def shadow_mask_array(image_difference_array, threshold=-5500, filter_size=13, morphing_size=0):  # TODO: Is it 0 in morphing_size?? is not 10??
    This method returns a mask for the given array, it stacks all the bands into
    one and filters values that match the threshold. The new array will be filled
    with 0 when the values are above the threshold and 1 when the values are bellow
    the threshold. We assume that shadows will have darker values when compared to
    the reference array.
    shadows = filter_median((numpy.sum(image_difference_array[3:, :, :], axis=0) < threshold).astype(, filter_size)
    if morphing_size:
        shadows = morph_dilation(shadows, morphing_size)
    return shadows
def cloud_mask_array(image_difference_array, threshold=30000, filter_size=13, morphing_size=0):  # TODO: Is it 0 in morphing_size?? is not 10??
    This method returns a mask for the given array, it stacks all the bands into
    one and filters values that match the threshold. The new array will be filled
    with 0 when the values are below the threshold and 1 when the values are above
    the threshold. We assume that clouds will have brighter values when compared
    to the reference array.
    clouds = filter_median((numpy.sum(image_difference_array, axis=0) > threshold).astype(, filter_size)
    if morphing_size:
        clouds = morph_dilation(clouds, morphing_size)
    return clouds
def cloud_shadow_mask_array(image_array, image_difference_array, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, resolution):
    This method creates a mask for clouds and shadows using a reference array.
    clouds = cloud_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    shadows = shadow_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    inbetween = calculate_cloud_shadow(clouds, shadows, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, resolution)
    image_mask_array = outside_mask_array(image_array, outside_value=255)
    pixel_sizes = [250, 150, 50]
    number_of_sizes = len(pixel_sizes)
    for pixel_size in pixel_sizes:
        numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, morph_dilation(clouds, pixel_size) == 1, FMASK_CLOUD * 10 + number_of_sizes)
        number_of_sizes = number_of_sizes - 1
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, inbetween == 1, FMASK_CLOUD_SHADOW)
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, clouds == 1, FMASK_CLOUD)
    return image_mask_array
def shadow_mask_array(
        morphing_size=0):  # TODO: Is it 0 in morphing_size?? is not 10??
    This method returns a mask for the given array, it stacks all the bands into
    one and filters values that match the threshold. The new array will be filled
    with 0 when the values are above the threshold and 1 when the values are bellow
    the threshold. We assume that shadows will have darker values when compared to
    the reference array.
    shadows = filter_median((numpy.sum(image_difference_array[3:, :, :],
                                       axis=0) < threshold).astype(,
    if morphing_size:
        shadows = morph_dilation(shadows, morphing_size)
    return shadows
def cloud_mask_array(
        morphing_size=0):  # TODO: Is it 0 in morphing_size?? is not 10??
    This method returns a mask for the given array, it stacks all the bands into
    one and filters values that match the threshold. The new array will be filled
    with 0 when the values are below the threshold and 1 when the values are above
    the threshold. We assume that clouds will have brighter values when compared
    to the reference array.
    clouds = filter_median(
        (numpy.sum(image_difference_array, axis=0) > threshold).astype(
  , filter_size)
    if morphing_size:
        clouds = morph_dilation(clouds, morphing_size)
    return clouds
def cloud_shadow_mask_array(image_array, image_difference_array, solar_zenith,
                            solar_azimuth, resolution):
    This method creates a mask for clouds and shadows using a reference array.
    clouds = cloud_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    shadows = shadow_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    inbetween = calculate_cloud_shadow(clouds, shadows, solar_zenith,
                                       solar_azimuth, resolution)

    image_mask_array = outside_mask_array(image_array, outside_value=255)

    pixel_sizes = [250, 150, 50]
    number_of_sizes = len(pixel_sizes)
    for pixel_size in pixel_sizes:
                      morph_dilation(clouds, pixel_size) == 1,
                      FMASK_CLOUD * 10 + number_of_sizes)
        number_of_sizes = number_of_sizes - 1
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, inbetween == 1, FMASK_CLOUD_SHADOW)
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, clouds == 1, FMASK_CLOUD)
    return image_mask_array