Beispiel #1
    def get_predecessor_of(
        self, node: typing.Union[Clause, Recursion, Body]
    ) -> typing.Union[Clause, Recursion, Body, typing.Sequence[Clause]]:
        Returns the predecessor of the node = the last position of the pointer before reaching the node
        :param node:
        # TODO: make it possible to get all predecessors, not just the last visited from
        if isinstance(node, Body):
            return self._hypothesis_space.nodes[node]["last_visited_from"]
            if isinstance(node, Clause):
                head = node.get_head()
                body = node.get_body()
                rec = node.get_recursive_case()
                if len(rec) > 1:
                    raise Exception(
                        "do not support recursions with more than 1 recursive case"
                    head = rec[0].get_head()
                    body = rec[0].get_body()

            predecessor = self._hypothesis_space.nodes[body][
            if head in self._hypothesis_space.nodes[predecessor]["heads"]:
                return Clause(head, predecessor)
                return self.retrieve_clauses_from_body(predecessor)
Beispiel #2
    def remove(self,
               node: typing.Union[Clause, Procedure],
               remove_entire_body: bool = False,
               not_if_other_parents: bool = True) -> None:
        Removes the node from the hypothesis space (and all of its descendents)

        clause = (node if isinstance(node, Clause) else
                  [x for x in node.get_clauses() if x.is_recursive()][0])

        head = clause.get_head()
        body = clause.get_body()

        children = self._hypothesis_space.successors(body)

        if not_if_other_parents:
            # do not remove children that have other parents
            children = [
                x for x in children
                if len(self._hypothesis_space.predecessors(x)) <= 1

        if remove_entire_body:
            # remove entire body

            for ch_ind in range(len(children)):
                self.remove(Clause(head, body),
            # remove just the head
            if head in self._hypothesis_space.nodes[body]["heads"]:
                del self._hypothesis_space.nodes[body]["heads"][head]

            if len(self._hypothesis_space.nodes[body]["heads"]) == 0:
                # if no heads left, remove the entire node

                for ch_ind in range(len(children)):
                    self.remove(Clause(head, body), remove_entire_body=True)
                # remove the same head from children
                if len(children) > 0:
                    for ch_ind in range(len(children)):
                        self.remove(Clause(head, children[ch_ind]))
Beispiel #3
def compute_bottom_clause(theory: Sequence[Clause], c: Clause) -> Clause:
    Computes the bottom clause given a theory and a clause.
    Algorithm from (De Raedt,2008)
    # 1. Find a skolemization substitution θ for c (w.r.t. B and c)
    _, theta = skolemize(c)

    # 2. Compute the least Herbrand model M of theory ¬body(c)θ
    body_facts = [
        Clause(l.substitute(theta), []) for l in c.get_body().get_literals()
    m = herbrand_model(theory + body_facts)

    # 3. Deskolemize the clause head(cθ) <= M and return the result.
    theta_inv = {value: key for key, value in theta.items()}
    return Clause(c.get_head(),
                  [l.get_head().substitute(theta_inv) for l in m])
Beispiel #4
    def retrieve_clauses_from_body(
            body: Body) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Union[Clause, Procedure]]:
        Returns all possible clauses given the body
        heads = self._hypothesis_space.nodes[body]["heads"]

        heads = [x for x in heads if not heads[x]["ignored"]]
        return [Clause(x, body) for x in heads]
Beispiel #5
 def as_clauses(self):
     l = []
     for x in self.get_all():
         if isinstance(x, Clause):
         elif isinstance(x, Atom):
             l.append(Clause(x, []))
         elif isinstance(x, Procedure):
             for cl in x.get_clauses():
         elif isinstance(x, Program):
             for cl in x.get_clauses():
             raise AssertionError(
                 "Knowledge can only contain clauses, atoms, procedures or programs!"
     return l
Beispiel #6
 Ta = c_var("Ta")
 Tb = c_var("Tb")
 A = c_var("A")
 B = c_var("B")
 C = c_var("C")
 D = c_var("D")
 E = c_var("E")
 H1 = c_var("H1")
 H2 = c_var("H2")
 Z = c_var("Z")
 O = c_var("O")
 N = c_var("N")
 # create clauses
 head = Atom(not_space, [A])
 body = Atom(is_space, [A])
 clause1 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_uppercase, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body = Atom(is_uppercase_aux, [H])
 clause2 = Clause(head, Body(body))
 head = Atom(not_uppercase, [A])
 body = Atom(is_uppercase, [A])
 clause3 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_lowercase, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body = Atom(is_lowercase_aux, [H])
 clause4 = Clause(head, Body(body))
 head = Atom(not_lowercase, [A])
 body = Atom(is_lowercase, [A])
 clause5 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_letter, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body1 = Atom(is_lowercase_aux, [H])
 body2 = Atom(is_uppercase, [H])
Beispiel #7
    def _get_recursions(self, node: Body) -> typing.Sequence[Recursion]:
        Prepares the valid recursions
        pointer_name = self._hypothesis_space.nodes[node]["partner"]
        init_pointer_value = self._pointers[pointer_name]
        last_pointer_value = None

        valid_heads = list(self._hypothesis_space.nodes[node]["heads"].keys())
        recursions = []

        # for each valid head
        for h_ind in range(len(valid_heads)):
            c_head: Atom = valid_heads[h_ind]
            recursive_clause = Clause(c_head, node)

            frontier = [self._pointers[pointer_name]]

            while len(frontier) > 0:
                focus_node = frontier[0]
                frontier = frontier[1:]

                # find matching heads
                focus_node_heads: typing.Sequence[Atom] = list(
                focus_node_heads = [
                    x for x in focus_node_heads
                    if x.get_predicate().get_arg_types() ==

                # prepare recursion
                for bcl_ind in range(len(focus_node_heads)):
                    if isinstance(self._head_constructor, Predicate):
                                Clause(focus_node_heads[bcl_ind], focus_node),
                        # if the filler predicate is used to construct heads, make sure the same head predicate is used
                        head_args = focus_node_heads[bcl_ind].get_arguments()
                                    Atom(c_head.get_predicate(), head_args),

                # extend the frontier - exclude recursive nodes
                to_add = [
                    x for x in self._hypothesis_space.successors(focus_node)
                    if "partner" not in self._hypothesis_space.nodes[x]
                frontier += to_add
                last_pointer_value = focus_node

            # reset the pointer value for next valid head
            self.reset_pointer(pointer_name, init_pointer_value)

        # set the pointer to the last explored clause
        self.reset_pointer(pointer_name, last_pointer_value)

        return recursions
 is_uppercase = c_pred("is_uppercase", 1)
 # define the Variables
 H = c_var("H")
 Ta = c_var("Ta")
 Tb = c_var("Tb")
 A = c_var("A")
 B = c_var("B")
 H1 = c_var("H1")
 H2 = c_var("H2")
 Z = c_var("Z")
 O = c_var("O")
 N = c_var("N")
 # create clauses
 head = Atom(not_space, [A])
 body = Atom(is_space, [A])
 clause1 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_uppercase, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body = Atom(is_uppercase_aux, [H])
 clause2 = Clause(head, Body(body))
 head = Atom(not_uppercase, [A])
 body = Atom(is_uppercase, [A])
 clause3 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_lowercase, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body = Atom(is_lowercase_aux, [H])
 clause4 = Clause(head, Body(body))
 head = Atom(not_lowercase, [A])
 body = Atom(is_lowercase, [A])
 clause5 = Clause(head, Body(Not(body)))
 head = Atom(is_letter, [Structure(s, [Pair(H, Z), O])])
 body1 = Atom(is_lowercase_aux, [H])
 body2 = Atom(is_uppercase, [H])
Beispiel #9
def herbrand_model(clauses: Sequence[Clause]) -> Sequence[Clause]:
    Computes a minimal Herbrand model of a theory 'clauses'.
    Algorithm from Logical and Relational learning (De Raedt, 2008)
    i = 1
    m = {0: []}
    # Find a fact in the theory (i.e. no body literals)
    facts = list(
        filter(lambda c: len(c.get_body().get_literals()) == 0, clauses))
    if len(facts) == 0:
        raise AssertionError(
            "Theory does not contain ground facts, which necessary to compute a minimal Herbrand model!"
    # print("Finished iteration 0")

    # If all clauses are just facts, there is nothing to be done.
    if len(facts) == len(clauses):
        return clauses

    #BUG: doesn't work properly after pylo update...

    m[1] = list(facts)
    while Counter(m[i]) != Counter(m[i - 1]):
        model_constants = _flatten(
            [fact.get_head().get_arguments() for fact in m[i]])

        m[i + 1] = []
        rules = list(
            filter(lambda c: len(c.get_body().get_literals()) > 0, clauses))

        for rule in rules:
            # if there is a substition theta such that
            # all literals in rule._body are true in the previous model
            body = rule.get_body()
            body_vars = body.get_variables()
            # Build all substitutions body_vars -> model_constants
            substitutions = _all_maps(body_vars, model_constants)

            for theta in substitutions:
                # add_rule is True unless there is some literal that never
                # occurs in m[i]
                add_fact = True
                for body_lit in body.get_literals():
                    candidate = body_lit.substitute(theta)
                    facts = list(map(lambda x: x.get_head(), m[i]))
                    # print("Does {} occur in {}?".format(candidate,facts))
                    if candidate in facts:
                        # print("Yes")
                        add_fact = False

                new_fact = Clause(rule.get_head().substitute(theta), [])

                if add_fact and not new_fact in m[i +
                                                  1] and not new_fact in m[i]:
                    m[i + 1].append(new_fact)
                    # print("Added fact {} to m[{}]".format(str(new_fact),i+1))
                    # print(m[i+1])

        # print(f"Finished iteration {i}")
        m[i + 1] = list(set(m[i + 1] + m[i]))
        # print("New model: "+str(m[i+1]))
        i += 1
    return m[i]
Beispiel #10
    def learn(
        self, examples: Task, knowledge: Knowledge, hypothesis_space: HypothesisSpace, 
        initial_clause: typing.Union[Body,Clause] = None, minimum_freq: int = 0
        To find a hypothesis, Aleph uses the following set covering approach:
        1.  Select a positive example to be generalised. If none exists, stop; otherwise proceed to the next step.
        2.  Construct the most specific clause (the bottom clause) (Muggleton, 1995) that entails the selected example
            and that is consistent with the mode declarations.
        3.  Search for a clause more general than the bottom clause and that has the best score.
        4.  Add the clause to the current hypothesis and remove all the examples made redundant by it.
        Return to step 1.
        (Description from Cropper and Dumancic )

        # Variables for learning statics
        start_time =
        i = 0
        stop = False
        self._learnresult = LearnResult()   # Reset in case the learner is reused
        self._prolog_queries = 0
        self._intermediate_coverage = []
        self._eval_fn._clauses_evaluated = 0

        # Assert all BK into engines

        # Start with all examples
        examples_to_use = examples
        pos, _ = examples_to_use.get_examples()

        # List of clauses we're learning
        prog = []

        # parameters for aleph_extension()
        allowed_positions = find_allowed_positions(knowledge)
        allowed_reflexivity = find_allowed_reflexivity(knowledge)
        if minimum_freq > 0:
            allowed_constants = find_frequent_constants(knowledge,minimum_freq)
            allowed_constants = None        

        # Create HypothesisSpace: primitives will be different in each iteration 
        # (based on the chosen positive example)
        hs = TopDownHypothesisSpace(
                lambda x, y: has_duplicated_literal(x, y),

        while len(pos) > 0 and not stop:
            i += 1

            # Pick example from pos
            pos_ex = Clause(list(pos)[0], [])
            bk = knowledge.as_clauses()
            bottom = compute_bottom_clause(bk, pos_ex)
            if self._print:
                print("Next iteration: generalizing example {}".format(str(pos_ex)))
                # print("Bottom clause: " + str(bottom))

            # Predicates can only be picked from the body of the bottom clause
            body_predicates = list(
                    lambda l: l.get_predicate(), 

            # Constants can only be picked from the literals in the bottom clause,
            # and from constants that are frequent enough in bk (if applicable)
            if allowed_constants is None:
                allowed = lambda l: isinstance(l,Constant) or isinstance(l,int)
                allowed = lambda l: (isinstance(l,Constant) and l in allowed_constants) or isinstance(l,int)

            constants = list(set(list(filter(
            if self._print:
                print("Constants in bottom clause: {}".format(constants))
                print("Predicates in bottom clause: {}".format(body_predicates))

            # IMPORTANT: use VALUES of pred and constants, not the variables
            # Has something to do with closures 
            extensions = [
                lambda x,a=pred,b=allowed_positions,c=constants,d=allowed_reflexivity: aleph_extension(x,a,b,c,d) for pred in body_predicates

            # Update hypothesis space for this iteration
            hs._primitives = extensions

            # Learn 1 clause and add to program
            cl = self._learn_one_clause(examples_to_use, hs)
            if self._print:
                print("- New clause: " + str(cl))

            # update covered positive examples
            covered = self._execute_program(cl)
            if self._print:
                    "Clause covers {} pos examples: {}".format(
                        len(pos.intersection(covered)), pos.intersection(covered)

            # Find intermediate quality of program at this point, add to learnresult (don't cound these as Prolog queries)
            c = set()
            for cl in prog:
                c = c.union(self._execute_program(cl,count_as_query=False))
            pos_covered = len(c.intersection(examples._positive_examples))
            neg_covered = len(c.intersection(examples._negative_examples))

            # Remove covered examples and start next iteration
            pos, neg = examples_to_use.get_examples()
            pos = pos.difference(covered)
            examples_to_use = Task(pos, neg)

            if self._print:
                print("Finished iteration {}".format(i))
                # print("Current program: {}".format(str(prog)))

        # Wrap results into learnresult and return
        self._learnresult['learner'] = "Aleph"
        self._learnresult["total_time"] = ( - start_time).total_seconds()
        self._learnresult["final_program"] = prog
        self._learnresult["num_iterations"] = i
        self._learnresult["evalfn_evaluations"] = self._eval_fn._clauses_evaluated
        self._learnresult["prolog_queries"] = self._prolog_queries
        self._learnresult["intermediate_coverage"] = self._intermediate_coverage

        return self._learnresult