def init(self): code_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/' with create_file_to_write(code_path) as code_file: code_file.write(self.code) exe_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/__pycache__/code.{self.magic}.pyc' self.exe_args = [self.interpreter, '-O', '-S', exe_path] log_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/compile.log' with open(log_path, 'w') as log_file: run_cfg = self.get_run_cfg( [ self.interpreter, '-O', '-m', 'compileall', '-q', self.exe_dir ], 0, 0, log_file.fileno(), runner=-1, ) result = if result['result'] != VerdictResult.AC: with open(log_path, 'r') as log_file: raise ExecutorInitException( # TODO check file size before read
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = file(in_path) ftemp = file('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args': ['cd', '/home/ma6174/111/', '&&', 'java', 'Main'], 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': 2000, #in MS 'memorylimit': 65536, #in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = file('temp.out') fout = file(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() # os.remove('temp.out') if crst != 0: return {'result': crst} return rst
def run(workPath, index, language, testdata_path, standout_path, limitTime, limitMemory, exec_file_name): language = language.lower() cmd = '' if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -classpath %s %s ' % (workPath, exec_file_name) elif language == 'python': cmd = 'python %s ' % (os.path.join(workPath, exec_file_name)) else: cmd = '%s ' % (os.path.join(workPath, exec_file_name)) fin = open(testdata_path) ftemppath = os.path.join(workPath, str(index) + ".out") ftemp = open(ftemppath, 'w') runcfg = { 'args': shlex.split(cmd), 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': int(limitTime), 'memorylimit': int(limitMemory) } res = fin.close() ftemp.close() if res['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(ftemppath) fout = open(standout_path) res['result'] = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() return res
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open("temp.out", "w") argsList = p_path.split(" ") runcfg = { "args": argsList, "fd_in": fin.fileno(), "fd_out": ftemp.fileno(), "timelimit": 2000, # in MS "memorylimit": 200000, # in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst["result"] == 0: ftemp = open("temp.out") fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove("temp.out") if crst != 0: return {"result": crst} return rst
def judge_one_mem_time(solution_id, problem_id, item, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() '''ce yi zu shu zu''' input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir,str(problem_id),"%s" %item) try: input_data = file(input_path) except: return False out_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir,str(solution_id),'%s'%(item[:-2] + 'txt')) temp_out_data = open(out_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' (os.path.join(config.work_dir,str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main,cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir,str(solution_id), 'main')] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit,#in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit,# in KB } #low_level() rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() #logging.debug(rst) return rst
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args':['./m'], 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':1000, #in MS 'memorylimit':20000, #in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open('temp.out') fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove('temp.out') if crst != 0: return {'result':crst} return rst
def judge(cmd, file_in, file_out, time_limit, memory_limit, kind, spj): fin = open(file_in) fout = open(file_out, 'w+') ferr = open('/bin/null') runcfg['args'] = cmd runcfg['fd_err'] = ferr.fileno() runcfg['fd_in'] = fin.fileno() runcfg['fd_out'] = fout.fileno() runcfg['timelimit'] = time_limit runcfg['memorylimit'] = memory_limit result = fin.close() fout.close() if spj == 1: result = SPJudge(file_in, result) elif result['result'] == 0: file_ans = file_in.replace(".in", ".out") fans = open(file_ans) fout = open(file_out) flag = lorun.check(fans.fileno(), fout.fileno()) fout.close() fans.close() result['result'] = flag #os.remove(file_out) return result
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = file(in_path) ftemp = file('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args':['cd','/home/ma6174/111/','&&','java','Main'], 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':2000, #in MS 'memorylimit':65536, #in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = file('temp.out') fout = file(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() # os.remove('temp.out') if crst != 0: return {'result':crst} return rst
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path, mem_limit, tim_limit): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args':[p_path], 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':tim_limit, #in MS 'memorylimit':mem_limit*1024, #in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open('temp.out') fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove('temp.out') if crst != 0: rst['result']=crst return rst return rst
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args': ['./m'], 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': 1000, # in MS 'memorylimit': 20000, # in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open('temp.out') fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove('temp.out') if crst != 0: return {'result': crst} return rst
def judge(self, judger, srcPath, outPath, inFile, ansFile, memlimit, timelimit): cmd = config.langRun[judger.lang] % {'src': srcPath, 'target': outPath} fout_path = "".join([sys.path[0], "/", "%s/%d.out" % (config.dataPath["tempPath"], random.randint(0, 65536))]) if os.path.exists(fout_path): os.remove(fout_path) fin = open(inFile, 'rU') fout = open(fout_path, 'w') runcfg = { 'args': [cmd], 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': fout.fileno(), 'timelimit': int(timelimit), 'memorylimit': int(memlimit) } rst = fin.close() fout.close() if rst['result'] == 0: fans = open(ansFile, 'rU') fout = open(fout_path, 'rU') crst = lorun.check(fans.fileno(), fout.fileno()) fout.close() fans.close() return (RESULT_MAP[crst], int(rst['memoryused']), int(rst['timeused'])) return (RESULT_MAP[rst['result']], 0, 0)
def judge(runid, pid, language): '''评测题目''' file_name = { 'C': 'main.c', 'C++': 'main.cpp', 'Python2.7': '' } get_code(runid, file_name[language]) input_file = file(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, ''.join([str(pid), '.in']))) output_file = file(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, ''.join([str(pid), '.out']))) tmp_file = file(os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, str(runid)), 'w') time_limit = Problem.query.filter_by(pid = pid).first().time_limit memory_limit = Problem.query.filter_by(pid = pid).first().memory_limit if not compile(runid, language): return 'Compile Error', None if language == 'Python2.7': time_limit *= PYTHON_TIME_LIMIT_TIMES memory_limit *= PYTHON_MEMORY_LIMIT_TIMES cmd = 'python2.7 %s' % (os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_file.fileno(), 'fd_out': tmp_file.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': memory_limit } rst = tmp_file = file(os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, str(runid))) return JUDGE_RESULT[lorun.check(output_file.fileno(), tmp_file.fileno())], rst
def debug(str_in, ques_info, cur_name, exec_path): os.chdir(exec_path) cin_name = cur_name + "in" fin = open(cin_name, "w") fin.write(str_in) fin.close() fin = open(cin_name, "r") temp_name = cur_name + ".out" ftemp = open(temp_name, "w") runcfg = { "args" : ["./" + cur_name], "fd_in" : fin.fileno(), "fd_out" : ftemp.fileno(), "timelimit" : ques_info["t_l"], "memorylimit": ques_info["m_l"] } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() rst["result"] = RESULT_STR[rst["result"]] ftemp = open(temp_name) _t = i = len(_t) - 1 while i >= 0 and (_t[i] == '\n' or _t[i] == ' '): i -= 1 t = _t[0 : i + 1] rst["cout"] = t ftemp.close() os.remove(temp_name) os.remove(cin_name) print("debug:" , rst) return rst
def init(self): try: tree = javalang.parse.parse(self.code) = next( for klass in tree.types if isinstance(klass, javalang.tree.ClassDeclaration) for m in klass.methods if == 'main' and m.modifiers.issuperset({'public', 'static'})) except javalang.parser.JavaSyntaxError: # if code illegal, you can't get a certain main class name, the code must ce ,you call it Solution is ok = 'Solution' code_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/{}.java' code_file = create_file_to_write(code_path) code_file.write(self.code) code_file.close() log_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/compile.log' self.exe_args = ['java', '-classpath', self.exe_dir,] # overridden in `execute` method with open(log_path, 'w') as log_file: run_cfg = self.get_run_cfg( ['javac', code_path], 0, 0, log_file.fileno(), runner=-1, ) result = if result['result'] != VerdictResult.AC: with open(log_path, 'r') as log_file: raise ExecutorInitException(
def run(language, testdata_path, standout_path, limitTime, limitMemory): language = language.lower() cmd = '' if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -classpath %s %s ' % (cfg.tempdata_path, cfg.java_file_name_no_ext) elif language == 'python': cmd = 'python %s ' % (os.path.join( cfg.source_path, cfg.python_file_name_no_ext + ".pyc")) else: cmd = './%s ' % (cfg.exec_name) fin = open(testdata_path) ftemp = open(cfg.temp_file_name, 'w') ftemp = open(os.path.join(cfg.tempdata_path, cfg.temp_file_name), 'w') runcfg = { 'args': shlex.split(cmd), 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': int(limitTime), 'memorylimit': int(limitMemory), } res = fin.close() ftemp.close() if res['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(os.path.join(cfg.tempdata_path, cfg.temp_file_name)) fout = open(standout_path) res['result'] = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() return res
def run_one(exe_id, lang, in_path, out_path, time, memory): out = exe_id + ".out" fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open(out, 'w') run_map = {1: "java -cp " + return_exe_path(exe_id) + " Main", 2: "./" + exe_id} main_exe = shlex.split(run_map[lang]) print(main_exe) run_config = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': time, # in MS 'memorylimit': memory, # in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(out) fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove(out) if crst != 0: return {'result': crst} return rst
def run(exe_file, std_in, std_out, time_limit, memory_limit, file_io, file_io_input_name, file_io_output_name): result_str = ('Accepted', 'Presentation Error', 'Time Limit Exceed', 'Memory Limit Exceed', 'Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Output Limit Exceed', 'Compile Error', 'System Error') user_out = "user_tmp.out" std_in_f = open(std_in) user_out_f = open(user_out, 'w') if file_io: os.system("cp " + std_in + " " + file_io_input_name) std_in_f = open("/dev/null") run_cfg = { 'args': ['./' + exe_file], 'fd_in': std_in_f.fileno(), 'fd_out': user_out_f.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': memory_limit * 1024, } res = std_in_f.close() user_out_f.close() if file_io: os.remove(user_out) user_out = file_io_output_name result = {} result['status'] = result_str[res['result']] if res['result'] == 0: if not os.path.isfile(user_out): result['status'] = 'Wrong Answer' elif not check_ans(std_out, user_out): print "zz" result['status'] = 'Wrong Answer' if not 'timeused' in res: result['time_used'] = 0 else: result["time_used"] = res["timeused"] if not 'memoryused' in res: result['memory_used'] = 0 else: result["memory_used"] = res["memoryused"] result["input"] = shorter_read(std_in, 120) result["answer"] = shorter_read(std_out, 120) if os.path.isfile(user_out): result["user_out"] = shorter_read(user_out, 120) os.remove(user_out) else: result["user_out"] = "" if file_io: os.system("rm -r " + file_io_input_name) return result
def judge_one_mem_time(solution_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() '''评测一组数据''' input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = file(input_path) except: return False output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = file(output_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } low_level() rst ="the lorun result is : " + str(rst)) input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def judge(runid, pid, language): filename = {'C': 'main.c', 'C++': 'main.cpp', 'Python2.7': ''} #form the src into get_code(runid, filename[language]) input_file = open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, ''.join([str(pid), '.in']))) output_file = open(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, ''.join([str(pid), '.out']))) tmp_file = open(os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, str(runid)), 'w') time_limit = Problem.query.get(pid).time_limit memory_limit = Problem.query.get(pid).memory_limit if not compile(runid, language): return ('Compile Error', None) if language == 'Python2.7': time_limit *= PYTHON_TIME_LIMIT_TIMES memory_limit *= PYTHON_MEMORY_LIMIT_TIMES cmd = 'python2.7 %s' % (os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_file.fileno(), 'fd_out': tmp_file.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': memory_limit } returns a dict = {'memoryused': kb, 'timeused': ms, 'results': '0 if run properly'} #otherwise non-zero maybe Runtime Error rst = print rst input_file.close() tmp_file.close() tmp_file = open(os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, str(runid))) if rst['result'] == 0: #lorun.check() returns a number which means the final result crst = lorun.check(output_file.fileno(), tmp_file.fileno()) output_file.close() tmp_file.close() rst['result'] = crst print crst return JUDGE_RESULT[rst['result']], rst
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path, user_path, time_limit, memory_limit, lang): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open(user_path, 'w') if type(p_path) == str: p_path = [p_path] runcfg = { 'args': p_path, 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': int(time_limit * 1000), #in MS 'memorylimit': int(memory_limit * 2 / 1024 + 1024), #in KB } if lang != 'Java': runcfg['trace'] = True runcfg['calls'] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 59, 158, 231] runcfg['files'] = {} else: runcfg['memorylimit'] = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f # print('Runone Config:') # print(runcfg) rst = # print('Runone Result:') # print(rst) fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: if rst['memoryused'] > memory_limit / 1024: rst['memoryused'] = memory_limit / 1024 rst['result'] = 3 #MLE if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(user_path, 'r') output = ftemp.close() output = output.replace(chr(13), '') fout = open(out_path, 'r') right = fout.close() right = right.replace(chr(13), '') if right != output: if ''.join(output.split()) == ''.join(right.split()): rst['result'] = 1 #PE else: rst['result'] = 4 #WA return rst
def run(exe_file, std_in, std_out, time_limit, memory_limit): result_str = ( 'Accepted', 'Presentation Error', 'Time Limit Exceed', 'Memory Limit Exceed', 'Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 'Output Limit Exceed', 'Compile Error', 'System Error' ) user_out = "user_tmp.out" std_in_f = open(std_in) user_out_f = open(user_out, 'w') run_cfg = { 'args': ['./' + exe_file], 'fd_in': std_in_f.fileno(), 'fd_out': user_out_f.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': memory_limit * 1024, } res = std_in_f.close() user_out_f.close() result = {} result['status'] = result_str[res['result']] if res['result'] == 0: if not check_ans(std_out, user_out): result['status'] = 'Wrong Answer' if not 'timeused' in res: result['time_used'] = 0 else: result["time_used"] = res["timeused"] if not 'memoryused' in res: result['memory_used'] = 0 else: result["memory_used"] = res["memoryused"] result["input"] = shorter_read(std_in, 120) result["answer"] = shorter_read(std_out, 120) result["user_out"] = shorter_read(user_out, 120) os.remove(user_out) return result
def judge_one_mem_time(submit_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): protect.low_level() '''评测一组数据''' lans = DBData.lans input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), '' % data_num) # 获取存放输入数据的文件的路径 try: input_data = open(input_path) # 尝试打开 except: return False # 无法打开 # 创建一个供写入数据的txt文件(用于存放用户程序的运行结果) output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = open(output_path, 'w') # 以写入方法创建打开上述文件 if lans[language][0] == 'java': mem_limit += 1000000 cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) # 使用类似shell的语法分割cmd elif lans[language][0] == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif lans[language][0] == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), '')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif lans[language][0] == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif lans[language][0] == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif lans[language][0] == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submit_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), # 一个整型的文件描述符(文件id) 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), # 同上 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } try: protect.low_level() rst = # 在lorun黑盒中运行程序 input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst # {result:int,timeused:int,memoryused:int} except: logging.error("lorun错误")
def runone(in_path, out_path, ques_info, cur_name): temp_name = cur_name + ".out" fin = open(in_path) cin_text = fin.close() fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open(temp_name, "w") runcfg = { "args" : ["./" + cur_name], "fd_in" : fin.fileno(), "fd_out" : ftemp.fileno(), "timelimit" : ques_info["t_l"], "memorylimit": ques_info["m_l"] } print("runone", runcfg["args"]) rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst["result"] == 0: ftemp = open(temp_name) fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) ftemp.close() if crst != 0: ftemp = open(temp_name) _t = out = i = len(_t) - 1 while i >= 0 and ( _t[i] == '\n' or _t[i] == ' '): i -= 1 t = _t[0 : i + 1] if(t == out): crst == 0 else: rst["result"] = crst rst["cout"] = t rst["true_cout"] = out ftemp.close() fout.close() rst["cin_text"] = cin_text os.remove(temp_name) print("run_one:" , rst) return rst
def judge_one(solution_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = open(input_path, 'r') except: return False output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = open(output_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main'), ] runfig = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': mem_limit, } low_level() rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path): fin = open(in_path) fout = open(out_path) ftemp = open('temp.out', 'w') runcfg = { 'args': p_path, 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': 5000, #in MS 'memorylimit': 200000, #in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() return rst
def execute(self, input_path, output_path, log_path, time_limit, memory_limit, trace=False, runner=NOBODY_UID): input_file = open(input_path, 'r') if input_path else None output_file = create_file_to_write( output_path) if output_path else None log_file = create_file_to_write(log_path) if log_path else None result = { 'result': VerdictResult.SE, 'timeused': 0, 'memoryused': 0, 'desc': "lorun exited unexpectedly" } try: run_cfg = self.get_run_cfg( self.exe_args, input_file.fileno() if input_file else 0, output_file.fileno() if output_file else 0, log_file.fileno() if log_path else 0, time_limit, memory_limit, trace=trace, runner=runner, ) result = except SystemError: return result finally: self.get_additional_info(result, output_path, log_path) if input_file: input_file.close() if output_file: output_file.close() if log_file: log_file.close() # do some cleanups in subclasses if necessary self.cleanup(log_path) return result
def judge_one(work_path, pid, language, input_data, output_data, time_limit, mem_limit): if language == 'c' or language == 'c++': main_exe = [ os.path.join(work_path, 'main'), ] elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(work_path, 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(work_path, '__pycache__/main.cpython-34.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s main' % work_path main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'php': cmd = 'php %s' % (os.path.join(work_path, 'main.php')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % (os.path.join(work_path, "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % (os.path.join(work_path, "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % (os.path.join(work_path, "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(work_path, 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': output_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': mem_limit * 1024, } rst = return rst
def judge_one_mem_time(solution_id, problem_id, item, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), "%s" % item) try: input_data = file(input_path) except: return False out_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '%s' % (item[:-2] + 'txt')) temp_out_data = open(out_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main,cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main')] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, #in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() return rst
def judge_one_mem_time(solution_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): '''评测一组数据''' input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), "test_data", '' % data_num) print("inputpath:", input_path) try: input_data = open(input_path, 'r') except: return False output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) print("out_path", output_path) temp_out_data = open(output_path, 'w') print(temp_out_data) if language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-38.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB 'trace' : True, 'calls': [1,3, 17, 12, 21, 257, 5, 9, 0, 10, 158, 11, 8, 218,\ 89,63,231], # system calls that could be used by testing programs 'files' : {'/etc/': 1} # open flag permitted (value is the flags of open) } rst = print("lorn:", rst) input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def execRunOnce(session_path, handel, config, td_in_path): my_out_filename = "%s.outdata" % handel # 获取程序运行结果输出文件的绝对路径 tMP_PATH = os.path.join(session_path, my_out_filename) # 只读打开测试数据输入样例文件 fin = open(td_in_path) # 清理遗留文件 if os.path.exists(tMP_PATH): os.remove(tMP_PATH) # 只写打开运行结果文件 ftemp = open(tMP_PATH, 'w+') # 创建评测配置信息 # java -classpath <session_path> Main if str(config.get('lang')) == 'java': args = [ 'java', '-client', '-Dfile.encoding=utf-8', '-classpath', session_path, "Main" ] else: args = [os.path.join(session_path, "m")] time_limit = config.get('time_limit', 1000) memory_limit = config.get('memory_limit', 32768) runcfg = { 'args': args, # 运行程序文件 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, 'memorylimit': memory_limit } Base.log('[TDMaker]运行源程序!(JUDGE_PROCESS_START)') # 执行Lorun模块,运行程序 rst = Base.log('[TDMaker]程序运行结束!(JUDGE_PROCESS_FINISHED)') # 释放文件 fin.close() ftemp.close() # 返回运行结果 return rst
def judge(cmd,file_in,file_out,time_limit,memory_limit): fin = open(file_in) fout = open(file_out,'w+') runcfg['args'] = cmd.split(' ') runcfg['fd_in'] = fin.fileno() runcfg['fd_out'] = fout.fileno() runcfg['timelimit'] = time_limit runcfg['memorylimit'] = memory_limit result = fin.close() fout.close() if result['result'] == 0: file_ans = file_in.split('.') file_ans = file_ans[0] + '.out' fans = open(file_ans) fout = open(file_out) flag = lorun.check(fans.fileno(), fout.fileno()) fout.close() fans.close() #os.remove(file_out) result['result'] = flag return result
def judge_one_mem_time(id, test_case_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() '''评测一组数据''' input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(test_case_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = open(input_path) except: return False output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, id, 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = open(output_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, id)) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, id, 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(config.work_dir, id, config.python_exe_name)) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [ os.path.join(config.work_dir, id, 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } low_level() rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def RunOne(runcfg, in_path, out_path, temp_path): fin = file(in_path) ftemp = file(temp_path, 'w') runcfg['fd_in'] = fin.fileno() runcfg['fd_out'] = ftemp.fileno() rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = file(temp_path) fout = file(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove(temp_path) if crst != 0: return {'result': crst} return rst
def run(work_path, language, input_data, output_data): if language == 'c' or language == 'c++': main_exe = [os.path.join(work_path, 'main'), ] elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % (os.path.join(work_path,'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % (os.path.join(work_path,'__pycache__/main.cpython-34.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s main' % work_path main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'php': cmd = 'php %s' % (os.path.join(work_path,'main.php')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % (os.path.join(work_path,"main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % (os.path.join(work_path,"main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % (os.path.join(work_path,"")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(work_path, 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': output_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': 1000, 'memorylimit': 32*1024, } rst = return rst
def run(cmd, stdIn, stdOut, userOut, timeLimit, memoryLimit): result, fileIn, fileOut = None, None, None try: fileIn = open(stdIn, 'r') fileOut = open(userOut, 'w') runcfg = { 'args': shlex.split(cmd), 'fd_in': fileIn.fileno(), 'fd_out': fileOut.fileno(), 'timelimit': timeLimit, 'memorylimit': memoryLimit, } result = except Exception as e: result = {'memoryused': 0, 'timeused': 0, 'result': 8,'errormessage': str(e)} finally: if fileIn is not None: fileIn.close() if fileOut is not None: fileOut.close() if result['result'] == 0: file1, file2 = None, None try: file1 = open(userOut, 'r') file2 = open(stdOut, 'r') rst = lorun.check(file2.fileno(), file1.fileno()) if rst != 0: result = {'memoryused': 0, 'timeused': 0, 'result': rst} except Exception as e: result = {'memoryused': 0, 'timeused': 0, 'result': 8, 'errormessage': str(e)} finally: if file1 is not None: file1.close() if file2 is not None: file2.close() else: result['memoryused'], result['timeused'] = 0, 0 return result
def init(self): code_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/code.cpp' code_file = create_file_to_write(code_path) code_file.write(self.code) code_file.close() exe_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/executable' log_path = f'{self.exe_dir}/compile.log' self.exe_args = [exe_path] with open(log_path, 'w') as log_file: run_cfg = self.get_run_cfg( ['g++', code_path, '-DONLINE_JUDGE', '-o', exe_path, '-Wall', '-O2', '-std=c++17'], 0, 0, log_file.fileno(), runner=-1, ) result = if result['result'] != VerdictResult.AC: with open(log_path, 'r') as log_file: raise ExecutorInitException(
def runone(process, in_path, out_path, user_path, time, memory): fin = open(in_path) tmp = os.path.join(user_path, 'temp.out') ftemp = open(tmp, 'w') runcfg = { 'args': [process], 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit': time, # in MS 'memorylimit': memory, # in KB } rst = fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(tmp) fout = open(out_path) crst = lorun.check(fout.fileno(), ftemp.fileno()) fout.close() ftemp.close() os.remove(tmp) rst['result'] = crst return rst
# 创建测试结果 result = JudgeResultDetailItem() result.handle = case.handle # 获取时间限制 tl, ml = self.__get_time_mem_limit() runcfg = { 'args': run_args, # 运行程序文件 'fd_in': in_file.fileno(), 'fd_out': target_out_file.fileno(), 'fd_err': err_out_file.fileno(), 'timelimit': tl, 'memorylimit': ml } # 运行程序 rst = # 关闭文件 in_file.close() target_out_file.close() err_out_file.close() _log("RUN FINISHED") # 获取运行数据 result.re_signum = rst.get('re_signum', 0) result.re_call = rst.get('re_call', 0) result.re_file_flag = rst.get('re_file_flag', 0) result.re_file = rst.get('re_file', "") result.time_used = rst.get('timeused', 0) result.memory_used = rst.get('memoryused', 0) result.re_msg = "" err_out_file = self.output_storage.open_file("%s.err" % case.handle, "r") # 获取stderr的输出
'memoryused': 0, 'timeused': 0 })) continue if 'fd_in' in runcfg: fd_in = file(runcfg['fd_in']) runcfg['fd_in'] = fd_in.fileno() if 'fd_out' in runcfg: fd_out = file(runcfg['fd_out'], 'w') runcfg['fd_out'] = fd_out.fileno() if 'fd_err' in runcfg: fd_err = file(runcfg['fd_err'], 'w') runcfg['fd_err'] = fd_err.fileno() gc.collect() try: ret = except: connection.send( json.dumps({ 'result': 11, 'memoryused': 0, 'timeused': 0 })) continue del runcfg fd_err.close() fd_out.close() fd_in.close() del fd_in del fd_out del fd_err
def judge_one_mem_time( solution_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() '''评测一组数据''' input_path = os.path.join( config.data_dir, str(problem_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = file(input_path) except: return False output_path = os.path.join( config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = file(output_path, 'w') if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } low_level() rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def run(submission_id, time_limit, mem_limit, program_info, language_id): low_level() '''评测一组测试用例''' input_path = os.path.join( config.data_dir, str(submission_id), '' % str(submission_id)) try: input_data = file(input_path) except: return False output_path = os.path.join( config.work_dir, str(submission_id), '%s.out' % str(submission_id)) try: out_data = file(output_path, 'w') except: return False if language_id == 3: # Java cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language_id == 9: #Python 2 cmd = 'python2 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language_id == 10: #Python 3 cmd = 'python3 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language_id == 8: cmd = "lua %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language_id == 8: cmd = "ruby %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language_id == 5: cmd = "perl %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(submission_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } log.log_info('Runing, %d' % submission_id) low_level() rst = input_data.close() out_data.close() return rst
def raidtwo_simulate(self): fin = open('', 'w') ftemp = open('output.out', 'w') EXEC_NAME = { 'c': 'main', 'cpp': 'main', # 'java': 'Main,java', 'python2': '', 'python3': '', } fin.write('Language:\n' + '%s\n' %(self.language) + 'Executable:\n' + 'main\n' + 'Army R C and resource:\n' + '100\n' + '70\n' + '7500\n' + 'Number of enemies:\n' + '5\n' + 'Enemies R C and resource:\n' + '125\n' + '400\n' + '5000\n' + '120\n' + '667\n' + '5000\n' + '290 \n' + '675 \n' + '4000\n' + '375\n' + '485\n' + '4000\n' + '438\n' + '62\n' + '5000\n' + 'Travel Cost Army Spy:\n' + '0.5\n' + '0.01\n' + 'Spy Assign Cost:\n' + '10\n') fin.close fin = open('') runcfg = { 'args':['python',''], 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':10000, #in MS 'memorylimit':200000, #in KB } JUDGE_RESULT ={ '0': 'Accepted', '1': 'Presentation Error', '2': 'Time Limit Exceeded', '3': 'Memory Limit Exceeded', '4': 'Wrong Answer', '5': 'Runtime Error', '6': 'Output Limit Exceeded', '7': 'Compile Error', '8': 'System Error', } rst = print rst fin.close() ftemp.close() ftemp = open('output.out') if rst['result'] == 0: self.stat = ftemp.readline() self.cpu = Decimal(float(rst['timeused'])/1000).quantize(Decimal('.001'), rounding=ROUND_UP) self.memory = Decimal(float(rst['memoryused'])/1000).quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP) if self.stat.find('Yay!')>=0: self.queries = int(ftemp.readline()) else: self.queries = 9999 ftemp.close() else: self.queries = 0 self.cpu = 99.999 self.memory = 999.99 self.stat = JUDGE_RESULT[str(rst['result'])] ftemp.close()
def _judge_one_mem_time(self, data_num): """ 评测一组数据 :param data_num: :return: """ self._low_level() input_path = os.path.join( configs.oj.data_dir, str(self.problem_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = file(input_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return False output_path = os.path.join( configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = file(output_path, 'w') if self.language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif self.language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif self.language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif self.language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif self.language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif self.language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % ( os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(configs.oj.work_dir, str(self.solution_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': self.time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': self.memory_limit, # in KB #'trace': True, #'calls': [3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 33, 45, 85, 91, 122, 125, 162, 174, 175, 192, 197, 243, 252, ], # system calls that could be used by testing programs #'files': {'/etc/': 0}, } self._low_level() rst = input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) ''' if rst['result'] == 0: correct_result = os.path.join( configs.oj.data_dir, str(self.problem_id), 'data%s.out' % data_num) corr_out_data = file(correct_result, 'r') temp_out_data = file(output_path, 'r') rst['result'] = lorun.check(corr_out_data.fileno(), temp_out_data.fileno()) ''' return rst
def judge_one_mem_time(solution_id, problem_id, data_num, time_limit, mem_limit, language): low_level() '''评测一组数据'''"评测一组数据") # <==> input_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, str(problem_id), '' % data_num) try: input_data = file(input_path)"judge_one_mem_time.input_data") # <==> except Exception as e: # <==>System Error==>find error is that the 'X' of the '' is from 0,not 1 return False output_path = os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'out%s.txt' % data_num) temp_out_data = file(output_path, 'w')"finish temp_out_data") # <==> if language == 'java': cmd = 'java -cp %s Main' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id))) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python2': cmd = 'python2 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'python3': cmd = 'python3 %s' % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), '__pycache__/main.cpython-33.pyc')) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == 'lua': cmd = "lua %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "ruby": cmd = "ruby %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "main.rb")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) elif language == "perl": cmd = "perl %s" % ( os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), "")) main_exe = shlex.split(cmd) else: main_exe = [os.path.join(config.work_dir, str(solution_id), 'main'), ] runcfg = { 'args': main_exe, 'fd_in': input_data.fileno(), 'fd_out': temp_out_data.fileno(), 'timelimit': time_limit, # in MS 'memorylimit': mem_limit, # in KB } low_level() rst = # 调用lorun插件 input_data.close() temp_out_data.close() logging.debug(rst) return rst
def raidone_simulate(self): fin = open('', 'w') ftemp = open('output.out', 'w') EXEC_NAME = { 'c': 'main', 'cpp': 'main', # 'java': 'Main,java', 'python2': '', 'python3': '', } fin.write('%s\n%s\n' %(self.language, EXEC_NAME[self.language])) fin.close fin = open('') runcfg = { 'args':['python',''], 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':10000, #in MS 'memorylimit':200000, #in KB } JUDGE_RESULT ={ '0': 'Accepted', '1': 'Presentation Error', '2': 'Time Limit Exceeded', '3': 'Memory Limit Exceeded', '4': 'Wrong Answer', '5': 'Runtime Error', '6': 'Output Limit Exceeded', '7': 'Compile Error', '8': 'System Error', } rst = print rst fin.close() ftemp.close() ftemp = open('output.out') if rst['result'] == 0: self.stat = ftemp.readline() self.cpu = Decimal(float(rst['timeused'])/1000).quantize(Decimal('.001'), rounding=ROUND_UP) self.memory = Decimal(float(rst['memoryused'])/1000).quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP) if self.stat.find('Yay!')>=0: self.queries = int(ftemp.readline()) else: self.queries = 9999 ftemp.close() else: self.queries = 9999 self.cpu = 99.999 self.memory = 999.99 self.stat = JUDGE_RESULT[str(rst['result'])] ftemp.close()
def runone(p_path, in_path, out_path, user_path, time_limit, memory_limit, lang): fin = open(in_path) ftemp = open(user_path, 'w') if type(p_path)==str: p_path=[p_path] # print('p_path:') # print(p_path) # print('in_path:') # print(in_path) # print('user_path:') # print(user_path) # print('memolimit') # print(memory_limit) runcfg = { 'args':p_path, 'fd_in':fin.fileno(), 'fd_out':ftemp.fileno(), 'timelimit':int(time_limit*1000), #in MS 'memorylimit':int(memory_limit*2/1024+1024), #in KB } if lang!='Java': runcfg['trace'] = True runcfg['calls'] = [0,1,2,3,5,9,10,11,12,21,59,158,231] runcfg['files'] = {} else: runcfg['memorylimit']=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f # print('runcfg') # print(runcfg) rst = print('result') print(rst) fin.close() ftemp.close() if rst['result'] == 0: if rst['memoryused']>memory_limit/1024: rst['memoryused']=memory_limit/1024 rst['result']=3 if rst['result'] == 0: ftemp = open(user_path, 'r') output = ftemp.close() output = output.replace(chr(13),'') fout = open(out_path,'r') right = fout.close() right = right.replace(chr(13),'') #print('right:') #print(right) #print('output:') #print(output) #os.remove('temp.out') if right != output: if ''.join(output.split()) == ''.join(right.split()): #print('PE') rst['result'] = 1 else: rst['result'] = 4 return rst
runcfg = json.loads(connection.recv(4096)) except: connection.send(json.dumps({'result':11, 'memoryused':0,'timeused':0})) continue if 'fd_in' in runcfg: fd_in = file(runcfg['fd_in']) runcfg['fd_in'] = fd_in.fileno() if 'fd_out' in runcfg: fd_out = file(runcfg['fd_out'], 'w') runcfg['fd_out'] = fd_out.fileno() if 'fd_err' in runcfg: fd_err = file(runcfg['fd_err'], 'w') runcfg['fd_err'] = fd_err.fileno() gc.collect() try: ret = except: connection.send(json.dumps({'result':11, 'memoryused':0,'timeused':0})) continue del runcfg fd_err.close() fd_out.close() fd_in.close() del fd_in del fd_out del fd_err try: connection.send(json.dumps(ret)) except: connection.send(json.dumps({'result':11, 'memoryused':0,'timeused':0})) connection.close()
import lorun import time a = time.time() fin = file('') fout = file('ptrace.out', "w") runcfg = { 'args': ['./demo'], 'fd_in': fin.fileno(), 'fd_out': fout.fileno(), 'timelimit': 5000000, #in MS 'memorylimit': 2000000, #in KB 'trace': True, 'calls': [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,21 ,158 ,231], 'files': {'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/': 524288, '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/': 524288, '/etc/': 524288, '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/': 524288, '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/': 524288} } print fin.close() fout.close() print time.time() - a