly defined (eg not
        using http negociation)
        language = language or self.property_value('ui.language')
        vreg = self._cw.vreg
        except KeyError:
            language = vreg.property_value('ui.language')
            assert language in vreg.config.translations[language], language
        return language

    def property_value(self, key):
            # properties stored on the user aren't correctly typed
            # (e.g. all values are unicode string)
            return self._cw.vreg.typed_value(key,[key])
        except KeyError:
        except ValueError:
            self.warning('incorrect value for eproperty %s of user %s', key,
        return self._cw.vreg.property_value(key)

    def set_property(self, pkey, value):
            prop = self._cw.execute(
                'CWProperty X WHERE X pkey %(k)s, X for_user U, U eid %(u)s', {
                    'k': pkey,
                    'u': self.eid
                }).get_entity(0, 0)
        except Exception:
            kwargs = dict(pkey=pkey, value=value)
            if self.is_in_group('managers'):
                kwargs['for_user'] = self
            self._cw.create_entity('CWProperty', **kwargs)

    def matching_groups(self, groups):
        """return the number of the given group(s) in which the user is

        :type groups: str or iterable(str)
        :param groups: a group name or an iterable on group names
        if isinstance(groups, str):
            groups = frozenset((groups, ))
        elif isinstance(groups, (tuple, list)):
            groups = frozenset(groups)
        return len(
            & self.groups)  # XXX return the resulting set instead of its size

    def is_in_group(self, group):
        """convience / shortcut method to test if the user belongs to `group`
        return group in self.groups

    def is_anonymous(self):
        """ checks if user is an anonymous user"""
        # FIXME on the web-side anonymous user is detected according to config['anonymous-user'],
        # we don't have this info on the server side.
        return self.groups == frozenset(('guests', ))

    def owns(self, eid):
            return self._cw.execute(
                'Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s, X owned_by U, U eid %(u)s', {
                    'x': eid,
                    'u': self.eid
        except Unauthorized:
            return False

    owns = cached(owns, keyarg=1)

    # presentation utilities ##################################################

    def name(self):
        """construct a name using firstname / surname or login if not defined"""

        if self.firstname and self.surname:
            return self._cw._('%(firstname)s %(surname)s') % {
                'firstname': self.firstname,
                'surname': self.surname
        if self.firstname:
            return self.firstname
        return self.login

    def dc_title(self):
        return self.login

    dc_long_title = name