Beispiel #1
    def fun(x, y):
        x_1, x_2 = split(x, y, labels)

        max_1, _ = (x_1 + alpha).topk(k, dim=1)
        max_1 = max_1.mean(1)

        max_2, _ = x_1.topk(k - 1, dim=1)
        max_2 = (max_2.sum(1) + x_2) / k

        loss = torch.clamp(max_1 - max_2, min=0)

        return loss
Beispiel #2
    def fun(x, y):
        x_1, x_2 = split(x, y, labels)
        # all scores are divided by (k * tau)
        x_1.div_(k * tau)
        x_2.div_(k * tau)

        # term 1: all terms that will *not* include the ground truth score
        # term 2: all terms that will include the ground truth score
        res = lsp(x_1)
        term_1, term_2 = res[1], res[0]
        term_1, term_2 = LogTensor(term_1), LogTensor(term_2)

        X_2 = LogTensor(x_2)
        cst = / tau)
        One_by_tau = LogTensor(ag.Variable(cst, requires_grad=False))
        Loss_ = term_2 * X_2

        loss_pos = (term_1 * One_by_tau + Loss_).torch()
        loss_neg = Loss_.torch()
        loss = tau * (loss_pos - loss_neg)

        return loss
Beispiel #3
print('Cuda: \t\t{}'.format(CUDA))
print('n_trials: \t\t{}'.format(n_trials))
print('-' * 70)


scores = Variable(torch.randn(batch_size, n_classes))
target = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randint(n_classes, size=batch_size))
labels = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(n_classes))

if CUDA:
    target = target.cuda()
    labels = labels.cuda()
    scores = scores.cuda()

x_1, x_2 = split(scores, Variable(target), labels)
x_1.div_(k * tau)
x_2.div_(k * tau)

def timing_fun(fun, x, k, verbosity, double=False, n_trials=50,
               forward=1, use_buffer=False):
    times = []
    for _ in range(n_trials):
        if double:
            x = x.double()
        x = Variable(, requires_grad=not forward)
        if use_buffer:
            buffer =, x.size(1), k + 1)
        if CUDA: