def testMatchXyMatchControl(self): """Test using MatchControl to return all matches, and add a test for closest==False at the same time""" for closest in (True, False): for includeMismatches in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.findOnlyClosest = closest mc.includeMismatches = includeMismatches matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat1, self.cat2, 0.01, mc) if False: for m in matches: print closest, m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance if includeMismatches: catMatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) catMismatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) for m in matches: if m[1] != None: if not any(x == m[0] for x in catMatches): catMatches.append(m[0]) else: catMismatches.append(m[0]) matches = afwTable.matchXy(catMatches, self.cat2, 0.01, mc) mc.includeMismatches = False noMatches = afwTable.matchXy(catMismatches, self.cat2, 0.01, mc) self.assertEquals(len(noMatches), 0) self.assertEquals(len(matches), self.nUniqueMatch if closest else self.nUniqueMatch + 1) for m in matches: if closest: self.assertEquals(m.first.getId() + self.nobj, m.second.getId()) self.assertEquals(m.distance, 0.0)
def testMatchXyMatchControl(self): """Test using MatchControl to return all matches Also tests closest==False at the same time """ for closest in (True, False): for includeMismatches in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.findOnlyClosest = closest mc.includeMismatches = includeMismatches matches = afwTable.matchXy( self.cat1, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) if False: for m in matches: print(closest, m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance) if includeMismatches: catMatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) catMismatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) for m in matches: if m[1] is not None: if not any(x == m[0] for x in catMatches): catMatches.append(m[0]) else: catMismatches.append(m[0]) matches = afwTable.matchXy( catMatches, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) mc.includeMismatches = False noMatches = afwTable.matchXy( catMismatches, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) self.assertEqual(len(noMatches), 0) # If we're not getting only the closest match, then we get an extra match due to the # source we offset by 2 pixels and a bit. Everything else # should match exactly. self.assertEqual( len(matches), self.nUniqueMatch if closest else self.nUniqueMatch + 1) self.assertEqual( sum(1 for m in matches if m.distance == 0.0), self.nUniqueMatch) for m in matches: if closest: self.assertEqual(m.first.getId() + self.nobj, m.second.getId()) else: self.assertLessEqual(m.distance, self.matchRadius)
def testMatchXyMatchControl(self): """Test using MatchControl to return all matches Also tests closest==False at the same time """ for closest in (True, False): for includeMismatches in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.findOnlyClosest = closest mc.includeMismatches = includeMismatches matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat1, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) if False: for m in matches: print(closest, m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance) if includeMismatches: catMatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) catMismatches = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.table) for m in matches: if m[1] is not None: if not any(x == m[0] for x in catMatches): catMatches.append(m[0]) else: catMismatches.append(m[0]) matches = afwTable.matchXy(catMatches, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) mc.includeMismatches = False noMatches = afwTable.matchXy(catMismatches, self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) self.assertEqual(len(noMatches), 0) # If we're not getting only the closest match, then we get an extra match due to the # source we offset by 2 pixels and a bit. Everything else # should match exactly. self.assertEqual( len(matches), self.nUniqueMatch if closest else self.nUniqueMatch + 1) self.assertEqual(sum(1 for m in matches if m.distance == 0.0), self.nUniqueMatch) for m in matches: if closest: self.assertEqual(m.first.getId() + self.nobj, m.second.getId()) else: self.assertLessEqual(m.distance, self.matchRadius)
def propagatePsfFlags(keysToCopy, calibSources, sources, matchRadius=1): """Match the calibSources and sources, and propagate Interesting Flags (e.g. PSF star) to the sources """ if calibSources is None or sources is None: return closest = False # return all matched objects matched = afwTable.matchXy(calibSources, sources, matchRadius, closest) # # Because we had to allow multiple matches to handle parents, we now need to # prune to the best matches # bestMatches = {} for m0, m1, d in matched: id0 = m0.getId() if bestMatches.has_key(id0): if d > bestMatches[id0][2]: continue bestMatches[id0] = (m0, m1, d) matched = bestMatches.values() # # Check that we got it right # if len(set(m[0].getId() for m in matched)) != len(matched): print("At least one calibSource is matched to more than one Source") # # Copy over the desired flags # for cs, s, d in matched: for skey, ckey in keysToCopy: s.set(skey, cs.get(ckey))
def testMatchXy(self): matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat1, self.cat2, self.matchRadius) self.assertEquals(len(matches), self.nUniqueMatch) for m in matches: self.assertEquals(m.first.getId() + self.nobj, m.second.getId()) self.assertEquals(m.distance, 0.0)
def testMatchXy(self): matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat1, self.cat2, self.matchRadius) self.assertEqual(len(matches), self.nUniqueMatch) for m in matches: self.assertEqual(m.first.getId() + self.nobj, m.second.getId()) self.assertEqual(m.distance, 0.0)
def copyIcSourceFields(self, icSourceCat, sourceCat): """!Match sources in icSourceCat and sourceCat and copy the specified fields @param[in] icSourceCat catalog from which to copy fields @param[in,out] sourceCat catalog to which to copy fields The fields copied are those specified by `config.icSourceFieldsToCopy` that actually exist in the schema. This was set up by the constructor using self.schemaMapper. """ if self.schemaMapper is None: raise RuntimeError("To copy icSource fields you must specify icSourceSchema " "and icSourceKeys when constructing this task") if icSourceCat is None or sourceCat is None: raise RuntimeError("icSourceCat and sourceCat must both be specified") if len(self.config.icSourceFieldsToCopy) == 0: self.log.warn("copyIcSourceFields doing nothing because icSourceFieldsToCopy is empty") return closest = False # return all matched objects matches = afwTable.matchXy(icSourceCat, sourceCat, self.config.matchRadiusPix, closest) if self.config.detectAndMeasure.doDeblend: deblendKey = sourceCat.schema["deblend_nChild"].asKey() matches = [m for m in matches if m[1].get(deblendKey) == 0] # if deblended, keep children # Because we had to allow multiple matches to handle parents, we now need to # prune to the best matches bestMatches = {} # closest matches as a dict of icSourceCat source ID: # (icSourceCat source, sourceCat source, distance in pixels) for m0, m1, d in matches: id0 = m0.getId() match = bestMatches.get(id0) if match is None or d <= match[2]: bestMatches[id0] = (m0, m1, d) matches = bestMatches.values() # Check that no sourceCat sources are listed twice (we already know that each match has a unique # icSourceCat source ID, due to using that ID as the key in bestMatches) numMatches = len(matches) numUniqueSources = len(set(m[1].getId() for m in matches)) if numUniqueSources != numMatches: self.log.warn("%d icSourceCat sources matched only %d sourceCat sources" % (numMatches, numUniqueSources))"Copying flags from icSourceCat to sourceCat for %s sources" % (numMatches,)) # For each match: set the calibSourceKey flag and copy the desired fields for icSrc, src, d in matches: src.setFlag(self.calibSourceKey, True) # src.assign copies the footprint from icSrc, which we don't want (DM-407) # so set icSrc's footprint to src's footprint before src.assign, then restore it icSrcFootprint = icSrc.getFootprint() try: icSrc.setFootprint(src.getFootprint()) src.assign(icSrc, self.schemaMapper) finally: icSrc.setFootprint(icSrcFootprint)
def testSelfMatchXy(self): """Test doing a self-matches""" for symmetric in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.symmetricMatch = symmetric matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat2, 0.01, mc) if False: for m in matches: print m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance self.assertEquals(len(matches), 2 if symmetric else 1)
def testSelfMatchXy(self): """Test doing a self-matches""" for symmetric in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.symmetricMatch = symmetric matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) if False: for m in matches: print(m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance) # There is only one source that matches another source when we do a self-match: the one # offset by 2 pixels and a bit. # If we're getting symmetric matches, that multiplies the expected number by 2 because it # produces s1,s2 and s2,s1. self.assertEqual(len(matches), 2 if symmetric else 1)
def testSelfMatchXy(self): """Test doing a self-matches""" for symmetric in (True, False): mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.symmetricMatch = symmetric matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat2, self.matchRadius, mc) if False: for m in matches: print m.first.getId(), m.second.getId(), m.distance # There is only one source that matches another source when we do a self-match: the one # offset by 2 pixels and a bit. # If we're getting symmetric matches, that multiplies the expected number by 2 because it # produces s1,s2 and s2,s1. self.assertEquals(len(matches), 2 if symmetric else 1)
def find(self, objId, matchRadius=10): """Return the object's family (you may specify either the ID for the parent or a child)""" x, y = None, None try: x, y = objId except TypeError: pass if x is not None: oneObjCatalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog( centroidName = oneObjCatalog.table.defineCentroid(centroidName) s = oneObjCatalog.addNew() s.set("%s_x" % centroidName, x) s.set("%s_y" % centroidName, y) matched = afwTable.matchXy(, oneObjCatalog, matchRadius) if len(matched) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to find object at (%.2f, %.2f)" % ( x, y) return None if False: objId = self.mapperInfo.splitId(matched[0][0].getId(), asDict=True)["objId"] else: objId = matched[0][0].getId() if False: family = [f for f in self if self.mapperInfo.getId(f[0]) == objId] else: family = [f for f in self if f[0].getId() == objId] if family: return family[0] for family in self: for child in family[1]: if False: if self.mapperInfo.getId(child) == objId: return family else: if child.getId() == objId: return family return None
def find(self, objId, matchRadius=10): """Return the object's family (you may specify either the ID for the parent or a child)""" x, y = None, None try: x, y = objId except TypeError: pass if x is not None: oneObjCatalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog( centroidName = oneObjCatalog.table.defineCentroid(centroidName) s = oneObjCatalog.addNew() s.set("%s_x" % centroidName, x) s.set("%s_y" % centroidName, y) matched = afwTable.matchXy(, oneObjCatalog, matchRadius) if len(matched) == 0: print("Unable to find object at (%.2f, %.2f)" % (x, y), file=sys.stderr) return None if False: objId = self.mapperInfo.splitId(matched[0][0].getId(), asDict=True)["objId"] else: objId = matched[0][0].getId() if False: family = [f for f in self if self.mapperInfo.getId(f[0]) == objId] else: family = [f for f in self if f[0].getId() == objId] if family: return family[0] for family in self: for child in family[1]: if False: if self.mapperInfo.getId(child) == objId: return family else: if child.getId() == objId: return family return None
def testMeasureCentroid(self): """Test that we can instantiate and play with a measureCentroid""" exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(self.mi) self.ds.makeSources(self.ssMeasured) ID = 1 for s in self.ssMeasured: s.setId(ID) ID += 1 foot = s.getFootprint() bbox = foot.getBBox() xc = (bbox.getMinX() + bbox.getMaxX()) // 2 yc = (bbox.getMinY() + bbox.getMaxY()) // 2 self.centroider.apply(s, exposure, afwGeom.Point2D(xc, yc)) if display:"x", c.getX(), c.getY(), ctype=ds9.GREEN) # # OK, we've measured all the sources. Compare positions with Dave Monet's values # # FIXME: this test will fail until source matching in afw is updated to use afw/table mat = afwTable.matchXy(self.ssTruth, self.ssMeasured, 1.0) #self.assertEqual(ID, len(mat)) # we matched all the input sources eps = 6e-6 # offset in pixels between measured centroid and the Truth for match in mat: dx = match[0].getX() - match[1].getX() dy = match[0].getY() - match[1].getY() good = True if math.hypot(dx, dy) < eps else False if not good: msg = "Star at (%.1f, %.1f): (dx, dy) = %g, %g)" % \ (match[0].getXAstrom(), match[0].getYAstrom(), dx, dy) if True: print msg else: self.assertTrue(good, msg)
def testMeasureCentroid(self): """Test that we can instantiate and play with a measureCentroid""" exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(self.mi) self.ds.makeSources(self.ssMeasured) ID = 1, exposure) for s in self.ssMeasured: s.setId(ID) ID += 1 foot = s.getFootprint() bbox = foot.getBBox() xc = (bbox.getMinX() + bbox.getMaxX()) // 2 yc = (bbox.getMinY() + bbox.getMaxY()) // 2 if display:"x", xc, yc, ctype=ds9.GREEN) # # OK, we've measured all the sources. Compare positions with Dave Monet's values # mat = afwTable.matchXy(self.ssTruth, self.ssMeasured, 1.0) self.assertEqual(ID, len(mat)) # we matched all the input sources # offset in pixels between measured centroid and the Truth eps = 6e-6 for match in mat: dx = match[0].getX() - match[1].getX() dy = match[0].getY() - match[1].getY() good = True if math.hypot(dx, dy) < eps else False if not good: msg = "Star at (%.1f, %.1f): (dx, dy) = %g, %g)" % \ (match[0].getXAstrom(), match[0].getYAstrom(), dx, dy) if True: print(msg) else: self.assertTrue(good, msg)
def testMeasureCentroid(self): """Test that we can instantiate and play with a measureCentroid""" exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(self.mi) self.ds.makeSources(self.ssMeasured) ID = 1 for s in self.ssMeasured: s.setId(ID); ID += 1 foot = s.getFootprint() bbox = foot.getBBox() xc = (bbox.getMinX() + bbox.getMaxX())//2 yc = (bbox.getMinY() + bbox.getMaxY())//2 self.centroider.apply(s, exposure, afwGeom.Point2D(xc, yc)) if display:"x", c.getX(), c.getY(), ctype=ds9.GREEN) # # OK, we've measured all the sources. Compare positions with Dave Monet's values # # FIXME: this test will fail until source matching in afw is updated to use afw/table mat = afwTable.matchXy(self.ssTruth, self.ssMeasured, 1.0) #self.assertEqual(ID, len(mat)) # we matched all the input sources eps = 6e-6 # offset in pixels between measured centroid and the Truth for match in mat: dx = match[0].getX() - match[1].getX() dy = match[0].getY() - match[1].getY() good = True if math.hypot(dx, dy) < eps else False if not good: msg = "Star at (%.1f, %.1f): (dx, dy) = %g, %g)" % \ (match[0].getXAstrom(), match[0].getYAstrom(), dx, dy) if True: print msg else: self.assertTrue(good, msg)
def copyCalibrationFields(self, calibCat, sourceCat, fieldsToCopy): """Match sources in calibCat and sourceCat and copy the specified fields Parameters ---------- calibCat : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` Catalog from which to copy fields. sourceCat : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` Catalog to which to copy fields. fieldsToCopy : `lsst.pex.config.listField.List` Fields to copy from calibCat to SoourceCat. Returns ------- newCat : `lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog` Catalog which includes the copied fields. The fields copied are those specified by `fieldsToCopy` that actually exist in the schema of `calibCat`. This version was based on and adapted from the one in calibrateTask. """ # Make a new SourceCatalog with the data from sourceCat so that we can add the new columns to it sourceSchemaMapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(sourceCat.schema) sourceSchemaMapper.addMinimalSchema(sourceCat.schema, True) calibSchemaMapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(calibCat.schema, sourceCat.schema) # Add the desired columns from the option fieldsToCopy missingFieldNames = [] for fieldName in fieldsToCopy: if fieldName in calibCat.schema: schemaItem = calibCat.schema.find(fieldName) calibSchemaMapper.editOutputSchema().addField( schemaItem.getField()) schema = calibSchemaMapper.editOutputSchema() calibSchemaMapper.addMapping(schemaItem.getKey(), schema.find(fieldName).getField()) else: missingFieldNames.append(fieldName) if missingFieldNames: raise RuntimeError( f"calibCat is missing fields {missingFieldNames} specified in " "fieldsToCopy") if "calib_detected" not in calibSchemaMapper.getOutputSchema(): self.calibSourceKey = calibSchemaMapper.addOutputField( afwTable.Field["Flag"]("calib_detected", "Source was detected as an icSource")) else: self.calibSourceKey = None schema = calibSchemaMapper.getOutputSchema() newCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema) newCat.reserve(len(sourceCat)) newCat.extend(sourceCat, sourceSchemaMapper) # Set the aliases so it doesn't complain. for k, v in sourceCat.schema.getAliasMap().items(): newCat.schema.getAliasMap().set(k, v) select = newCat["deblend_nChild"] == 0 matches = afwTable.matchXy(newCat[select], calibCat, self.config.matchRadiusPix) # Check that no sourceCat sources are listed twice (we already know # that each match has a unique calibCat source ID, due to using # that ID as the key in bestMatches) numMatches = len(matches) numUniqueSources = len(set(m[1].getId() for m in matches)) if numUniqueSources != numMatches: self.log.warn( "%d calibCat sources matched only %d sourceCat sources", numMatches, numUniqueSources) "Copying flags from calibCat to sourceCat for %s sources", numMatches) # For each match: set the calibSourceKey flag and copy the desired # fields for src, calibSrc, d in matches: if self.calibSourceKey: src.setFlag(self.calibSourceKey, True) # src.assign copies the footprint from calibSrc, which we don't want # (DM-407) # so set calibSrc's footprint to src's footprint before src.assign, # then restore it calibSrcFootprint = calibSrc.getFootprint() try: calibSrc.setFootprint(src.getFootprint()) src.assign(calibSrc, calibSchemaMapper) finally: calibSrc.setFootprint(calibSrcFootprint) return newCat
def run(self, sensorRef, templateIdList=None): """Subtract an image from a template coadd and measure the result Steps include: - warp template coadd to match WCS of image - PSF match image to warped template - subtract image from PSF-matched, warped template - persist difference image - detect sources - measure sources @param sensorRef: sensor-level butler data reference, used for the following data products: Input only: - calexp - psf - ccdExposureId - ccdExposureId_bits - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd_skyMap" - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd" Input or output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_subtractedExp" Output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp" - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_src" @return pipe_base Struct containing these fields: - subtractedExposure: exposure after subtracting template; the unpersisted version if subtraction not run but detection run None if neither subtraction nor detection run (i.e. nothing useful done) - subtractRes: results of subtraction task; None if subtraction not run - sources: detected and possibly measured sources; None if detection not run """"Processing %s" % (sensorRef.dataId)) # initialize outputs and some intermediate products subtractedExposure = None subtractRes = None selectSources = None kernelSources = None controlSources = None diaSources = None # We make one IdFactory that will be used by both icSrc and src datasets; # I don't know if this is the way we ultimately want to do things, but at least # this ensures the source IDs are fully unique. expBits = sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId_bits") expId = int(sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId")) idFactory = afwTable.IdFactory.makeSource(expId, 64 - expBits) # Retrieve the science image we wish to analyze exposure = sensorRef.get("calexp", immediate=True) if self.config.doAddCalexpBackground: mi = exposure.getMaskedImage() mi += sensorRef.get("calexpBackground").getImage() if not exposure.hasPsf(): raise pipeBase.TaskError("Exposure has no psf") sciencePsf = exposure.getPsf() subtractedExposureName = self.config.coaddName + "Diff_differenceExp" templateExposure = None # Stitched coadd exposure templateSources = None # Sources on the template image if self.config.doSubtract: template =, sensorRef, templateIdList=templateIdList) templateExposure = template.exposure templateSources = template.sources # compute scienceSigmaOrig: sigma of PSF of science image before pre-convolution scienceSigmaOrig = sciencePsf.computeShape().getDeterminantRadius() # sigma of PSF of template image before warping templateSigma = templateExposure.getPsf().computeShape( ).getDeterminantRadius() # if requested, convolve the science exposure with its PSF # (properly, this should be a cross-correlation, but our code does not yet support that) # compute scienceSigmaPost: sigma of science exposure with pre-convolution, if done, # else sigma of original science exposure if self.config.doPreConvolve: convControl = afwMath.ConvolutionControl() # cannot convolve in place, so make a new MI to receive convolved image srcMI = exposure.getMaskedImage() destMI = srcMI.Factory(srcMI.getDimensions()) srcPsf = sciencePsf if self.config.useGaussianForPreConvolution: # convolve with a simplified PSF model: a double Gaussian kWidth, kHeight = sciencePsf.getLocalKernel( ).getDimensions() preConvPsf = SingleGaussianPsf(kWidth, kHeight, scienceSigmaOrig) else: # convolve with science exposure's PSF model preConvPsf = srcPsf afwMath.convolve(destMI, srcMI, preConvPsf.getLocalKernel(), convControl) exposure.setMaskedImage(destMI) scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig * math.sqrt(2) else: scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig # If requested, find sources in the image if self.config.doSelectSources: if not sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): self.log.warn( "Src product does not exist; running detection, measurement, selection" ) # Run own detection and measurement; necessary in nightly processing selectSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( exposure, sigma=scienceSigmaPost, doSmooth=not self.doPreConvolve, idFactory=idFactory, ) else:"Source selection via src product") # Sources already exist; for data release processing selectSources = sensorRef.get("src") # Number of basis functions nparam = len( makeKernelBasisList(, referenceFwhmPix=scienceSigmaPost * FwhmPerSigma, targetFwhmPix=templateSigma * FwhmPerSigma)) if self.config.doAddMetrics: # Modify the schema of all Sources kcQa = KernelCandidateQa(nparam) selectSources = kcQa.addToSchema(selectSources) if self.config.kernelSourcesFromRef: # match exposure sources to reference catalog astromRet = self.astrometer.loadAndMatch( exposure=exposure, sourceCat=selectSources) matches = astromRet.matches elif templateSources: # match exposure sources to template sources mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.findOnlyClosest = False matches = afwTable.matchRaDec(templateSources, selectSources, 1.0 * afwGeom.arcseconds, mc) else: raise RuntimeError( "doSelectSources=True and kernelSourcesFromRef=False," + "but template sources not available. Cannot match science " + "sources with template sources. Run process* on data from " + "which templates are built.") kernelSources = self.sourceSelector.selectStars( exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat random.shuffle(kernelSources, random.random) controlSources = kernelSources[::self.config.controlStepSize] kernelSources = [ k for i, k in enumerate(kernelSources) if i % self.config.controlStepSize ] if self.config.doSelectDcrCatalog: redSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig( grMin=self.sourceSelector.config.grMax, grMax=99.999)) redSources = redSelector.selectStars( exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(redSources) blueSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig( grMin=-99.999, grMax=self.sourceSelector.config.grMin)) blueSources = blueSelector.selectStars( exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(blueSources) if self.config.doSelectVariableCatalog: varSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig(includeVariable=True)) varSources = varSelector.selectStars( exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(varSources) "Selected %d / %d sources for Psf matching (%d for control sample)" % (len(kernelSources), len(selectSources), len(controlSources))) allresids = {} if self.config.doUseRegister:"Registering images") if templateSources is None: # Run detection on the template, which is # temporarily background-subtracted templateSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( templateExposure, sigma=templateSigma, doSmooth=True, idFactory=idFactory) # Third step: we need to fit the relative astrometry. # wcsResults = self.fitAstrometry(templateSources, templateExposure, selectSources) warpedExp = self.register.warpExposure(templateExposure, wcsResults.wcs, exposure.getWcs(), exposure.getBBox()) templateExposure = warpedExp # Create debugging outputs on the astrometric # residuals as a function of position. Persistence # not yet implemented; expected on (I believe) #2636. if self.config.doDebugRegister: # Grab matches to reference catalog srcToMatch = {x.second.getId(): x.first for x in matches} refCoordKey = wcsResults.matches[0].first.getTable( ).getCoordKey() inCentroidKey = wcsResults.matches[0].second.getTable( ).getCentroidKey() sids = [m.first.getId() for m in wcsResults.matches] positions = [ m.first.get(refCoordKey) for m in wcsResults.matches ] residuals = [ m.first.get(refCoordKey).getOffsetFrom( wcsResults.wcs.pixelToSky( m.second.get(inCentroidKey))) for m in wcsResults.matches ] allresids = dict(zip(sids, zip(positions, residuals))) cresiduals = [ m.first.get(refCoordKey).getTangentPlaneOffset( wcsResults.wcs.pixelToSky( m.second.get(inCentroidKey))) for m in wcsResults.matches ] colors = numpy.array([ -2.5 * numpy.log10(srcToMatch[x].get("g")) + 2.5 * numpy.log10(srcToMatch[x].get("r")) for x in sids if x in srcToMatch.keys() ]) dlong = numpy.array([ r[0].asArcseconds() for s, r in zip(sids, cresiduals) if s in srcToMatch.keys() ]) dlat = numpy.array([ r[1].asArcseconds() for s, r in zip(sids, cresiduals) if s in srcToMatch.keys() ]) idx1 = numpy.where( colors < self.sourceSelector.config.grMin) idx2 = numpy.where( (colors >= self.sourceSelector.config.grMin) & (colors <= self.sourceSelector.config.grMax)) idx3 = numpy.where( colors > self.sourceSelector.config.grMax) rms1Long = IqrToSigma * \ (numpy.percentile(dlong[idx1], 75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx1], 25)) rms1Lat = IqrToSigma * (numpy.percentile(dlat[idx1], 75) - numpy.percentile(dlat[idx1], 25)) rms2Long = IqrToSigma * \ (numpy.percentile(dlong[idx2], 75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx2], 25)) rms2Lat = IqrToSigma * (numpy.percentile(dlat[idx2], 75) - numpy.percentile(dlat[idx2], 25)) rms3Long = IqrToSigma * \ (numpy.percentile(dlong[idx3], 75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx3], 25)) rms3Lat = IqrToSigma * (numpy.percentile(dlat[idx3], 75) - numpy.percentile(dlat[idx3], 25))"Blue star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx1]), rms1Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx1]), rms1Lat)) "Green star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx2]), rms2Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx2]), rms2Lat))"Red star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx3]), rms3Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx3]), rms3Lat)) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx1])) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx2])) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx3])) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLongOffsetStd", rms1Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLongOffsetStd", rms2Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLongOffsetStd", rms3Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx1])) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx2])) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx3])) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLatOffsetStd", rms1Lat) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLatOffsetStd", rms2Lat) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLatOffsetStd", rms3Lat) # warp template exposure to match exposure, # PSF match template exposure to exposure, # then return the difference # Return warped template... Construct sourceKernelCand list after subtract"Subtracting images") subtractRes = self.subtract.subtractExposures( templateExposure=templateExposure, scienceExposure=exposure, candidateList=kernelSources, convolveTemplate=self.config.convolveTemplate, doWarping=not self.config.doUseRegister) subtractedExposure = subtractRes.subtractedExposure if self.config.doWriteMatchedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractRes.matchedExposure, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp") if self.config.doDetection:"Computing diffim PSF") if subtractedExposure is None: subtractedExposure = sensorRef.get(subtractedExposureName) # Get Psf from the appropriate input image if it doesn't exist if not subtractedExposure.hasPsf(): if self.config.convolveTemplate: subtractedExposure.setPsf(exposure.getPsf()) else: if templateExposure is None: template = exposure, sensorRef, templateIdList=templateIdList) subtractedExposure.setPsf(template.exposure.getPsf()) # If doSubtract is False, then subtractedExposure was fetched from disk (above), thus it may have # already been decorrelated. Thus, we do not do decorrelation if doSubtract is False. if self.config.doDecorrelation and self.config.doSubtract: decorrResult =, templateExposure, subtractedExposure, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel) subtractedExposure = decorrResult.correctedExposure if self.config.doDetection:"Running diaSource detection") # Erase existing detection mask planes mask = subtractedExposure.getMaskedImage().getMask() mask &= ~(mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED") | mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED_NEGATIVE")) table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(self.schema, idFactory) table.setMetadata(self.algMetadata) results = self.detection.makeSourceCatalog( table=table, exposure=subtractedExposure, doSmooth=not self.config.doPreConvolve) if self.config.doMerge: fpSet = results.fpSets.positive fpSet.merge(results.fpSets.negative, self.config.growFootprint, self.config.growFootprint, False) diaSources = afwTable.SourceCatalog(table) fpSet.makeSources(diaSources)"Merging detections into %d sources" % (len(diaSources))) else: diaSources = results.sources if self.config.doMeasurement:"Running diaSource measurement") if not self.config.doDipoleFitting:, subtractedExposure) else: if self.config.doSubtract:, subtractedExposure, exposure, subtractRes.matchedExposure) else:, subtractedExposure, exposure) # Match with the calexp sources if possible if self.config.doMatchSources: if sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=sourceId matchRadAsec = self.config.diaSourceMatchRadius matchRadPixel = matchRadAsec / exposure.getWcs( ).pixelScale().asArcseconds() srcMatches = afwTable.matchXy(sensorRef.get("src"), diaSources, matchRadPixel) srcMatchDict = dict([(srcMatch.second.getId(), srcMatch.first.getId()) for srcMatch in srcMatches])"Matched %d / %d diaSources to sources" % (len(srcMatchDict), len(diaSources))) else: self.log.warn( "Src product does not exist; cannot match with diaSources" ) srcMatchDict = {} # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=refId refAstromConfig = AstrometryConfig() refAstromConfig.matcher.maxMatchDistArcSec = matchRadAsec refAstrometer = AstrometryTask(refAstromConfig) astromRet =, sourceCat=diaSources) refMatches = astromRet.matches if refMatches is None: self.log.warn( "No diaSource matches with reference catalog") refMatchDict = {} else: "Matched %d / %d diaSources to reference catalog" % (len(refMatches), len(diaSources))) refMatchDict = dict([(refMatch.second.getId(), refMatch.first.getId()) for refMatch in refMatches]) # Assign source Ids for diaSource in diaSources: sid = diaSource.getId() if sid in srcMatchDict: diaSource.set("srcMatchId", srcMatchDict[sid]) if sid in refMatchDict: diaSource.set("refMatchId", refMatchDict[sid]) if diaSources is not None and self.config.doWriteSources: sensorRef.put(diaSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_diaSrc") if self.config.doAddMetrics and self.config.doSelectSources:"Evaluating metrics and control sample") kernelCandList = [] for cell in subtractRes.kernelCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates kernelCandList.append(cand) # Get basis list to build control sample kernels basisList = kernelCandList[0].getKernel( KernelCandidateF.ORIG).getKernelList() controlCandList = \ diffimTools.sourceTableToCandidateList(controlSources, subtractRes.warpedExposure, exposure,,, self.log, doBuild=True, basisList=basisList) kcQa.apply(kernelCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel, dof=nparam) kcQa.apply(controlCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel) if self.config.doDetection: kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids, diaSources) else: kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids) sensorRef.put(selectSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_kernelSrc") if self.config.doWriteSubtractedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractedExposure, subtractedExposureName) self.runDebug(exposure, subtractRes, selectSources, kernelSources, diaSources) return pipeBase.Struct( subtractedExposure=subtractedExposure, subtractRes=subtractRes, sources=diaSources, )
def copyIcSourceFields(self, icSourceCat, sourceCat): """!Match sources in icSourceCat and sourceCat and copy the specified fields @param[in] icSourceCat catalog from which to copy fields @param[in,out] sourceCat catalog to which to copy fields The fields copied are those specified by `config.icSourceFieldsToCopy` that actually exist in the schema. This was set up by the constructor using self.schemaMapper. """ if self.schemaMapper is None: raise RuntimeError("To copy icSource fields you must specify " "icSourceSchema nd icSourceKeys when " "constructing this task") if icSourceCat is None or sourceCat is None: raise RuntimeError("icSourceCat and sourceCat must both be " "specified") if len(self.config.icSourceFieldsToCopy) == 0: self.log.warn("copyIcSourceFields doing nothing because " "icSourceFieldsToCopy is empty") return mc = afwTable.MatchControl() mc.findOnlyClosest = False # return all matched objects matches = afwTable.matchXy(icSourceCat, sourceCat, self.config.matchRadiusPix, mc) if self.config.doDeblend: deblendKey = sourceCat.schema["deblend_nChild"].asKey() # if deblended, keep children matches = [m for m in matches if m[1].get(deblendKey) == 0] # Because we had to allow multiple matches to handle parents, we now # need to prune to the best matches # closest matches as a dict of icSourceCat source ID: # (icSourceCat source, sourceCat source, distance in pixels) bestMatches = {} for m0, m1, d in matches: id0 = m0.getId() match = bestMatches.get(id0) if match is None or d <= match[2]: bestMatches[id0] = (m0, m1, d) matches = list(bestMatches.values()) # Check that no sourceCat sources are listed twice (we already know # that each match has a unique icSourceCat source ID, due to using # that ID as the key in bestMatches) numMatches = len(matches) numUniqueSources = len(set(m[1].getId() for m in matches)) if numUniqueSources != numMatches: self.log.warn("{} icSourceCat sources matched only {} sourceCat " "sources".format(numMatches, numUniqueSources))"Copying flags from icSourceCat to sourceCat for " "%s sources" % (numMatches,)) # For each match: set the calibSourceKey flag and copy the desired # fields for icSrc, src, d in matches: src.setFlag(self.calibSourceKey, True) # src.assign copies the footprint from icSrc, which we don't want # (DM-407) # so set icSrc's footprint to src's footprint before src.assign, # then restore it icSrcFootprint = icSrc.getFootprint() try: icSrc.setFootprint(src.getFootprint()) src.assign(icSrc, self.schemaMapper) finally: icSrc.setFootprint(icSrcFootprint)
def testMatchXy(self): matches = afwTable.matchXy(self.cat1, self.cat2, 0.01) self.assertEquals(len(matches), 6) for m in matches: self.assertEquals(m.first.getId() + 10, m.second.getId()) self.assertEquals(m.distance, 0.0)
def doPlotWithDetectionsHighlighted(self, runTestResult=None, transientsOnly=True, addPresub=False, xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot=False, alpha=0.5, divideByInput=False, actuallyPlot=True, skyLimited=False, matchDist=np.sqrt(1.5), **kwargs): import lsst.afw.table as afwTable import lsst.daf.base as dafBase import lsst.afw.table.catalogMatches as catMatch if actuallyPlot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib'ggplot') #fp_DIFFIM=fp_Zogy, label='Zogy', color='b', alpha=1.0, res = runTestResult if runTestResult is None or (runTestResult is not None and 'sources' not in runTestResult): res = self.runTest(returnSources=True, matchDist=matchDist) src = res['sources'] #del res['sources'] #print res cats = self.doForcedPhot(transientsOnly=transientsOnly) sources, fp1, fp2, fp_Zogy, fp_AL, fp_ALd = cats # if xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot is True, then don't use sources['inputFlux_science'] -- # use fp2['base_PsfFlux_flux'] instead. if not xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot: srces = sources['inputFlux_science'] else: srces = fp2['base_PsfFlux_flux'] df = pd.DataFrame() df['inputFlux'] = sources['inputFlux_science'] df['templateFlux'] = fp1['base_PsfFlux_flux'] df['scienceFlux'] = fp2['base_PsfFlux_flux'] df['inputId'] = sources['id'] df['inputCentroid_x'] = sources['centroid_x'] df['inputCentroid_y'] = sources['centroid_y'] snrCalced = self.im2.calcSNR(sources['inputFlux_science'], skyLimited=skyLimited) df['inputSNR'] = snrCalced fp_DIFFIM = [fp_Zogy, fp_AL, fp_ALd] label = ['Zogy', 'ALstack', 'ALstack_decorr'] color = ['b', 'r', 'g'] for i, fp_d in enumerate(fp_DIFFIM): df[label[i] + '_SNR'] = fp_d['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp_d['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] df[label[i] + '_flux'] = fp_d['base_PsfFlux_flux'] df[label[i] + '_fluxSigma'] = fp_d['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if actuallyPlot: # Plot all sources yvals = fp_d['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp_d['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if divideByInput: yvals /= df['inputSNR'] plt.scatter(srces, yvals, color=color[i], alpha=alpha, label=label[i]) #plt.scatter(srces, # fp_d['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp_d['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'], # color='k', marker='x', alpha=alpha, label=None) if not xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot: matches = afwTable.matchXy(sources, src[label[i]], matchDist) metadata = dafBase.PropertyList() matchCat = catMatch.matchesToCatalog(matches, metadata) sources_detected = catalogToDF(sources) detected = np.in1d(sources_detected['id'], matchCat['ref_id']) sources_detected = sources_detected[detected] sources_detected = sources_detected['inputFlux_science'] snrCalced_detected = snrCalced[detected] fp_Zogy_detected = catalogToDF(fp_d) detected = np.in1d(fp_Zogy_detected['id'], matchCat['ref_id']) fp_Zogy_detected = fp_Zogy_detected[detected] else: matches = afwTable.matchXy(fp2, src[label[i]], matchDist) metadata = dafBase.PropertyList() matchCat = catMatch.matchesToCatalog(matches, metadata) sources_detected = catalogToDF(fp2) detected = np.in1d(sources_detected['id'], matchCat['ref_id']) sources_detected = sources_detected[detected] sources_detected = sources_detected['base_PsfFlux_flux'] snrCalced_detected = snrCalced[detected] fp_Zogy_detected = catalogToDF(fp_d) detected = np.in1d(fp_Zogy_detected['id'], matchCat['ref_id']) fp_Zogy_detected = fp_Zogy_detected[detected] df[label[i] + '_detected'] = detected if actuallyPlot and len(detected) > 0: mStyle = matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle('o', 'none') yvals = fp_Zogy_detected['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp_Zogy_detected['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if divideByInput: yvals /= snrCalced_detected plt.scatter(sources_detected, yvals, #label=label[i], s=20, color=color[i], alpha=alpha) #, edgecolors='r') label=None, s=30, edgecolors='r', facecolors='none', marker='o', alpha=1.0) # edgecolors=color[i], if addPresub: # Add measurements in original science and template images df['templateSNR'] = fp1['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp1['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] df['scienceSNR'] = fp2['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp2['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if actuallyPlot: yvals = fp1['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp1['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if divideByInput: yvals /= df['inputSNR'] plt.scatter(srces, yvals, label='template', color='y', alpha=alpha) yvals = fp2['base_PsfFlux_flux']/fp2['base_PsfFlux_fluxSigma'] if divideByInput: yvals /= df['inputSNR'] plt.scatter(srces, yvals, label='science', color='orange', alpha=alpha-0.2) if actuallyPlot: if not divideByInput: if xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot: plt.scatter(srces, snrCalced, color='k', alpha=alpha-0.2, s=7, label='Input SNR') else: plt.plot(srces, snrCalced, color='k', alpha=alpha-0.2, label='Input SNR') plt.ylabel('measured SNR') else: plt.ylabel('measured SNR / input SNR') if len(detected) > 0: plt.scatter([10000], [0], s=30, edgecolors='r', facecolors='none', marker='o', label='Detected') legend = plt.legend(loc='upper left', scatterpoints=3) for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('x-small') if not xaxisIsScienceForcedPhot: plt.xlabel('input flux') else: plt.xlabel('science flux (measured)') return df, res
def run(self, sensorRef): """Subtract an image from a template coadd and measure the result Steps include: - warp template coadd to match WCS of image - PSF match image to warped template - subtract image from PSF-matched, warped template - persist difference image - detect sources - measure sources @param sensorRef: sensor-level butler data reference, used for the following data products: Input only: - calexp - psf - ccdExposureId - ccdExposureId_bits - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd_skyMap" - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd" Input or output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_subtractedExp" Output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp" - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_src" @return pipe_base Struct containing these fields: - subtractedExposure: exposure after subtracting template; the unpersisted version if subtraction not run but detection run None if neither subtraction nor detection run (i.e. nothing useful done) - subtractRes: results of subtraction task; None if subtraction not run - sources: detected and possibly measured sources; None if detection not run """"Processing %s" % (sensorRef.dataId)) # initialize outputs and some intermediate products subtractedExposure = None subtractRes = None selectSources = None kernelSources = None controlSources = None diaSources = None # We make one IdFactory that will be used by both icSrc and src datasets; # I don't know if this is the way we ultimately want to do things, but at least # this ensures the source IDs are fully unique. expBits = sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId_bits") expId = long(sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId")) idFactory = afwTable.IdFactory.makeSource(expId, 64 - expBits) # Retrieve the science image we wish to analyze exposure = sensorRef.get("calexp", immediate=True) if self.config.doAddCalexpBackground: mi = exposure.getMaskedImage() mi += sensorRef.get("calexpBackground").getImage() if not exposure.hasPsf(): raise pipeBase.TaskError("Exposure has no psf") sciencePsf = exposure.getPsf() if self.config.useWinter2013Hacks and self.config.winter2013borderMask > 0: self.log.warn("USING WINTER2013 HACK: MASKING BORDER PIXELS") bbox = exposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT) bbox.grow(-self.config.winter2013borderMask) self.setEdgeBits(exposure.getMaskedImage(), bbox, exposure.getMaskedImage().getMask().getPlaneBitMask("NO_DATA")) # compute scienceSigmaOrig: sigma of PSF of science image before pre-convolution ctr = afwGeom.Box2D(exposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)).getCenter() psfAttr = PsfAttributes(sciencePsf, afwGeom.Point2I(ctr)) scienceSigmaOrig = psfAttr.computeGaussianWidth(psfAttr.ADAPTIVE_MOMENT) subtractedExposureName = self.config.coaddName + "Diff_differenceExp" templateExposure = None # Stitched coadd exposure templateSources = None # Sources on the template image if self.config.doSubtract: templateExposure, templateSources = self.getTemplate(exposure, sensorRef) # sigma of PSF of template image before warping ctr = afwGeom.Box2D(templateExposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)).getCenter() psfAttr = PsfAttributes(templateExposure.getPsf(), afwGeom.Point2I(ctr)) templateSigma = psfAttr.computeGaussianWidth(psfAttr.ADAPTIVE_MOMENT) # if requested, convolve the science exposure with its PSF # (properly, this should be a cross-correlation, but our code does not yet support that) # compute scienceSigmaPost: sigma of science exposure with pre-convolution, if done, # else sigma of original science exposure if self.config.doPreConvolve: convControl = afwMath.ConvolutionControl() # cannot convolve in place, so make a new MI to receive convolved image srcMI = exposure.getMaskedImage() destMI = srcMI.Factory(srcMI.getDimensions()) srcPsf = sciencePsf if self.config.useGaussianForPreConvolution: # convolve with a simplified PSF model: a double Gaussian kWidth, kHeight = sciencePsf.getKernel().getDimensions() preConvPsf = SingleGaussianPsf(kWidth, kHeight, scienceSigmaOrig) else: # convolve with science exposure's PSF model preConvPsf = psf afwMath.convolve(destMI, srcMI, preConvPsf.getKernel(), convControl) exposure.setMaskedImage(destMI) scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig * math.sqrt(2) else: scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig # If requested, find sources in the image if self.config.doSelectSources: if not sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): self.log.warn("Src product does not exist; running detection, measurement, selection") # Run own detection and measurement; necessary in nightly processing selectSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( exposure, sigma = scienceSigmaPost, doSmooth = not self.doPreConvolve, idFactory = idFactory, ) else:"Source selection via src product") # Sources already exist; for data release processing selectSources = sensorRef.get("src") # Number of basis functions nparam = len(makeKernelBasisList(, referenceFwhmPix = scienceSigmaPost * FwhmPerSigma, targetFwhmPix = templateSigma * FwhmPerSigma)) if self.config.doAddMetrics: # Modify the schema of all Sources self.kcQa = diUtils.KernelCandidateQa(nparam, self.log) selectSources = self.kcQa.addToSchema(selectSources) astrometer = measAstrom.Astrometry(measAstrom.MeasAstromConfig()) astromRet = astrometer.useKnownWcs(selectSources, exposure=exposure) matches = astromRet.matches kernelSources = self.sourceSelector.selectSources(exposure, selectSources, matches=matches) random.shuffle(kernelSources, random.random) controlSources = kernelSources[::self.config.controlStepSize] [kernelSources.remove(x) for x in controlSources]"Selected %d / %d sources for Psf matching (%d for control sample)" \ % (len(kernelSources), len(selectSources), len(controlSources))) allresids = {} if self.config.doUseRegister:"Registering images") if templateSources is None: # First step: we need to subtract the background out # for detection and measurement. Use large binsize # for the background estimation. binsize = self.config.templateBgBinSize # Second step: we need to run detection on the # background-subtracted template # # Estimate FWHM for detection templateSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( templateExposure, sigma = templateSigma, doSmooth = True, idFactory = idFactory, binsize = binsize, ) # Third step: we need to fit the relative astrometry. # # One problem is that the SIP fits are w.r.t. CRPIX, # and these coadd patches have the CRPIX of the entire # tract, i.e. off the image. This causes # register.fitWcs to fail. A workaround for now is to # re-fit the Wcs which returns with a CRPIX that is on # the image, and *then* to fit for the relative Wcs. # # Requires low Sip order to avoid overfitting # useWinter2013Hacks includes us using the deep calexp # as the template. In this case we don't need to # refit the Wcs. if not self.config.useWinter2013Hacks: sipOrder = self.config.templateSipOrder astrometer = measAstrom.Astrometry(measAstrom.MeasAstromConfig(sipOrder=sipOrder)) newWcs = astrometer.determineWcs(templateSources, templateExposure).getWcs() results =, newWcs, templateExposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT), selectSources) else: if self.config.winter2013WcsShift > 0.0: offset = afwGeom.Extent2D(self.config.winter2013WcsShift, self.config.winter2013WcsShift) cKey = templateSources[0].getTable().getCentroidKey() for source in templateSources: centroid = source.get(cKey) source.set(cKey, centroid+offset) elif self.config.winter2013WcsRms > 0.0: cKey = templateSources[0].getTable().getCentroidKey() for source in templateSources: offset = afwGeom.Extent2D(self.config.winter2013WcsRms*numpy.random.normal(), self.config.winter2013WcsRms*numpy.random.normal()) centroid = source.get(cKey) source.set(cKey, centroid+offset) results =, templateExposure.getWcs(), templateExposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT), selectSources) warpedExp = self.register.warpExposure(templateExposure, results.wcs, exposure.getWcs(), exposure.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT)) templateExposure = warpedExp # Create debugging outputs on the astrometric # residuals as a function of position. Persistence # not yet implemented; expected on (I believe) #2636. if self.config.doDebugRegister: refCoordKey = results.matches[0].first.getTable().getCoordKey() inCentroidKey = results.matches[0].second.getTable().getCentroidKey() sids = [m.first.getId() for m in results.matches] positions = [m.first.get(refCoordKey) for m in results.matches] residuals = [m.first.get(refCoordKey).getOffsetFrom( results.wcs.pixelToSky(m.second.get(inCentroidKey))) for m in results.matches] allresids = dict(zip(sids, zip(positions, residuals))) # warp template exposure to match exposure, # PSF match template exposure to exposure, # then return the difference #Return warped template... Construct sourceKernelCand list after subtract"Subtracting images") subtractRes = self.subtract.subtractExposures( templateExposure = templateExposure, scienceExposure = exposure, scienceFwhmPix = scienceSigmaPost * FwhmPerSigma, templateFwhmPix = templateSigma * FwhmPerSigma, candidateList = kernelSources, convolveTemplate = self.config.convolveTemplate, doWarping = not self.config.doUseRegister ) subtractedExposure = subtractRes.subtractedExposure if self.config.doWriteMatchedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractRes.matchedExposure, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp") if self.config.doDetection:"Running diaSource detection") if subtractedExposure is None: subtractedExposure = sensorRef.get(subtractedExposureName) # Get Psf from the appropriate input image if it doesn't exist if not subtractedExposure.hasPsf(): if self.config.convolveTemplate: subtractedExposure.setPsf(exposure.getPsf()) else: if templateExposure is None: templateExposure, templateSources = self.getTemplate(exposure, sensorRef) subtractedExposure.setPsf(templateExposure.getPsf()) # Erase existing detection mask planes mask = subtractedExposure.getMaskedImage().getMask() mask &= ~(mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED") | mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED_NEGATIVE")) table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(self.schema, idFactory) table.setMetadata(self.algMetadata) results = self.detection.makeSourceCatalog( table = table, exposure = subtractedExposure, doSmooth = not self.config.doPreConvolve ) if self.config.doMerge: fpSet = results.fpSets.positive fpSet.merge(results.fpSets.negative, self.config.growFootprint, self.config.growFootprint, False) diaSources = afwTable.SourceCatalog(table) fpSet.makeSources(diaSources)"Merging detections into %d sources" % (len(diaSources))) else: diaSources = results.sources if self.config.doMeasurement:"Running diaSource measurement") if len(diaSources) < self.config.maxDiaSourcesToMeasure:, diaSources) else:, diaSources) # Match with the calexp sources if possible if self.config.doMatchSources: if sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=sourceId matchRadAsec = self.config.diaSourceMatchRadius matchRadPixel = matchRadAsec / exposure.getWcs().pixelScale().asArcseconds() # This does not do what I expect so I cobbled together a brute force method in python srcMatches = afwTable.matchXy(sensorRef.get("src"), diaSources, matchRadPixel, True) srcMatchDict = dict([(srcMatch.second.getId(), srcMatch.first.getId()) for \ srcMatch in srcMatches])"Matched %d / %d diaSources to sources" % (len(srcMatchDict), len(diaSources))) else: self.log.warn("Src product does not exist; cannot match with diaSources") srcMatchDict = {} # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=refId astrometer = measAstrom.Astrometry(measAstrom.MeasAstromConfig(catalogMatchDist=matchRadAsec)) astromRet = astrometer.useKnownWcs(diaSources, exposure=exposure) refMatches = astromRet.matches if refMatches is None: self.log.warn("No diaSource matches with reference catalog") refMatchDict = {} else:"Matched %d / %d diaSources to reference catalog" % (len(refMatches), len(diaSources))) refMatchDict = dict([(refMatch.second.getId(), refMatch.first.getId()) for \ refMatch in refMatches]) # Assign source Ids for diaSource in diaSources: sid = diaSource.getId() if srcMatchDict.has_key(sid): diaSource.set("srcMatchId", srcMatchDict[sid]) if refMatchDict.has_key(sid): diaSource.set("refMatchId", refMatchDict[sid]) if diaSources is not None and self.config.doWriteSources: sourceWriteFlags = (0 if self.config.doWriteHeavyFootprintsInSources else afwTable.SOURCE_IO_NO_HEAVY_FOOTPRINTS) sensorRef.put(diaSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_diaSrc", flags=sourceWriteFlags) if self.config.doAddMetrics and self.config.doSelectSources:"Evaluating metrics and control sample") kernelCandList = [] for cell in subtractRes.kernelCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates kernelCandList.append(cast_KernelCandidateF(cand)) # Get basis list to build control sample kernels basisList = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel( kernelCandList[0].getKernel(KernelCandidateF.ORIG)).getKernelList() controlCandList = \ diffimTools.sourceTableToCandList(controlSources, subtractRes.warpedExposure, exposure,,, self.log, dobuild=True, basisList=basisList) self.kcQa.apply(kernelCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel, dof=nparam) self.kcQa.apply(controlCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel) if self.config.doDetection: self.kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids, diaSources) else: self.kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids) #Persist using butler sensorRef.put(selectSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_kernelSrc") if self.config.doWriteSubtractedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractedExposure, subtractedExposureName) self.runDebug(exposure, subtractRes, selectSources, kernelSources, diaSources) return pipeBase.Struct( subtractedExposure = subtractedExposure, subtractRes = subtractRes, sources = diaSources, )
def catalogStatistics(self, exposure, catalog, uncorrectedCatalog, statControl): """Measure the catalog statistics. Parameters ---------- exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure` The exposure to measure. catalog : `lsst.afw.table.Table` The catalog to measure. uncorrectedCatalog : `lsst.afw.table.Table` The uncorrected catalog to measure. statControl : `lsst.afw.math.StatisticsControl` Statistics control object with parameters defined by the config. Returns ------- outputStatistics : `dict` [`str`, `dict` [`str`, scalar]] A dictionary indexed by the amplifier name, containing dictionaries of the statistics measured and their values. """ outputStatistics = {} matches = afwTable.matchXy(catalog, uncorrectedCatalog, self.config.matchRadiusPix) outputStatistics['NUM_MATCHES'] = len(matches) magnitude = [] sizeDiff = [] if not matches: outputStatistics['MAGNITUDES'] = magnitude outputStatistics['SIZE_DIFF'] = sizeDiff return outputStatistics for source, uncorrectedSource, d in matches: # This uses the simple difference in source moments. sourceMagnitude = -2.5 * np.log10(source.getPsfInstFlux()) sourceSize = source['base_SdssShape_xx'] + source[ 'base_SdssShape_yy'] uncorrectedSize = uncorrectedSource[ 'base_SdssShape_xx'] + uncorrectedSource['base_SdssShape_yy'] magnitude.append(float(sourceMagnitude)) sizeDiff.append(float(uncorrectedSize - sourceSize)) mask = np.isfinite(magnitude) * np.isfinite(sizeDiff) if 'BRIGHT_SLOPE' in self.config.catalogStatKeywords: exponentialFit = least_squares(modelResidual, [0.0, -0.01, 0.0], args=(np.array(magnitude)[mask], np.array(sizeDiff)[mask]), loss='cauchy') outputStatistics['BRIGHT_SLOPE'] = float(exponentialFit.x[1]) outputStatistics['FIT_SUCCESS'] = exponentialFit.success self.debugFit('brightSlope', magnitude, sizeDiff, exponentialFit.x) outputStatistics['MAGNITUDES'] = magnitude outputStatistics['SIZE_DIFF'] = sizeDiff return outputStatistics
def run(self, sensorRef, templateIdList=None): """Subtract an image from a template coadd and measure the result Steps include: - warp template coadd to match WCS of image - PSF match image to warped template - subtract image from PSF-matched, warped template - persist difference image - detect sources - measure sources @param sensorRef: sensor-level butler data reference, used for the following data products: Input only: - calexp - psf - ccdExposureId - ccdExposureId_bits - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd_skyMap" - self.config.coaddName + "Coadd" Input or output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_subtractedExp" Output, depending on config: - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp" - self.config.coaddName + "Diff_src" @return pipe_base Struct containing these fields: - subtractedExposure: exposure after subtracting template; the unpersisted version if subtraction not run but detection run None if neither subtraction nor detection run (i.e. nothing useful done) - subtractRes: results of subtraction task; None if subtraction not run - sources: detected and possibly measured sources; None if detection not run """"Processing %s" % (sensorRef.dataId)) # initialize outputs and some intermediate products subtractedExposure = None subtractRes = None selectSources = None kernelSources = None controlSources = None diaSources = None # We make one IdFactory that will be used by both icSrc and src datasets; # I don't know if this is the way we ultimately want to do things, but at least # this ensures the source IDs are fully unique. expBits = sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId_bits") expId = long(sensorRef.get("ccdExposureId")) idFactory = afwTable.IdFactory.makeSource(expId, 64 - expBits) # Retrieve the science image we wish to analyze exposure = sensorRef.get("calexp", immediate=True) if self.config.doAddCalexpBackground: mi = exposure.getMaskedImage() mi += sensorRef.get("calexpBackground").getImage() if not exposure.hasPsf(): raise pipeBase.TaskError("Exposure has no psf") sciencePsf = exposure.getPsf() subtractedExposureName = self.config.coaddName + "Diff_differenceExp" templateExposure = None # Stitched coadd exposure templateSources = None # Sources on the template image if self.config.doSubtract: print templateIdList template =, sensorRef, templateIdList=templateIdList) templateExposure = template.exposure templateSources = template.sources # compute scienceSigmaOrig: sigma of PSF of science image before pre-convolution ctr = afwGeom.Box2D(exposure.getBBox()).getCenter() psfAttr = PsfAttributes(sciencePsf, afwGeom.Point2I(ctr)) scienceSigmaOrig = psfAttr.computeGaussianWidth(psfAttr.ADAPTIVE_MOMENT) # sigma of PSF of template image before warping ctr = afwGeom.Box2D(templateExposure.getBBox()).getCenter() psfAttr = PsfAttributes(templateExposure.getPsf(), afwGeom.Point2I(ctr)) templateSigma = psfAttr.computeGaussianWidth(psfAttr.ADAPTIVE_MOMENT) # if requested, convolve the science exposure with its PSF # (properly, this should be a cross-correlation, but our code does not yet support that) # compute scienceSigmaPost: sigma of science exposure with pre-convolution, if done, # else sigma of original science exposure if self.config.doPreConvolve: convControl = afwMath.ConvolutionControl() # cannot convolve in place, so make a new MI to receive convolved image srcMI = exposure.getMaskedImage() destMI = srcMI.Factory(srcMI.getDimensions()) srcPsf = sciencePsf if self.config.useGaussianForPreConvolution: # convolve with a simplified PSF model: a double Gaussian kWidth, kHeight = sciencePsf.getLocalKernel().getDimensions() preConvPsf = SingleGaussianPsf(kWidth, kHeight, scienceSigmaOrig) else: # convolve with science exposure's PSF model preConvPsf = srcPsf afwMath.convolve(destMI, srcMI, preConvPsf.getLocalKernel(), convControl) exposure.setMaskedImage(destMI) scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig * math.sqrt(2) else: scienceSigmaPost = scienceSigmaOrig # If requested, find sources in the image if self.config.doSelectSources: if not sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): self.log.warn("Src product does not exist; running detection, measurement, selection") # Run own detection and measurement; necessary in nightly processing selectSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( exposure, sigma = scienceSigmaPost, doSmooth = not self.doPreConvolve, idFactory = idFactory, ) else:"Source selection via src product") # Sources already exist; for data release processing selectSources = sensorRef.get("src") # Number of basis functions nparam = len(makeKernelBasisList(, referenceFwhmPix=scienceSigmaPost * FwhmPerSigma, targetFwhmPix=templateSigma * FwhmPerSigma)) if self.config.doAddMetrics: # Modify the schema of all Sources kcQa = KernelCandidateQa(nparam) selectSources = kcQa.addToSchema(selectSources) if self.config.kernelSourcesFromRef: # match exposure sources to reference catalog astromRet = self.astrometer.loadAndMatch(exposure=exposure, sourceCat=selectSources) matches = astromRet.matches elif templateSources: # match exposure sources to template sources matches = afwTable.matchRaDec(templateSources, selectSources, 1.0*afwGeom.arcseconds, False) else: raise RuntimeError("doSelectSources=True and kernelSourcesFromRef=False," + "but template sources not available. Cannot match science " + "sources with template sources. Run process* on data from " + "which templates are built.") kernelSources = self.sourceSelector.selectStars(exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat random.shuffle(kernelSources, random.random) controlSources = kernelSources[::self.config.controlStepSize] kernelSources = [k for i,k in enumerate(kernelSources) if i % self.config.controlStepSize] if self.config.doSelectDcrCatalog: redSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig(grMin=self.sourceSelector.config.grMax, grMax=99.999)) redSources = redSelector.selectStars(exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(redSources) blueSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig(grMin=-99.999, grMax=self.sourceSelector.config.grMin)) blueSources = blueSelector.selectStars(exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(blueSources) if self.config.doSelectVariableCatalog: varSelector = DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask( DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig(includeVariable=True)) varSources = varSelector.selectStars(exposure, selectSources, matches=matches).starCat controlSources.extend(varSources)"Selected %d / %d sources for Psf matching (%d for control sample)" % (len(kernelSources), len(selectSources), len(controlSources))) allresids = {} if self.config.doUseRegister:"Registering images") if templateSources is None: # Run detection on the template, which is # temporarily background-subtracted templateSources = self.subtract.getSelectSources( templateExposure, sigma=templateSigma, doSmooth=True, idFactory=idFactory ) # Third step: we need to fit the relative astrometry. # wcsResults = self.fitAstrometry(templateSources, templateExposure, selectSources) warpedExp = self.register.warpExposure(templateExposure, wcsResults.wcs, exposure.getWcs(), exposure.getBBox()) templateExposure = warpedExp # Create debugging outputs on the astrometric # residuals as a function of position. Persistence # not yet implemented; expected on (I believe) #2636. if self.config.doDebugRegister: # Grab matches to reference catalog srcToMatch = {x.second.getId() : x.first for x in matches} refCoordKey = wcsResults.matches[0].first.getTable().getCoordKey() inCentroidKey = wcsResults.matches[0].second.getTable().getCentroidKey() sids = [m.first.getId() for m in wcsResults.matches] positions = [m.first.get(refCoordKey) for m in wcsResults.matches] residuals = [m.first.get(refCoordKey).getOffsetFrom(wcsResults.wcs.pixelToSky( m.second.get(inCentroidKey))) for m in wcsResults.matches] allresids = dict(zip(sids, zip(positions, residuals))) cresiduals = [m.first.get(refCoordKey).getTangentPlaneOffset( wcsResults.wcs.pixelToSky( m.second.get(inCentroidKey))) for m in wcsResults.matches] colors = numpy.array([-2.5*numpy.log10(srcToMatch[x].get("g")) + 2.5*numpy.log10(srcToMatch[x].get("r")) for x in sids if x in srcToMatch.keys()]) dlong = numpy.array([r[0].asArcseconds() for s,r in zip(sids, cresiduals) if s in srcToMatch.keys()]) dlat = numpy.array([r[1].asArcseconds() for s,r in zip(sids, cresiduals) if s in srcToMatch.keys()]) idx1 = numpy.where(colors<self.sourceSelector.config.grMin) idx2 = numpy.where((colors>=self.sourceSelector.config.grMin)& (colors<=self.sourceSelector.config.grMax)) idx3 = numpy.where(colors>self.sourceSelector.config.grMax) rms1Long = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlong[idx1],75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx1],25)) rms1Lat = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlat[idx1],75)-numpy.percentile(dlat[idx1],25)) rms2Long = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlong[idx2],75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx2],25)) rms2Lat = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlat[idx2],75)-numpy.percentile(dlat[idx2],25)) rms3Long = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlong[idx3],75)-numpy.percentile(dlong[idx3],25)) rms3Lat = IqrToSigma*(numpy.percentile(dlat[idx3],75)-numpy.percentile(dlat[idx3],25))"Blue star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx1]), rms1Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx1]), rms1Lat))"Green star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx2]), rms2Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx2]), rms2Lat))"Red star offsets'': %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f" % (numpy.median(dlong[idx3]), rms3Long, numpy.median(dlat[idx3]), rms3Lat)) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx1])) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx2])) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLongOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlong[idx3])) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLongOffsetStd", rms1Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLongOffsetStd", rms2Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLongOffsetStd", rms3Long) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx1])) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx2])) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLatOffsetMedian", numpy.median(dlat[idx3])) self.metadata.add("RegisterBlueLatOffsetStd", rms1Lat) self.metadata.add("RegisterGreenLatOffsetStd", rms2Lat) self.metadata.add("RegisterRedLatOffsetStd", rms3Lat) # warp template exposure to match exposure, # PSF match template exposure to exposure, # then return the difference #Return warped template... Construct sourceKernelCand list after subtract"Subtracting images") subtractRes = self.subtract.subtractExposures( templateExposure=templateExposure, scienceExposure=exposure, candidateList=kernelSources, convolveTemplate=self.config.convolveTemplate, doWarping=not self.config.doUseRegister ) subtractedExposure = subtractRes.subtractedExposure if self.config.doWriteMatchedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractRes.matchedExposure, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_matchedExp") if self.config.doDetection:"Running diaSource detection") if subtractedExposure is None: subtractedExposure = sensorRef.get(subtractedExposureName) # Get Psf from the appropriate input image if it doesn't exist if not subtractedExposure.hasPsf(): if self.config.convolveTemplate: subtractedExposure.setPsf(exposure.getPsf()) else: if templateExposure is None: template =, sensorRef, templateIdList=templateIdList) subtractedExposure.setPsf(template.exposure.getPsf()) # Erase existing detection mask planes mask = subtractedExposure.getMaskedImage().getMask() mask &= ~(mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED") | mask.getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED_NEGATIVE")) table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(self.schema, idFactory) table.setMetadata(self.algMetadata) results = self.detection.makeSourceCatalog( table=table, exposure=subtractedExposure, doSmooth=not self.config.doPreConvolve ) if self.config.doMerge: fpSet = results.fpSets.positive fpSet.merge(results.fpSets.negative, self.config.growFootprint, self.config.growFootprint, False) diaSources = afwTable.SourceCatalog(table) fpSet.makeSources(diaSources)"Merging detections into %d sources" % (len(diaSources))) else: diaSources = results.sources if self.config.doMeasurement:"Running diaSource measurement"), subtractedExposure) # Match with the calexp sources if possible if self.config.doMatchSources: if sensorRef.datasetExists("src"): # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=sourceId matchRadAsec = self.config.diaSourceMatchRadius matchRadPixel = matchRadAsec / exposure.getWcs().pixelScale().asArcseconds() srcMatches = afwTable.matchXy(sensorRef.get("src"), diaSources, matchRadPixel, True) srcMatchDict = dict([(srcMatch.second.getId(), srcMatch.first.getId()) for srcMatch in srcMatches])"Matched %d / %d diaSources to sources" % (len(srcMatchDict), len(diaSources))) else: self.log.warn("Src product does not exist; cannot match with diaSources") srcMatchDict = {} # Create key,val pair where key=diaSourceId and val=refId refAstromConfig = measAstrom.AstrometryConfig() refAstromConfig.matcher.maxMatchDistArcSec = matchRadAsec refAstrometer = measAstrom.AstrometryTask(refAstromConfig) astromRet =, sourceCat=diaSources) refMatches = astromRet.matches if refMatches is None: self.log.warn("No diaSource matches with reference catalog") refMatchDict = {} else:"Matched %d / %d diaSources to reference catalog" % (len(refMatches), len(diaSources))) refMatchDict = dict([(refMatch.second.getId(), refMatch.first.getId()) for \ refMatch in refMatches]) # Assign source Ids for diaSource in diaSources: sid = diaSource.getId() if srcMatchDict.has_key(sid): diaSource.set("srcMatchId", srcMatchDict[sid]) if refMatchDict.has_key(sid): diaSource.set("refMatchId", refMatchDict[sid]) if diaSources is not None and self.config.doWriteSources: sensorRef.put(diaSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_diaSrc") if self.config.doAddMetrics and self.config.doSelectSources:"Evaluating metrics and control sample") kernelCandList = [] for cell in subtractRes.kernelCellSet.getCellList(): for cand in cell.begin(False): # include bad candidates kernelCandList.append(cast_KernelCandidateF(cand)) # Get basis list to build control sample kernels basisList = afwMath.cast_LinearCombinationKernel( kernelCandList[0].getKernel(KernelCandidateF.ORIG)).getKernelList() controlCandList = \ diffimTools.sourceTableToCandidateList(controlSources, subtractRes.warpedExposure, exposure,,, self.log, doBuild=True, basisList=basisList) kcQa.apply(kernelCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel, dof=nparam) kcQa.apply(controlCandList, subtractRes.psfMatchingKernel, subtractRes.backgroundModel) if self.config.doDetection: kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids, diaSources) else: kcQa.aggregate(selectSources, self.metadata, allresids) sensorRef.put(selectSources, self.config.coaddName + "Diff_kernelSrc") if self.config.doWriteSubtractedExp: sensorRef.put(subtractedExposure, subtractedExposureName) self.runDebug(exposure, subtractRes, selectSources, kernelSources, diaSources) return pipeBase.Struct( subtractedExposure=subtractedExposure, subtractRes=subtractRes, sources=diaSources, )
def runTest(self, subtractMethods=['ALstack', 'Zogy_S', 'Zogy', 'ALstack_decorr'], zogyImageSpace=False, matchDist=np.sqrt(1.5), returnSources=False, **kwargs): D_Zogy = S_Zogy = res = D_AL = None src = {} # Run diffim first for subMethod in subtractMethods: if subMethod is 'ALstack' or subMethod is 'ALstack_decorr': if self.ALres is None: self.ALres = self.doAlInStack(doPreConv=False, doDecorr=True, **kwargs) if subMethod is 'Zogy_S': if self.S_Zogy is None: self.doZogy(computeScorr=True, inImageSpace=zogyImageSpace) S_Zogy = self.S_Zogy D_Zogy = self.D_Zogy if subMethod is 'Zogy': if self.D_Zogy is None: self.doZogy(computeScorr=False, inImageSpace=zogyImageSpace) D_Zogy = self.D_Zogy if subMethod is 'AL': # my clean-room (pure python, slow) version of A&L try: if self.D_AL is None: self.doAL(spatialKernelOrder=0, spatialBackgroundOrder=1) D_AL = self.D_AL except Exception as e: print(e) D_AL = None # Run detection next #try: if subMethod is 'ALstack': # Note we DONT set it to 5.5 -- best for noise-free template. src_AL = doDetection(self.ALres.subtractedExposure) src['ALstack'] = src_AL elif subMethod is 'ALstack_decorr': src_AL2 = doDetection(self.ALres.decorrelatedDiffim) src['ALstack_decorr'] = src_AL2 elif subMethod is 'Zogy': D_Zogy = afwExp(D_Zogy) src_Zogy = doDetection(D_Zogy) src['Zogy'] = src_Zogy elif subMethod is 'Zogy_S': # 'pixel_stdev' doesn't work, so just divide the image by S_Zogy = afwExp(S_Zogy) tmp_S = S_Zogy.clone() # the variance and use a 'value' threshold. /= tmp_S.var #tmp_S.var /= tmp_S.var tmp_S_i = tmp_S.getMaskedImage().getImage().getArray() tmp_S_i[:, :] /= tmp_S.getMaskedImage().getVariance().getArray()[:, :] #src_SZogy = doDetection(S_ZOGY, # thresholdType='pixel_stdev', doSmooth=False) src_SZogy = doDetection(tmp_S, thresholdType='value', doSmooth=False) src['SZogy'] = src_SZogy elif subMethod is 'AL' and D_AL is not None: D_AL = afwExp(D_AL) src_AL = doDetection(D_AL) src['AL'] = src_AL #except Exception as e: # print(e) # pass # Compare detections to input sources and get true positives and false negatives changedCentroid = self.getCentroidsCatalog(transientsOnly=True) import lsst.afw.table as afwTable detections = matchCat = {} for key in src: srces = src[key] srces = srces[~srces['base_PsfFlux_flag']] # this works! matches = afwTable.matchXy(changedCentroid, srces, matchDist) # these should not need uniquifying true_pos = len(matches) false_neg = len(changedCentroid) - len(matches) false_pos = len(srces) - len(matches) detections[key] = {'TP': true_pos, 'FN': false_neg, 'FP': false_pos} # sources, fp1, fp2, fp_Zogy, fp_AL, fp_ALd = self.doForcedPhot(transientsOnly=True) # if mc_Zogy is not None: # matches = afwTable.matchXy(pp_Zogy, sources, 1.0) # matchedCat = catMatch.matchesToCatalog(matches, metadata) if returnSources: detections['sources'] = src return detections