def publisher_tactic_data():
    pub_performance = pd.DataFrame(Range('Publisher Performance', 'A12:E12').vertical.value,
                                   columns= Range('Publisher Performance', 'A12:E12').value)
    pub_performance.drop(0, inplace= True)

    pub_performance['CPGA'] = pub_performance['Spend'].astype(float) / pub_performance['Total GAs'].astype(float)

    pub_performance.rename(columns= {'Total GAs':'Total ' + main.qquarter() + ' GAs',
                                     'Spend':'Total ' + main.qquarter() + ' Spend',
                                     'Placement Messaging Type':'Tactic'}, inplace= True)

    pub_performance = goals(pub_performance)

    return pub_performance
def generate_publisher_tables(pub_performance):
    Range('Publisher Performance', 'A48:A1000').clear_contents()

    site_list = list(pub_performance['Site'].unique())
    week = Range('Publisher Performance', 'D12').value

    start_column = 'B'
    site_column = 'A'
    cell_number = 50

    for i in site_list:
        df = pub_performance[pub_performance['Site'] == i]
        df = df[['Tactic', 'Total ' + main.qquarter() + ' GAs', week,
                 'Total ' + main.qquarter() + ' Spend', 'CPGA', main.qquarter() + ' CPGA Goal']]
        Range('Publisher Performance', start_column + str(cell_number), index = False).value = df
        Range('Publisher Performance', site_column + str(cell_number), index = False).value = i
        cell_number += 7
def generate_publisher_emails(pubs_combined, contacts, br):
    week_end = Range('Publisher Performance', 'C7').value + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    week_end = week_end.strftime('%m/%d')
    week_start = Range('Publisher Performance', 'C7').value.strftime('%m/%d')

    headerstyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">'
    bodystyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;">'
    boldstyle = '<p style = "font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold;">'

    merged = pd.merge(pubs_combined, contacts, how= 'left', on= 'Publisher')

    pub_list =  list(merged['Publisher'].unique())
    pub_emails = list(merged['cc_emails'].unique())
    contact_emails = list(merged['Contact Email'].unique())

    outlook = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')

    for i in range(0, len(pub_list)):
        if pub_list[i] == 'ASG' or pub_list[i] == 'AOD':
            br_performance = headerstyle + \
                'Brand Remessaging</p>' + \
                bodystyle + \
                'Traffic Yield - ' + str(float(br['Traffic Yield'])) + '%' + \
                '<br>' + \
                'Traffic Actions - ' + str(br['Traffic Actions'][1]) + \
                '</p>' + \
                boldstyle + \
                'Brand Remessaging Performance Chart ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + \
            br_performance = ''

        mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)

        df = merged[merged['Publisher'] == pub_list[i]]

        if pub_list[i] == 'ASG' or pub_list[i] == 'AOD':
            greeting = 'Hi Dan and Team,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Amazon':
            greeting = 'Hi Lauren and Team,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'eBay':
            greeting = 'Hi Katie,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Magnetic':
            greeting = 'Hi Melissa,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Yahoo!':
            greeting = 'Hi Krystal,'
        elif pub_list[i] == 'Bazaar Voice':
            greeting = 'Hi Alexa and Todd,'
            greeting = 'Hello,'

        mail.To = str(contact_emails[i]).encode('utf-8')
        mail.CC = str(pub_emails[i]).encode('utf-8')
        mail.subject = main.qquarter() + ' 2016 DDR Performance Update: ' + \
                       week_start + '-' + week_end + ' - ' + str(pub_list[i])
        mail.HTMLBody = '<body>' + \
            bodystyle + \
            greeting + \
            '<br><br>' + \
            'Below you will find your campaign performance breakout for the beginning of ' + \
                        main.qquarter() + ' through the week ' + \
            'ending ' + week_end + '.</p>' + \
            headerstyle + \
            'DDR Performance ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + ' (All Tactics Combined) </p>' + \
            bodystyle + \
            'CPGA - $' + str(float(df['CPGA']))[:-2] + '<br>' + 'GAs - ' + str(float(df['GAs'])) + \
            '</p>' + \
            boldstyle + \
            'DDR Performance Chart by Tactic ' + quarter_start() + ' - ' + week_end + \
            '<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>' + \
            'Optimization Notes</p>' + \
            br_performance + \
            bodystyle + \
            '<br><br><br>' + \
            'Let me know if you have any questions.' + \
            '<br><br>' + \
            'Best,' + \