Beispiel #1
def make_stamps(n_stamps=3, use_archive=False):
    stampSize = 25
    # create dummy stamp stamps
    stampImages = [
        afwImage.maskedImage.MaskedImageF(stampSize, stampSize)
        for _ in range(n_stamps)
    for stampIm in stampImages:
        stampImArray = stampIm.image.array
        stampImArray += np.random.rand(stampSize, stampSize)
        stampMaskArray = stampIm.mask.array
        stampMaskArray += 10
        stampVarArray = stampIm.variance.array
        stampVarArray += 1000.
    ras = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 360.
    decs = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 180 - 90
    archive_elements = [
        if use_archive else None for _ in range(n_stamps)
    stamp_list = [
                     position=geom.SpherePoint(geom.Angle(ra, geom.degrees),
                                               geom.Angle(dec, geom.degrees)),
                     archive_element=ae) for stampIm, ra, dec, ae in zip(
                         stampImages, ras, decs, archive_elements)
    metadata = PropertyList()
    metadata['RA_DEG'] = ras
    metadata['DEC_DEG'] = decs

    return stamps.Stamps(stamp_list, metadata=metadata, use_archive=True)
Beispiel #2
def makeTransformDict(nativeSys, transformDict, plateScale):
    """Make a dictionary of TransformPoint2ToPoint2s from yaml, mapping from

    nativeSys : `lsst.afw.cameraGeom.CameraSys`
    transformDict : `dict`
        A dict specifying parameters of transforms; keys are camera system
    plateScale : `lsst.geom.Angle`
        The size of a pixel in angular units/mm (e.g. 20 arcsec/mm for LSST)

    transforms : `dict`
        A dict of `lsst.afw.cameraGeom.CameraSys` :

    The resulting dict's keys are `~lsst.afw.cameraGeom.CameraSys`,
    and the values are Transforms *from* NativeSys *to* CameraSys
    # As other comments note this is required, and this is one function where
    # it's assumed
    assert nativeSys == cameraGeom.FOCAL_PLANE, "Cameras with nativeSys != FOCAL_PLANE are not supported."

    resMap = dict()

    for key, transform in transformDict.items():
        transformType = transform["transformType"]
        knownTransformTypes = ["affine", "radial"]
        if transformType not in knownTransformTypes:
            raise RuntimeError("Saw unknown transform type for %s: %s (known types are: [%s])" % (
                key, transform["transformType"], ", ".join(knownTransformTypes)))

        if transformType == "affine":
            affine = geom.AffineTransform(np.array(transform["linear"]),

            transform = afwGeom.makeTransform(affine)
        elif transformType == "radial":
            # radial coefficients of the form [0, 1 (no units), C2 (rad),
            # usually 0, C3 (rad^2), ...]
            # Radial distortion is modeled as a radial polynomial that converts
            # from focal plane radius (in mm) to field angle (in radians).
            # The provided coefficients are divided by the plate
            # scale (in radians/mm) meaning that C1 is always 1.
            radialCoeffs = np.array(transform["coeffs"])

            radialCoeffs *= plateScale.asRadians()
            transform = afwGeom.makeRadialTransform(radialCoeffs)
            raise RuntimeError("Impossible condition \"%s\" is not in: [%s])" % (
                transform["transformType"], ", ".join(knownTransformTypes)))

        resMap[cameraGeom.CameraSys(key)] = transform

    return resMap
    def warpStamps(self, stamps, pixCenters):
        """Warps and shifts all given stamps so they are sampled on the same
        pixel grid and centered on the central pixel. This includes rotating
        the stamp depending on detector orientation.

        stamps : ``
            Image cutouts centered on a single object.
        pixCenters : `` [`geom.Point2D`]
            Positions of each object's center (as obtained from the refCat),
            in pixels.

        warpedStars : `list` [`afwImage.maskedImage.maskedImage.MaskedImage`]
        # warping control; only contains shiftingALg provided in config
        warpCont = afwMath.WarpingControl(self.config.warpingKernelName)
        # Compare model to star stamp sizes
        bufferPix = (self.modelStampSize[0] - self.config.stampSize[0],
                     self.modelStampSize[1] - self.config.stampSize[1])
        # Initialize detector instance (note all stars were extracted from an
        # exposure from the same detector)
        det = stamps[0].getDetector()
        # Define correction for optical distortions
        if self.config.doApplyTransform:
            pixToTan = det.getTransform(cg.PIXELS, cg.TAN_PIXELS)
            pixToTan = tFactory.makeIdentityTransform()
        # Array of all possible rotations for detector orientation:
        possibleRots = np.array([k*np.pi/2 for k in range(4)])
        # determine how many, if any, rotations are required
        yaw = det.getOrientation().getYaw()
        nb90Rots = np.argmin(np.abs(possibleRots - float(yaw)))

        # apply transformation to each star
        warpedStars = []
        for star, cent in zip(stamps, pixCenters):
            # (re)create empty destination image
            destImage = afwImage.MaskedImageF(*self.modelStampSize)
            bottomLeft = geom.Point2D(star.image.getXY0())
            newBottomLeft = pixToTan.applyForward(bottomLeft)
            newBottomLeft.setX(newBottomLeft.getX() - bufferPix[0]/2)
            newBottomLeft.setY(newBottomLeft.getY() - bufferPix[1]/2)
            # Convert to int
            newBottomLeft = geom.Point2I(newBottomLeft)
            # Set origin

            # Define linear shifting to recenter stamps
            newCenter = pixToTan.applyForward(cent)  # center of warped star
            shift = self.modelCenter[0] + newBottomLeft[0] - newCenter[0],\
                self.modelCenter[1] + newBottomLeft[1] - newCenter[1]
            affineShift = geom.AffineTransform(shift)
            shiftTransform = tFactory.makeTransform(affineShift)

            # Define full transform (warp and shift)
            starWarper = pixToTan.then(shiftTransform)

            # Apply it
            goodPix = afwMath.warpImage(destImage, star.getMaskedImage(),
                                        starWarper, warpCont)
            if not goodPix:
                self.log.debug("Warping of a star failed: no good pixel in output")

            # Arbitrarily set origin of shifted star to 0
            destImage.setXY0(0, 0)

            # Apply rotation if apropriate
            if nb90Rots:
                destImage = afwMath.rotateImageBy90(destImage, nb90Rots)
        return warpedStars