Beispiel #1
construction.update_interval_client = 2000
construction.validator_version = '0'
construction.validator_src = 'scene/validator.js'
construction.validator_function_name = 'validator'  # attached to "window"!
construction.blocks_data_version = '0'
construction.camera_data_version = '0'
construction.camera_pos = [189.57, -159.16, 140.11]
construction.camera_a_x = 2.1589
construction.camera_a_y = -0.46583
construction.camera_a_z = 0.29
construction.camera_fl = 40.
construction.camera_sensor_resolution = 19.9

# Deletes all block properties entries:
queries = [BlockProperties.all()]
for query in queries:
    for result in query:

# Sets up the block properties (construction as parent is important so
# that the properties form one entity group with the construction,
# which is necessary when doing transactions):
blockProperties = BlockProperties(parent=construction)
blockProperties.data_version = '0'
blockProperties.has_2_fold_symmetry = False
blockProperties.pos_spacing_xy = 20.
blockProperties.pos_spacing_z = 10.
blockProperties.outline_bxy = '[[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [0, 1]]'
blockProperties.collision_offsets_list_bxy = \
    ['[[-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]]',
Beispiel #2
prerenderMode.i = 0
prerenderMode.reset_delay = 60000 # ms

# Deletes all block properties entries:
queries = [BlockProperties.all()]
for query in queries:
    for result in query:

# Sets up the block properties (construction as parent is important so
# that the properties form one entity group with the construction,
# which is necessary when doing transactions):
blockProperties = BlockProperties(parent=construction)
blockProperties.data_version = '0'
blockProperties.has_2_fold_symmetry = True
blockProperties.pos_spacing_xy = 99.
blockProperties.pos_spacing_z = 60.
blockProperties.outline_bxy = '[[0, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1], [0, 1]]'
blockProperties.collision_offsets_list_bxy = \
    ['[[-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]]',
Beispiel #3
construction.update_interval_client = 2000
construction.validator_version = '0'
construction.validator_src = 'scene/validator.js'
construction.validator_function_name = 'validator' # attached to "window"!
construction.blocks_data_version = '0'
construction.camera_data_version = '0'
construction.camera_pos = [189.57, -159.16, 140.11]
construction.camera_a_x = 2.1589
construction.camera_a_y = -0.46583
construction.camera_a_z = 0.29
construction.camera_fl = 40.
construction.camera_sensor_resolution = 19.9

# Deletes all block properties entries:
queries = [BlockProperties.all()]
for query in queries:
    for result in query:

# Sets up the block properties (construction as parent is important so
# that the properties form one entity group with the construction,
# which is necessary when doing transactions):
blockProperties = BlockProperties(parent=construction)
blockProperties.data_version = '0'
blockProperties.has_2_fold_symmetry = False
blockProperties.pos_spacing_xy = 20.
blockProperties.pos_spacing_z = 10.
blockProperties.outline_bxy = '[[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [0, 1]]'
blockProperties.collision_offsets_list_bxy = \
    ['[[-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0]]',