def process(self, clipboard): """ Execute the needed processing code for this Stage """ print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStageParallel process : stageId %i' % self.stageId print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStageParallel process : _rank %i' % self.rank root = Log.getDefaultLog() log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.SyncSetupStageParallel.process") lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << "Retrieving Clipboard" lr << LogRec.endr propertySet = dafBase.PropertySet() propertySet.setInt("sliceRank", self.rank) propertySet.setString("Level", "Debug") clipboard.put("rankKey", propertySet) clipboard.setShared("rankKey", True) lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << "Posted data to be Shared on Clipboard" lr << LogRec.endr
def process(self): logging.Trace_setVerbosity("lsst.detection", 5) logging.Trace( "lsst.detection.DetectionStage", 3, 'Python DetectionStage process : _rank %i stageId %d' % (self._rank, self.stageId)) activeClipboard = self.inputQueue.getNextDataset() ########### # # Get objects from clipboard # triggerEvent = activeClipboard.get('triggerVisitEvent') filterNameItem = triggerEvent.findUnique('filterName') filterName = filterNameItem.getValueString() exposureIdItem = triggerEvent.findUnique('exposureId') exposureId = exposureIdItem.getValueInt() visitTimeItem = triggerEvent.findUnique('visitTime') visitTime = visitTimeItem.getValueDouble() ########### # # Log the beginning of Detection stage for this slice # LogRec(self.detectionLog, Log.INFO) \ << "Began detection stage" \ << DataProperty("exposureId", exposureId) \ << DataProperty("visitTime", visitTime) \ << DataProperty("filterName", filterName) \ << LogRec.endr # # Instantiate a Filter object to get the id of filterName # dbLocation = dafper.LogicalLocation( 'mysql://') filterDB = lsst.afw.image.Filter(dbLocation, filterName) filterId = filterDB.getId() logging.Trace("lsst.detection.DetectionStage", 3, 'FilterName %s FilterId %d' % (filterName, filterId)) differenceImageExposure = activeClipboard.get('DifferenceExposure') diaSourceCollection = Detection.detection( differenceImageExposure=differenceImageExposure, policy=self._policy, filterId=filterId, useLog=self.detectionLog, footprintList=None, ) ########### # # Post results to clipboard # activeClipboard.put('DiaSources', diaSourceCollection) self.outputQueue.addDataset(activeClipboard)
def tryPostProcess(self, iStage, stage, stagelog): """ Executes the try/except construct for Stage postprocess() call """ postlog = stagelog.timeBlock("tryPostProcess", self.TRACE - 2) # Important try - except construct around stage postprocess() try: # If no error/exception has been flagged, run postprocess() # otherwise, simply pass along the Clipboard if (self.errorFlagged == 0): processlog = stagelog.timeBlock("postprocess", self.TRACE) stage.applyPostprocess(self.interQueue) processlog.done() else: postlog.log(self.TRACE, "Skipping applyPostprocess due to flagged error") self.transferClipboard(iStage) except: trace = "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) postlog.log(Log.FATAL, trace) # Flag that an exception occurred to guide the framework to skip processing self.errorFlagged = 1 if (self.failureStageName != None): if (self.failSerialName != "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpSerialProcessing"): LogRec(postlog, self.VERB2) << "failureStageName exists " \ << self.failureStageName \ << "and failSerialName exists " \ << self.failSerialName \ << LogRec.endr inputQueue = self.queueList[iStage - 1] outputQueue = self.queueList[iStage] self.failStageObject.initialize(outputQueue, inputQueue) self.failStageObject.applyPostprocess(self.interQueue) else: postlog.log(self.VERB2, "No SerialProcessing to do for failure stage") # Post the cliphoard that the Stage failed to transfer to the output queue self.postOutputClipboard(iStage) # Done try - except around stage preprocess postlog.done()
def finish(self, log=None, clipboard=None): if log: rec = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) rec << "PositiveFluxExcursion visit statistics" rec << { "numPositiveInBoth": self._numPositiveInBoth, "numPositiveOnlyInFirst": self._numPositiveOnlyInFirst, "numPositiveOnlyInSecond": self._numPositiveOnlyInSecond, "numNegativeOrMissingInBoth": self._numNegativeOrMissingInBoth } rec << endr
def finish(self, log=None, clipboard=None): if log: rec = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) rec << "PresentInBothExposuresClassifier visit statistics" rec << { "numPresentInBoth": self._numPresentInBoth, "numPresentOnlyInFirst": self._numPresentOnlyInFirst, "numPresentOnlyInSecond": self._numPresentOnlyInSecond, "numMissingInBoth": self._numMissingInBoth } rec << endr
def preprocess(self, clipboard): """ Execute the needed preprocessing code for this Stage """ print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage preprocess : stageId %i' % self.stageId print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage preprocess : _rank %i' % self.rank root = Log.getDefaultLog() log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.SyncSetupStage.preprocess") lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << "Retrieving Clipboard" lr << LogRec.endr propertySet = dafBase.PropertySet() propertySet.setInt("redHerring", self.rank) clipboard.put("redKey", propertySet) lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << "Posted data to Clipboard" lr << LogRec.endr
def postprocess(self, clipboard): """ Execute the needed postprocessing code for SyncSetupStage """ print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage postprocess : stageId %i' % self.stageId print 'Python apps.SyncSetupStage postprocess : _rank %i' % self.rank root = Log.getDefaultLog() log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.SyncSetupStage.postprocess") lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << "In SyncSetupStage.postprocess" lr << LogRec.endr
def process(self, clipboard): """ Processing code for this Stage to be executed within a Slice """ log = Log(self.log, "lsst.pexhexamples.pipeline.SampleStageParallel.process") lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << " rank " + str(self.rank) lr << " stageId " + str(self.stageId) lr << " runId " + str(self.runId) lr << " universeSize " + str(self.universeSize) lr << " RunMode from Policy " + self.runmode lr << LogRec.endr
def postprocess(self, clipboard): """ Processing code for this Stage to be executed by the main Pipeline after the completion of Slice process """ log = Log(self.log, "lsst.pexhexamples.pipeline.SampleStageSerial.postprocess") log.log(Log.INFO, 'Executing SampleStageSerial postprocess') lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << " rank " + str(self.rank) lr << " stageId " + str(self.stageId) lr << " universeSize " + str(self.universeSize) lr << " RunMode from Policy " + self.runmode lr << LogRec.endr
def preprocess(self, clipboard): # do our work if clipboard is not None: if not clipboard.contains("width"): raise RuntimeError("Missing width on clipboard") if not clipboard.contains("height"): raise RuntimeError("Missing width on clipboard") # if you are worried about overhead of formatting a debug message, # you can wrap it in an if block if self.log.sends(Log.DEBUG): # this attaches properties to our message LogRec(self.log, Log.DEBUG) << "all input data found." \ << Prop("width", clipboard.get("width")) \ << Prop("height", clipboard.get("height")) \ << LogRec.endr
def handleEvents(self, iStage, stagelog): """ Handles Events: transmit or receive events as specified by Policy """ log = stagelog.timeBlock("handleEvents", self.TRACE - 2) eventsSystem = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem() thisTopic = self.eventTopicList[iStage - 1] if (thisTopic != "None"): log.log(self.VERB3, "Processing topic: " + thisTopic) sliceTopic = self.sliceEventTopicList[iStage - 1] waitlog = log.timeBlock("eventwait " + sliceTopic, self.TRACE, "wait for event...") # Receive the event from the Pipeline # Call with a timeout , followed by a call to time sleep to free the GIL # periodically sleepTimeout = 0.1 transTimeout = 900 inputParamPropertySetPtr = eventsSystem.receive( sliceTopic, transTimeout) while (inputParamPropertySetPtr == None): time.sleep(sleepTimeout) inputParamPropertySetPtr = eventsSystem.receive( sliceTopic, transTimeout) waitlog.done() LogRec(log, self.TRACE) << "received event; contents: " \ << inputParamPropertySetPtr \ << LogRec.endr self.populateClipboard(inputParamPropertySetPtr, iStage, thisTopic) log.log(self.VERB3, 'Received event; added payload to clipboard') else: log.log(Log.DEBUG, 'No event to handle') log.done()
def process(self, clipboard): """ Execute the needed processing code for this Stage """ print 'Python IPDPStage process : _rank %i stageId %d' % (self.rank, self.stageId) inputImage = clipboard.get("theProperty") print "inputImage properties: " nameList = inputImage.names() root = Log.getDefaultLog() log = Log(root, "lsst.pexhexamples.apps.IPDPStageParallel.process") for name in nameList: value = inputImage.getString(name) print name, value lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << name lr << value lr << LogRec.endr
def process(self, clipboard): """ Processing code for this Stage to be executed within a Slice """ log = Log( self.log, "lsst.pexhexamples.pipeline.ShutdownTestStageParallel.process") i = 0 loopTime = 0.25 while (i < 100): print "APP STAGE PROCESSING LOOP " + str(i) + " \n" time.sleep(loopTime) i = i + 1 lr = LogRec(log, Log.INFO) lr << " rank " + str(self.rank) lr << " stageId " + str(self.stageId) lr << " runId " + str(self.runId) lr << " universeSize " + str(self.universeSize) lr << " RunMode from Policy " + self.runmode lr << LogRec.endr
def detection(differenceImageExposure, policy, filterId, useLog=None, footprintList=None): """Detect and measure objects in an incoming difference image Exposure Inputs: - differenceImageExposure: an lsst.afw.image.Exposure containing a difference MaskedImage and WCS - policy: the policy; required elements are...? - footprintList: a sequence of detection footprints on which to force measurement Returns: - an lsst.afw.detection.SourceVector """ if not (useLog): useLog = ScreenLog() useLog.setScreenVerbose(True) logging.Trace("lsst.detection.detection", 3, "filterId = %d" % (filterId)) ########### # # Get directives from policy # thresh = policy.get('thresholdSigma') nPixMin = policy.get('numPixMinFootprint') ########### # # Unpack the MaskedImage from the Exposure # img = differenceImageExposure.getMaskedImage() ########### # # Crudely estimate noise from mean of variance image - should do sigma clipping # varImg = img.getVariance() noise = math.sqrt(afwImage.mean_channel_value(varImg)) logging.Trace( "lsst.detection.detection", 3, "thresholdSigma = %r; noise = %r PixMin = %r" % (thresh, noise, nPixMin)) LogRec(useLog, Log.INFO) \ << "Threshold computation" \ << DataProperty("thresholdSigma", thresh) \ << DataProperty("noise", noise) \ << DataProperty("threshold", thresh*noise) \ << LogRec.endr ########### # # Build the DetectionSet for positive sources # dsPositive = det.DetectionSetF( img, det.Threshold(thresh * noise, det.Threshold.VALUE, True), "FP+", nPixMin) fpVecPositive = dsPositive.getFootprints() print "Positive detections: ", len(fpVecPositive) LogRec(useLog, Log.INFO) \ << "Positive detections" \ << DataProperty("nPositive", len(fpVecPositive)) \ << LogRec.endr ########### # # Build the DetectionSet for negative sources # dsNegative = det.DetectionSetF( img, det.Threshold(thresh * noise, det.Threshold.VALUE, False), "FP-", nPixMin) fpVecNegative = dsNegative.getFootprints() print "Negative detections: ", len(fpVecNegative) LogRec(useLog, Log.INFO) \ << "Negative detections" \ << DataProperty("nNegative", len(fpVecNegative)) \ << LogRec.endr ########### # # Measure the FootPrints # imgWCS = differenceImageExposure.getWcs() outputDiaSources = afwDet.DiaSourceVec() imgMeasure = det.MeasureF(img, "FP+") id = 0 for i in range(len(fpVecPositive)): diaPtr = afwDet.DiaSourcePtr() diaPtr.setId(id) diaPtr.setFilterId(filterId) imgMeasure.measureSource( diaPtr, fpVecPositive[i], 0.0) # NOTE explicit background of zero used for difference image pixCoord = afwImage.Coord2D(diaPtr.getColc(), diaPtr.getRowc()) skyCoord = imgWCS.colRowToRaDec(pixCoord) diaPtr.setRa(skyCoord.x()) diaPtr.setDec(skyCoord.y()) outputDiaSources.push_back(diaPtr.get()) id += 1 imgMeasure = det.MeasureF(img, "FP-") for i in range(len(fpVecNegative)): diaPtr = afwDet.DiaSourcePtr() diaPtr.setId(id) diaPtr.setFilterId(filterId) imgMeasure.measureSource( diaPtr, fpVecNegative[i], 0.0) # NOTE explicit background of zero used for difference image pixCoord = afwImage.Coord2D(diaPtr.getColc(), diaPtr.getRowc()) skyCoord = imgWCS.colRowToRaDec(pixCoord) diaPtr.setRa(skyCoord.x()) diaPtr.setDec(skyCoord.y()) outputDiaSources.push_back(diaPtr.get()) id += 1 ########### # # Return the DiaSources # return outputDiaSources
def handleEvents(self, iStage, stagelog): """ Handles Events: transmit or receive events as specified by Policy """ log = stagelog.timeBlock("handleEvents", self.TRACE - 2) eventsSystem = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem() thisTopic = self.eventTopicList[iStage - 1] thisTopic = thisTopic.strip() if (thisTopic != "None"): log.log(self.VERB3, "Processing topic: " + thisTopic) sliceTopic = "%s_%s" % (thisTopic, self._pipelineName) waitlog = log.timeBlock("eventwait " + thisTopic, self.TRACE, "wait for event...") inputParamPropertySetPtr = self.waitForEvent(thisTopic) # inputParamPropertySetPtr = eventsSystem.receive(thisTopic, self.eventTimeout) waitlog.done() if (inputParamPropertySetPtr != None): LogRec(log, self.TRACE) << "received event; contents: " \ << inputParamPropertySetPtr \ << LogRec.endr log.log(self.VERB2, "received event; sending it to Slices " + sliceTopic) # Pipeline does not disassemble the payload of the event. # It places the payload on the clipboard with key of the eventTopic self.populateClipboard(inputParamPropertySetPtr, iStage, thisTopic) eventsSystem.createTransmitter(self.eventBrokerHost, sliceTopic) eventsSystem.publish(sliceTopic, inputParamPropertySetPtr) log.log(self.VERB2, "event sent to Slices") else: if ((self._stop.isSet())): # Shutdown event received while waiting for data event log.log( self.VERB2, "Pipeline Shutting down : Shutdown event received.") else: # event was not received after a long timeout # log.log(self.VERB2, "Pipeline Shutting Down: Event timeout self.: No event arrived") LogRec(log, self.VERB2) << "Pipeline Shutting Down: Event timeout " \ << str(self.eventTimeout) \ << "reached: No or next event did not arrive " \ << LogRec.endr sys.exit() else: # This stage has no event dependence log.log(Log.DEBUG, 'No event to handle') log.done()
def configureSlice(self): """ Configure the slice via reading a Policy file """ log = Log(self.log, "configureSlice") conflog = BlockTimingLog(self.log, "configureSlice", self.TRACE) conflog.start() stgcfg = self.executePolicy.getArray("appStage") self.stageNames = [] for subpol in stgcfg: stageName = subpol.get("name") self.stageNames.append(stageName) self.executePolicy.loadPolicyFiles() # Obtain the working directory space locators psLookup = lsst.daf.base.PropertySet() if (self.executePolicy.exists('dir')): dirPolicy = self.executePolicy.get('dir') shortName = None if (dirPolicy.exists('shortName')): shortName = dirPolicy.get('shortName') if shortName == None: shortName = self.pipelinePolicyName.split('.')[0] dirs = Directories(dirPolicy, shortName, self._runId) psLookup = dirs.getDirs() if (self.executePolicy.exists('database.url')): psLookup.set('dbUrl', self.executePolicy.get('database.url')) LogRec(log, self.VERB1) << "Configuring Slice" \ << Prop("universeSize", self.universeSize) \ << Prop("runID", self._runId) \ << Prop("rank", self._rank) \ << LogRec.endr # Configure persistence logical location map with values for directory # work space locators dafPersist.LogicalLocation.setLocationMap(psLookup) # Check for eventTimeout if (self.executePolicy.exists('eventTimeout')): self.eventTimeout = self.executePolicy.getInt('eventTimeout') else: self.eventTimeout = 10000000 # default value # Process Application Stages fullStageList = self.executePolicy.getArray("appStage") self.nStages = len(fullStageList) log.log(self.VERB2, "Found %d stages" % len(fullStageList)) # extract the stage class name and associated policy file. fullStageNameList = [] self.stagePolicyList = [] for stagei in xrange(self.nStages): fullStagePolicy = fullStageList[stagei] if (fullStagePolicy.exists('parallelClass')): parallelName = fullStagePolicy.getString('parallelClass') stagePolicy = fullStagePolicy.get('stagePolicy') else: parallelName = "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpParallelProcessing" stagePolicy = None fullStageNameList.append(parallelName) self.stagePolicyList.append(stagePolicy) if self.stageNames[stagei] is None: self.stageNames[stagei] = fullStageNameList[-1].split('.')[-1] log.log( self.VERB3, "Stage %d: %s: %s" % (stagei + 1, self.stageNames[stagei], fullStageNameList[-1])) for astage in fullStageNameList: fullStage = astage.strip() tokenList = astage.split('.') classString = tokenList.pop() classString = classString.strip() package = ".".join(tokenList) # For example package -> lsst.pex.harness.App1Stage classString -> App1Stage AppStage = __import__(package, globals(), locals(), [classString], -1) StageClass = getattr(AppStage, classString) self.stageClassList.append(StageClass) log.log(self.VERB2, "Imported Stage Classes") # # Configure the Failure Stage # - Read the policy information # - Import failure stage Class and make failure stage instance Object # self.failureStageName = None self.failParallelName = None if (self.executePolicy.exists('failureStage')): failstg = self.executePolicy.get("failureStage") self.failureStageName = failstg.get("name") if (failstg.exists('parallelClass')): self.failParallelName = failstg.getString('parallelClass') failStagePolicy = failstg.get('stagePolicy') else: self.failParallelName = "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpParallelProcessing" failStagePolicy = None astage = self.failParallelName tokenList = astage.split('.') failClassString = tokenList.pop() failClassString = failClassString.strip() package = ".".join(tokenList) # For example package -> lsst.pex.harness.App1Stage classString -> App1Stage FailAppStage = __import__(package, globals(), locals(), [failClassString], -1) FailStageClass = getattr(FailAppStage, failClassString) sysdata = {} # sysdata["name"] = self._pipelineName sysdata["name"] = self.failureStageName sysdata["rank"] = self._rank sysdata["stageId"] = -1 sysdata["universeSize"] = self.universeSize sysdata["runId"] = self._runId if (failStagePolicy != None): self.failStageObject = FailStageClass(failStagePolicy, self.log, self.eventBrokerHost, sysdata) # (self, policy=None, log=None, eventBroker=None, sysdata=None, callSetup=True): else: self.failStageObject = FailStageClass(None, self.log, self.eventBrokerHost, sysdata) log.log(self.VERB2, "failureStage %s " % self.failureStageName) log.log(self.VERB2, "failParallelName %s " % self.failParallelName) # Process Event Topics self.eventTopicList = [] self.sliceEventTopicList = [] for item in fullStageList: self.eventTopicList.append(item.getString("eventTopic")) self.sliceEventTopicList.append(item.getString("eventTopic")) # Check for executionMode of oneloop if (self.executePolicy.exists('executionMode') and (self.executePolicy.getString('executionMode') == "oneloop")): self.executionMode = 1 # Process Share Data Schedule self.shareDataList = [] for item in fullStageList: shareDataStage = False if (item.exists('shareData')): shareDataStage = item.getBool('shareData') self.shareDataList.append(shareDataStage) log.log(self.VERB3, "Loading in %d trigger topics" % \ len(filter(lambda x: x != "None", self.eventTopicList))) for iStage in xrange(len(self.eventTopicList)): item = self.eventTopicList[iStage] if self.eventTopicList[iStage] != "None": log.log(self.VERB3, "eventTopic%d: %s" % (iStage + 1, item)) else: log.log(Log.DEBUG, "eventTopic%d: %s" % (iStage + 1, item)) count = 0 for item in self.eventTopicList: newitem = "%s_%s" % (item, self._pipelineName) self.sliceEventTopicList[count] = newitem count += 1 eventsSystem = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem() for topic in self.sliceEventTopicList: if (topic == "None_" + self._pipelineName): pass else: eventsSystem.createReceiver(self.eventBrokerHost, topic) log.log(self.VERB3, "Creating receiver %s" % (topic)) conflog.done() log.log(self.VERB1, "Slice configuration complete")
def startStagesLoop(self): """ Execute the Stage loop. The loop progressing in step with the analogous stage loop in the central Pipeline by means of MPI Bcast and Barrier calls. """ startStagesLoopLog = self.log.timeBlock("startStagesLoop", self.TRACE) looplog = BlockTimingLog(self.log, "visit", self.TRACE) stagelog = BlockTimingLog(looplog, "stage", self.TRACE) self.log.log(Log.INFO, "Begin startStagesLoopLog") self.threadBarrier() visitcount = 0 while True: self.log.log( Log.INFO, "visitcount %d %s " % (visitcount, if ((self.executionMode == 1) and (visitcount == 1)): LogRec(looplog, Log.INFO) << "terminating Slice Stage Loop " # self.cppPipeline.invokeShutdown() break visitcount += 1 looplog.setPreamblePropertyInt("LOOPNUM", visitcount) stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("LOOPNUM", visitcount) # stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("stagename", visitcount) timesVisitStart = os.times() # looplog.setPreamblePropertyFloat("usertime", timesVisitStart[0]) # looplog.setPreamblePropertyFloat("systemtime", timesVisitStart[1]) looplog.setPreamblePropertyDouble("usertime", timesVisitStart[0]) looplog.setPreamblePropertyDouble("systemtime", timesVisitStart[1]) looplog.start() self.startInitQueue( ) # place an empty clipboard in the first Queue self.errorFlagged = 0 for iStage in range(1, self.nStages + 1): stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("STAGEID", iStage) stagelog.setPreamblePropertyString("stagename", self.stageNames[iStage - 1]) stagelog.start(self.stageNames[iStage - 1] + " loop") stagelog.log(Log.INFO, "Begin stage loop iteration iStage %d " % iStage) stageObject = self.stageList[iStage - 1] self.handleEvents(iStage, stagelog) # synchronize before preprocess self.threadBarrier() # synchronize after preprocess, before process self.threadBarrier() self.tryProcess(iStage, stageObject, stagelog) # synchronize after process, before postprocess self.threadBarrier() # synchronize after postprocess self.threadBarrier() stagelog.log(self.TRACE, "End stage loop iteration iStage %d " % iStage) stagelog.log( Log.INFO, "End stage loop iteration : ErrorCheck \ iStage %d stageName %s errorFlagged_%d " % (iStage, self.stageNames[iStage - 1], self.errorFlagged)) stagelog.done() looplog.log(self.VERB2, "Completed Stage Loop") # If no error/exception was flagged, then clear the final Clipboard in the final Queue if self.errorFlagged == 0: looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, "Retrieving final Clipboard for deletion") finalQueue = self.queueList[self.nStages] finalClipboard = finalQueue.getNextDataset() finalClipboard.close() del finalClipboard looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, "Deleted final Clipboard") else: looplog.log(self.VERB3, "Error flagged on this visit") timesVisitDone = os.times() utime = timesVisitDone[0] - timesVisitStart[0] stime = timesVisitDone[1] - timesVisitStart[1] wtime = timesVisitDone[4] - timesVisitStart[4] totalTime = utime + stime looplog.log( Log.INFO, "visittimes : utime %.4f stime %.4f total %.4f wtime %.4f" % (utime, stime, totalTime, wtime)) # looplog.setPreamblePropertyFloat("usertime", timesVisitDone[0]) # looplog.setPreamblePropertyFloat("systemtime", timesVisitDone[1]) looplog.setPreamblePropertyDouble("usertime", timesVisitDone[0]) looplog.setPreamblePropertyDouble("systemtime", timesVisitDone[1]) looplog.done() try: memmsg = "mem:" with open("/proc/%d/status" % os.getpid(), "r") as f: for l in f: m = re.match(r'Vm(Size|RSS|Peak|HWM):\s+(\d+ \wB)', l) if m: memmsg += " %s=%s" % m.groups() looplog.log(Log.INFO, memmsg) except: pass # LogRec(looplog, Log.INFO) << Prop("usertime", utime) \ # << Prop("systemtime", stime) \ # << LogRec.endr; startStagesLoopLog.done()
def tryProcess(self, iStage, stage, stagelog): """ Executes the try/except construct for Stage process() call """ # Important try - except construct around stage process() proclog = stagelog.timeBlock("tryProcess", self.TRACE - 2) stageObject = self.stageList[iStage - 1] proclog.log(self.VERB3, "Getting process signal from Pipeline") # Important try - except construct around stage process() try: # If no error/exception has been flagged, run process() # otherwise, simply pass along the Clipboard if (self.errorFlagged == 0): processlog = stagelog.timeBlock("process", self.TRACE) stageObject.applyProcess() outputQueue = self.queueList[iStage] clipboard = outputQueue.element() proclog.log(Log.INFO, "Checking_For_Shotdown") if clipboard.has_key("noMoreDatasets"): proclog.log(Log.INFO, "Ready_For_Shutdown") self.shutdown() processlog.done() else: proclog.log(self.TRACE, "Skipping process due to error") self.transferClipboard(iStage) except: trace = "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) proclog.log(Log.FATAL, trace) # Flag that an exception occurred to guide the framework to skip processing self.errorFlagged = 1 # Post the cliphoard that the Stage failed to transfer to the output queue if (self.failureStageName != None): if (self.failParallelName != "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpParallelProcessing"): LogRec(proclog, self.VERB2) << "failureStageName exists " \ << self.failureStageName \ << "and failParallelName exists " \ << self.failParallelName \ << LogRec.endr inputQueue = self.queueList[iStage - 1] outputQueue = self.queueList[iStage] clipboard = inputQueue.element() clipboard.put("failedInStage", stage.getName()) clipboard.put("failedInStageN", iStage) clipboard.put("failureType", str(sys.exc_info()[0])) clipboard.put("failureMessage", str(sys.exc_info()[1])) clipboard.put("failureTraceback", trace) self.failStageObject.initialize(outputQueue, inputQueue) self.failStageObject.applyProcess() proclog.log(self.TRACE, "Popping off failure stage Clipboard") clipboard = outputQueue.getNextDataset() clipboard.close() del clipboard proclog.log( self.TRACE, "Erasing and deleting failure stage Clipboard") else: proclog.log( self.VERB2, "No ParallelProcessing to do for failure stage") self.postOutputClipboard(iStage) proclog.log(self.VERB3, "Getting end of process signal from Pipeline") proclog.done()
def startStagesLoop(self): """ Method to execute loop over Stages """ startStagesLoopLog = self.log.timeBlock("startStagesLoop", self.TRACE) looplog = BlockTimingLog(self.log, "visit", self.TRACE) stagelog = BlockTimingLog(looplog, "stage", self.TRACE - 1) proclog = BlockTimingLog(stagelog, "process", self.TRACE) visitcount = 0 self.threadBarrier(0) while True: if (((self.executionMode == 1) and (visitcount == 1))): LogRec( looplog, Log.INFO) << "terminating pipeline after one loop/visit " # # Need to shutdown Threads here # break else: visitcount += 1 looplog.setPreamblePropertyInt("LOOPNUM", visitcount) looplog.start() stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("LOOPNUM", visitcount) proclog.setPreamblePropertyInt("LOOPNUM", visitcount) # self.cppPipeline.invokeContinue() self.startInitQueue( ) # place an empty clipboard in the first Queue self.errorFlagged = 0 for iStage in range(1, self.nStages + 1): stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("STAGEID", iStage) stagelog.start(self.stageNames[iStage - 1] + " loop") proclog.setPreamblePropertyInt("STAGEID", iStage) stage = self.stageList[iStage - 1] self.handleEvents(iStage, stagelog) # synchronize before preprocess self.threadBarrier(iStage) self.tryPreProcess(iStage, stage, stagelog) # synchronize after preprocess, before process self.threadBarrier(iStage) # synchronize after process, before postprocess self.threadBarrier(iStage) self.tryPostProcess(iStage, stage, stagelog) # synchronize after postprocess self.threadBarrier(iStage) stagelog.done() self.checkExitByStage() else: looplog.log(self.VERB2, "Completed Stage Loop") self.checkExitByVisit() # Uncomment to print a list of Citizens after each visit # print datap.Citizen_census(0,0), "Objects:" # print datap.Citizen_census(datap.cout,0) looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, 'Retrieving finalClipboard for deletion') finalQueue = self.queueList[self.nStages] finalClipboard = finalQueue.getNextDataset() looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, "deleting final clipboard") looplog.done() # delete entries on the clipboard finalClipboard.close() del finalClipboard startStagesLoopLog.log(Log.INFO, "Shutting down pipeline") self.shutdown() startStagesLoopLog.done()
def finish(self, log=None, clipboard=None): if log: LogRec(log, Log.INFO) << "ShapeDiffersInExposuresClassifier visit statistics" << \ { "numDifferentShape": self._numDifferentShape, "numSimilarShape": self._numSimilarShape } << endr
def waitForReady(policy, runid, eventrcvr, logverb, logger): """ attempt to wait until all pipelines are configured and running before sending event data. """ # This implimentation tries to wait until all pipelines have reached # the point of waiting for their first event # determine whether the pipeline verbosity is enough to get the # particular "ready" signals we will be looking for prodthresh = None if logverb is not None: prodthresh = run.verbosity2threshold(logverb) if prodthresh is None and policy.exists("logThreshold"): prodthresh = policy.get("logThreshold") timeout = setuptime pldescs = policy.get("pipelines") names = pldescs.policyNames(True) pipelines = [] for pl in names: plpol = pldescs.getPolicy(pl) if not plpol.getBool("launch"): continue if prodthresh is None or prodthresh > -1: config = plpol.getPolicy("configuration") if config.exists("execute"): config = config.getPolicy("execute") if config.exists("logThreshold") and \ config.getInt("logThreshold") > -1: logger.log( Log.WARN, "%s pipeline's logging not verbose enough to track its readiness" % pl) continue pipelines.append(pl) logger.log(Log.DEBUG, "Waiting for the %s pipeline to be ready..." % pl) if "IPSD" not in pipelines: timeout = shortsetuptime # seconds if len(pipelines) > 0: logger.log( Log.INFO, "Waiting for pipelines to setup (this can take a while)...") tick = time.time() while len(pipelines) > 0: waittime = 1000 * (timeout - int(round(time.time() - tick))) if waittime > 0: # waitprops = eventrcvr.receive(waittime) waitprops = eventrcvr.matchingReceive("LOG", waitLogName, waittime) else: waitprops = None if waitprops is None: LogRec(logger, Log.WARN) \ << "Have yet to hear back from the following pipelines: " +\ ", ".join(pipelines) \ << "Proceeding to send visit events" << LogRec.endr break if waitprops.getString("STATUS", "") == "start" and \ waitprops.getString("runId", "") == runid: pipename = waitprops.getString("pipeline", "unknown") if pipename in pipelines: pipelines.remove(pipename) # pipelines.pop(0) logger.log(Log.DEBUG, "%s is ready" % pipename) else: LogRec(logger, Log.WARN) \ << "Unable to detect when pipelines are ready" \ << "Proceeding to send visit events in %d seconds" % \ shortsetuptime \ << LogRec.endr time.sleep(shortsetuptime) return
def startStagesLoop(self): """ Method to execute loop over Stages """ startStagesLoopLog = self.log.traceBlock("startStagesLoop", self.TRACE) looplog = TracingLog(self.log, "visit", self.TRACE) stagelog = TracingLog(looplog, "stage", self.TRACE - 1) proclog = TracingLog(stagelog, "process", self.TRACE) visitcount = 0 while True: time.sleep(self.delayTime) if ((((self.executionMode == 1) and (visitcount == 1)) or self.forceShutdown == 1)): LogRec( looplog, Log.INFO ) << "terminating pipeline and slices after one loop/visit " self.cppPipeline.invokeShutdown() # # Need to shutdown Threads here # break else: visitcount += 1 looplog.setPreamblePropertyInt("loopnum", visitcount) looplog.start() stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("loopnum", visitcount) proclog.setPreamblePropertyInt("loopnum", visitcount) # synchronize at the top of the Stage loop self.cppPipeline.invokeContinue() self.startInitQueue( ) # place an empty clipboard in the first Queue self.errorFlagged = 0 for iStage in range(1, self.nStages + 1): stagelog.setPreamblePropertyInt("stageId", iStage) stagelog.start(self.stageNames[iStage - 1] + " loop") proclog.setPreamblePropertyInt("stageId", iStage) stage = self.stageList[iStage - 1] self.handleEvents(iStage, stagelog) self.tryPreProcess(iStage, stage, stagelog) # if(self.isDataSharingOn): # self.invokeSyncSlices(iStage, stagelog) proclog.start("process and wait") self.cppPipeline.invokeProcess(iStage) proclog.done() self.tryPostProcess(iStage, stage, stagelog) stagelog.done() time.sleep(self.delayTime) self.checkExitByStage() else: looplog.log(self.VERB2, "Completed Stage Loop") time.sleep(self.delayTime) self.checkExitByVisit() # Uncomment to print a list of Citizens after each visit # print datap.Citizen_census(0,0), "Objects:" # print datap.Citizen_census(datap.cout,0) looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, 'Retrieving finalClipboard for deletion') finalQueue = self.queueList[self.nStages] finalClipboard = finalQueue.getNextDataset() looplog.log(Log.DEBUG, "deleting final clipboard") # delete entries on the clipboard finalClipboard.close() del finalClipboard startStagesLoopLog.log(Log.INFO, "Shutting down pipeline") startStagesLoopLog.done() self.shutdown()
def configurePipeline(self): """ Configure the Pipeline by reading a Policy File """ if (self.executePolicy.exists('nSlices')): self.nSlices = self.executePolicy.getInt('nSlices') else: self.nSlices = 0 # default value self.universeSize = self.nSlices + 1 if (self.executePolicy.exists('barrierDelay')): self.barrierDelay = self.executePolicy.getDouble('barrierDelay') else: self.barrierDelay = 0.000001 # default value # do some juggling to capture the actual stage policy names. We'll # use these to assign some logical names to the stages for logging # purposes. Note, however, that it is only convention that the # stage policies will be specified as separate files; thus, we need # a fallback. stgcfg = self.executePolicy.getArray("appStage") self.stageNames = [] for subpol in stgcfg: stageName = subpol.get("name") self.stageNames.append(stageName) self.executePolicy.loadPolicyFiles() # Obtain the working directory space locators psLookup = lsst.daf.base.PropertySet() if (self.executePolicy.exists('dir')): dirPolicy = self.executePolicy.get('dir') shortName = None if (dirPolicy.exists('shortName')): shortName = dirPolicy.get('shortName') if shortName == None: shortName = self.pipelinePolicyName.split('.')[0] dirs = Directories(dirPolicy, shortName, self._runId) psLookup = dirs.getDirs() if (self.executePolicy.exists('database.url')): psLookup.set('dbUrl', self.executePolicy.get('database.url')) log = Log(self.log, "configurePipeline") log.log(Log.INFO, "Logging messages using threshold=%i" % log.getThreshold()) LogRec(log, self.VERB1) << "Configuring pipeline" \ << Prop("universeSize", self.universeSize) \ << Prop("runID", self._runId) \ << Prop("rank", -1) \ << Prop("workerId", self.workerId) \ << LogRec.endr # Configure persistence logical location map with values for directory # work space locators dafPersist.LogicalLocation.setLocationMap(psLookup) log.log(self.VERB2, "eventBrokerHost %s " % self.eventBrokerHost) log.log(self.VERB2, "barrierDelay %s " % self.barrierDelay) # Check for eventTimeout if (self.executePolicy.exists('eventTimeout')): self.eventTimeout = self.executePolicy.getInt('eventTimeout') else: self.eventTimeout = 10000000 # default value is 10 000 000 # Process Application Stages fullStageList = self.executePolicy.getArray("appStage") self.nStages = len(fullStageList) log.log(self.VERB2, "Found %d stages" % len(fullStageList)) fullStageNameList = [] self.stagePolicyList = [] for stagei in xrange(self.nStages): fullStagePolicy = fullStageList[stagei] if (fullStagePolicy.exists('serialClass')): serialName = fullStagePolicy.getString('serialClass') stagePolicy = fullStagePolicy.get('stagePolicy') else: serialName = "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpSerialProcessing" stagePolicy = None fullStageNameList.append(serialName) self.stagePolicyList.append(stagePolicy) if self.stageNames[stagei] is None: self.stageNames[stagei] = fullStageNameList[-1].split('.')[-1] log.log( self.VERB3, "Stage %d: %s: %s" % (stagei + 1, self.stageNames[stagei], fullStageNameList[-1])) for astage in fullStageNameList: fullStage = astage.strip() tokenList = astage.split('.') classString = tokenList.pop() classString = classString.strip() package = ".".join(tokenList) # For example package -> lsst.pex.harness.App1Stage classString -> App1Stage AppStage = __import__(package, globals(), locals(), [classString], -1) StageClass = getattr(AppStage, classString) self.stageClassList.append(StageClass) # # Configure the Failure Stage # - Read the policy information # - Import failure stage Class and make failure stage instance Object # self.failureStageName = None self.failSerialName = None if (self.executePolicy.exists('failureStage')): failstg = self.executePolicy.get("failureStage") self.failureStageName = failstg.get("name") if (failstg.exists('serialClass')): self.failSerialName = failstg.getString('serialClass') failStagePolicy = failstg.get('stagePolicy') else: self.failSerialName = "lsst.pex.harness.stage.NoOpSerialProcessing" failStagePolicy = None astage = self.failSerialName tokenList = astage.split('.') failClassString = tokenList.pop() failClassString = failClassString.strip() package = ".".join(tokenList) # For example package -> lsst.pex.harness.App1Stage classString -> App1Stage FailAppStage = __import__(package, globals(), locals(), [failClassString], -1) FailStageClass = getattr(FailAppStage, failClassString) sysdata = {} sysdata["name"] = self.failureStageName sysdata["rank"] = -1 sysdata["stageId"] = -1 sysdata["universeSize"] = self.universeSize sysdata["runId"] = self._runId if (failStagePolicy != None): self.failStageObject = FailStageClass(failStagePolicy, self.log, self.eventBrokerHost, sysdata) else: self.failStageObject = FailStageClass(None, self.log, self.eventBrokerHost, sysdata) log.log(self.VERB2, "failureStage %s " % self.failureStageName) log.log(self.VERB2, "failSerialName %s " % self.failSerialName) # Process Event Topics self.eventTopicList = [] for item in fullStageList: self.eventTopicList.append(item.getString("eventTopic")) # Process Share Data Schedule self.shareDataList = [] for item in fullStageList: shareDataStage = False if (item.exists('shareData')): shareDataStage = item.getBool('shareData') self.shareDataList.append(shareDataStage) log.log(self.VERB3, "Loading in %d trigger topics" % \ len(filter(lambda x: x != "None", self.eventTopicList))) log.log(self.VERB3, "Loading in %d shareData flags" % \ len(filter(lambda x: x != "None", self.shareDataList))) for iStage in xrange(len(self.eventTopicList)): item = self.eventTopicList[iStage] if self.eventTopicList[iStage] != "None": log.log(self.VERB3, "eventTopic%d: %s" % (iStage + 1, item)) else: log.log(Log.DEBUG, "eventTopic%d: %s" % (iStage + 1, item)) eventsSystem = events.EventSystem.getDefaultEventSystem() for topic in self.eventTopicList: if (topic == "None"): pass else: log.log(self.VERB2, "Creating receiver for topic %s" % (topic)) eventsSystem.createReceiver(self.eventBrokerHost, topic) # Check for executionMode of oneloop if (self.executePolicy.exists('executionMode') and (self.executePolicy.getString('executionMode') == "oneloop")): self.executionMode = 1 # Check for shutdownTopic if (self.executePolicy.exists('shutdownTopic')): self.shutdownTopic = self.executePolicy.getString('shutdownTopic') else: self.shutdownTopic = "triggerShutdownEvent" # Check for exitTopic if (self.executePolicy.exists('exitTopic')): self.exitTopic = self.executePolicy.getString('exitTopic') else: self.exitTopic = None log.log(self.VERB1, "Pipeline configuration complete")