Beispiel #1
 def plot(self, ylabel='Spectrum', wavelength_bar=True, *args, **kwargs):
     Make a plot of the spectral data in SPD instance.
             | handle to current axes.
     plt.plot(self.wl, self.value.T, *args, **kwargs)
     if wavelength_bar == True:
         Smax = np.nanmax(self.value)
         axh = plot_spectrum_colors(spd=None,
     plt.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)')
     return plt.gca()
def plot_shift_data(data, fieldtype = 'vectorfield', scalef = _VF_MAXR, color = 'k', \
                    axtype = 'polar', ax = None, \
                    hbins = 10,  start_hue = 0.0, bin_labels = '#', plot_center_lines = True,  \
                    plot_axis_labels = False, plot_edge_lines = False, plot_bin_colors = True, \
                    force_CVG_layout = True):
    Plots vector or circle fields generated by VFcolorshiftmodel() 
    or PXcolorshiftmodel().
            | dict generated by VFcolorshiftmodel() or PXcolorshiftmodel()
            | Must contain 'fielddata'- key, which is a dict with possible keys:
            |     - key: 'vectorfield': ndarray with vector field data
            |     - key: 'circlefield': ndarray with circle field data
            | 'k', optional
            | Color for plotting the vector-fields.
            | 'polar' or 'cart', optional
            | Make polar or Cartesian plot.
            | None or 'new' or 'same', optional
            |   - None or 'new' creates new plot
            |   - 'same': continue plot on same axes.
            |   - axes handle: plot on specified axes.
            | 16 or ndarray with sorted hue bin centers (°), optional
            | _VF_MAXR, optional
            | Scale factor for graphic.
            | False, optional
            | Turns axis ticks on/off (True/False).
            | None or list[str] or '#', optional
            | Plots labels at the bin center hues.
            |   - None: don't plot.
            |   - list[str]: list with str for each bin. 
            |                (len(:bin_labels:) = :nhbins:)
            |   - '#': plots number.
            | True or False, optional
            | Plot grey bin edge lines with '--'.
            | False or True, optional
            | Plot colored lines at 'center' of hue bin.
            | True, optional
            | Colorize hue-bins.
            | False or True, optional
            | True: Force plot of basis of CVG.
            | figCVG, hax, cmap
            |   :figCVG: handle to CVG figure
            |   :hax: handle to CVG axes
            |   :cmap: list with rgb colors for hue bins 
            |          (for use in other plotting fcns)
    # Plot basis of CVG:
    figCVG, hax, cmap = plot_hue_bins(hbins = hbins, axtype = axtype, ax = ax, plot_center_lines = plot_center_lines, plot_edge_lines = plot_edge_lines, plot_bin_colors = plot_bin_colors, scalef = scalef, force_CVG_layout = force_CVG_layout, bin_labels = bin_labels)
    # plot vector field:
    if data is not None:
        if fieldtype is not None:
            vf = data['fielddata'][fieldtype]
            if axtype == 'polar':
                if fieldtype == 'vectorfield':
                    vfrtheta = math.positive_arctan(vf['axr'], vf['bxr'],htype = 'rad')
                    vfrr = np.sqrt(vf['axr']**2 + vf['bxr']**2)
                    hax.quiver(vfrtheta, vfrr, vf['axt'] - vf['axr'], vf['bxt'] - vf['bxr'],  headlength=3,color = color,angles='uv', scale_units='y', scale = 2,linewidth = 0.5)
                    vfttheta = math.positive_arctan(vf['axt'], vf['bxt'],htype = 'rad')
                    vfrtheta = math.positive_arctan(vf['axr'], vf['bxr'],htype = 'rad')
                    vftr = np.sqrt(vf['axt']**2 + vf['bxt']**2)
                    dh = (math.angle_v1v2(np.hstack((vf['axt'],vf['bxt'])),np.hstack((vf['axr'],vf['bxr'])),htype='deg')[:,None]) #hue shift
                    dh = dh/np.nanmax(dh)
                    hax.scatter(vfttheta, vftr, s = 100*dh, c = dh, linestyle = 'None', marker = 'o',norm = None)
                hax.set_ylim([0, 1.1*scalef])     
                if fieldtype == 'vectorfield':
                    hax.quiver(vf['axr'], vf['bxr'], vf['axt'] - vf['axr'], vf['bxt'] - vf['bxr'],  headlength=1,color = color,angles='uv', scale_units='xy', scale = 1,linewidth = 0.5)
                    hax.plot(vf['axr'], vf['bxr'], color = color, marker = '.',linestyle = 'None')
    return figCVG, hax, cmap
Beispiel #3
def plot_spectrum_colors(spd = None, spdmax = None,\
                         wavelength_height = -0.05, wavelength_opacity = 1.0, wavelength_lightness = 1.0,\
                         cieobs = _CIEOBS, show = True, axh = None,\
                         show_grid = True,ylabel = 'Spectral intensity (a.u.)',xlim=None,\
    Plot the spectrum colors.
            | None, optional
            | Spectrum
            | None, optional
            | max ylim is set at 1.05 or (1+abs(wavelength_height)*spdmax)
            | 1.0, optional
            | Sets opacity of wavelength rectangle.
            | 1.0, optional
            | Sets lightness of wavelength rectangle.
            | -0.05 or 'spd', optional
            | Determine wavelength bar height 
            | if not 'spd': x% of spd.max()
            | None or axes handle, optional
            | Determines axes to plot data in.
            | None: make new figure.
            | True or False, optional
            | Invoke right after plotting
            | luxpy._CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Determines CMF set to calculate spectrum locus or other.
            | True, optional
            | Show grid (True) or not (False)
            | 'Spectral intensity (a.u.)' or str, optional
            | Set y-axis label.
            | None, optional
            | list or ndarray with xlimits.
            | additional keyword arguments for use with matplotlib.pyplot.
    cmfs = _CMF[cieobs]['bar']
    wavs = cmfs[0:1].T
    SL =  cmfs[1:4].T    
    srgb = xyz_to_srgb(wavelength_lightness*100*SL)
    srgb = srgb/srgb.max()
    if show == True:
        if axh is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            axh = fig.add_subplot(111)
        if (wavelength_height == 'spd') & (spd is not None):
            if spdmax is None:
                spdmax = np.nanmax(spd[1:,:])
            y_min, y_max = 0.0, spdmax*(1.05)
            if xlim is None:
                x_min, x_max = spd[0,:].min(), spd[0,:].max()
                x_min, x_max = xlim

            SLrect = np.vstack([
                (x_min, 0.0),
                (x_max, 0.0),
            wavelength_height = y_max        
            spdmax = 1
            if (spdmax is None) & (spd is not None):
                spdmax = np.nanmax(spd[1:,:])
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height*spdmax, spdmax*(1 + np.abs(wavelength_height))

            elif (spdmax is None) & (spd is None):
                spdmax = 1
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height, 0
            elif (spdmax is not None):
                y_min, y_max = wavelength_height*spdmax, spdmax#*(1 + np.abs(wavelength_height))

            if xlim is None:
                x_min, x_max = wavs.min(), wavs.max()
                x_min, x_max = xlim
            SLrect = np.vstack([
                (x_min, 0.0),
                (x_min, wavelength_height*spdmax),
                (x_max, wavelength_height*spdmax),
                (x_max, 0.0),

        polygon = Polygon(SLrect, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None)
        padding = 0.1 = wavs - padding,
               height = wavelength_height*spdmax,
               width = 1 + padding,
               color = srgb,
               align = 'edge',
               linewidth = 0,
               clip_path = polygon) 
        if spd is not None:
            axh.plot(spd[0:1,:].T,spd[1:,:].T, color = 'k', label = 'spd')
        if show_grid == True:
        axh.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)',kwargs)
        axh.set_ylabel(ylabel, kwargs)        
        return axh
        return None