Beispiel #1
def forecast(data_dir, Nt, Nf, ic, s, b, r, ts, scale, offset):
    X = lorenz.Lsteps(ic, lorenz.F, s, b, r, ts, Nf + 1)
    f = open(join(data_dir, 'LaserForecast'), 'w')
    for t in range(Nf):
        x0 = float(X[t + 1, 0])
        print(t + Nt, Y[Nt + t], (x0 * x0 * scale + offset), file=f)
Beispiel #2
def StepNt(P, Nt):
    """ Simulate a sequence of Nt measurements by: (1) Calculate
    initial condidtions from radius and time.  (2) Integrate
    Lorenz. (3) Square first component, scale, and add offset.
    P = [rad, Tr, r, s, b, ts, offset, scale, noise]
    params = ParamCalc(*(list(P[0:8]) + [0, 0]))  # Stick 0, 0 on end of P
    ic = params[0:3]
    r, s, b, ts, offset, scale = params[3:9]
    X = lorenz.Lsteps(ic, lorenz.F, s, b, r, ts, Nt)
    ys = X[:, 0] * X[:, 0] * scale + offset
    return ys
Beispiel #3
def TanGen0(
        DevEta=0.001,  # Dynamical noise
        DevEpsilon=0.004,  # Measurement noise
        b=8.0 / 3,  # Lorenz parameters
        ts=0.15,  # Sample interval
        Nt=300,  # Number of samples
        trelax=1.0  # Time to relax to attractor
    Simulate the evolution of the whole system for Nt time steps.
    Record and return the sequence of states (X), observations (Y),
    derivatives of state maps (F) and derivatives of observation maps
    (G).  TanGen0() is like TanGen(), but observation is X_0 instead
    of X_0**2

    import lorenz, numpy as np, random
    assert trelax < 2.0, "Integrator doesn't work with big times"
    RG = random.gauss
    # Storage for initial conditions
    ic = np.ones(3)
    # Relax to the attractor:
    Nrelax = 30
    temp = lorenz.Lsteps(ic, lorenz.F, s, b, r, trelax, Nrelax)
    ic = temp[-1]  # reset ICs
    X = []
    Y = []
    F = []
    G = []
    for t in range(Nt):
        Y.append(np.array([ic[0] + RG(0.0, DevEpsilon)]))
        G.append(np.array([[1.0, 0, 0]]))
        # Call to integrator.  ic is overwritten with result
        ic, tan = lorenz.Ltan_one(ic, s, b, r, ts)
        ic = ic + np.array([RG(0.0, DevEta), RG(0.0, DevEta), RG(0.0, DevEta)])
    return (X, Y, F, G)
Beispiel #4
def ParamCalc(rad, Tr, r, s, b, ts, offset, scale, dev_epsilon, dev_eta):
    """ Translates specification of initial condition (rad,Tr) with
    radius rad from one of the unstable complex fixed points and
    relaxation time Tr to (ic[0],ic[1],ic[2]) thus creating a
    parameter vector suitable for EKF.LogLike().
    root = math.sqrt(b * (r - 1))  # A frequently used intermediate term
    f = numpy.array([root, root, (r - 1)])  # One of three fixed points
    DF = numpy.array([[-s, s, 0], [1, -1, -root], [root, root, -b]])
    # DF is the derivative of F at the fixed point f
    [val, vec] = LA.eig(DF)
    v = vec.T[1].real
    u = vec.T[1].imag
    w = (u - (u[2] / v[2]) * v)
    x0 = f - rad * (f[0] / w[0]) * w
    # x0 is in the plane of unstable complex pair of eigenvectors at
    # radius rad from f
    ic = lorenz.Lsteps(x0, lorenz.F, s, b, r, Tr, 2)[-1, :]
    # Now ic is result of trajectory starting at x0 after relaxation
    # time Tr.  The idea is avoid funny looking transients.
    return ([
        ic[0], ic[1], ic[2], r, s, b, ts, offset, scale, dev_epsilon, dev_eta
Beispiel #5
DevEta = 1e-5 # Std dev of state noise
DIC = 1.0     # Size of cube of initial condidtions
Dqy = 1e-3    # Y Quantization size
# The smaller values of Nt and Nr require 31.8 seconds on cathcart
#Nt = 400     # Number of times
#Nr = 100     # Number of runs
# The larger values of Nt and Nr require 17:57 on cathcart
Nt = 1000     # Number of times
Nr = 1000     # Number of runs
ts = 0.15     # Time step
tr = 10.0     # Relax time

Rt = numpy.empty((Nt,Nr,3))
RAt = numpy.empty((Nt,Nr,3))
ic = [0.0, 0.1, 20.0]
result = lorenz.Lsteps(ic, lorenz.F, s,b,r,tr,2)
Aug = DevEta/Dqy                   # Augmentation of expansion by noise
for j in range(Nr):               # Loop over runs
    # Random initial condition in DIC cube
    ic = result[-1] + numpy.array([RR()*DIC,RR()*DIC,RR()*DIC])
    Q = numpy.mat(numpy.eye(3))  # Basis in tangent space
    for t in range(Nt):         # Loop over time steps
        ic,Tan = lorenz.Ltan_one(ic,s,b,r,ts)
        # Add state noise at each time step
        ic = ic + numpy.array([RG(0.0,DevEta),RG(0.0,DevEta),RG(0.0,DevEta)])
        TQ = numpy.mat(Tan)*Q
        Q,R = LA.qr(TQ) # QR decomposition
        for i in range(3):
            rii = R[i,i]
            if rii > 0:
                Rt[t,j,i] = math.log(rii)