Beispiel #1
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys, lumitile, time, termios, select

if len(sys.argv) > 1: dev=sys.argv[1]
kachel = lumitile.lumitile(port=dev, base=0)

def getch():
  """a simple nonblocking keyboard poll
  fd = sys.stdin.fileno()

  # do the input half of of tty.setraw() but keep ECHO and ICRNL, OPOST, etc
  mode = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
  mode[3] = mode[3] & ~termios.ICANON
  mode[6][termios.VMIN] = 1
  mode[6][termios.VTIME] = 0
  termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, mode)

  s =[fd], [], [], 0)
  if len(s[0]):
  return 0

# for j in range(5):
if 0:
  for i in range(256): kachel.send(i, 0, 0, delay=0.005)
  if (getch()): break
  for i in range(256): kachel.send(255-i, 0, 0, delay=0.005)
  if (getch()): break
Beispiel #2
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys, lumitile

dev = "/dev/ttyATH0"
if len(sys.argv) > 1: dev = sys.argv[1]
kachel = lumitile.lumitile(port=dev)

def interpolate_rgb(idx,
                    cols=[(255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255)],
    """sigma=0 is a linear interpolator, sigma=1 is a soft curve, sigma=10 is a stronger curve,
     holding the given colors longer, and transiting faster. (Low sigma's are
     almost always in transit, and show the given colors only briefly).
    top = steps * len(cols)
    idx = idx % top
    c1idx = int(idx / steps)
    c2idx = c1idx + 1
    if (c2idx >= len(cols)): c2idx = 0
    c1 = cols[c1idx]
    c2 = cols[c2idx]
    x = idx - c1idx * steps

    def pseudo_sin(x, sigma=0.5):
        """ takes an x in the range [0..1], a sigma value in the range [0..1] and 
        returns a value in the range [0..1], with the following equations always true:
        pseudo_sin(0) == 0; pseudo_sin(0.5) == 0.5; pseudo_sin(1) == 1
        the first derivative is 0 for x=0 and x=1. (except for sigma == 0, where 
Beispiel #3
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys, lumitile

if len(sys.argv) > 1: dev=sys.argv[1]
kachel = lumitile.lumitile(port=dev)

def interpolate_rgb(idx, cols=[(255,0,0),(0,0,255)], steps=10, sigma=.5, dim=1.0):
  """sigma=0 is a linear interpolator, sigma=1 is a soft curve, sigma=10 is a stronger curve,
     holding the given colors longer, and transiting faster. (Low sigma's are
     almost always in transit, and show the given colors only briefly).
  top = steps * len(cols)
  idx = idx % top
  c1idx = int(idx / steps)
  c2idx = c1idx+1
  if (c2idx >= len(cols)): c2idx = 0
  c1 = cols[c1idx]
  c2 = cols[c2idx]
  x = idx - c1idx * steps

  def pseudo_sin(x, sigma=0.5):
    """ takes an x in the range [0..1], a sigma value in the range [0..1] and 
        returns a value in the range [0..1], with the following equations always true:
        pseudo_sin(0) == 0; pseudo_sin(0.5) == 0.5; pseudo_sin(1) == 1
        the first derivative is 0 for x=0 and x=1. (except for sigma == 0, where 
        the derivative is always 1). The first derivative in x=0.5 is directly controlled 
        by sigma. The curve is rotational symmetric around the point (0.5,0.5)
    if (sigma <= 0.000001): return x
    if (sigma > 1): sigma = 1
Beispiel #4
width = 10
height = 2
if len(sys.argv) > 1: led_dev = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2: vid_dev = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) > 3: width   = sys.argv[3]
if len(sys.argv) > 4: height  = sys.argv[4]

if len(sys.argv) > 1 and (sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '-?' or sys.argv[1] == '--help'):
  print " V"+version
  print "\nUsage: %s [led_dev [video_dev [width [height]]]]" % sys.argv[0]
  print "\ndefaults:\n\tled_dev=%s\n\tvideo_dev=%s\n\twidth=%d\n\theight=%d" % (led_dev, vid_dev, width, height)

# Open the LED_controller
kachel = lumitile.lumitile(port=led_dev, base=1)

# Open the video device.
video = v4l2capture.Video_device(vid_dev)

def image_to_dots(img, w=10, h=None, rows=2, pad=0, hflip=False, vflip=False):
  if h == None:
    # h = 3 * rows + 2    # we watch a third around the center. Two lines border minimum.
    h = int((2*pad+w)/4.*3.)
  # print "Saved image.jpg (Size: " + str(size_x) + " x " + str(size_y) + ")"
  min_rgb = 255
  max_rgb = 0

  y = int((h-rows)/2)