def __init__(self, state): led = None if reset_cause() == DEEPSLEEP_RESET else StatusLED(config.LED) wifi.connect(secrets.WIFI_NAME, secrets.WIFI_PASSWORD, led=led) if wifi.is_connected(): print(wifi.mac(), wifi.ip(), wifi.rssi()) mqtt = MQTT(config.NAME, secrets, uid = UID, led=led) opt = dict(exp_aft = config.FREQ * 2.5) mqtt.add('Temp', Temperature, **opt).set_state(state['temp']) mqtt.add('Humid', Humidity, **opt).set_state(state['humid']) mqtt.set_attr("freq", config.FREQ) mqtt.do_pub_cfg = reset_cause() != DEEPSLEEP_RESET or ticks_us() % 10 == 0 mqtt.connect() sleep(1) mqtt.pub_state() sleep(5) mqtt.discon() sleep(5)
def protect(): """ Checks if the battery level is sufficient, and checks the number of brownout reset. If the battery is too low, we enter indefinite deep sleep to protect the battery """ # Can only be done once at boot before start the camera and sd card batteryLevel = Battery.getLevel() # If the battery is too low if batteryLevel > 5: batteryProtect = False # If the battery level can't be read elif batteryLevel < 0: # If the reset is due to insufficient battery if machine.reset_cause() == machine.BROWNOUT_RESET: batteryProtect = True else: batteryProtect = False else: batteryProtect = True brownoutCounter = 0 # If the reset can probably due to insufficient battery if machine.reset_cause() == machine.BROWNOUT_RESET: try: file = open("brownout.txt", "r") val = brownoutCounter = int(val) + 1 except Exception as err: print(useful.exception(err)) try: file = open("brownout.txt", "w") file.write("%d" % brownoutCounter) file.flush() file.close() except Exception as err: print(useful.exception(err)) # If the battery level seems sufficient if batteryProtect == False: # if the number of consecutive brownout resets is too high if brownoutCounter > 10: # Battery too low, save the battery status file = open("battery.txt", "w") file.write( "Too many brownout reset with battery level at %d %%" % batteryLevel) file.flush() file.close() batteryProtect = True # Case the battery has not enough current and must be protected if batteryProtect: print("#####################################") print("# DEEP SLEEP TO PROTECT THE BATTERY #") print("#####################################") machine.deepsleep() else: # Set the wake up on PIR detection Battery.setPinWakeUp()
def main(): logging.debug("=== MAIN START ===") # Increase stack size per thread this increases micropython recursion depth _thread.stack_size(8192 * 2) # Read and parse configuration from config.json utils.init() controller = MainController() # Check if configuration via access point has to be started if not config.cfg.ap_config_done or wake_reason() == PIN_WAKE: logging.debug("AP_DONE: {}, wake_reason: {}".format( config.cfg.ap_config_done, wake_reason())) logging.debug("SSID: {}, Password: {}".format(config.cfg.ssid, config.cfg.password)) if config.cfg.ssid != 'ssid' and config.cfg.password != 'password': logging.debug("SSID and password aren't default. Try to connect") pass else: logging.debug("=== Entering configuration mode ===") event = MainControllerEvent( MainControllerEventType.CONFIGURE_ACCESS_POINT) controller.add_event(event) logging.debug("Main loop") # If the device is powered on, then actual time from NTP server must be downloaded if reset_cause() == HARD_RESET or reset_cause( ) == PWRON_RESET or reset_cause() == SOFT_RESET: event = MainControllerEvent(MainControllerEventType.TEST_CONNECTION) controller.add_event(event) # Print actual time event = MainControllerEvent(MainControllerEventType.PRINT_TIME) controller.add_event(event) # Read temperature and humidity from the sensor and return the data as JSON event = MainControllerEvent(MainControllerEventType.GET_SENSOR_DATA) controller.add_event(event) # Connect to WIFI and publish JSON with data to AWS via MQTT event = MainControllerEvent(MainControllerEventType.PUBLISH_DATA) controller.add_event(event) # Good night! event = MainControllerEvent(MainControllerEventType.GO_TO_SLEEP, callback=None, ms=config.cfg.data_publishing_period_in_ms) controller.add_event(event) controller.perform()
async def wakereason(state): """ determines the waking reaspn """ from machine import reset_cause, DEEPSLEEP_RESET, WDT_RESET if reset_cause() == DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('woken from deep sleep') state.emit('deepsleepwake') elif reset_cause() == WDT_RESET: print('woken from watch dog reset') state.emit('watchdogwake') else: print('woken by hard reset') state.emit('resetwake')
def __init__(self): self.settings = Settings() self.credentials = Credentials() self.display = Display() self.networkManager = NetworkManager() self.previous_hour1 = self.previous_hour2 = -1 self.previous_minute1 = self.previous_minute2 = -1 self.previous_second2 = self.previous_count = -1 self.loop = get_event_loop() rst_cause = reset_cause() if rst_cause in [PWRON_RESET, SOFT_RESET]: self.power_on_reset_wkfl() elif rst_cause in [HARD_RESET]: self.hard_reset_wkfl() elif rst_cause == DEEPSLEEP_RESET: self.deepsleep_reset_wkfl() else: self.other_reset_wkfl() self.loop.run_forever() self.loop.close()
def check_reset(): if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: log.debug("(%s)", "woke from deep sleep") return 2 else: log.debug("(%s)", "woke from hard reset") return 4
def main(): esp.osdebug(None) common.set_adc_mode(common.ADC_MODE_VCC) vcc = machine.ADC(1).read() machine_id = ubinascii.hexlify(machine.unique_id()).decode("utf-8") print("Main function, VCC={}, hw_id={}".format(vcc, machine_id)) if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: init_stepper(from_deep_sleep=True) else: init_stepper(from_deep_sleep=False) if wifi.connect(ssid, password): print("Starting webrepl") if webrepl.listen_s is None: webrepl.start() else: print("Webrepl already started") # settime() client_id = wifi.station.config("dhcp_hostname") topic_sub = "iot/micro/" + client_id topic_pub = "iot/sonoff/" + client_id result = mqtt.connect(client_id, mqtt_server, topic_sub, topic_pub, user=mqtt_user, password=mqtt_pass) if result == 'restart': print("Restarting due to connectivity error") else: print("Unknown action {}".format(result)) else: print("Wifi did not connect") restart_and_reconnect()
def start_deep_sleep(sleep_time=60): # check if the device woke from a deep sleep if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('woke from a deep sleep') # put the device to sleep for 60 seconds machine.deepsleep(sleep_time * 1000)
def boot(): # Check reason for reset - only update if power on reset if machine.reset_cause() == machine.PWRON_RESET: download_and_install_updates_if_available() # Start the main application start()
def setup(self): self.setup_therm_tristate() self.setup_temp(self.config['temp_sensor']) # Reset antitamper (ignore) if booting from poweroff if machine.reset_cause() in (0, 1) and self.is_tampered(): self.reset_tampered()
def VerifyLastRunCompleted(flag, timestamp, ERRORFILE): if not flag: import machine from cycle_machine import WriteError WriteError(ERRORFILE, 'Reset cause: %s' % machine.reset_cause(), timestamp)
def deep_main(): if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('Woke from a deep sleep...') debug = config['runtime']['debug'] if config: moisture_pin, temp_humid_pin = setup() sleep_time = config['runtime']['sleep_time_sec'] while True: start_time = time() run(moisture_pin, temp_humid_pin) elapsed_time = time() - start_time new_sleep_time = sleep_time - elapsed_time if debug: print('Debug mode sleep time: {}'.format(sleep_time)) if elapsed_time < sleep_time: sleep(new_sleep_time) else: rtc = machine.RTC() rtc.irq(trigger=rtc.ALARM0, wake=machine.DEEPSLEEP) sleep_time_ms = 1000 * new_sleep_time rtc.alarm(rtc.ALARM0, sleep_time_ms) machine.deepsleep()
def setup(self): dp = machine.Pin(self.config['dht']['pin']) self.dht = dht.DHT22(dp) # ntc_cfg = self.config['temp_sensor'] # self.adc_cal = machine.Pin(ntc_cfg['adc_cal_pin'], machine.Pin.OUT, value=0) # self.ntc = NTC(pin=ntc_cfg['adc_pin'], # ntc_nom_r=ntc_cfg['ntc_nom_r'], # ntc_nom_t=ntc_cfg['ntc_nom_t'], # ntc_bcoeff=ntc_cfg['ntc_bcoeff'], # vdiv_r2=ntc_cfg['ntc_div_r2'], # t_offset=ntc_cfg['ntc_offset'], # cal_pin=self.adc_cal, cal_duty=2.76/3.3, # samples=15, samples_delay_us=3000) oled_cfg = self.config['oled'] # noinspection PyArgumentList spi = machine.SPI(oled_cfg['spi_bus_id'], baudrate=6 * 1024 * 1024, polarity=0, phase=0) oled_resume_mode = self.lowpower_phase or machine.reset_cause( ) not in (0, 1, 6) self.oled = SSD1306_SPI_custom(oled_cfg['width'], oled_cfg['height'], spi=spi, dc=machine.Pin(oled_cfg['dc_pin']), res=machine.Pin(oled_cfg['res_pin']), cs=machine.Pin(oled_cfg['cs_pin']), resume_mode=oled_resume_mode) self.oled.contrast(0) if not oled_resume_mode: self.oled.text('BOOTING', 36, 28) self.oled.fill(0)
def store_scan(self, scan): # Check if we already did a scan too recently. now = time.time() if (now - self.last_scan_time) < MIN_STORE_TIME: # Nothing to do. return self.last_scan_time = now # Seek to end of file,2) def store_info(info): # Store binary info. self.data_file.write(info) self.data_file.write(b"\n") store_info(b'machine-' + hex_str(machine.unique_id())) store_info(b'time-%d' % (now, )) if self.reset: store_info(b'reset-%d' % (machine.reset_cause())) self.reset = False for s in scan: bssid = s[1] strength = s[3] store_info(b'ap-%s-%d' % (hex_str(bssid), strength)) store_info(b'eom') # Make sure data are written. self.data_file.flush()
def getResetCause(): try: reset_cause = machine.reset_cause() debug( "Reset cause: " + str(reset_cause) + " - Sleeping secs: " + str(globalVars.deepSleepSec), "v") try: globalVars.deepSleepSec = pycom.nvs_get('deepSleepSecs') except BaseException as ea: checkError("Error getting flash value of", ea) if globalVars.deepSleepSec == 0: debug("Coming from other reasons", "v") BeepBuzzer(1) elif globalVars.deepSleepSec > 0: pycom.nvs_set('deepSleepSecs', 0) globalVars.deepSleepSec = 0 if synchronizeRTC(): globalVars.flag_rtc_syncro = True BeepBuzzer(0.2) else: debug("Another reason for the reset", "v") BeepBuzzer(1) except BaseException as e: checkError("Error getting reset cause", e)
def store_scan(self, scan): # Check if we already did a scan too recently. now = time.time() if (now - self.last_scan_time) < MIN_STORE_TIME: # Nothing to do. return self.last_scan_time = now # Seek to end of file, 2) def store_info(info): # Store binary info. self.data_file.write(info) self.data_file.write(b"\n") store_info(b'machine-' + hex_str(machine.unique_id())) store_info(b'time-%d' % (now, )) if self.reset: store_info(b'reset-%d' % (machine.reset_cause())) self.reset = False for s in scan: bssid = s[1] strength = s[3] store_info(b'ap-%s-%d' % (hex_str(bssid), strength)) store_info(b'eom') # Make sure data are written. self.data_file.flush()
def pymet(wdt): # Get result cause reset_cause = machine.reset_cause() print("Reset cause:", reset_cause) watchdog = Watchdog(wdt, reset_cause) # Initialise sensors wind_pin = machine.Pin(WIND_ADC_PIN) wind_sensor = WindSensor(wind_pin, 10) ow_pin = machine.Pin(TEMP_ONEWIRE_PIN) fan_pin = machine.Pin(TEMP_FAN_PIN, machine.Pin.OUT) temperature_sensor = TemperatureSensor(ow_pin, fan_pin) temperature_sensor.scan() # Create sensor task sensor_led = Led(BLUE_LED_PIN) mqtt = MQTTClient("metsensor", MQTT_SERVER) metsensor = MetSensor(temperature_sensor, wind_sensor, sensor_led, mqtt, watchdog) timer = machine.Timer(-1) metsensor.start(timer) print("Press CTRL-C to exit...") try: while 1: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: timer.deinit() return metsensor
def send_error(server_ip=None, server_port=80): if server_ip is None: write_error("server_ip not in configuration file") return reset = machine.reset_cause() url = "http://" + str(server_ip) + ":" + str(server_port) + "/error" pb_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} errors = [] try: with open("error.log") as logf: while True: error = logf.readline() if error == '': break errors.append(error) logf = open("error.log", "w") logf.close() except OSError as e: write_error(e) pass try: if len(errors) > 0: data = ujson.dumps({ 'reset_code': reset, 'error_count': len(errors), 'error': errors }) if len(errors) == 0: data = ujson.dumps({'reset_code': reset, 'error_count': 0}), headers=pb_headers, json=data) except Exception as e: write_error(e) pass
def __init__(self, hub): # Note, ESP8266 chip real-time clock will overflow every 7h45m hour = localtime()[3] print('hour', hour) self.do_pub_cfg = hour == 0 or reset_cause() != DEEPSLEEP_RESET print('do_pub_cfg', self.do_pub_cfg) hub.internet = hub.get('internet') or hub.water or self.do_pub_cfg
def __init__(self, device_type, node_number, data_measure_interval, template_measure_interval, data_sets_per_message): if (machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET): f = open("variables.json", "r") self.variable_dict = ujson.loads( f.close() self.sequence_number = self.variable_dict["sequence_number"] self.node_number = node_number self.rtc = RTC() if (device_type == 'esp32'): self.tx = 17 self.rx = 16 self.xbee_power_pin = machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT) self.xbee_power_pin.value(1) self.xbee_clear_to_send = machine.Pin(19, machine.Pin.IN) elif (device_type == 'superb'): self.tx = 32 self.rx = 33 self.xbee_power_pin = machine.Pin(22, machine.Pin.OUT) self.xbee_power_pin.value(1) self.xbee_clear_to_send = machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.IN) else: raise Exception("Device Type not known") self.data_measure_interval = data_measure_interval self.template_measure_interval = template_measure_interval self.data_sets_per_message = data_sets_per_message self.data_records_set_list = self.variable_dict[ "data_records_set_list"] else: self.set_clock() self.sequence_number = 0 self.node_number = node_number if (device_type == 'esp32'): self.tx = 17 self.rx = 16 self.xbee_power_pin = machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT) self.xbee_power_pin.value(1) self.xbee_clear_to_send = machine.Pin(19, machine.Pin.IN) elif (device_type == 'superb'): self.tx = 32 self.rx = 33 self.xbee_power_pin = machine.Pin(22, machine.Pin.OUT) self.xbee_power_pin.value(1) self.xbee_clear_to_send = machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.IN) else: raise Exception("Device Type not known") self.variable_dict = {} self.data_measure_interval = data_measure_interval self.template_measure_interval = template_measure_interval self.data_sets_per_message = data_sets_per_message self.variable_dict["template_i"] = 0 self.variable_dict["data_i"] = data_measure_interval self.variable_dict["data_records_set_list"] = []
def __init__(self, state): print(wifi.uid()) if reset_cause() != DEEPSLEEP_RESET: status_led.slow_blink() wifi.connect(secrets.WIFI_NAME, secrets.WIFI_PASSWORD) mqtt = MQTT(config.NAME, secrets, uid=UID) opt = dict(exp_aft=config.FREQ * 2.5) if 'temp' in state: from home_assistant.sensors.temperature import Temperature mqtt.add('Temp', Temperature, **opt).set_state(state['temp']) if 'humid' in state: from home_assistant.sensors.humidity import Humidity mqtt.add('Humid', Humidity, **opt).set_state(state['humid']) if 'lux' in state: from home_assistant.sensors.illuminance import Illuminance mqtt.add('Lux', Illuminance, **opt).set_state(state['lux']) if 'analog' in state: mqtt.add('Analog', Sensor, unit="%", icon="mdi:gauge", **opt).set_state(state['analog']) if 'battery' in state: from home_assistant.sensors.battery import Battery mqtt.add('Battery', Battery, key='bat', **opt).set_state(state['battery']) mqtt.set_attr('battery', state['battery']) mqtt.set_attr("freq", config.FREQ) if wifi.is_connected(): if reset_cause() != DEEPSLEEP_RESET: status_led.fast_blink() mqtt.connect() sleep(1) mqtt.pub_state() sleep(5) mqtt.discon() sleep(5)
def boot(): # check if the device woke from a deep sleep # (A software reset does not change the reset cause) if reset_cause() == DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('woke from a deep sleep') while True: start()
def datalog(): f = open("pqp_datalog.csv", "a") data = h.get_datehour() + "; " data += t.get_temp() + "; " data += str(machine.reset_cause()) + "; " data += str(c.get_battery()) + "; " + "\n" f.write(data) f.close()
def main(): if machine.reset_cause() == machine.HARD_RESET: elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.SOFT_RESET: pass # impossible in this version else: if not io.powered(): # bike not powered on startup; was motion wakeup # nothing should be on, but ok... deepsleep() loop.create_task(task_ecu()) loop.create_task(task_gear_indicator()) loop.run_until_complete( await_pwroff()) # wait for poweroff (bike shutdown) # -> bike powered off deepsleep()
def init_display(reset_cause=None): if reset_cause is None: reset_cause = machine.reset_cause() if reset_cause in (machine.PWRON_RESET, machine.HARD_RESET): print("Doing hard HW reset") lcd.pwron_init() elif reset_cause in (machine.WDT_RESET, machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET, machine.SOFT_RESET): print("Doing soft HW bringup") lcd.pwron_init()
def run(): try: if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: connect_wifi() call_webhook() except Exception as exc: sys.print_exception(exc) show_error() machine.deepsleep()
def main(): if machine.reset_cause() == machine.HARD_RESET: elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.SOFT_RESET: # this must be a webapp reset, so start it again start_net() else: tmr = tms() while ctrl.switch_pressed(): # wait for switch to be released. NC = remains on until timeout if tdiff(tms(), tmr) > _SW_PWRUP_TIMEOUT: # break light flash switch NC or hold down long for special fun start_net() break else: # not pressed long enough if not ctrl.powered(): # bike not powered on startup; was motion wakeup # nothing should be on, but ok... deepsleep() while True: if ctrl.powered(): # bike (and maybe network) running loop.create_task(task_ecu()) loop.create_task(task_ctrl()) loop.run_until_complete(await_pwroff()) # wait for poweroff (bike shutdown) # -> bike powered off # only required if net started afterwards, so no wrong data is displayed: reset_loop() # clear ecu and ctrl task as these are not required now ctrl.clear() ecu.reset() if ctrl.switch_pressed(): # switch held down during shutdown start_net(ctrl.mode * 60 if ctrl.mode > 0 else _NET_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_TIME) # will only set tmr if alr active elif ctrl.mode == 10: return # to console else: if not net.stay_on(): net.stop() # stop running network (explicitly kick clients), we want to deepsleep deepsleep() else: # stay_on time not over -> reschedule task loop.create_task(task_net()) # -> only network running, should stay on (and check for powerup meanwhile) loop.run_until_complete(await_pwron())
def run(): if machine.reset_cause() == machine.HARD_RESET: show_logo() elif machine.reset_cause() == machine.SOFT_RESET: # this must be a webapp reset, so start it again start_net() show_logo() else: tmr = tms() while io.switch_pressed(): # wait for switch to be released. NC = remains on until timeout if tdiff(tms(), tmr) > _SW_PWRUP_TIMEOUT: # brakelight flash switch NC or hold down long for special fun start_net() break else: # BLF switch not pressed (or long enough) if not io.powered(): # bike not powered on startup; was motion wakeup # nothing should be on, but ok... deepsleep() else: show_logo() while True: if io.powered(): # bike (and maybe network) running loop.create_task( # first start display loop.create_task(task_ecu()) loop.run_until_complete(await_pwroff()) # wait for poweroff (bike shutdown) # -> bike powered off # only required if net started afterwards, so no wrong data is displayed: reset_loop() # clear ecu and ctrl task as these are not required now io.clear() ecu.reset() if io.switch_pressed(): # switch held down during shutdown start_net() elif not net.stay_on(): net.stop() # stop running network (explicitly kick clients), we want to deepsleep deepsleep() else: # stay_on time not over -> reschedule task loop.create_task(task_net()) # -> only network running, should stay on (and check for powerup meanwhile) loop.run_until_complete(await_pwron())
def delayed_go(): if machine.reset_cause() == 2: # Crash? # Go immediately return go() for i in range(15,0,-1): print("Will start main activity in %d seconds" % (i,)) time.sleep(1) return go()
def boot(): # check if the device woke from a deep sleep # (A software reset does not change the reset cause) if reset_cause() == DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('woke from a deep sleep') # download_and_install_update_if_available() while True: start()
def runtime_setup(self): self.ensure_adc_mode() self.lowpower_phase = machine.reset_cause() in ( machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET, 2) print('Reset cause', machine.reset_cause()) print('Booted in {} phase'.format( 'lowpower' if self.lowpower_phase else 'normal')) if not self.lowpower_phase: self.get_requests() self.load_config() self.load_state(restore=True) esp.sleep_type(esp.SLEEP_LIGHT) network.WLAN(network.AP_IF).active(False) # Disable AP self.setup()
def run(): try: if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: connect_wifi() temperature, humidity = get_temperature_and_humidity() log_data(temperature, humidity) except Exception as exc: sys.print_exception(exc) show_error() machine.deepsleep()
def reset_cause(): import machine val = machine.reset_cause() if val == machine.POWER_ON: return "power" elif val == machine.HARD_RESET: return "hard" elif val == machine.WDT_RESET: return "wdt" elif val == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: return "sleep" elif val == machine.SOFT_RESET: return "soft"
def main(): log.log("Starting main") log.log("machine.reset_cause = ", machine.reset_cause()) global blueled blueled = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT) set_clock_from_file() # If there is a AP active, let's turn it off. network.WLAN(network.AP_IF).active(False) # Now activate the STA interface. sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) log.log("Interfaces active") # In case we are already connected, disconnect. sta_if.disconnect() try: mainloop(sta_if) except Exception as e: log.log("Unexpected exception:", e) log.log("Bye bye") log.flush() time.sleep(10) machine.reset()
#btn_in = Pin('GP17', mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) # Connect to my WiFi import machine from network import WLAN wlan = WLAN() # get current object, without changing the mode # Settings for TP-LINK home network KEY = '' IP = '' # WiPy Fixed IP address GATEWAY = '' # IP address of gateway DNS = '' # IP address of DNS NETMASK = '' # Netmask for this subnet if machine.reset_cause() != machine.SOFT_RESET: print('Switching to Wifi Device Mode') wlan.init(WLAN.STA) wlan.ifconfig(config=(IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY, DNS)) if not wlan.isconnected(): print('Attempting to connect to WiFi', end=' ') nets = wlan.scan() for net in nets: if net.ssid == 'Robotmad': KEY = 'mou3se43' break elif net.ssid == 'CoderDojo': KEY = 'coderdojo' break if KEY != '':
# lead to some odd effects in time dependent applications. # Note also that pyboard firmware briefly flashes the green LED on all wakeups. import pyb, upower, machine tamper = upower.Tamper() wkup = upower.wakeup_X1() tamper.setup(level=0, freq=16, samples=2, edge=False) # A level of zero triggers # upower.tamper.setup(level = 1, edge = True) # Falling edge trigger. You must supply a pullup resistor. rtc = pyb.RTC() leds = tuple(pyb.LED(x) for x in range(1, 4)) # rgy for led in leds: reason = machine.reset_cause() # Why have we woken? if reason == machine.PWRON_RESET or reason == machine.HARD_RESET: # first boot rtc.datetime((2016, 8, 6, 4, 13, 0, 0, 0)) # Code to run on 1st boot only upower.savetime() if upower.bkpram_ok(): # backup RAM holds valid data leds[2].on() # Y only else: # No backup battery, data is garbage for led in leds: led.on() # RGY == 1st boot elif reason == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: reason = upower.why() if reason == "WAKEUP": # green and yellow on timer wakeup leds[1].on() leds[2].on() upower.savetime() elif reason == "TAMPER": # red
import machine, micropython # configure RTC.ALARM0 to be able to wake the device micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) rtc = machine.RTC() rtc.irq(trigger=rtc.ALARM0, wake=machine.DEEPSLEEP) # check if the device woke from a deep sleep if machine.reset_cause() == machine.DEEPSLEEP_RESET: print('woke from a deep sleep') # set RTC.ALARM0 to fire after 10 seconds (waking the device) rtc.alarm(rtc.ALARM0, 5000) # put the device to sleep machine.deepsleep()
wifi = WLAN() print(machine) machine.idle() print(machine.freq() == (80000000,)) print(machine.unique_id() == wifi.mac()) machine.main('') rand_nums = [] for i in range(0, 100): rand = machine.rng() if rand not in rand_nums: rand_nums.append(rand) else: print('RNG number repeated') break for i in range(0, 10): machine.idle() print("Active") print(machine.reset_cause() >= 0) print(machine.wake_reason() >= 0) try: machine.main(123456) except: print('Exception')