Beispiel #1
def constToAffine(obj,rows,cols):
	if isScalar(obj):
		new_affine = Affine(rows,cols)
		for j in range(cols):
			new_affine.vectors[j][Affine.CONST] = obj*sparse.csc_matrix(np.ones((rows,1)))
		shape = mutils.getShape(obj)
		new_affine = Affine(shape[0],shape[1])
		for j in range(cols):
			new_affine.vectors[j][Affine.CONST] = sparse.csc_matrix(obj[:,j:j+1])
	return new_affine
Beispiel #2
	def __rmul__(self,other):
		""" Perform other*self """
		if isScalar(other): return self.scale(other)
		mat_shape = mutils.getShape(other)
		if not mat_shape[1] == self.rows:
			raise RuntimeError('Multiplication failed due to size mismatch ' +
				str(mat_shape) + ' * ' + str(self.size()))
		new_affine = Affine(mat_shape[0],self.cols)
		other = sparse.csc_matrix(other)
		for j in range(self.cols):
			for key in self.vectors[j]:
				new_affine.vectors[j][key] =[j][key])
		return new_affine
Beispiel #3
	def __mul__(self,other):
			Perform self*other. This is done by individually evaluating each column
			of the new matrix as a weighted sum of the columns of self. This is
			not efficient and so it is recommended to avoid this if possible.
		if isScalar(other): return self.scale(other)
		mat_shape = mutils.getShape(other)
		if not mat_shape[0] == self.cols:
			raise RuntimeError('Multiplication failed due to size mismatch ' +
				str(self.size()) + ' * ' + str(mat_shape))
		new_affine = Affine(self.rows,mat_shape[1])
		for j in range(mat_shape[1]):
			new_affine_col = sum([float(other[i,j])*self[:,i] for i in range(self.cols)])
			""" new_affine_col is always a vector of length self.rows """
			for key in new_affine_col.vectors[0]:
				new_affine.vectors[j][key] = new_affine_col.vectors[0][key]
		return new_affine