def test_overlay(): im = mh.demos.load('luispedro', as_grey=1) im = mh.stretch(im) assert np.all(mh.overlay(im).max(2) == im) edges = mh.sobel(im) im3 = mh.overlay(im, green=edges) assert np.all(im3[:,:,0] == im) assert np.all(im3[:,:,2] == im) assert np.all(im3[:,:,1] >= im )
def test_overlay(): im = mh.demos.load('luispedro', as_grey=1) im = mh.stretch(im) assert np.all(mh.overlay(im).max(2) == im) edges = mh.sobel(im) im3 = mh.overlay(im, green=edges) assert np.all(im3[:, :, 0] == im) assert np.all(im3[:, :, 2] == im) assert np.all(im3[:, :, 1] >= im)
def main(): Image_orig = mh.imread("./cameraman.tif") if Image_orig.ndim == 3: Image_orig_grey = mh.colors.rgb2grey(Image_orig) else: Image_orig_grey = Image_orig edge, kernel = phase_stretch_transform(Image_orig_grey, LPF, S, W, Threshold_min, Threshold_max, FLAG) Overlay = mh.overlay(Image_orig_grey, Edge) Edge = Edge.astype(np.uint8)*255 plt.imshow(Edge)
def main(): Image_orig = mh.imread("../data/cameraman.tif") if Image_orig.ndim == 3: Image_orig_grey = mh.colors.rgb2grey(Image_orig) else: Image_orig_grey = Image_orig # 调用前面的函数,对图像进行相位拉伸变换, edge, kernel = phase_stretch_transform(Image_orig_grey, LPF, Phase_strength, Warp_strength, Threshold_min, Threshold_max, Morph_flag) # 显示图像, Overlay = mh.overlay(Image_orig_grey, edge) edge = edge.astype(np.uint8) * 255 plt.imshow(edge)
dnat = dnaf > T pylab.gray() nuclei1 = dnat pylab.imshow(dnat) #labelling thereshold image labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(dnat) print nr_objects # output number of objects pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() # makes image colourful dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dnaf, 8) rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay( dna, rmax)) # print dna and rmax (with second channel in red) # seeds only show when image is zoomed in dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dnaf, 16) # apply different filter to yield better result rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(dna, rmax)) seeds, nr_nuclei = mh.label(rmax) # nuclei count print nr_nuclei # unlike the example, the result is 36 compared to 22 dist = mh.distance(dnat) dist = dist.max() - dist dist -= dist.min() dist = dist / float(dist.ptp()) * 255
fillvalue=''): ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax.set_title(label) # show the original image and detected edges print(' Original Image Edge Detected using PST') imshow_pair((Image_orig, Edge), cmap='gray') # Save results default_directory, filename = filepath.split('./Test_Images/') filename, extension = filename.split('.') output_path = default_directory + './Test_Images/' + filename + '_edge.tif' # Saving the edge map with the extension tiff mh.imsave(output_path, Edge) else: Overlay = mh.overlay(Image_orig_grey, Edge) # Display results def imshow_pair(image_pair, titles=('', ''), figsize=(10, 6), **kwargs): fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=len(image_pair), figsize=figsize) for ax, img, label in zip_longest(axes.ravel(), image_pair, titles, fillvalue=''): ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax.set_title(label) # show the original image, detected edges and an overlay of the original image with detected edges print( ' Original Image Edge Detected using PST Overlay' )
import pylab # Dio od matplotlib. import mahotas as mh import cv2 image = cv2.imread('pictures/sky.png', 0) # Ucitavamo sliku u grayscale prikazu. filtered = mh.gaussian_filter( image, 10) # Koristimo gauss filter za izostravanje slike. result = filtered.astype( 'uint8' ) # Funckija mh.gaussian_filter() postavlja vrijednost varijable u float64. rmax = mh.regmax(result) # Trazi maksimalne vrijednosti. print rmax pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(image, rmax)) labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(rmax) # mh.overlay() funckija postavlja img kao pozadinu a preko nje postavlja vrijednosti variable rmax u crvenom kanalu. print('Broj pronadenih objekata je {}.'.format(nr_objects)) pylab.imshow(labeled) # pylab.gray() dist = mh.distance(result) dist = dist.max() - dist dist -= dist.min() dist = dist / float(dist.ptp()) * 255 dist = dist.astype(np.uint8)
pen = mh.imread('images/Penguins.jpg') #pylab.imshow(pen) # dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) #change type to int for otsu to work # dnaf = dnaf.astype('uint8') # T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) # pylab.imshow(dnaf > T) # dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(dna, rmax)) pylab.imshow(dnaf) # labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(dnaf > T) # print "nr_objects: {}".format(nr_objects) # pylab.imshow(labeled) # pylab.jet() # # pylab.imshow(dna) # print dna.shape print dna.dtype
# Luis Pedro Coelho Mahotas: Open source software for scriptable computer vision in Journal of Open Research Software, vol 1, 2013. [DOI] # mahotas.citation() #### MAIN #### # Laden der Bilder dna = mh.imread("dna.jpeg") # dna = mh.imread("nicolic_1.tif") nuc = mh.demos.nuclear_image() # Gaussfiltern und Tresholding dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 16) # mahotas.thresholding() braucht "uint8" dnaf = dnaf.astype("uint8") T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) # Zählen der Objekte, Ausgabe in int und Plottbaren Array mit nummerierten Flecken labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(dnaf > T) print nr_objects, labeled.shape, labeled.max() # Seeds finden rmax=mh.regmax(dnaf) # pylab.imshow(rmax) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(dna, rmax)) # pylab.imshow(labeled) # pylab.imshow(dnaf > T) # pylab.imshow(nuc) pylab.jet()
def measure(origimage, cuts, gaussintensity, iteration): image = cut(origimage, cuts) adjustsize(origimage, image, cuts) if not default and iteration in modifyselection: limitmod = modifyselection[iteration] else: limitmod = 0 ignore = findrim(image, limitmod) if rim and len(ignore) <= (cuts**2) * 0.33: while len(ignore) <= (cuts**2) * 0.33: limitmod += 3 ignore = findrim(image, limitmod) elif len(ignore) >= (cuts**2) * 0.66: while len(ignore) >= (cuts**2) * 0.66: limitmod -= 3 ignore = findrim(image, limitmod) avmod = len(ignore) threshold = applyth(image) if not default and iteration in increasegauss: usedgaussintensity = gaussintensity**increasegauss[iteration] else: usedgaussintensity = gaussintensity gauss = applygauss(image, usedgaussintensity) totalcellarea = 0.0 subcount = int(math.sqrt(len(image))) for r in range(len(image)): printprogress( (iteration * len(image) + r + 1), (len(inputimages) * len(image)), prefix="processing " + str(len(inputimages) - len(badimages)) + " images", suffix="complete") if len(ignore) == 0 or r != ignore[0]: cellarea = 0.0 area = image[r].shape[0] * image[r].shape[1] gaussth = gauss[r] > threshold[r] for array in gaussth: for pixel in array: # variabel machen wenn Zellen hell if pixel == 0: cellarea += 1 cellperc = (cellarea / area) inputimages[iteration][3] = cellperc * 100 rmin = mh.regmin(gaussth) rmin = rmin.astype(np.uint8) plt.subplot(subcount, subcount, r + 1) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(mh.overlay(image[r], rmin)) totalcellarea += cellperc else: plt.subplot(subcount, subcount, r + 1) plt.axis('off') ignore.pop(0) plt.text( -7, 7, str("ID: " + str(iteration) + ", day: " + str(inputimages[iteration][1]) + ", " + str(substancename) + " concentration: " + str(inputimages[iteration][2]) + " %")) plt.text( -7, 6.5, str(cellname) + " coverage: " + str(round((totalcellarea / ((len(image)) - avmod)) * 100, 2)) + " %") plt.axis('off') pp.savefig() plt.gcf().clear()
import matplotlib.pylab as pyl import mahotas as mh # Circles # Read and show image circles = misc.imread('circles.png') pyl.imshow(circles) #Threshold T = mh.otsu(circles) circlesTh = (circles > T) circlesF = mh.gaussian_filter(circles, 33) circlesRegmax = mh.regmax(circlesF) labels, near = mh.label(circlesRegmax) pyl.imshow(mh.overlay(circles, circlesRegmax)) #Count circles km, circlesCnt = mh.label(circlesRegmax) print circlesCnt #Find center points centerMass = mh.center_of_mass(circles, labels)[1:] print centerMass #Objects objects = mh.imread('objects.png') pyl.imshow(objects)
def PST(I, LPF=0.21, Phase_strength=0.48, Warp_strength=12.14, Threshold_min=-1, Threshold_max=0.0019, Morph_flag=1): # I: image # Gaussian Low Pass Filter # LPF = 0.21 # PST parameters: # Phase_strength = 0.48 # Warp_strength = 12.14 # Thresholding parameters (for post processing after the edge is computed) # Threshold_min = -1 # Threshold_max = 0.0019 # To compute analog edge, set Morph_flag = 0 and to compute digital edge, set Morph_flag = 1 # Morph_flag = 1 I_initial = I if (len(I.shape) == 3): I = I.mean(axis=2) L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[1]) [X1, Y1] = (np.meshgrid(x, y)) X = X1.T Y = Y1.T [THETA, RHO] = cart2pol(X, Y) # Apply localization kernel to the original image to reduce noise Image_orig_f = ((np.fft.fft2(I))) expo = np.fft.fftshift( np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(RHO, math.sqrt((LPF**2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) Image_orig_filtered = np.real( np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(Image_orig_f, expo)))) # Constructing the PST Kernel PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, Warp_strength), np.arctan(, Warp_strength)) ) - 0.5 * np.log(1 + np.power(, Warp_strength), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * Phase_strength # Apply the PST Kernel temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(Image_orig_filtered)) Image_orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) # Calculate phase of the transformed image PHI_features = np.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST) if Morph_flag == 0: out = PHI_features return out else: # find image sharp transitions by thresholding the phase features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 # Bi-threshold decision features[ PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 # as the output phase has both positive and negative values features[I < ( np.amax(I) / 20 )] = 0 # Removing edges in the very dark areas of the image (noise) # apply binary morphological operations to clean the transformed image out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) Overlay = mh.overlay(I, out) return (out, Overlay)
np.fft.fft2(Image_orig_filtered)) Image_orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) # Calculate phase of the transformed image PHI_features = np.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST) # find image sharp transitions by thresholding the phase features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 # Bi-threshold decision features[ PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 # as the output phase has both positive and negative values features[image < ( np.amax(image) / 20)] = 0 # Removing edges in the very dark areas of the image (noise) # apply binary morphological operations to clean the transformed image out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) overlay = mh.overlay(image, out) plt.title('Overlay of original image with PST detected edges:\n' + ', LPF = ' + str(LPF) + ', phase_str = ' + str(Phase_strength) + ', warp_str = ' + str(Warp_strength) + ',\n t_min = ' + str(Threshold_min) + ', t_max = ' + str(Threshold_max)) plt.imshow(overlay)
fillvalue=''): ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax.set_title(label) # show the original image and detected edges print(' Original Image Edge Detected using PST') imshow_pair((Image_orig, Edge), cmap='gray') # Save results default_directory, filename = filepath.split('./Test_Images/') filename, extension = filename.split('.') output_path = default_directory + './Test_Images/' + filename + '_edge.tif' # Saving the edge map with the extension tiff mh.imsave(output_path, Edge) else: Overlay = mh.overlay(Image_orig, Edge) # Display results def imshow_pair(image_pair, titles=('', ''), figsize=(10, 6), **kwargs): fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=len(image_pair), figsize=figsize) for ax, img, label in zip_longest(axes.ravel(), image_pair, titles, fillvalue=''): ax.imshow(img, **kwargs) ax.set_title(label) # show the original image, detected edges and an overlay of the original image with detected edges print( ' Original Image Edge Detected using PST Overlay' )
import numpy as np import pylab # Dio od matplotlib. import mahotas as mh import cv2 image = cv2.imread('pictures/sky.png', 0) # Ucitavamo sliku u grayscale prikazu. filtered = mh.gaussian_filter(image, 10) # Koristimo gauss filter za izostravanje slike. result = filtered.astype('uint8') # Funckija mh.gaussian_filter() postavlja vrijednost varijable u float64. rmax = mh.regmax(result) # Trazi maksimalne vrijednosti. print rmax pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(image, rmax)) labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(rmax) # mh.overlay() funckija postavlja img kao pozadinu a preko nje postavlja vrijednosti variable rmax u crvenom kanalu. print ('Broj pronadenih objekata je {}.'.format(nr_objects)) pylab.imshow(labeled) # pylab.gray() dist = mh.distance(result) dist = dist.max() - dist dist -= dist.min() dist = dist/float(dist.ptp()) * 255 dist = dist.astype(np.uint8) objects = mh.cwatershed(dist, labeled) whole = mh.segmentation.gvoronoi(objects) # Voronoi segemtacija, svaki piksel poprima vrijednost najblizeg maksimuma. pylab.imshow(objects)