class MaayPage(rend.Page):
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('skeleton.html'))
    child_maaycss = static.File(get_path_of('maay.css'))
    child_images = static.File(get_path_of('images/'))

    def __init__(self, maayId=WEB_AVATARID):
        self.maayId = maayId

    def macro_body(self, context):
        return self.bodyFactory
Beispiel #2
class SearchForm(MaayPage):
    """default search form"""
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('searchform.html'))
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, maayId, querier):
        self.maayId = maayId
        self.querier = querier

    def logout(self):
        print "Bye"
        # XXX: logout message should be forwarded to registration server
        return None

    def child_search(self, context):
        query = unicode(context.arg('words'))
        results = self.querier.findDocuments(query)
        return ResultsPage(results, query)

    # XXX make sure that the requested document is really in the database
    # XXX don't forget to update the download statistics of the document
    def child_download(self, context):
        docid = context.arg('docid')
        query = unicode(context.arg('words'))
        docurl = self.querier.notifyDownload(docid, query)
        if docurl:
            return static.File(docurl)
            return NotFoundPage()
Beispiel #3
class ResultsPage(MaayPage):
    """default results page"""
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('resultpage.html'))
    addSlash = False

    def __init__(self, results, query):
        self.results = results
        self.query = unicode(query)

    def data_results(self, context, data):
        return self.results

    def render_title(self, context, data):
        context.fillSlots('words', self.query)
        return context.tag

    def render_row(self, context, data):
        document = data
        context.fillSlots('doctitle', document.title)
        # XXX abstract attribute should be a unicode string
            abstract = normalize_text(unicode(document.abstract))
        except Exception, exc:
            print exc
            abstract = u'No abstract available for this document [%s]' % exc
        context.fillSlots('abstract', abstract)
        context.fillSlots('docid', document.db_document_id)
        context.fillSlots('docurl', document.url)
        context.fillSlots('words', self.query)
        context.fillSlots('readable_size', document.readable_size())
        return context.tag
class Maay404(rend.FourOhFour):
    """Maay specific resource for 404 errors"""
    loader = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('notfound.html'))

    def renderHTTP_notFound(self, context):
        """Render a not found message to the given request.
        return self.loader.load(context)[0]
class IndexationPage(MaayPage):
    # just for the demo. Should be moved to a adminpanel interface later.
    """index page"""
    bodyFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('indexationpage.html'))
    addSlash = False

    def __init__(self, msg="No message"):
        self.__msg = msg

    def render_message(self, context, data):
        context.fillSlots('msg', self.__msg)
        return context.tag
class PleaseCloseYourEyes(rend.Page, ResultsPageMixIn):
    """This resource and the way it is called is kind of ugly.
    It will be refactored later. The idea is to have something working
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('livefragment.html'))
    def __init__(self, results, querier, query, qid,
                 onlyLocal=False, onlyDistant=False):
        self.results = results
        self.querier = querier
        self.query = query
        self.qid = qid
        self.onlyLocal = onlyLocal
        self.onlyDistant = onlyDistant
class Maay404(MaayPage, rend.FourOhFour):
    """Maay specific resource for 404 errors"""
    # loader = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('notfound.html'))
    bodyFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('notfound.html'))
    def __init__(self, msg="Sorry, I could not find the requested resource."):
        self.msg = msg

    def render_errormsg(self, context, data):
        return self.msg
    def renderHTTP_notFound(self, context):
        """Render a not found message to the given request.
        # XXX little trick (extends MaayPage, etc.)
        return self.renderString(context)
class PeersList(MaayPage):
    """display list of registered peers"""
    bodyFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('peers.html'))
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, maayId, querier):
        MaayPage.__init__(self, maayId)
        self.querier = querier

    def data_peers(self, context, data):
        webappConfig = IServerConfiguration(context)
        myNodeId = webappConfig.get_node_id()
        print "PeerList data_peers : my_node_id =", myNodeId
        peers = self.querier.getActiveNeighbors(myNodeId, 10)
        return peers

    def render_peer(self, context, peerNode):
        # Note: might be convenient to register a special flattener for
        #       Node objects
        for attrname in ('node_id', 'ip', 'port', 'last_seen_time',
                         'claim_count', 'affinity', 'bandwidth'):
            context.fillSlots(attrname, getattr(peerNode, attrname, 'N/A'))
        return context.tag
class ResultsPage(athena.LivePage):
    """default results page"""
    child_maaycss = static.File(get_path_of('maay.css'))
    child_images = static.File(get_path_of('images/'))
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('liveresults.html'))
    addSlash = False

    instances = []

    def __init__(self, maayId, results, query, offset):
        self.maayId = maayId
        self.results = results
        self.offset = offset
        self.query = query.words  # unicode(query)

    def data_results(self, context, data):
        return self.results

    def render_title(self, context, data):
        context.fillSlots('words', self.query)
                          min(len(self.results), self.offset + 1))
        context.fillSlots('end_result', self.offset + len(self.results))
        return context.tag

    def render_searchfield(self, context, data):
        context.fillSlots('words', self.query)
        return context.tag

    def render_prevset_url(self, context, data):
        words = WORDS_RGX.findall(
            normalizeText(unicode(context.arg('words'), 'utf-8')))
        offset = int(context.arg('offset', 0))
        if offset:
            offset -= 15
        return 'search?words=%s&offset=%s' % ('+'.join(words), offset)

    def render_nextset_url(self, context, data):
        words = WORDS_RGX.findall(
            normalizeText(unicode(context.arg('words'), 'utf-8')))
        offset = int(context.arg('offset', 0)) + 15
        return 'search?words=%s&offset=%s' % ('+'.join(words), offset)

    def render_row(self, context, data):
        document = data
        words = self.query.split()
        context.fillSlots('mime_type', re.sub("/", "_", document.mime_type))
                          tags.xml(boldifyText(document.title, words)))
        # XXX abstract attribute should be a unicode string
            abstract = makeAbstract(document.text, words)
            abstract = normalize_text(unicode(abstract))
        except Exception, exc:
            import traceback
            print exc
            abstract = u'No abstract available for this document [%s]' % exc
        context.fillSlots('abstract', tags.xml(abstract))
        context.fillSlots('docid', document.db_document_id)
        context.fillSlots('docurl', tags.xml(boldifyText(document.url, words)))
        context.fillSlots('words', self.query)
        context.fillSlots('readable_size', document.readable_size())
        date = datetime.fromtimestamp(document.publication_time)
        context.fillSlots('publication_date', date.strftime('%d %b %Y'))
        return context.tag
 def macro_footer(self, context):
     return loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('footer.html'))
 def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
     if name in self._javascript:
         return static.File(get_path_of(self._javascript[name]))
class ResultsPage(athena.LivePage, ResultsPageMixIn):
    """default results page"""
    child_maaycss = static.File(get_path_of('maay.css'))
    child_images = static.File(get_path_of('images/'))
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('liveresults.html'))
    addSlash = False

    def __init__(self, context, querier, p2pquerier):
        # NOTE: At the time this comment is written, athena/LivePages are handled
        #       differently in nevow SVN. It's now possible to insantiate directly
        #       LivePage instances (which is great !), so we'll have to change
        #       the implementation for next nevow release.
        self.querier = querier
        self.p2pquerier = p2pquerier
        self.query = Query.fromContext(context)
        self.offset = self.query.offset
        self.onlyLocal = False
        self.onlyDistant = False
        # push local results once for all
        if len(inevow.IRemainingSegments(context)) < 2:
            # only store abstracts in the results table
            results = []
            for localDoc in querier.findDocuments(self.query):
                localDoc.text = makeAbstract(localDoc.text, self.query.words)
            webappConfig = INodeConfiguration(context)
            p2pQuery = P2pQuery(sender=webappConfig.get_node_id(),
            self.qid = p2pQuery.qid
            self.p2pQuery = p2pQuery
            # purge old results
            provider = (NODE_LOGIN, NODE_CONFIG.get_node_id(), 'localhost', 0)
            self.querier.pushDocuments(self.qid, results, provider)
            self.results = self.querier.getQueryResults(self.query)
    # XXX (refactoring): provide a common base class for LivePages
    # Maay / py2exe / win32 related trick : we provide our own javascript
    # files, so we need to override the default LivePage mechanism
    # to find them
    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        if name in self._javascript:
            return static.File(get_path_of(self._javascript[name]))
    def onNewResults(self, provider, results):
        results = [ScoredDocument(**params) for params in results]
        self.querier.pushDocuments(self.qid, results, provider)
        results = self.querier.getQueryResults(self.query,
        page = PleaseCloseYourEyes(results, self.querier, self.query, self.qid,
                                   self.onlyLocal, self.onlyDistant).renderSynchronously()
        page = unicode(page, 'utf-8')
        self.callRemote('updateResults', page)

    def remote_connect(self, context):
        """just here to start the connection between client and server (Ajax)"""
        #TODO: very soon, the line below will also be the p2pquerier's job
        self.query.offset = 0
        self.p2pquerier.addAnswerCallback(self.p2pQuery.qid, self.onNewResults)
        # self.querier.pushDocuments(self.queryId, self.results, provider=None)
        return u''
    def remote_browseResults(self, context, offset):
        self.query.offset = offset
        results = self.querier.getQueryResults(self.query,
        page = PleaseCloseYourEyes(results, self.querier, self.query, self.qid,
                                   self.onlyLocal, self.onlyDistant).renderSynchronously()
        page = unicode(page, 'utf-8')
        return page

    def remote_setLocalFlag(self, context, flag):
        self.onlyLocal = flag
        self.onlyDistant = False
        self.query.offset = 0
        return self.remote_browseResults(context, self.query.offset)

    def remote_setDistantFlag(self, context, flag):
        self.onlyDistant = flag
        self.onlyLocal = False
        self.query.offset = 0
        return self.remote_browseResults(context, self.query.offset)

    def remote_unsetFlags(self, context):
        self.onlyDistant = False
        self.onlyLocal = False
        self.query.offset = 0
        return self.remote_browseResults(context, self.query.offset)
    def remote_sortBy(self, context, sortCriteria):
        self.query.order = sortCriteria
        # reset counter to 0
        return self.remote_browseResults(context, 0)
 def macro_resultset(self, context):
     return loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('livefragment.html'))
 def macro_prevnext(self, context):
     return loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('prevnext.html'))
class SearchForm(MaayPage):
    """default search form"""
    bodyFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('searchform.html'))
    addSlash = True
    child_versionjs = static.File(get_path_of('version.js'))
    def __init__(self, maayId, querier, p2pquerier=None):
        MaayPage.__init__(self, maayId)
        self.querier = querier
        self.p2pquerier = p2pquerier
        self.download_dir = INDEXER_CONFIG.download_dir
        # We really want that information to be accessible trhough any client
        setattr(self, 'child_localversion.js', 'current_version = "%s";' % VERSION)

    def render_custom_htmlheader(self, context):
        return [

    def render_custom_htmlfooter(self, context):
        return [
            tags.script(type='text/javascript', src=''),

    def render_onload(self, context):
        return 'checkNewRelease();'

    # TODO: since getDocumentCount might be quite costly to compute for the
    # DBMS, cache the value and update it every 10 mn
    def render_shortstat(self, context, data):
        docCounts = self.querier.getDocumentCount()
        context.fillSlots('localDocumentCount', docCounts[Document.PRIVATE_STATE] + docCounts[Document.PUBLISHED_STATE]) 
        context.fillSlots('publicDocumentCount', docCounts[Document.PUBLISHED_STATE]) 
        return context.tag
    def logout(self):
        print "Bye %s !" % (self.maayId,)
        # XXX: logout message should be forwarded to presence server
        return None

    def child_peers(self, context):
        return PeersList(self.maayId, self.querier)

    def child_indexation(self, context, _factory=IndexationPageFactory(IndexationPage)):
        alertMsg = ""
        context.remember(self.querier, IQuerier)
        # TODO: check if the added folders are valid
        # Actions (add/remove) on private folders
        addPrivateFolder = context.arg('addPrivateFolder', 0)
        if addPrivateFolder:
            if _is_valid_directory(addPrivateFolder):
                alertMsg = "\\'%s\\' is not a valid folder" % addPrivateFolder
        removePrivateFolder = context.arg('removePrivateFolder', 0)
        if removePrivateFolder:
            except ValueError:
                print "Folder '%s' not in the private directory list"

        # Actions (add/remove) on public folders
        addPublicFolder = context.arg('addPublicFolder', 0)
        if addPublicFolder:
            if _is_valid_directory(addPublicFolder):
                alertMsg = "\\'%s\\' is not a valid folder" % addPublicFolder
        removePublicFolder = context.arg('removePublicFolder', 0)
        if removePublicFolder:
            except ValueError:
                print "Folder '%s' not in the private directory list"

        # Actions (add/remove) on skipped folders
        addSkippedFolder = context.arg('addSkippedFolder', 0)
        if addSkippedFolder:
            if _is_valid_directory(addSkippedFolder):
                alertMsg = "\\'%s\\' is not a valid folder" % addSkippedFolder
        removeSkippedFolder = context.arg('removeSkippedFolder', 0)
        if removeSkippedFolder:
            except ValueError:
                print "Folder '%s' not in the private directory list"

        start = int(context.arg('start', 0))
        indexationPage = _factory.clientFactory(context)

	if start == 0:
            if indexer.is_running():
                msg = "Indexer running"
                msg = "Indexer not running"
            if indexer.is_running():    
                msg = "Indexer already running"
                msg = "Indexer started"
                nodeConfig = INodeConfiguration(context)
                indexer.start_as_thread(nodeConfig, _factory)
        indexationPage.msg = msg
        indexationPage.alertmessage = alertMsg
        return indexationPage

    def child_search(self, context):
        return FACTORY.clientFactory(context, self.querier, self.p2pquerier)
    # XXX make sure that the requested document is really in the database
    # XXX don't forget to update the download statistics of the document
    def child_download(self, context):
        """download *local* file"""
        docid = context.arg('docid')
        words, _ = parseWords(context.arg('words'))
        docurl = self.querier.notifyDownload(docid, words)
        if docurl:
            if osp.isfile(docurl):
                return static.File(docurl)
                #TODO: automatically reindex
                return Maay404("File %s does not exist any more. Please re-index." %
            return Maay404()

    def child_distantfile(self, context):
        """download distant file and put it in a public indexable directory"""
        host = context.arg('host')
        port = context.arg('port')
        qid = context.arg('qid')
        words = context.arg('words').split()
        filename = context.arg('filename')
        docid = context.arg('docid')
        if not host or not port or not docid:
            return Maay404()
        nodeConfig = INodeConfiguration(context)
        proxy = Proxy(str('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)))
        print "[webapp] trying to donwload %r from %s:%s" % (filename, host, port)
        d = proxy.callRemote('downloadFile', docid, words)
        d.addCallback(self.gotDataBack, nodeConfig, filename, words)
        d.addErrback(self.tryOtherProviders, nodeConfig, filename, words, host,
                     port, docid, qid)
        return d

    def gotDataBack(self, rpcFriendlyData, nodeConfig, filename, words):
        if rpcFriendlyData:
            fileData =
            # this will trigger the errback in child_distantfile
            raise Exception("File cannot be downloaded from this host")
        print " ... downloaded !"
        filepath = osp.join(self.download_dir, filename)
        f = file(filepath,'wb')
        return DistantFilePage(nodeConfig, filepath, words)

    def onDownloadFileError(self, error, filename):
        msg = "Error while downloading file: %s" % (filename,)
        return Maay404(msg)

    def tryOtherProviders(self, error, nodeConfig, filename, words, host, port, docId, qid):
        """starts to explore the list of other providers"""
        providers = self.querier.getProvidersFor(docId, qid)
        self.providerSet = set(providers)
        self.providerSet.remove((host, int(port)))
        return self.retryWithOtherProvider('...', nodeConfig, words, docId, filename)
    def retryWithOtherProvider(self, error, nodeConfig, words, docId, filename):
        if self.providerSet:
            nextHost, nextPort = self.providerSet.pop()
            print "[webapp] trying to donwload %r from %s:%s" % (filename, nextHost, nextPort)
            proxy = Proxy(str('http://%s:%s' % (nextHost, nextPort)))
            d = proxy.callRemote('downloadFile', docId, words)
            d.addCallback(self.gotDataBack, nodeConfig, filename, words)
            d.addErrback(self.retryWithOtherProvider, nodeConfig, words, docId, filename)
            return d
            return self.onDownloadFileError('no provider available', filename)
class IndexationPage(athena.LivePage):
    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('indexationpage.html'))

    def __init__(self):
        self.indexerConfig = INDEXER_CONFIG
        self.msg = 'not running'

    def macro_footer(self, context):
        return loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('footer.html'))

    def remote_live(self, context):
        """let's start !"""
        return 0

    # XXX (refactoring): provide a common base class for LivePages
    # Maay / py2exe / win32 related trick : we provide our own javascript
    # files, so we need to override the default LivePage mechanism
    # to find them
    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        if name in self._javascript:
            return static.File(get_path_of(self._javascript[name]))

    def updateStatus(self, message, private, public):
        self.callRemote('updateStatus', message, private, public)

    def countersUpdated(self, old, new, private, public):
        self.updateStatus(u'Indexation in progress - %s new documents / %s total' %
                          (new, old + new), private, public)

    def indexationCompleted(self, old, new, private, public):
        self.updateStatus(u'Indexation finished - %s new documents / %s total'
            % (new, old + new), private, public)

    def updatePrivateDocumentCount(self, count):
        self.callRemote('updatePrivateDocumentCount', count)

    def updatePublicDocumentCount(self, count):
        self.callRemote('updatePublicDocumentCount', count)

    def render_privateDocumentCount(self, context, data):
        querier = IQuerier(context)
        return querier.getDocumentCount()[Document.PRIVATE_STATE]

    def render_publicDocumentCount(self, context, data):
        querier = IQuerier(context)
        return querier.getDocumentCount()[Document.PUBLISHED_STATE]

    def render_message(self, context, data):
        return self.msg

    def render_alert(self, context, data):
        context.fillSlots("message", self.alertmessage)
        return context.tag

    def data_privatefolders(self, context, data):
        if not self.indexerConfig.private_dir:
            return ["No private folder."]
        return self.indexerConfig.private_dir

    def data_publicfolders(self, context, data):
        if not self.indexerConfig.public_dir:
            return ["No public folder."]
        return self.indexerConfig.public_dir

    def data_skippedfolders(self, context, data):
        if not self.indexerConfig.skip_dir:
            return ["No skipped folders."]
        return self.indexerConfig.skip_dir

    def render_directory(self, context, name):
        print "directory = %s" % name
        context.fillSlots("name", name)
        return context.tag
class SearchForm(MaayPage):
    """default search form"""
    bodyFactory = loaders.xmlfile(get_path_of('searchform.html'))
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, maayId, querier, p2pquerier=None):
        MaayPage.__init__(self, maayId)
        self.querier = querier
        self.p2pquerier = p2pquerier

    def logout(self):
        print "Bye %s !" % (self.maayId, )
        # XXX: logout message should be forwarded to registration server
        return None

    def child_peers(self, context):
        return PeersList(self.maayId, self.querier)

    def child_indexation(self, context):
        start = int(context.arg('start', 0))
        if start == 0:
            if maay.indexer.running:
                msg = "Indexer running"
                msg = "Indexer not running"
            if maay.indexer.running:
                msg = "Indexer already running"
                msg = "Indexer started"

        return IndexationPage(msg)

    def _askForPeerResults(self, query, context):
        """Launches a P2P cascade of queries
           The result of this shall be used ~ 5 and 15 secs. later
           by the ResultPage
        if not self.p2pquerier:
            print "BUG ? We don't have a P2pQuerier"
        webappConfig = IServerConfiguration(context)
        theDistributedQuery = P2pQuery(webappConfig.get_node_id(),
                                       webappConfig.rpcserver_port, query)

        self.oldContext = context

    def child_search(self, context):
        # query = unicode(context.arg('words'))
        offset = int(context.arg('offset', 0))
        words = context.arg('words')
        if not words:
            query = Query.fromRawQuery('')
            return FACTORY.getLivePage(context)
        rawQuery = unicode(context.arg('words'), 'utf-8')
        query = Query.fromRawQuery(rawQuery, offset)
        localResults = self.querier.findDocuments(query)
        # self._askForPeerResults(query, context)
        resultsPage = FACTORY.clientFactory(context, self.maayId, localResults,
                                            query, offset)
        webappConfig = IServerConfiguration(context)
        p2pQuery = P2pQuery(webappConfig.get_node_id(),
                            webappConfig.rpcserver_port, query)

        return resultsPage

    # XXX make sure that the requested document is really in the database
    # XXX don't forget to update the download statistics of the document
    def child_download(self, context):
        docid = context.arg('docid')
        query = Query.fromRawQuery(unicode(context.arg('words'), 'utf-8'))
        docurl = self.querier.notifyDownload(docid, query.words)
        if docurl:
            return static.File(docurl)
            return Maay404()
Beispiel #18
class MaayPage(rend.Page):
    child_maaycss = static.File(get_path_of('maay.css'))
    child_images = static.File(get_path_of('images/'))