def bank_login(): flag = 0 while flag <= 3: creditId = raw_input("请输入你的信用卡号 :").strip() creditPass = raw_input(u"请输入你的信用卡密码:").strip() #判断输入的字符串是否为纯数字 if creditId.isdigit(): ifBankId(creditId,creditPass,flag) else: print "你输入的信用卡号类型不正确,请重新输入!" flag += 1 print "你输入的错误次数已达3次,程序将退出!" main.welcome()
def accept_telnet_connect(telnet_server): global last_client_socket if last_client_socket: uos.dupterm(None) last_client_socket.close() last_client_socket,remote_addr=telnet_server.accept() #print("Telnet connection from:",remote_addr) log_connection(remote_addr) last_client_socket.setblocking(False) last_client_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,20,uos.dupterm_notify) last_client_socket.sendall(bytes([255,252,34])) last_client_socket.sendall(bytes([255,251,1])) uos.dupterm(TelnetWrapper(last_client_socket)) from main import welcome welcome() del welcome
def LoginShopSucess(userId): flag = 0 while flag <= 5: print ''' \t=========欢迎用户%s登录到二手数码产品中心========= \t1.iphone 6s手机 4500元 \t\t2.华为荣耀6plus 2200元 \t3.TP-Link无线路由 120元 \t\t4.联想笔记本 2500元 \t5.小米平板 200元 \t\t6.战神鼠标 100元 \t7.超神机械键盘 200元 \t\t8.查看购物车 \t9.结算 \t\t10.退出 ''' % userId choiceshop = raw_input('请选择指令:').strip() if len(choiceshop) == 0: flag += 1 print "指令不能为空,请重新输入![1-10]" else: choiceshop = int(choiceshop) if choiceshop >= 1 and choiceshop <= 10: if choiceshop >= 1 and choiceshop <= 7: # if choiceshop == 2: # print '2' # if choiceshop == 3: # print '3' # if choiceshop == 4: # print '4' # if choiceshop == 5: # print '5' # if choiceshop == 6: # print '6' # if choiceshop == 7: # print '7' if choiceshop == 8: #查看购物车 shopmanage.showshopping() if choiceshop == 9: #结算 shopmanage.buyshopping() if choiceshop == 10: #退出购物中心 print '程序即将退出二手数码产品中心,欢迎下次光临!' shopmanage.clearshopping() time.sleep(1) main.welcome() else: flag += 1 print "你输入的指令不在规定范围内,请重新输入![1-10]" print "你输入的错误次数已达5次!系统将退出!" time.sleep(1) shop_login()
def ifShopId(userId, userPass, flag): if userdict['User'] == userId: if userdict['Pass'] == userPass: LoginShopSucess(userId) else: flag += 1 print "你输入的密码错误,请重新输入!" else: if userId == 'quit': print "系统即将退出!" time.sleep(1) main.welcome() else: flag += 1 print "你输入的用户名有误,请重新输入!" flag += 1 print "你输入的用户名有误,请重新输入!"
def shop_login(): flag = 0 while flag <= 3: userId = raw_input("请输入你的账号:").strip() userPass = raw_input(u"请输入你的密码:").strip() if len(userId) != 0: if re.match('^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$', userId): ifShopId(userId, userPass, flag) else: print "你输入的账户类型不正确,请重新输入!" flag += 1 else: flag += 1 print "用户名不能为空,请重新输入!" print "你输入的错误次数已达3次,程序将退出!" main.welcome()
def ifShopId(userId,userPass,flag): if userdict['User'] == userId: if userdict['Pass'] == userPass: LoginShopSucess(userId) else: flag += 1 print "你输入的密码错误,请重新输入!" else: if userId == 'quit': print "系统即将退出!" time.sleep(1) main.welcome() else: flag += 1 print "你输入的用户名有误,请重新输入!" flag += 1 print "你输入的用户名有误,请重新输入!"
def shop_login(): flag = 0 while flag <= 3: userId = raw_input("请输入你的账号:").strip() userPass = raw_input(u"请输入你的密码:").strip() if len(userId) != 0: if re.match('^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$',userId): ifShopId(userId, userPass, flag) else: print "你输入的账户类型不正确,请重新输入!" flag += 1 else: flag += 1 print "用户名不能为空,请重新输入!" print "你输入的错误次数已达3次,程序将退出!" main.welcome()
def LoginBankSucess(creditId): flag = 0 while flag <= 5: print ''' \t=========欢迎用户%s登录到信用卡中心========= \t\t1.取现\t\t2.查询\t\t \t\t3.还款\t\t4.转账\t\t \t\\t\t6.退出\t\t ''' % creditId choicebank = raw_input('''请选择指令:''').strip() if len(choicebank) == 0: flag += 1 print "指令不能为空,请重新输入![1-6]" else: choicebank = int(choicebank) if choicebank >= 1 and choicebank <= 6: if choicebank == 1: bankmanage.draw() if choicebank == 2: bankmanage.check() if choicebank == 3: bankmanage.repayment() if choicebank == 4: bankmanage.transfer() if choicebank == 5: bankmanage.shoppay() if choicebank == 6: print '程序即将退出信用卡中心,欢迎下次使用!' time.sleep(1) main.welcome() else: flag += 1 print "你输入的指令不在规定范围内,请重新输入![1-6]" print "你输入的错误次数已达5次!系统将退出!" time.sleep(1) bank_login()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Mar 11 03:03:04 2019 @author: Brothers """ from main import welcome import time if __name__ == "__main__": welcome() else: pass time.sleep(300000)
# Author:ZT import os #获取了相对路径 print(__file__) #动态获取绝对路径 os.path.abspath #获取目录名不要文件名:os.path.dirname() BASE_ATM = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #设置环境变量 BASE_ATM_CONF = BASE_ATM + '\\conf' BASE_ATM_CORE = BASE_ATM + '\\core' import sys sys.path.append(BASE_ATM_CORE) import main while True: user_choose = main.welcome() if user_choose in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']: menu = { '1': main.draw, '2': main.repay, '3': main.transfer, '4': main.show_bal, '5': main.show_bill } menu[user_choose]() cont = input('是否继续操作(y/n):') if (cont == 'n'): break elif (cont == 'y'): pass else:
def root_api(): return welcome()