Beispiel #1
 def build_b_arrays(self):
     if self.mag_array == None:
         offset = (self.id_length) * self.steps_per_magnet
         length = 3 * offset
         x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(0)
         total = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[0][:, :, offset : offset + length, :, :])
         for i in range(1, self.id_length):
             if "E" in self.types[i - 1]:
                 if "E" in self.types[i]:
                     offset -= self.steps_per_magnet / 2
                     offset -= self.steps_per_magnet * 3 / 4
                 if "E" in self.types[i]:
                     offset -= self.steps_per_magnet * 3 / 4
                     offset -= self.steps_per_magnet
             x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(i)
             # print "Beam", i, self.types[i], x, y, z, offset
             total += mt.calculate_magnetic_components(
                 x, y, z, self.b_arrays[i][:, :, offset : offset + length, :, :]
         if self.id_position == BeamAssembly.bottom:
             total[:, :, :, 0] *= -1.0
             total[:, :, :, 1] *= -1.0
         # total = np.roll(total, +14, 2)#Test - Ed
         mass = np.abs(total[total.shape[0] / 2, total.shape[1] / 2, :, 1])
         pos = np.arange(total.shape[2])
         com = np.average(pos, axis=0, weights=mass)
         com = int(np.round(com))
         self.mag_array = total[:, :, com - (self.trunc_length / 2) : com + (self.trunc_length / 2), :]
     return self.mag_array
Beispiel #2
 def flip_magnet(self, pos):
     # get the removed magnets field
     offset = (self.id_length)*self.steps_per_magnet
     length = 3*offset
     offset = (self.id_length-pos)*self.steps_per_magnet
     x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(pos)
     remove = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[pos][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
     self.flip[pos] *= -1
     x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(pos)
     add = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[pos][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
     modify = add - remove
     if self.id_position == BeamAssembly.bottom:
         modify[:,:,:,0] *= -1.0
         modify[:,:,:,1] *= -1.0
     if self.shimming:
         self.real_barray += modify[int(modify.shape[0]/2),int(modify.shape[1]/2),((modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length))/2:-(modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length)/2,:]
         #self.ppm.real_b_array += modify[int(modify.shape[0]/2),int(modify.shape[1]/2),((modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length))/2:-(modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length)/2,:]
     else :
         self.mag_array += modify[:,:,((modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length))/2:-(modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length)/2,:]
     #TODO Correct the integral arrays rather than resetting them
     self.mag_fintx_array = None
     self.mag_fintz_array = None
     self.mag_sintx_array = None
     self.mag_sintz_array = None
     return (modify, self.trunc_length)
Beispiel #3
    def swap_set_magnet(self, pos, type, key, flip):
        # get the removed magnets field
        offset = (self.id_length) * self.steps_per_magnet
        length = 3 * offset
        offset = (self.id_length - pos) * self.steps_per_magnet
        x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(pos)
        remove = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[pos][:, :, offset : offset + length, :, :])

        magnet = self.magnets[pos]
        # replace this with a new one

        new_magnet = self.magnet_pool.magnet_sets[type].borrow_magnet(key)
        if new_magnet == None:
            print "magnet Not found!!! **************************************************"
            self.magnets[pos] = new_magnet

        # and flip this
        self.flip[pos] = flip

        x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(pos)
        add = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[pos][:, :, offset : offset + length, :, :])

        modify = add - remove
        if self.id_position == BeamAssembly.bottom:
            modify[:, :, :, 0] *= -1.0
            modify[:, :, :, 1] *= -1.0

        if self.shimming:
            self.real_barray += modify[
                int(modify.shape[0] / 2),
                int(modify.shape[1] / 2),
                ((modify.shape[2] - self.trunc_length)) / 2 : -(modify.shape[2] - self.trunc_length) / 2,
            # self.ppm.real_b_array += modify[int(modify.shape[0]/2),int(modify.shape[1]/2),((modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length))/2:-(modify.shape[2]-self.trunc_length)/2,:]
            self.mag_array += modify[
                :, :, ((modify.shape[2] - self.trunc_length)) / 2 : -(modify.shape[2] - self.trunc_length) / 2, :

        # TODO Correct the integral arrays rather than resetting them
        self.mag_fintx_array = None
        self.mag_fintz_array = None
        self.mag_sintx_array = None
        self.mag_sintz_array = None

        return (modify, self.trunc_length)
Beispiel #4
 def save_to_h5(self, filename):
     f = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
     # create the whole system as a big array
     offset = (self.top_beam.id_length)*self.steps_per_magnet
     length = 3*offset
     xt, yt, zt = self.top_beam.get_adapeted_magnet(0)
     xb, yb, zb = self.bottom_beam.get_adapeted_magnet(0)
     totalT = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(xt, yt, zt, self.top_beam.b_arrays[0][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
     totalB = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(xb, yb, zb, self.bottom_beam.b_arrays[0][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
     totalB[:,:,:,0] *= -1.0
     totalB[:,:,:,1] *= -1.0
     total = totalB + totalT
     dataT = f.create_dataset("Top_B_Elements", (self.top_beam.id_length,)+totalT.shape, totalT.dtype)
     dataB = f.create_dataset("Bottom_B_Elements", (self.top_beam.id_length,)+totalB.shape, totalB.dtype)
     data  = f.create_dataset("B_Elements", (self.top_beam.id_length,)+total.shape, total.dtype)
     dataT[0,:,:,:,:] = totalT
     dataB[0,:,:,:,:] = totalB
     data[0,:,:,:,:] = total
     for i in range(1, self.top_beam.id_length):
         if "E" in self.top_beam.types[i-1] :
             if "E" in self.top_beam.types[i] :
                 offset -= self.steps_per_magnet/2
             else :
                 offset -= self.steps_per_magnet*3/4
         else :
             if "E" in self.top_beam.types[i] :
                 offset -= self.steps_per_magnet*3/4
             else :
                 offset -= self.steps_per_magnet
         xt, yt, zt = self.top_beam.get_adapeted_magnet(i)
         xb, yb, zb = self.bottom_beam.get_adapeted_magnet(i)
         #print "Beam", i, self.types[i], x, y, z, offset
         nextT = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(xt, yt, zt, self.top_beam.b_arrays[i][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
         nextB = mt.calculate_magnetic_components(xb, yb, zb, self.bottom_beam.b_arrays[i][:,:,offset:offset+length,:,:])
         nextB[:,:,:,0] *= -1.0
         nextB[:,:,:,1] *= -1.0
         next = nextT + nextB
         dataT[i,:,:,:,:] = nextT
         dataB[i,:,:,:,:] = nextB
         data[i,:,:,:,:] = next
         total += next
     total  = f.create_dataset("B", total.shape, total.dtype, total);
Beispiel #5
 def calculate_b_contribution(self, magnet_number):
     x, y, z = self.get_adapeted_magnet(magnet_number)
     # print "Beam", magnet_number,x,y,z
     return mt.calculate_magnetic_components(x, y, z, self.b_arrays[magnet_number])