Beispiel #1
    def test_Contexts(self):
        """Test that message context in XPI file is set to chrome path."""
        queue_entry = self.setUpTranslationImportQueueForTranslation(
        importer = MozillaXpiImporter()
        template = importer.parse(queue_entry)

        messages = sorted([(message.msgid_singular, message.context,
                           for message in template.messages])
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'mac/extra.dtd',
             u'This message is Mac-specific, and comes from DTD.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'mac/',
             u'This message is Mac-specific, and comes from properties.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'main/main.dtd',
             u'This message is in the main DTD.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'main/',
             u'This message is in the main properties file.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'unix/extra.dtd',
             u'This message is Unix-specific, and comes from DTD.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'unix/',
             u'This message is Unix-specific, and comes from properties.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'win/extra.dtd',
             u'This message is Windows-specific, and comes from DTD.'),
            (u'foozilla.clashing.key', u'win/',
             u'This message is Windows-specific, '
             'and comes from properties.'),
            (u'foozilla.regular.message', u'main/main.dtd',
             u'A non-clashing message.'),
        ], messages)
    def test_GetLastTranslator(self):
        """Tests whether we extract last translator information correctly."""
        translation_entry = self.setUpTranslationImportQueueForTranslation(
        importer = MozillaXpiImporter()
        translation_file = importer.parse(translation_entry)

        # Let's try with the translation file, it has valid Last Translator
        # information.
        name, email = translation_file.header.getLastTranslator()
        self.assertEqual(name, u'Carlos Perell\xf3 Mar\xedn')
        self.assertEqual(email, u'*****@*****.**')
Beispiel #3
from lp.translations.utilities.gettext_po_importer import GettextPOImporter
from lp.translations.utilities.kde_po_importer import KdePOImporter
from lp.translations.utilities.mozilla_xpi_importer import MozillaXpiImporter
from lp.translations.utilities.sanitize import (
    sanitize_translations_from_import, )
from lp.translations.utilities.translation_common_format import (
    TranslationMessageData, )
from lp.translations.utilities.validate import (

importers = {
    TranslationFileFormat.KDEPO: KdePOImporter(),
    TranslationFileFormat.PO: GettextPOImporter(),
    TranslationFileFormat.XPI: MozillaXpiImporter(),

def is_identical_translation(existing_msg, new_msg):
    """Is a new translation substantially the same as the existing one?

    Compares msgid and msgid_plural, and all translations.

    :param existing_msg: a `TranslationMessageData` representing a translation
        message currently kept in the database.
    :param new_msg: an alternative `TranslationMessageData` translating the
        same original message.
    :return: True if the new message is effectively identical to the
        existing one, or False if replacing existing_msg with new_msg
        would make a semantic difference.
 def setUp(self):
     self.importer = MozillaXpiImporter()