Beispiel #1
	def compute_dist_and_path_tables(self):
		# Find the shortest distance of each state in the product to the final states
		dist_table = dict()
		path_table = dict()
		for node in self.global_pa.g.nodes():
			dist_table[node] = float('inf') # initialize to inf
			path_table[node] = None
			dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(self.global_pa.g, node, degen_paths=True, weight_key='weight') # returns 0 for node=final
			for final in
				if final in dists and dists[final] < dist_table[node]:
					dist_table[node] = dists[final]
					path_table[node] = paths[final]
		return (dist_table, path_table)
	def compute_dist_and_path_tables(self):
		# Find the shortest distance of each state in the product to the final states
		dist_table = dict()
		path_table = dict()
		for node in self.global_pa.g.nodes():
			dist_table[node] = float('inf') # initialize to inf
			path_table[node] = None
			dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(self.global_pa.g, node, degen_paths=True, weight_key='weight') # returns 0 for node=final
			for final in
				if final in dists and dists[final] < dist_table[node]:
					dist_table[node] = dists[final]
					path_table[node] = paths[final]
		return (dist_table, path_table)
Beispiel #3
	def next_command(self):

		# Construct the local TS
		local_ts = self.construct_local_ts()
		local_ts_state = local_ts.init.keys()[0]

		# Initialize vars to hold optimal vals
		# (path_star is for debugging purposes)
		d_star, cell_next_star, target_cell_star, g_next_star, path_star = float('inf'), None, None, None, None

		# Get the set of sensed local requests
		local_reqs = reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [local_ts.g.node[cell]['prop'] for cell in local_ts.g], set([]))
		logger.debug('Sensed local requests: %s' % local_reqs)

		# Find the set of requests that can be serviced
		# (D_service in alg.)
		enabled_reqs = set([])
		for _, _, d in self.local_fsa.g.out_edges_iter((self.local_fsa_state,), data=True):
			enabled_reqs = enabled_reqs | d['input']
		serviceable_reqs = local_reqs & enabled_reqs

		# Find the cells with static and dynamic requests
		global_req_cells = reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [set([q]) for q in local_ts.g if q in self.env.global_reqs], set([]))
		local_req_cells = reduce(lambda a,b: a|b, [set([q]) for q in local_ts.g if local_ts.g.node[q]['prop']], set([]))

		if not serviceable_reqs:
			# Consider all neighbors of our current state in the global product automaton
			for cur, neigh in self.global_pa.g.out_edges_iter(self.global_pa_state):

				if neigh[0] in local_ts.g:
					# Avoid all cells with global and local requests
					# except the cell corresponding to neigh
					avoid_cells = (global_req_cells | local_req_cells) - {neigh[0]}
					# If neigh[0] is in local_ts, it is our target
					target_cells = {neigh[0]}
					# Avoid all cells with global and local requests
					avoid_cells = global_req_cells | local_req_cells

					# Reach boundary cells
					target_cells = set([])
					x_min, y_min = self.quad.get_sensing_cell_global_coords((0,0))
					x_max, y_max = self.quad.get_sensing_cell_global_coords((self.quad.sensing_range-1,self.quad.sensing_range-1))
					for local_cell in local_ts.g.nodes_iter():
						x, y = local_cell
						if (x == x_min or x == x_max or y == y_min or y == y_max):
					# Remove those cells that we have to avoid
					target_cells = target_cells - avoid_cells

				# Set incoming edge weights of avoid_cells to inf
				for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
					local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = float('inf')
				# Find shortest paths
				dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(local_ts.g, local_ts_state)
				# Restore incoming edge weights of avoided cells
				for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
					local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = 1

				# Plan for each cell in target_cells while avoiding the cells in avoid_cells
				for target_cell in target_cells:
					# We also consider the length of the local path
					d_plan = abs(target_cell[0]-neigh[0][0]) + abs(target_cell[1]-neigh[0][1])
					d_plan += self.dist_table[neigh]
					d_plan += dists[target_cell]
					if d_plan < d_star or (d_plan == d_star and target_cell_star and (target_cell[0] < target_cell_star[0] or (target_cell[0] == target_cell_star[0] and target_cell[1] > target_cell_star[1]))):
						d_star = d_plan
						g_next_star = neigh
						cell_next_star = paths[target_cell][1]
						path_star = paths[target_cell]
						target_cell_star = target_cell

			# Drive the vehicle to the closest local request with the highest
			# priority while avoiding all other sensed local requests and
			# global requests within the sensing range

			# Find the maximum priority request (min prio number)
			max_prio = min([self.prio[req] for req in serviceable_reqs])

			# Find the set of target requests
			target_reqs = set([req for req in serviceable_reqs if self.prio[req] == max_prio])
			target_cells = set([cell for cell in local_ts.g if local_ts.g.node[cell]['prop'] & target_reqs])
			logger.debug('Will service local requests: %s at cells %s' % (target_reqs, target_cells))

			# Avoid all cells with global and local requests
			# except those in target_cells
			avoid_cells = (global_req_cells | local_req_cells) - target_cells
			logger.debug('Cells to avoid: %s' % avoid_cells)

			# Set incoming edge weights of avoid_cells to inf
			for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
				local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = float('inf')
			# Find shortest paths
			dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(local_ts.g, local_ts_state)
			# Restore incoming edge weights of avoided cells
			for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
				local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = 1

			# Plan for each cell in target_cells while avoiding the cells in avoid_cells
			for target_cell in target_cells:
				if dists[target_cell] == float('inf'):
					# No path to this target_cell
				d_plan = dists[target_cell]
				if d_plan < d_star:
					d_star = d_plan
					g_next_star = None
					cell_next_star = paths[target_cell][1]
					path_star = paths[target_cell]

		assert d_star != float('inf'), 'Could not find a feasible local plan'
		logger.debug('Path to target: %s, cell_next_star: %s' % (path_star, cell_next_star))

		# Find the command to reach cell_next_star
		assert len(local_ts.g[local_ts_state][cell_next_star]) == 1, 'Local TS cannot have parallel edges'
		control_star = local_ts.g[local_ts_state][cell_next_star][0]['control']

		# Update global NBA state as necessary
		if g_next_star and g_next_star[0] == cell_next_star:
			self.global_pa_state = g_next_star
			logger.debug('Updated global product automaton state to: %s' % (g_next_star,))

		# Update local FSA state as necessary 
		found_next_local_fsa_state = False
		next_local_req = local_ts.g.node[cell_next_star]['prop']
		if next_local_req:
			for _, next_local_fsa_state, d in self.local_fsa.g.out_edges_iter((self.local_fsa_state,), data=True):
				if d['input'] == next_local_req:
					self.local_fsa_state = next_local_fsa_state
					found_next_local_fsa_state = True
			assert found_next_local_fsa_state, 'Local FSA does not have a transition for %s from its current state %s' % (next_local_req, self.local_fsa_state)

		# Turn off the serviced request as necessary
		if next_local_req:
			self.env.local_reqs[cell_next_star]['on'] = False

		return (control_star, path_star)
Beispiel #4
    def next_command(self):

        # Construct the local TS
        local_ts = self.construct_local_ts()
        local_ts_state = list(local_ts.init.keys())[0]

        # Initialize vars to hold optimal vals
        # (path_star is for debugging purposes)
        d_star, cell_next_star, target_cell_star, g_next_star, path_star = float(
            'inf'), None, None, None, None

        # Get the set of sensed local requests
        local_reqs = reduce(
            lambda a, b: a | b,
            [local_ts.g.node[cell]['prop'] for cell in local_ts.g], set([]))
        logger.debug('Sensed local requests: %s' % local_reqs)

        # Find the set of requests that can be serviced
        # (D_service in alg.)
        enabled_reqs = set([])
        for _, _, d in self.local_fsa.g.out_edges_iter(
            (self.local_fsa_state, ), data=True):
            enabled_reqs = enabled_reqs | d['input']
        serviceable_reqs = local_reqs & enabled_reqs

        # Find the cells with static and dynamic requests
        global_req_cells = reduce(
            lambda a, b: a | b,
             for q in local_ts.g if q in self.env.global_reqs], set([]))
        local_req_cells = reduce(
            lambda a, b: a | b,
            [set([q]) for q in local_ts.g if local_ts.g.node[q]['prop']],

        if not serviceable_reqs:
            # Consider all neighbors of our current state in the global product automaton
            for cur, neigh in self.global_pa.g.out_edges_iter(

                if neigh[0] in local_ts.g:
                    # Avoid all cells with global and local requests
                    # except the cell corresponding to neigh
                    avoid_cells = (global_req_cells
                                   | local_req_cells) - {neigh[0]}
                    # If neigh[0] is in local_ts, it is our target
                    target_cells = {neigh[0]}
                    # Avoid all cells with global and local requests
                    avoid_cells = global_req_cells | local_req_cells

                    # Reach boundary cells
                    target_cells = set([])
                    x_min, y_min = self.quad.get_sensing_cell_global_coords(
                        (0, 0))
                    x_max, y_max = self.quad.get_sensing_cell_global_coords(
                        (self.quad.sensing_range - 1,
                         self.quad.sensing_range - 1))
                    for local_cell in local_ts.g.nodes_iter():
                        x, y = local_cell
                        if (x == x_min or x == x_max or y == y_min
                                or y == y_max):
                    # Remove those cells that we have to avoid
                    target_cells = target_cells - avoid_cells

                # Set incoming edge weights of avoid_cells to inf
                for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells,
                    local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = float('inf')
                # Find shortest paths
                dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(local_ts.g, local_ts_state)
                # Restore incoming edge weights of avoided cells
                for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells,
                    local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = 1

                # Plan for each cell in target_cells while avoiding the cells in avoid_cells
                for target_cell in target_cells:
                    # We also consider the length of the local path
                    d_plan = abs(target_cell[0] -
                                 neigh[0][0]) + abs(target_cell[1] -
                    d_plan += self.dist_table[neigh]
                    d_plan += dists[target_cell]
                    if d_plan < d_star or (
                            d_plan == d_star and target_cell_star and
                        (target_cell[0] < target_cell_star[0] or
                         (target_cell[0] == target_cell_star[0]
                          and target_cell[1] > target_cell_star[1]))):
                        d_star = d_plan
                        g_next_star = neigh
                        cell_next_star = paths[target_cell][1]
                        path_star = paths[target_cell]
                        target_cell_star = target_cell

            # Drive the vehicle to the closest local request with the highest
            # priority while avoiding all other sensed local requests and
            # global requests within the sensing range

            # Find the maximum priority request (min prio number)
            max_prio = min([self.prio[req] for req in serviceable_reqs])

            # Find the set of target requests
            target_reqs = set([
                req for req in serviceable_reqs if self.prio[req] == max_prio
            target_cells = set([
                cell for cell in local_ts.g
                if local_ts.g.node[cell]['prop'] & target_reqs
            logger.debug('Will service local requests: %s at cells %s' %
                         (target_reqs, target_cells))

            # Avoid all cells with global and local requests
            # except those in target_cells
            avoid_cells = (global_req_cells | local_req_cells) - target_cells
            logger.debug('Cells to avoid: %s' % avoid_cells)

            # Set incoming edge weights of avoid_cells to inf
            for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
                local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = float('inf')
            # Find shortest paths
            dists, paths = dijkstra_to_all(local_ts.g, local_ts_state)
            # Restore incoming edge weights of avoided cells
            for u, v, k in local_ts.g.in_edges_iter(avoid_cells, keys=True):
                local_ts.g[u][v][k]['weight'] = 1

            # Plan for each cell in target_cells while avoiding the cells in avoid_cells
            for target_cell in target_cells:
                if dists[target_cell] == float('inf'):
                    # No path to this target_cell
                d_plan = dists[target_cell]
                if d_plan < d_star:
                    d_star = d_plan
                    g_next_star = None
                    cell_next_star = paths[target_cell][1]
                    path_star = paths[target_cell]

        assert d_star != float('inf'), 'Could not find a feasible local plan'
        logger.debug('Path to target: %s, cell_next_star: %s' %
                     (path_star, cell_next_star))

        # Find the command to reach cell_next_star
        assert len(
            [cell_next_star]) == 1, 'Local TS cannot have parallel edges'
        control_star = local_ts.g[local_ts_state][cell_next_star][0]['control']

        # Update global NBA state as necessary
        if g_next_star and g_next_star[0] == cell_next_star:
            self.global_pa_state = g_next_star
            logger.debug('Updated global product automaton state to: %s' %
                         (g_next_star, ))

        # Update local FSA state as necessary
        found_next_local_fsa_state = False
        next_local_req = local_ts.g.node[cell_next_star]['prop']
        if next_local_req:
            for _, next_local_fsa_state, d in self.local_fsa.g.out_edges_iter(
                (self.local_fsa_state, ), data=True):
                if d['input'] == next_local_req:
                    self.local_fsa_state = next_local_fsa_state
                    found_next_local_fsa_state = True
            assert found_next_local_fsa_state, 'Local FSA does not have a transition for %s from its current state %s' % (
                next_local_req, self.local_fsa_state)

        # Turn off the serviced request as necessary
        if next_local_req:
            self.env.local_reqs[cell_next_star]['on'] = False

        return (control_star, path_star)