def __init__(self, packet=None, htype=None, ptype=None, oper=None, sha=None, spa=None, tha=None, tpa=None): """Construct an ARP packet from binary packet data, or construct it manually from the other arguments. """ if packet is not None: self.parse(packet) else: if htype is None: htype = 'ETHERNET' self.htype = ARP_HTYPE[htype] self.hlen = ARP_HLEN[htype] if ptype is None: ptype = 'IPv4' self.ptype = ETHERTYPE[ptype] self.plen = ARP_PLEN[ptype] if oper is None: oper = 'REQUEST' self.oper = ARP_OPER[oper] if isinstance(sha, macaddress.MACAddress): self.sha = sha else: self.sha = macaddress.MACAddress(sha) if isinstance(tha, macaddress.MACAddress): self.tha = tha else: self.tha = macaddress.MACAddress(tha) if isinstance(spa, ipaddress.IPv4Address): = spa else: = ipaddress.IPv4Address(spa) if isinstance(tpa, ipaddress.IPv4Address): self.tpa = tpa else: self.tpa = ipaddress.IPv4Address(tpa)
def parse(self, frame): """Parse binary frame.""" header = unpack('!6s6sH', frame[0:14]) self.dst_mac = macaddress.MACAddress(header[0]) self.src_mac = macaddress.MACAddress(header[1]) self.ethertype = header[2] self.payload = frame[14:]
def parse(self, packet): """Parse binary ARP packet data.""" header = unpack('!HHBB', packet[0:6]) self.htype = header[0] if self.htype != ARP_HTYPE['ETHERNET']: msg = 'Unsupported ARP hardware type %d' raise ValueError(msg % self.htype) self.ptype = header[1] if self.ptype != ETHERTYPE['IPv4']: msg = 'Unsupported ARP protocol type %d' raise ValueError(msg % self.ptype) self.hlen = header[2] self.plen = header[3] log.debug('hlen={}'.format(self.hlen)) log.debug('plen={}'.format(self.plen)) if self.hlen != ARP_HLEN['ETHERNET']: msg = 'Unsupported ARP hardware length %d' raise ValueError(msg % self.hlen) if self.plen != ARP_PLEN['IPv4']: msg = 'Unsupported ARP protocol length %d' raise ValueError(msg % self.plen) fmt = '!H{:d}s{:d}s{:d}s{:d}s'.format(self.hlen, self.plen, self.hlen, self.plen) log.debug('fmt={}'.format(fmt)) size = 8 + ((self.hlen + self.plen) * 2) log.debug('size={}'.format(size)) data = unpack(fmt, packet[6:size]) self.oper = data[0] self.sha = macaddress.MACAddress(data[1]) = ipaddress.IPv4Address(data[2]) self.tha = macaddress.MACAddress(data[3]) self.tpa = ipaddress.IPv4Address(data[4])
def __init__(self, frame=None, dst_mac=None, src_mac=None, ethertype=None, payload=None): """Constructs an Ethernet frame either from a binary frame argument, or from the individual parameters. """ if frame is not None: self.parse(frame) else: if isinstance(dst_mac, macaddress.MACAddress): self.dst_mac = dst_mac else: self.dst_mac = macaddress.MACAddress(dst_mac) if isinstance(src_mac, macaddress.MACAddress): self.src_mac = src_mac else: self.src_mac = macaddress.MACAddress(src_mac) self.ethertype = ETHERTYPE[ethertype] self.payload = payload
def _get_mac_info(self): """Return the MAC address of the interface. The result is cached for subsequent access. """ if self.src_mac is not None: return self.src_mac else: sock = self.transport._sock interface = pack('256s', sock.getsockname()[0].encode('ascii')) info = fcntl.ioctl(sock.fileno(), SIOCSIFHWADDR, interface) self.src_mac = macaddress.MACAddress(info[18:24]) return self.src_mac