def build_model(self): """ Instantiate the model, loss criterion, and optimizer """ # instantiate anchor boxes anchor_boxes = AnchorBox(new_size=self.new_size, config=self.anchor_config) self.anchor_boxes = anchor_boxes.get_boxes() if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.use_gpu: self.anchor_boxes = self.anchor_boxes.cuda() # instatiate model self.model = get_model(config=self.config, anchors=self.anchor_boxes) # instatiate loss criterion self.criterion = get_loss(config=self.config) # instatiate optimizer self.optimizer = optim.SGD(params=self.model.parameters(),, momentum=self.momentum, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) self.scaler = GradScaler() # print network self.print_network(self.model) # use gpu if enabled if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.use_gpu: self.model.cuda() self.criterion.cuda()
def test(model, device, testloader, criterion=None): correct = 0 total = 0 test_loss = 0 mean_acc_depth_mask = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for data in testloader: inputs, labels = data overlay = inputs[1] bg = inputs[0] mask = labels[0] depth = labels[1] # Adding bg with overlay input_depth_mask = bg + overlay # Coverting to run on GPU/CPU input_s, depth_gt, mask_gt =, device), output_depth, output_mask = model(input_s) output_depth, output_mask = device), # Appending depth train output to display output_images_depth.append(output_depth) # Appending mask train output to display output_images_mask.append(output_mask) # Loss Computations loss_mask = criterion(output_mask, mask_gt) loss_depth, ssim_val = get_loss(output_depth, depth_gt) loss = loss_depth.sum() + loss_mask #print("Total loss: {} sum of Depth loss :{} Mask loss: ".format(loss,loss_depth,loss_mask)) test_loss += loss f1_score = dice_coef(mask_gt, output_mask) mean_acc_depth_mask += (ssim_val + f1_score) / 2 test_losses.append(test_loss) print('\nTest Set: Average loss: {:.2f} , Accuracy: ({:.2f}%)\n'.format( test_loss / len(testloader), mean_acc_depth_mask / len(testloader)))
def build_model(self): """ Instantiate the model, loss criterion, and optimizer """ # instatiate anchor boxes anchor_boxes = AnchorBox(map_sizes=[1, 3, 5, 9, 18, 36], aspect_ratios=self.aspect_ratios) self.anchor_boxes = anchor_boxes.get_boxes() if torch.cuda.is_available and self.use_gpu: self.anchor_boxes = self.anchor_boxes.cuda() # instatiate model self.model = STDN(mode=self.mode, stdn_config=self.stdn_config, channels=self.input_channels, class_count=self.class_count, anchors=self.anchor_boxes, num_anchors=self.num_anchors, new_size=self.new_size) # instatiate loss criterion self.criterion = get_loss(config=self.config) # instatiate optimizer self.optimizer = optim.SGD(params=self.model.parameters(),, momentum=self.momentum, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) # print network self.print_network(self.model, 'STDN') # use gpu if enabled if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.use_gpu: self.model.cuda() self.criterion.cuda()
def train(model, device, trainloader, epoch, optimizer, criterion=None): running_loss = 0.0 correct = 0 processed = 0 if criterion is None: criterion = nn.BCELoss() criterion = criterion pbar = tqdm(trainloader) for i, data in enumerate(pbar): inputs, labels = data overlay = inputs[1] bg = inputs[0] mask = labels[0] depth = labels[1] # Adding bg with overlay input_depth_mask = bg + overlay # Coverting to run on GPU/CPU input_s, depth_gt, mask_gt =, device), # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() output_depth, output_mask = model(input_s) output_depth, output_mask =, device) # Appending depth train output to display output_images_depth.append(output_depth) # Appending mask train output to display output_images_mask.append(output_mask) # Loss Computations loss_mask = criterion(output_mask, mask_gt) loss_depth, ssim_val = get_loss(output_depth, depth_gt) loss = loss_depth.sum() + loss_mask #print("Total loss: {} sum of Depth loss : {}, SSIM : {} & Mask loss: {}".format(loss,loss_depth,ssim_val,loss_mask)) train_losses.append(loss) loss.backward( ) # One can set retain graph if there are other losses to accumulate separately (retain_graph=True) optimizer.step() # Save the model, optimiser and epoch at every 100 parameters if i % 100 == 0: { 'epoch': epoch, 'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict() }, '') f1_score = dice_coef(mask_gt, output_mask) mean_acc_depth_mask = (ssim_val + f1_score) / 2 train_acc.append(mean_acc_depth_mask) pbar.set_description( desc= f'Loss={loss.item()} Batch_id={i} Accuracy={100*mean_acc_depth_mask:0.2f}' )
# Get model. base_model, diff_attention_model = model.get_model(config) base_model = base_model.eval() if diff_attention_model is not None: diff_attention_model = diff_attention_model.eval()'Get model.') # Get data loaders. train_loader, query_loader, gallery_loader = loader.get_data_loaders(config, base_model=base_model, device=device)'Get data loaders.') # Get loss. loss, center_loss = loss.get_loss(config, device)'Get loss.') # Get optimizer. base_optimizer, base_scheduler, diff_optimizer, diff_scheduler, center_optimizer, center_scheduler = optimizer.get_optimizer( config, base_model, diff_attention_model, center_loss=center_loss)'Get optimizer.') # Get trainer. trainer = trainer.get_trainer(config, base_model, diff_attention_model, loss, device, logger, query_loader, gallery_loader, base_optimizer=base_optimizer, base_scheduler=base_scheduler, diff_optimizer=diff_optimizer, diff_scheduler=diff_scheduler, center_optimizer=center_optimizer, center_scheduler=center_scheduler)'Get trainer.') # Do train.