def get_local(self):
         Get all available local artists
         @return Array of (artist id as int, artist name as string)
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = []
         result = sql.execute(
             "SELECT DISTINCT artists.rowid,\
                 , artists.sortname\
                           FROM artists, albums, album_artists\
                           WHERE album_artists.artist_id=artists.rowid\
                           AND album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid\
                           AND albums.synced!=?\
                           ORDER BY artists.sortname\
                           COLLATE NOCASE COLLATE LOCALIZED", (Type.NONE, ))
         return [(row[0], row[1], row[2]) for row in result]
Beispiel #2
    def get_uris(self, exclude=[]):
            Get all tracks uri
            @param exclude as [str]
            @return Array of uri as string
        with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
            filters = (DbPersistent.INTERNAL, )
            for e in exclude:
                filters += ("%" + e + "%", )
            request = "SELECT uri FROM tracks\
                       WHERE persistent=?"

            for e in exclude:
                request += " AND uri not like ?"
            result = sql.execute(request, filters)
            return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #3
 def execute(self, request):
         Execute SQL request (only smart one)
         @param request as str
         @return list
     with SqlCursor(App().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute(request)
         # Special case for OR request
         if request.find("ORDER BY random()") == -1 and\
                 request.find("UNION") != -1:
             ids = []
             for (id, other) in list(result):
             return ids
             return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #4
 def set_more_popular(self, track_id):
         Increment popularity field
         @param track_id as int
         @raise sqlite3.OperationalError on db update
     with SqlCursor(App().db, True) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT popularity from tracks WHERE rowid=?",
         pop = result.fetchone()
         if pop:
             current = pop[0]
             current = 0
         current += 1
         sql.execute("UPDATE tracks set popularity=? WHERE rowid=?",
                     (current, track_id))
Beispiel #5
 def get_year_from_tracks(self, album_id):
         Get album year based on tracks
         Use most used year by tracks
         @param album id as int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT year, COUNT(year) AS occurrence\
                               FROM tracks\
                               WHERE tracks.album_id=?\
                               GROUP BY year\
                               ORDER BY occurrence DESC\
                               LIMIT 1", (album_id,))
         v = result.fetchone()
         if v is not None:
             return v[0]
         return None
Beispiel #6
 def get_uris(self, exclude=[]):
         Get all tracks uri
         @param exclude as [str]
         @return Array of uri as string
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         filters = ()
         for e in exclude:
             filters += ('%' + e + '%', )
         request = "SELECT uri FROM tracks"
         if exclude:
             request += " WHERE uri not like ?"
         for e in exclude[1:]:
             request += " AND uri not like ?"
         result = sql.execute(request, filters)
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #7
    def search(self, searched, storage_type):
            Search for artists looking like searched
            @param searched as str without accents
            @param storage_type as StorageType
            @return artist ids as [int]
        with SqlCursor(self.__db) as sql:
            filters = ("%" + searched + "%", storage_type)
            request = "SELECT DISTINCT artists.rowid,\
                   FROM albums, album_artists, artists\
                   WHERE album_artists.artist_id=artists.rowid AND\
                   album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid AND\
                   noaccents( LIKE ? AND\
                   albums.storage_type & ? LIMIT 25"

            result = sql.execute(request, filters)
            return list(result)
Beispiel #8
 def add(self, name, sortname, mb_artist_id):
         Add a new artist to database
         @param name as string
         @param sortname as string
         @param mb_artist_id as str
         @return inserted rowid as int
         @warning: commit needed
     if sortname == "":
         sortname = format_artist_name(name)
     with SqlCursor(self.__db, True) as sql:
         result = sql.execute(
             "INSERT INTO artists (name, sortname,\
                               VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
             (name, sortname, mb_artist_id))
         return result.lastrowid
Beispiel #9
 def update_featuring(self):
         Calculate featuring for current DB
     with SqlCursor(self.__db, True) as sql:
         sql.execute("DELETE FROM featuring")
         result = sql.execute(
             "SELECT track_artists.artist_id, tracks.album_id\
                      FROM tracks, track_artists\
                      WHERE track_artists.track_id = tracks.rowid\
                      AND NOT EXISTS (\
                       SELECT * FROM album_artists WHERE\
                       album_artists.album_id = tracks.album_id AND\
                       album_artists.artist_id = track_artists.artist_id)")
         for (artist_id, album_id) in result:
                 "INSERT INTO featuring (artist_id, album_id)\
                          VALUES (?, ?)", (artist_id, album_id))
 def search(self, searched):
         Search for albums looking like string
         @param searched as str
         @return album ids as [int]
     no_accents = noaccents(searched)
     with SqlCursor(App().db) as sql:
         items = []
         for filter in [(no_accents + "%",),
                        ("%" + no_accents,),
                        ("%" + no_accents + "%",)]:
             request = "SELECT albums.rowid FROM albums\
                        WHERE noaccents(name) LIKE ?\
                        AND albums.mtime!=0 LIMIT 25"
             result = sql.execute(request, filter)
             items += list(itertools.chain(*result))
         return items
Beispiel #11
 def get_stats(self, path, duration):
         Get stats for track with filename and duration
         @param path as str
         @param duration as int
         @return (popularity, mtime) as (int, int)
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         name = GLib.path_get_basename(path)
         result = sql.execute("SELECT popularity, ltime\
                               FROM tracks\
                               WHERE filepath LIKE ?\
                               AND duration=?",
                              ('%' + name + '%', duration))
         v = result.fetchone()
         if v is not None:
             return v
         return None
 def add_uri(self, playlist_id, uri, signal=False):
         Add uri to playlist
         @param playlist_id as int
         @param uri as str
         @param signal as bool
     if self.exists_track(playlist_id, uri):
     if signal:
         position = len(self.get_track_uris(playlist_id))
         self.emit("playlist-track-added", playlist_id, uri, position)
     with SqlCursor(self, True) as sql:
         sql.execute("INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (?, ?)", (playlist_id, uri))
             "UPDATE playlists SET mtime=?\
                      WHERE rowid=?",
             ("%s"), playlist_id))
Beispiel #13
    def get_randoms(self):
            Return random albums
            @return array of albums ids as int
        with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
            albums = []

            result = sql.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT albums.rowid\
                                  FROM albums, album_genres\
                                  WHERE album_genres.genre_id!=?\
                                  AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid\
                                  ORDER BY random() LIMIT 100",
                (Type.CHARTS, ))
            albums = list(itertools.chain(*result))
            self._cached_randoms = list(albums)
            return albums
Beispiel #14
 def get_ids(self):
         Get all availables genres ids
         @return [id as int]
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute(
             "SELECT DISTINCT genres.rowid\
                               FROM genres,album_genres AS AG\
                               WHERE AG.genre_id=genres.rowid\
                               AND ? NOT IN (\
                                 SELECT album_genres.genre_id\
                                 FROM album_genres\
                                 WHERE AG.album_id=album_genres.album_id)\
                               ORDER BY\
                               COLLATE NOCASE COLLATE LOCALIZED",
             (Type.CHARTS, ))
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #15
 def get_ids_by_performer(self, artist_id):
         Return track id for performer
         @param artist_id as int
         @return [int]
     with SqlCursor(App().db) as sql:
         filters = (artist_id, artist_id)
         request = "SELECT tracks.rowid\
                    FROM tracks, track_artists\
                    WHERE track_artists.artist_id=? AND\
                    tracks.rowid = track_artists.track_id AND NOT EXISTS (\
                     SELECT albums.rowid FROM albums, album_artists\
                     WHERE albums.rowid=tracks.album_id AND\
                     album_artists.artist_id = ? AND\
                     album_artists.album_id = albums.rowid)"
         result = sql.execute(request, filters)
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
    def get_loves(self):
            Get albums ids with popularity
            @return array of album ids as int
        with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
            filters = (Type.CHARTS, )
            request = "SELECT DISTINCT albums.rowid\
                       FROM albums, album_genres\
                       WHERE album_genres.genre_id!=?\
                       AND loved=1\
                       AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid"

            if not get_network_available():
                request += " AND albums.synced!=%s" % Type.NONE
            request += " ORDER BY popularity DESC"
            result = sql.execute(request, filters)
            return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #17
 def exists(self, name, duration):
         Return True if entry exists
         @param name as str
         @parma duration as int
         @return bool
     with SqlCursor(self) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT rowid\
                               FROM history\
                               WHERE name=?\
                               AND duration=?",
                              (name, duration))
         v = result.fetchone()
         if v is not None:
             return True
             return False
Beispiel #18
 def del_non_persistent(self):
         Delete non persistent tracks from db
     for track_id in Lp().tracks.get_non_persistent():
         album_id = Lp().tracks.get_album_id(track_id)
         genre_ids = Lp().tracks.get_genre_ids(track_id)
         album_artist_ids = Lp().albums.get_artist_ids(album_id)
         artist_ids = Lp().tracks.get_artist_ids(track_id)
         for artist_id in album_artist_ids + artist_ids:
         for genre_id in genre_ids:
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
Beispiel #19
 def add(self, name, url):
         Add a radio, update url if radio already exists in db
         @param radio name as str
         @param url as str
         @thread safe
     with SqlCursor(self) as sql:
         if self.exists(name):
             sql.execute("UPDATE radios\
                          SET url=?\
                          WHERE name=?", (url, name))
             sql.execute("INSERT INTO radios (name, url, popularity)\
                          VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
                         (name, url, 0))
         GLib.idle_add(self.emit, "radios-changed")
Beispiel #20
 def set_artist_ids(self, album_id, artist_ids):
         Set artist id
         @param album id as int
         @param artist_ids as [int]
         @warning: commit needed
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         currents = self.get_artist_ids(album_id)
         if not currents or set(currents) - set(artist_ids):
                 "DELETE FROM album_artists\
                         WHERE album_id=?", (album_id, ))
             for artist_id in artist_ids:
                     "INSERT INTO album_artists\
                             (album_id, artist_id)\
                             VALUES (?, ?)", (album_id, artist_id))
Beispiel #21
 def get_compilations(self, artist_ids):
         Get all availables compilations for artist
         @return Array of id as int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         request = "SELECT DISTINCT albums.rowid FROM albums,\
                    tracks, track_artists, album_artists\
                    WHERE track_artists.track_id=tracks.rowid\
                    AND album_artists.artists_id=%s\
                    AND album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid\
                    AND albums.rowid=tracks.album_id AND (1=0 "                                                                   %\
         for artist_id in artist_ids:
             request += "OR track_artists.artist_id=%s " % artist_id
         request += ") ORDER BY albums.year"
         result = sql.execute(request)
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #22
 def search(self, string):
         Search for artists looking like string
         @param string
         @return Array of id as int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute(
             "SELECT artists.rowid FROM artists, albums,\
                               album_genres, album_artists\
                               WHERE noaccents( LIKE ?\
                               AND album_artists.artist_id=artists.rowid\
                               AND album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND album_genres.genre_id!=?\
                               LIMIT 25",
             ('%' + noaccents(string) + '%', Type.CHARTS))
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #23
 def set_more_popular(self, album_id):
         Increment popularity field for album id
         @param int
         @raise sqlite3.OperationalError on db update
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT popularity from albums WHERE rowid=?",
                              (album_id, ))
         pop = result.fetchone()
         if pop:
             current = pop[0]
             current = 0
         current += 1
         sql.execute("UPDATE albums set popularity=? WHERE rowid=?",
                     (current, album_id))
Beispiel #24
 def get_mtimes(self):
         Get mtime for tracks
         WARNING: Should be called before anything is shown on screen
         @param None
         @return dict of {uri as string: mtime as int}
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         mtimes = {}
         result = sql.execute(
             "SELECT DISTINCT tracks.uri, TG.mtime\
                               FROM tracks, track_genres AS TG\
                               WHERE tracks.rowid=TG.track_id\
                               AND tracks.persistent=?",
             (DbPersistent.INTERNAL, ))
         for row in result:
             mtimes.update((row, ))
         return mtimes
 def count(self):
         Count artists
         @return int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT artists.rowid)\
                               FROM artists, album_artists,\
                               album_genres, albums\
                               WHERE album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND artists.rowid=album_artists.artist_id\
                               AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND album_genres.genre_id!=?",
         v = result.fetchone()
         if v is not None:
             return v[0]
         return 0
Beispiel #26
    def get_name(self, playlist_id):
            Get playlist name
            @param playlist id as int
            @return playlist name as str
        if playlist_id == Type.LOVED:
            return self.LOVED

        with SqlCursor(self) as sql:
            result = sql.execute(
                "SELECT name\
                                 FROM playlists\
                                 WHERE rowid=?", (playlist_id, ))
            v = result.fetchone()
            if v is not None:
                return v[0]
            return ''
Beispiel #27
    def get_id(self, playlist_name):
            Get playlist id
            @param playlist name as str
            @return playlst id as int
        if playlist_name == self.LOVED:
            return Type.LOVED

        with SqlCursor(self) as sql:
            result = sql.execute(
                "SELECT rowid\
                                 FROM playlists\
                                 WHERE name=?", (playlist_name, ))
            v = result.fetchone()
            if v is not None:
                return v[0]
            return Type.NONE
Beispiel #28
 def get_ids(self, artist_id=None, genre_id=None):
         Get albums ids
         @param Artist id as int/None, genre id as int/None
         @return Array of album ids as int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = []
         # Get albums for all artists
         if artist_id is None and genre_id is None:
             result = sql.execute("SELECT albums.rowid FROM albums, artists\
                               WHERE artists.rowid=albums.artist_id\
                               ORDER BY artists.sortname COLLATE NOCASE,\
                      COLLATE NOCASE")
         # Get albums for genre
         elif artist_id is None:
             result = sql.execute(
                 "SELECT albums.rowid FROM albums,\
                               album_genres, artists\
                               WHERE album_genres.genre_id=?\
                               AND artists.rowid=artist_id\
                               AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               ORDER BY artists.sortname COLLATE NOCASE,\
                      COLLATE NOCASE", (genre_id, ))
         # Get albums for artist
         elif genre_id is None:
             result = sql.execute(
                 "SELECT rowid FROM albums\
                                   WHERE artist_id=?\
                                   ORDER BY year, name COLLATE NOCASE",
                 (artist_id, ))
         # Get albums for artist id and genre id
             result = sql.execute(
                 "SELECT albums.rowid\
                                   FROM albums, album_genres\
                                   WHERE artist_id=?\
                                   AND album_genres.genre_id=?\
                                   AND album_genres.album_id=albums.rowid\
                                   ORDER BY year, name COLLATE NOCASE",
                 (artist_id, genre_id))
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Beispiel #29
 def get(self, genre_ids=[]):
         Get all available album artists
         @param genre ids as [int]
         @return Array of (artist id as int, artist name as string)
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = []
         if not genre_ids or genre_ids[0] == Type.ALL:
             # Only artist that really have an album
             result = sql.execute(
                              "SELECT DISTINCT artists.rowid,\
                     , artists.sortname\
                               FROM artists, albums,\
                               album_genres AS AG, album_artists\
                               WHERE album_artists.artist_id=artists.rowid\
                               AND album_artists.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND AG.album_id=albums.rowid\
                               AND ? NOT IN (\
                                 SELECT album_genres.genre_id\
                                 FROM album_genres\
                                 WHERE AG.album_id=album_genres.album_id)\
                               ORDER BY artists.sortname\
                               COLLATE NOCASE COLLATE LOCALIZED",
             genres = (Type.CHARTS,) + tuple(genre_ids)
             request = "SELECT DISTINCT artists.rowid,\
              , artists.sortname\
                        FROM artists, albums, album_genres AS AG,\
                        WHERE artists.rowid=album_artists.artist_id\
                        AND ? NOT IN (\
                                 SELECT album_genres.genre_id\
                                 FROM album_genres\
                                 WHERE AG.album_id=album_genres.album_id)\
                        AND albums.rowid=album_artists.album_id\
                        AND AG.album_id=albums.rowid AND ("
             for genre_id in genre_ids:
                 request += "AG.genre_id=? OR "
             request += "1=0) ORDER BY artists.sortname\
                         COLLATE NOCASE COLLATE LOCALIZED"
             result = sql.execute(request, genres)
         return [(row[0], row[1], row[2]) for row in result]
Beispiel #30
    def get_disc_tracks(self, album_id, genre_ids, artist_ids, disc):
            Get tracks ids for album id disc

            @param album id as int
            @param genre ids as [int]
            @param artist ids as [int]
            @param disc as int
            @return [int]
        genre_ids = remove_static_genres(genre_ids)
        # Reset filters if not needed
        if not self.__has_genres(album_id):
            genre_ids = []
        if not self.__has_artists(album_id):
            artist_ids = []
        with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
            filters = (album_id, disc)
            request = "SELECT DISTINCT tracks.rowid\
                       FROM tracks"

            if genre_ids:
                request += ", track_genres"
                filters += tuple(genre_ids)
            if artist_ids:
                request += ", track_artists"
                filters += tuple(artist_ids)
            request += " WHERE album_id=?\
                       AND discnumber=?"

            if genre_ids:
                request += " AND track_genres.track_id = tracks.rowid AND ("
                for genre_id in genre_ids:
                    request += "track_genres.genre_id=? OR "
                request += "1=0)"
            if artist_ids:
                request += " AND track_artists.track_id=tracks.rowid AND ("
                for artist_id in artist_ids:
                    request += "track_artists.artist_id=? OR "
                request += "1=0)"
            request += " ORDER BY discnumber, tracknumber,"
            result = sql.execute(request, filters)
            return list(itertools.chain(*result))