Beispiel #1
 def test_updates_nodes_with_tag(self):
     nodes = [factory.make_Node() for _ in range(5)]
     for node in nodes[0:2]:
         make_lldp_result(node, b"<bar/>")
     tag = factory.make_Tag("bar", "//lldp:bar", populate=False)
     populate_tag_for_multiple_nodes(tag, nodes)
         [node.hostname for node in nodes[0:2]],
         [node.hostname for node in Node.objects.filter(tags__name='bar')])
Beispiel #2
    def _populate_nodes_now(self):
        """Find all nodes that match this tag, and update them, now.

        All computation will be done within the current transaction, within
        the current thread. This could be costly.
        # Avoid circular imports.
        from maasserver.populate_tags import populate_tag_for_multiple_nodes
        from maasserver.models.node import Node

        if self.is_defined:
            # Do the work here and now in this thread. This is probably a
            # terrible mistake... unless you're testing.
            populate_tag_for_multiple_nodes(self, Node.objects.all())