Beispiel #1
    def lookup_verse(self, query, book=None):
        """Lookup specified verse"""
        if book is None:
            book = self.DEFAULT_BIBLE
        elif book not in self.bibles:
            return u"Unknown bible.. why do you hate god so much?"
        opts = {"search": query, "version": book}
        soup = self.getsoup(self.bg_search, opts, referer=self.bg_search)
        passage = soup.find("div", {"class": re.compile("passage-content")})
        for name in "heading passage-class-0", "publisher-info-bottom":
            junk = passage.find("div", name)
            if junk is not None:
        response = []
        for para in passage("p"):
        res = decode(" ".join(response), "utf-8")

        # convert superscript verse markers to unicode
        while True:
            match =
            if not match:
            res = res.replace(, superscript(

        # XXX this is like this for a reason
        res = strip_html(res).replace(u"\xa0", u" ")
        while u"  " in res:
            res = res.replace(u"  ", u" ")
        res = res.strip()
        return res
Beispiel #2
    def lookup_verse(self, query, book=None):
        """Lookup specified verse"""
        if book is None:
            book = self.DEFAULT_BIBLE
        elif book not in self.bibles:
            return u'Unknown bible.. why do you hate god so much?'
        opts = {'search': query, 'version': book}
        soup = getsoup(self.bg_search, opts, referer=self.bg_search)
        passage = soup.find('div', 'passage-wrap')
        for name in 'heading passage-class-0', 'publisher-info-bottom':
            passage.find('div', name).extract()
        response = []
        for para in passage('p'):
        res = decode(' '.join(response), 'utf-8')

        # convert superscript verse markers to unicode
        while True:
            match =
            if not match:
            res = res.replace(, superscript(

        # XXX this is like this for a reason
        res = strip_html(res).replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
        while u'  ' in res:
            res = res.replace(u'  ', u' ')
        res = res.strip()
        return res
    def calculator(self, query):
        """Try to use google calculator for given query"""
        opts = dict(self.calcopts)
        opts[u'q'] = query
        doc =, opts=opts)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(doc)
        response = soup.find('img', src=self.calc_re).parent.findNext('h2').renderContents()
        response = ' '.join(response.splitlines())
        response = response.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')

        # turn super scripts into utf8
        parts = []
        for part in self.sup_re.split(response):
            if self.sup_re.match(part):
                part = superscript(part)
        response = u''.join(parts)
        response = self.white_re.sub(' ', strip_html(response).strip())
        return response