Beispiel #1
def fill_out(form, pdf):
    f = form
    if f.form_version == u'2012':
        return fill_out_2012(form, pdf)

    pdf['FEIN'] = f.ein
    pdf['Title'] = pdf['Title2'] =

    pdf['begin01'] = f.income_beginning
    pdf['end01'] = f.income_ending
    pdf['begin02'] = f.net_worth_beginning
    pdf['end02'] = f.net_worth_ending

    # TODO: more Boolean type-of-return fields
    pdf['Final'] = 'Yes' if f.type == 'final' else 'Off'

    pdf['Date1'] = f.incorporation_date
    pdf['WHLD.0'] = f.withholding_number
    pdf['WHLD.1'] = f.nonresident_withholding_number
    pdf['Address1'] = f.address.upper()
    pdf['State'] = f.incorporation_state
    pdf['Sales'] = f.sales_tax_number
    pdf['City'] =
    pdf['State2'] = f.state
    pdf['Zip'] =
    pdf['Date2'] = f.date_admitted
    pdf['NAICS'] = f.naics_code
    pdf['Location.0'] = f.books_city.upper()
    pdf['Location.1'] = f.books_state
    pdf['Telephone'] = f.books_phone
    pdf['Business'] = f.kind_of_business.upper()
    pdf['#Non'] = f.total_shareholders  # yes, they got these two backwards
    pdf['#Share'] = f.nonresident_shareholders
    pdf['Federal Ordinary Income'] = str(dollars(f.federal_ordinary_income))
    pdf['email'] =
    pdf['Email Authorization'] = 'Yes' if f.email_authorization else 'Off'
    pdf['Title5'] = f.title

    replacements = {'Sch4-1b': 'SCh4-1b', 'Sch4-9b': 'Sch-4-9b'}

    for sname in 's1 s3 s4 s7 s8 s9'.split():
        s = getattr(form, sname)
        schno = sname[1:]
        for attr, value in s.__dict__.items():
            if not attr.startswith('line'):
            lineno = attr[4:]
            fieldname = 'Sch{}-{}'.format(schno, lineno)
            fieldname = replacements.get(fieldname, fieldname)
            if fieldname == 'Sch7-2c':
                value = str(value)
            elif isinstance(value, Decimal):
                value = dstr(dollars(value))
                #value = str(dollars(value))
            pdf[fieldname] = value
Beispiel #2
 def eq(name, value):
     n[0] += 1
     form  # necessary to establish scoping for the following eval
     actual = eval('form.' + name)
     if actual != value:
         print json_path, name, '=', actual, 'but should be', dstr(value)
Beispiel #3
 def eq(name, value):
     n[0] += 1
     form  # necessary to establish scoping for the following eval
     actual = eval('form.' + name)
     if actual != value:
         print json_path, name, '=', actual, 'but should be', dstr(value)