Beispiel #1
def test_goaleval():
    x, y = var("x"), var("y")
    g = eq(x, 2)
    assert goaleval(g) == g
    assert callable(goaleval((eq, x, 2)))
    raises(EarlyGoalError, lambda: goaleval((membero, x, y)))
    assert callable(goaleval((lall, (eq, x, 2))))
Beispiel #2
def test_goaleval():
    x, y = var('x'), var('y')
    g = eq(x, 2)
    assert goaleval(g) == g
    assert callable(goaleval((eq, x, 2)))
    raises(EarlyGoalError, lambda: goaleval((membero, x, y)))
    assert callable(goaleval((lall, (eq, x, 2))))
Beispiel #3
def test_goaleval():
    x, y = var('x'), var('y')
    g = eq(x, 2)
    assert goaleval(g) == g
    assert callable(goaleval((eq, x, 2)))
    with raises(EarlyGoalError):
        goaleval((membero, x, y))
    assert callable(goaleval((lallgreedy, (eq, x, 2))))
Beispiel #4
def anyfail(s, goals):
    """ Short circuit if any of the goals fail """
    if any(goaleval(goal) is fail for goal in goals):
        return (fail,)
    if any(goaleval(goal)(s) is () for goal in goals):
        return (fail,)
        return goals
Beispiel #5
def test_lanyseq():
    x = var('x')
    g = lanyseq(((eq, x, i) for i in range(3)))
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]

    # Test lanyseq with an infinite number of goals.
    assert set(run(3, x, lanyseq(((eq, x, i) for i in count())))) == {0, 1, 2}
    assert set(run(3, x, (lanyseq, ((eq, x, i) for i in count())))) == \
           {0, 1, 2}
Beispiel #6
def assocunify(u, v, s, eq=core.eq):
    """ Associative Unification

    See Also:

    res = unify(u, v, s)
    if res is not False:
        return (res,)  # TODO: iterate through all possibilities

    if isinstance(u, tuple) and isinstance(v, tuple):
        uop, u = u[0], u[1:]
        vop, v = v[0], v[1:]
        s = unify(uop, vop, s)
        if s is False:
            raise StopIteration()
        op = walk(uop, s)

        sm, lg = (u, v) if len(u) <= len(v) else (v, u)

        parts = (groupsizes_to_partition(*gsizes) for gsizes
                                                  in  groupsizes(len(lg), len(sm)))
        ops = (makeops(op, partition(lg, part)) for part in parts)
        goal = condeseq([(eq, a, b) for a, b in zip(sm, lg2)] for lg2 in ops)
        return goaleval(goal)(s)

    return ()
Beispiel #7
def bindstrat(s, goals, strats, joiner=interleave):
    """ Strategic bind """
    if not goals:
        return (s,)
    for strat in strats:
        goals = strat(s, goals)
    stream = goaleval(goals[0])(s)
    return bindstarstrat(stream, goals[1:], strats, joiner)
Beispiel #8
def test_objects():
    from logpy import variables, reify, assoccomm


    fact(commutative, add)
    fact(associative, add)
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))

    x = var('x')

    print tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({}))
    assert reify(x, tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2,
        x)))({}))[0]) == 3

    assert reify(x, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2,
        1)))({}))) == 3

    v = add(1,2,3)
    with variables(v):
        x = add(5, 6)
        print reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({})))
        assert reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))) == x

    del assoccomm.op_registry[-1]
Beispiel #9
def earlysafe(s, goals):
    """ Place first goal at end if it raises an EarlyGoalError """
    if not goals:
        return goals
    goal = goaleval(goals[0])
        return goals
    except EarlyGoalError:
        regoals = goals[1:] + (goals[0],)
        return earlysafe(s, regoals)
Beispiel #10
def test_objects():
    from logpy.unify import seq_registry, reify
    class add(object):
        def __init__(self, *args):
            self.args = tuple(args)
    def seq_add(x):
        return (type(x),) + x.args
    seq_registry.append((add, seq_add))

    assert seq_add(add(1, 2, 3)) == (add, 1, 2, 3)
    assert goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({})

    x = var('x')

    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({})) == ({x: 3},)

    fact(commutative, add)
    fact(associative, add)
    assert reify(x, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2,
        1)))({}))) == 3

Beispiel #11
def assocunify(u, v, s, eq=core.eq, n=None):
    """ Associative Unification

    See Also:
    uop, uargs = op_args(u)
    vop, vargs = op_args(v)

    if not uop and not vop:
        res = unify(u, v, s)
        if res is not False:
            return (res,)  # TODO: iterate through all possibilities

    if uop and vop:
        s = unify(uop, vop, s)
        if s is False:
            raise StopIteration()
        op = walk(uop, s)

        sm, lg = (uargs, vargs) if len(uargs) <= len(vargs) else (vargs, uargs)
        ops = assocsized(op, lg, len(sm))
        goal = condeseq([(eq, a, b) for a, b, in zip(sm, lg2)] for lg2 in ops)
        return goaleval(goal)(s)

    if uop:
        op, tail = uop, uargs
        b = v
    if vop:
        op, tail = vop, vargs
        b = u

    ns = [n] if n else range(2, len(tail)+1)
    knowns = (build(op, x) for n in ns for x in assocsized(op, tail, n))

    goal = condeseq([(core.eq, b, k)] for k in knowns)
    return goaleval(goal)(s)
Beispiel #12
def assocunify(u, v, s, eq=core.eq, n=None):
    """ Associative Unification

    See Also:

    if not isinstance(u, tuple) and not isinstance(v, tuple):
        res = unify(u, v, s)
        if res is not False:
            return (res,)  # TODO: iterate through all possibilities

    if isinstance(u, tuple) and isinstance(v, tuple):
        uop, u = u[0], u[1:]
        vop, v = v[0], v[1:]
        s = unify(uop, vop, s)
        if s is False:
            raise StopIteration()
        op = walk(uop, s)

        sm, lg = (u, v) if len(u) <= len(v) else (v, u)
        ops = assocsized(op, lg, len(sm))
        goal = condeseq([(eq, a, b) for a, b, in zip(sm, lg2)] for lg2 in ops)
        return goaleval(goal)(s)

    if isinstance(u, tuple):
        a, b = u, v
    if isinstance(v, tuple):
        a, b = v, u

    op, tail = a[0], a[1:]

    ns = [n] if n else range(2, len(a))
    knowns = (((op,) + x) for n in ns for x in assocsized(op, tail, n))

    goal = condeseq([(core.eq, b, k)] for k in knowns)
    return goaleval(goal)(s)
Beispiel #13
def test_objects():
    from logpy import variables, reify

    fact(commutative, Add)
    fact(associative, Add)
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))

    x = var('x')

    print(tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({})))
    assert reify(x, tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(
        add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({}))[0]) == 3

    assert reify(x, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(
        add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2, 1)))({}))) == 3

    v = add(1, 2, 3)
    with variables(v):
        x = add(5, 6)
        print(reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))))
        assert reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))) == x
Beispiel #14
def test_objects():
    from logpy import variables, reify, assoccomm

    fact(commutative, Add)
    fact(associative, Add)
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))
    assert tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(3, 1, 2)))({}))

    x = var('x')

    print(tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({})))
    assert reify(
        tuple(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(1, 2, x)))({}))[0]) == 3

    assert reify(x,
                 next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(add(1, 2, 3), add(x, 2,
                                                              1)))({}))) == 3

    v = add(1, 2, 3)
    with variables(v):
        x = add(5, 6)
        print(reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))))
        assert reify(v, next(goaleval(eq_assoccomm(v, x))({}))) == x
Beispiel #15
def primo(x):
    return goaleval((_primo, x))
Beispiel #16
def test_membero_can_be_reused():
    x = var('x')
    g = membero(x, (0, 1, 2))
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
Beispiel #17
def results(g, s={}):
    return tuple(goaleval(g)(s))
Beispiel #18
def test_lanyseq():
    x = var('x')
    g = lanyseq(((eq, x, i) for i in range(3)))
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
Beispiel #19
def test_membero_can_be_reused():
    x = var('x')
    g = membero(x, (0, 1, 2))
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
Beispiel #20
def results(g, s={}):
    return tuple(goaleval(g)(s))
Beispiel #21
def test_lanyseq():
    x = var('x')
    g = lanyseq(((eq, x, i) for i in range(3)))
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]
    assert list(goaleval(g)({})) == [{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}]