Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):
        ##Load sample input from disk
        path = os.path.join(eups.productDir("meas_pipeline"), "tests")
        srcSet = readSourceSet(os.path.join(path, "v695833-e0-c000.xy.txt"))

        #Make a copy, with different fluxes.
        #The exact choice doesn't matter ,we just want to make sure the code returns an answer
        #Also need to specify that each source is a star
        catSet = []

        flags = malgUtil.getDetectionFlags()
        goodFlag = flags['BINNED1'] | flags['STAR']
        for s in srcSet:
            s1 = afwDet.Source(s)
            s1.setPsfFlux(s1.getPsfFlux() * .281)


        #Make a SourceMatch object
        maxDist = 1 / 3600.  #matches must be this close together
        srcMatchSet = afwDet.matchXy(catSet, srcSet, maxDist)

        #Put them on the clipboard
        filename = pexPolicy.DefaultPolicyFile("meas_pipeline",
        self.policy = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(filename)

        self.clipboard = pexClipboard.Clipboard()
        self.clipboard.put(self.policy.get("sourceMatchSetKey"), srcMatchSet)
                           afwImage.ExposureF(afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 10)))
    def setUp(self):
        ##Load sample input from disk
        path = os.path.join(eups.productDir("meas_pipeline"), "tests")
        srcSet = readSourceSet(os.path.join(path, "v695833-e0-c000.xy.txt"))
        #Make a copy, with different fluxes.
        #The exact choice doesn't matter ,we just want to make sure the code returns an answer
        #Also need to specify that each source is a star
        catSet = []
        flags = malgUtil.getDetectionFlags()
        goodFlag = flags['BINNED1'] | flags['STAR']
        for s in srcSet:
            s1 = afwDet.Source(s)
        #Make a SourceMatch object
        maxDist = 1/3600. #matches must be this close together
        srcMatchSet = afwDet.matchXy(catSet, srcSet, maxDist)
        #Put them on the clipboard
        filename = pexPolicy.DefaultPolicyFile("meas_pipeline", 
                      "PhotoCalStageDictionary.paf", "policy")
        self.policy = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(filename)

        self.clipboard = pexClipboard.Clipboard()         
        self.clipboard.put(self.policy.get("sourceMatchSetKey"), srcMatchSet)
        self.clipboard.put(self.policy.get("inputExposureKey"), afwImage.ExposureF(afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 10)))
def getCalibObjects(butler, filterName, dataId):
    A version of getCalibObjectsImpl that isn't a class method, for use by other code
    @param useOutputSrc             # use fluxes from the "src", not "icSrc"

    # color calibration
    # this stuff stolen from pipette.
    # - numbers from suprimecam.paf, method in
    primaryLookup = {
        #"B" : "g",
        #"V" : "g",
        #"R" : "r",
        #"I" : "i",
        "g" : "g",
        "g" : "g",
        "r" : "r",
        "i" : "i",
    # The below colour terms are from the last page of
    secondaryLookup = {
        "g" : ["r", [-0.00569, -0.0427]],
        "r" : ["g", [0.00261, 0.0304]],
        "i" : ["r", [0.00586, 0.0827, -0.0118]],
        "z" : ['i', [0.000329, 0.0608, 0.0219]],
        "y" : ['i', [0.000329, 0.0608, 0.0219]],
    # figure out which filters we need for the color term
    primaryFilter   = primaryLookup[filterName]      # Primary band for correction
    secondaryFilter = secondaryLookup[primaryFilter][0]  # Secondary band for correction

    log = pexLog.Log.getDefaultLog()
    psources  = butler.get('icSrc', dataId)
    pmatches  = butler.get('icMatch', dataId)
    calexp_md = butler.get('calexp_md', dataId)

    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(calexp_md)
    W, H = calexp_md.get("NAXIS1"), calexp_md.get("NAXIS2")
    calib = afwImage.Calib(calexp_md)

    matches = pmatches.getSourceMatches()
    sources = psources.getSources() ## fails

    anid = pmatches.getSourceMatchMetadata().getInt('ANINDID')

    del psources; del pmatches; del calexp_md # cleanup

    useOutputSrc = False
    if useOutputSrc:
        srcs = butler.get('src', dataId).getSources()
        import lsst.afw.detection as afwDetect
        pmMatch = afwDetect.matchXy(sources, srcs, 1.0, True)
        for icSrc, src, d in pmMatch:

    # ref sources
    xc, yc = 0.5*W, 0.5*H
    radec = wcs.pixelToSky(xc, yc)
    ra = radec.getLongitude(afwCoord.DEGREES)
    dec = radec.getLatitude(afwCoord.DEGREES)
    radius = wcs.pixelScale().asDegrees()*math.hypot(xc, yc)*1.1

    pol = pexPolicy.Policy()
    pol.set('matchThreshold', 30)
    solver = measAstrom.createSolver(pol, log)
    idName = 'id'

    X = solver.getCatalogue(ra, dec, radius, primaryFilter, idName, anid)
    refsources = X.refsources
    inds = X.inds

    referrs, stargal = None, None
    cols = solver.getTagAlongColumns(anid)
    colnames = [ for c in cols]

    col = 'starnotgal'
    if col in colnames:
        stargal1 = solver.getTagAlongBool(anid, col, inds)
        stargal = []
        for i in range(len(stargal1)):

    fdict = maUtils.getDetectionFlags()

    # get the data for the secondary
    XX = solver.getCatalogue(ra, dec, radius, secondaryFilter, idName, anid)
    secondaryRefsources = XX.refsources

    polyData = secondaryLookup[primaryFilter][1]   # Polynomial correction
    polyData.reverse()                             # Numpy wants decreasing powers
    polynomial = numpy.poly1d(polyData)

    # We already have the 'primary' magnitudes in the matches
    secondariesDict = dict()
    for s in secondaryRefsources:
        secondariesDict[s.getId()] = (s.getPsfFlux(), s.getPsfFluxErr())
    del secondaryRefsources

    keepref = []
    keepi = []
    for i in xrange(len(refsources)):
        ra, dec = refsources[i].getRa(), refsources[i].getDec() # ra,dec in Rads
        x, y = wcs.skyToPixel(afwCoord.Coord(afwGeom.PointD(numpy.degrees(ra), numpy.degrees(dec))))

        if x < 0 or y < 0 or x > W or y > H:

        if stargal[i]:
            refsources[i].setFlagForDetection(refsources[i].getFlagForDetection() | fdict["STAR"])

        # color term
        primaryMag = -2.5*numpy.log10(refsources[i].getPsfFlux())
        secondaryMag = -2.5*numpy.log10(secondariesDict[refsources[i].getId()][0])
        diff = polynomial(primaryMag - secondaryMag)


    refsources = keepref

    if referrs is not None:
        referrs = [referrs[i] for i in keepi]
    if stargal is not None:
        stargal = [stargal[i] for i in keepi]

    measAstrom.joinMatchList(matches, refsources, first=True, log=log)
    measAstrom.joinMatchList(matches, sources, first=False, log=log)

    return matches, calib, refsources
def plotsForField(inButler, keys, fixup, plots=None, prefix=''):
    if plots is None:
        plots = ['photom', 'matches', 'corr', 'distortion']

    filters = inButler.queryMetadata('raw', 'filter', **keys)
    print('Filters:', filters)
    filterName = filters[0]

        psources = inButler.get('icSrc', **keys)
        print('Got sources', psources)
    except Exception:
        print('"icSrc" not found.  Trying "src" instead.')
        psources = inButler.get('src', **keys)
        print('Got sources', psources)

    pmatches = inButler.get('icMatch', **keys)
    sources = psources.getSources()

    calexp = inButler.get('calexp', **keys)
    wcs = calexp.getWcs()

    photocal = calexp.getCalib()
    zp = photocal.getMagnitude(1.)
    print('Zeropoint is', zp)

    # ref sources
    W, H = calexp.getWidth(), calexp.getHeight()

    log = Log.getDefaultLogger()

    kwargs = {}
    if fixup:
        # ugh, mask and offset req'd because source ids are assigned at write-time
        # and match list code made a deep copy before that.
        # (see svn+ssh:// r18027)
        kwargs['sourceIdMask'] = 0xffff
        kwargs['sourceIdOffset'] = -1

    (matches, ref) = measAstrom.generateMatchesFromMatchList(
        pmatches, sources, wcs, W, H, returnRefs=True, log=log, **kwargs)
    print('Got', len(ref), 'reference catalog sources')

    # pull 'stargal' and 'referrs' arrays out of the reference sources
    fdict = maUtils.getDetectionFlags()
    starflag = int(fdict["STAR"])
    stargal = [bool((r.getFlagForDetection() & starflag) > 0)
               for r in ref]
    referrs = [float(r.getPsfInstFluxErr() / r.getPsfInstFlux() * 2.5 / -np.log(10))
               for r in ref]
    nstars = sum([1 for s in stargal if s])
    print('Number of sources with STAR set:', nstars)

    visit = keys['visit']
    raft = keys['raft']
    sensor = keys['sensor']
    prefix += 'imsim-v%i-r%s-s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',', ''), sensor.replace(',', ''))

    if 'photom' in plots:
        print('photometry plots...')
        tt = 'LSST ImSim v%i r%s s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',', ''), sensor.replace(',', ''))

        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName,
                                zp=zp, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)
        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName, zp=zp,
                                delta=True, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

        # test w/ and w/o referrs and stargal.
        if False:
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A', band=filterName, zp=zp, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B', band=filterName,
                                    zp=zp, delta=True, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C', band=filterName,
                                    zp=zp, delta=True, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

    if 'matches' in plots:
        wcsPlots.plotMatches(sources, ref, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix)

    if 'distortion' in plots:
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 10)', exaggerate=10.)
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 100)', exaggerate=100.,
def plotsForField(inButler, keys, fixup, plots=None, prefix=''):
    if plots is None:
        plots = ['photom', 'matches', 'corr', 'distortion']

    filters = inButler.queryMetadata('raw', 'filter', **keys)
    print('Filters:', filters)
    filterName = filters[0]

    psources = inButler.get('icSrc', **keys)
    # since the butler does lazy evaluation, we don't know if it fails until...
        print('Got sources', psources)
        print('"icSrc" not found.  Trying "src" instead.')
        psources = inButler.get('src', **keys)
        print('Got sources', psources)

    pmatches = inButler.get('icMatch', **keys)
    sources = psources.getSources()

    calexp = inButler.get('calexp', **keys)
    wcs = calexp.getWcs()

    photocal = calexp.getCalib()
    zp = photocal.getMagnitude(1.)
    print('Zeropoint is', zp)

    # ref sources
    W, H = calexp.getWidth(), calexp.getHeight()

    log = Log.getDefaultLogger()

    kwargs = {}
    if fixup:
        # ugh, mask and offset req'd because source ids are assigned at write-time
        # and match list code made a deep copy before that.
        # (see svn+ssh:// r18027)
        kwargs['sourceIdMask'] = 0xffff
        kwargs['sourceIdOffset'] = -1

    (matches, ref) = measAstrom.generateMatchesFromMatchList(
        pmatches, sources, wcs, W, H, returnRefs=True, log=log, **kwargs)
    print('Got', len(ref), 'reference catalog sources')

    # pull 'stargal' and 'referrs' arrays out of the reference sources
    fdict = maUtils.getDetectionFlags()
    starflag = int(fdict["STAR"])
    stargal = [bool((r.getFlagForDetection() & starflag) > 0)
               for r in ref]
    referrs = [float(r.getPsfFluxErr() / r.getPsfFlux() * 2.5 / -np.log(10))
               for r in ref]
    nstars = sum([1 for s in stargal if s])
    print('Number of sources with STAR set:', nstars)

    visit = keys['visit']
    raft = keys['raft']
    sensor = keys['sensor']
    prefix += 'imsim-v%i-r%s-s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',', ''), sensor.replace(',', ''))

    if 'photom' in plots:
        print('photometry plots...')
        tt = 'LSST ImSim v%i r%s s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',', ''), sensor.replace(',', ''))

        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName,
                                zp=zp, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)
        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName, zp=zp,
                                delta=True, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

        # test w/ and w/o referrs and stargal.
        if False:
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A', band=filterName, zp=zp, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A',
                                    band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B', band=filterName,
                                    zp=zp, delta=True, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C', band=filterName,
                                    zp=zp, delta=True, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

    if 'matches' in plots:
        wcsPlots.plotMatches(sources, ref, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix)

    if 'distortion' in plots:
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 10)', exaggerate=10.)
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 100)', exaggerate=100.,
def getCalibObjects(butler, filterName, dataId):
    A version of getCalibObjectsImpl that isn't a class method, for use by other code
    @param useOutputSrc             # use fluxes from the "src", not "icSrc"

    # color calibration
    # this stuff stolen from pipette.
    # - numbers from suprimecam.paf, method in
    primaryLookup = {
        #"B" : "g",
        #"V" : "g",
        #"R" : "r",
        #"I" : "i",
        "g": "g",
        "g": "g",
        "r": "r",
        "i": "i",
    # The below colour terms are from the last page of
    secondaryLookup = {
        "g": ["r", [-0.00569, -0.0427]],
        "r": ["g", [0.00261, 0.0304]],
        "i": ["r", [0.00586, 0.0827, -0.0118]],
        "z": ['i', [0.000329, 0.0608, 0.0219]],
        "y": ['i', [0.000329, 0.0608, 0.0219]],
    # figure out which filters we need for the color term
    primaryFilter = primaryLookup[filterName]  # Primary band for correction
    secondaryFilter = secondaryLookup[primaryFilter][
        0]  # Secondary band for correction

    log = pexLog.Log.getDefaultLog()
    psources = butler.get('icSrc', dataId)
    pmatches = butler.get('icMatch', dataId)
    calexp_md = butler.get('calexp_md', dataId)

    wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(calexp_md)
    W, H = calexp_md.get("NAXIS1"), calexp_md.get("NAXIS2")
    calib = afwImage.Calib(calexp_md)

    matches = pmatches.getSourceMatches()
    sources = psources.getSources()  ## fails

    anid = pmatches.getSourceMatchMetadata().getInt('ANINDID')

    del psources
    del pmatches
    del calexp_md  # cleanup

    useOutputSrc = False
    if useOutputSrc:
        srcs = butler.get('src', dataId).getSources()

        import lsst.afw.detection as afwDetect
        pmMatch = afwDetect.matchXy(sources, srcs, 1.0, True)
        for icSrc, src, d in pmMatch:

    # ref sources
    xc, yc = 0.5 * W, 0.5 * H
    radec = wcs.pixelToSky(xc, yc)
    ra = radec.getLongitude(afwCoord.DEGREES)
    dec = radec.getLatitude(afwCoord.DEGREES)
    radius = wcs.pixelScale().asDegrees() * math.hypot(xc, yc) * 1.1

    pol = pexPolicy.Policy()
    pol.set('matchThreshold', 30)
    solver = measAstrom.createSolver(pol, log)
    idName = 'id'

    X = solver.getCatalogue(ra, dec, radius, primaryFilter, idName, anid)
    refsources = X.refsources

    inds = X.inds

    referrs, stargal = None, None
    cols = solver.getTagAlongColumns(anid)
    colnames = [ for c in cols]

    col = 'starnotgal'
    if col in colnames:
        stargal1 = solver.getTagAlongBool(anid, col, inds)
        stargal = []
        for i in range(len(stargal1)):

    fdict = maUtils.getDetectionFlags()

    # get the data for the secondary
    XX = solver.getCatalogue(ra, dec, radius, secondaryFilter, idName, anid)
    secondaryRefsources = XX.refsources

    polyData = secondaryLookup[primaryFilter][1]  # Polynomial correction
    polyData.reverse()  # Numpy wants decreasing powers
    polynomial = numpy.poly1d(polyData)

    # We already have the 'primary' magnitudes in the matches
    secondariesDict = dict()
    for s in secondaryRefsources:
        secondariesDict[s.getId()] = (s.getPsfFlux(), s.getPsfFluxErr())
    del secondaryRefsources

    keepref = []
    keepi = []
    for i in xrange(len(refsources)):
        ra, dec = refsources[i].getRa(), refsources[i].getDec(
        )  # ra,dec in Rads
        x, y = wcs.skyToPixel(
                afwGeom.PointD(numpy.degrees(ra), numpy.degrees(dec))))

        if x < 0 or y < 0 or x > W or y > H:

        if stargal[i]:
                refsources[i].getFlagForDetection() | fdict["STAR"])

        # color term
        primaryMag = -2.5 * numpy.log10(refsources[i].getPsfFlux())
        secondaryMag = -2.5 * numpy.log10(
        diff = polynomial(primaryMag - secondaryMag)
        refsources[i].setPsfFlux(10.0**(-0.4 * (primaryMag + diff)))


    refsources = keepref

    if referrs is not None:
        referrs = [referrs[i] for i in keepi]
    if stargal is not None:
        stargal = [stargal[i] for i in keepi]

    measAstrom.joinMatchList(matches, refsources, first=True, log=log)
    measAstrom.joinMatchList(matches, sources, first=False, log=log)

    return matches, calib, refsources
def plotsForField(inButler, keys, fixup, plots=None, prefix=''):
    if plots is None:
        plots = ['photom','matches','corr','distortion']
    filters = inButler.queryMetadata('raw', 'filter', **keys)
    print 'Filters:', filters
    filterName = filters[0]

    psources = inButler.get('icSrc', **keys)
    # since the butler does lazy evaluation, we don't know if it fails until...
        print 'Got sources', psources
        print '"icSrc" not found.  Trying "src" instead.'
        psources = inButler.get('src', **keys)
        print 'Got sources', psources
    pmatches = inButler.get('icMatch', **keys)
    #print 'Got matches', pmatches
    #matchmeta = pmatches.getSourceMatchMetadata()
    #matches = pmatches.getSourceMatches()
    #print 'Match metadata:', matchmeta
    sources = psources.getSources()
    calexp = inButler.get('calexp', **keys)
    #print 'Got calexp', calexp
    wcs = calexp.getWcs()
    #print 'Got wcs', wcs
    #print wcs.getFitsMetadata().toString()
    wcs = afwImage.cast_TanWcs(wcs)
    #print 'After cast:', wcs

    photocal = calexp.getCalib()
    zp = photocal.getMagnitude(1.)
    print 'Zeropoint is', zp

    # ref sources
    W,H = calexp.getWidth(), calexp.getHeight()

    log = Log.getDefaultLog()

    kwargs = {}
    if fixup:
        # ugh, mask and offset req'd because source ids are assigned at write-time
        # and match list code made a deep copy before that.
        # (see svn+ssh:// r18027)
        kwargs['sourceIdMask'] = 0xffff
        kwargs['sourceIdOffset'] = -1

    (matches,ref) = measAstrom.generateMatchesFromMatchList(
        pmatches, sources, wcs, W, H, returnRefs=True, log=log, **kwargs)
    print 'Got', len(ref), 'reference catalog sources'

    # pull 'stargal' and 'referrs' arrays out of the reference sources
    fdict = maUtils.getDetectionFlags()
    starflag = int(fdict["STAR"])
    stargal = [bool((r.getFlagForDetection() & starflag) > 0)
               for r in ref]
    referrs = [float(r.getPsfFluxErr() / r.getPsfFlux() * 2.5 / -np.log(10))
               for r in ref]
    nstars = sum([1 for s in stargal if s])
    print 'Number of sources with STAR set:', nstars

    visit = keys['visit']
    raft = keys['raft']
    sensor = keys['sensor']
    prefix += 'imsim-v%i-r%s-s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',',''), sensor.replace(',',''))

    if 'photom' in plots:
        print 'photometry plots...'
        tt = 'LSST ImSim v%i r%s s%s' % (visit, raft.replace(',',''), sensor.replace(',',''))

        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName, zp=zp, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)
        wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix, band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True, referrs=referrs, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

        # test w/ and w/o referrs and stargal.
        if False:
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A', band=filterName, zp=zp, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B', band=filterName, zp=zp, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C', band=filterName, zp=zp, refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'A', band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'B', band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True, referrs=referrs, title=tt)
            wcsPlots.plotPhotometry(sources, ref, matches, prefix + 'C', band=filterName, zp=zp, delta=True,refstargal=stargal, title=tt)

    if 'matches' in plots:
        print 'matches...'
        wcsPlots.plotMatches(sources, ref, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix)

    if 'corr' in plots:
        #print 'corr...'
        # requires astrometry.libkd (not available in 0.30)
        #wcsPlots.plotCorrespondences2(sources, ref, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix)
        #print 'corr...'
        #wcsPlots.plotCorrespondences(sources, ref, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix)

    if 'distortion' in plots:
        print 'distortion...'
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 10)', exaggerate=10.)
        print 'distortion...'
        wcsPlots.plotDistortion(wcs, W, H, 400, prefix,
                                'SIP Distortion (exaggerated x 100)', exaggerate=100.,