Beispiel #1
def calc_words(headwords):
    lst = []
    def on_word(word):
    for word in headwords:
        make_kondratjev.with_x_hdw(word, on_word)
    return lst
Beispiel #2
def calc_words(headwords):
    lst = []

    def on_word(word):

    for word in headwords:
        make_kondratjev.with_x_hdw(word, on_word)
    return lst
Beispiel #3
    def parse_dictionary(on_parsed_article):
        dirname = os.path.dirname
        prefix_eoru = dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))
        unpacked_epub = o_p.join(prefix_eoru, "stuff/Wells/decrypted/depacked")
        for num in range(first_num, last_num+1):
            #num = 29 # K
            src_fname = o_p.join(unpacked_epub, "OEBPS/%03d.html" % num)
            body = get_html_body(src_fname, True)
            found_empty_p = False
            # альтернативный способ - .getchildren() + проверка .tag
            for p in body.iterfind(xhtml_tag("p")):
                txt = p.text_content().strip()
                if found_empty_p and txt:
                    # очередная статья
                    radix = None
                    lst = []
                    def on_word(word):
                        # <b>Kaboverd/o</b><b> </b>Cape Verde
                        if word:
                    key_elements = list(parse_vip.iter_tags(p, xhtml_tag("b")))
                    assert key_elements
                    for idx, el in enumerate(key_elements):
                        bold_txt = el.text_content().strip()
                        exceptions = [
                            "li diris, ~ ŝi atendas", # ke
                            "~e, ke", # kondiĉo 

                        # "2" - kluso
                        def is_number(txt):
                            res = True
                                res = False
                            return res
                        if bold_txt in exceptions or is_number(bold_txt):
                            w_lst = [] # [bold_txt]
                            w_lst = [w.strip() for w in bold_txt.split(",")]
                        def remove_bad_suffix(w):
                            for suffix in [
                                ":",  # boarding:
                                " 1", # can 1
                                if w.endswith(suffix):
                                    w = w[:-len(suffix)]
                            return w
                        # только первое слово - корень
                        # kost/i, ~o cost; multe~a expensive
                        if radix is None:
                            radix = w_lst[0]
                            slash = radix.find("/")
                            if slash >= 0:
                                radix = radix[:slash]
                            radix = remove_bad_suffix(radix)
                        for w in w_lst:
                            for no_tilda_pattern in [
                                "(aerarmea) generalo", # air
                                "koncerne (with accus)", # as
                                "~ on daŭri", # run
                                if idx != 0 and w.find("~") == -1 and txt.find(no_tilda_pattern) != -1:
                                    w = "~ " + w
                            # :TRICKY: некоторые термины содержат " ~ ", но без
                            # ручного анализа правильное значение не подставишь:
                            # - lav/i wash tr; ~ sin get washed, wash (oneself)
                            # - est/i be; ~as (there) is/are; kio ~ al vi? what’s the matter? [skip]
                            w = w.replace("/", "").replace("~", radix)
                            # Kaliforni/o California; ≈o californium
                            change_case = w.find("≈") >= 0
                            if change_case:
                                w = w.replace("≈", radix)
                                # :REFACTOR:
                                w = w[0].swapcase() + w[1:]
                            # digital/o 1 digitalis, foxglove; 2 ~a img2.png digital [= cifereca]
                            if w.startswith("2 "):
                                w = w[2:]
                            w = remove_bad_suffix(w)
                            # Prote/o Proteus; ≈a protean; ≈o 1 protea (flower); 2 olm (amphibian)
                            # errors needs to be fixed by upstream
                            if w in ['a', 'o']:
                            if w == 'la' and txt.find("da is not used before la, other") != -1:
                            make_kondratjev.with_x_hdw(w, on_word)
                        is_first = False
                    assert lst
                    on_parsed_article(lst, parse_vip.gen_html_text(p)) # txt)
                if not txt:
                    found_empty_p = True
Beispiel #4
    def parse_dictionary(on_parsed_article):
        dirname = os.path.dirname
        prefix_eoru = dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))
        unpacked_epub = o_p.join(prefix_eoru, "stuff/Wells/decrypted/depacked")

        for num in range(first_num, last_num + 1):
            #num = 29 # K
            src_fname = o_p.join(unpacked_epub, "OEBPS/%03d.html" % num)
            body = get_html_body(src_fname, True)

            found_empty_p = False
            # альтернативный способ - .getchildren() + проверка .tag
            for p in body.iterfind(xhtml_tag("p")):
                txt = p.text_content().strip()

                if found_empty_p and txt:
                    # очередная статья

                    radix = None
                    lst = []

                    def on_word(word):
                        # <b>Kaboverd/o</b><b> </b>Cape Verde
                        if word:

                    key_elements = list(parse_vip.iter_tags(p, xhtml_tag("b")))
                    assert key_elements

                    for idx, el in enumerate(key_elements):
                        bold_txt = el.text_content().strip()
                        exceptions = [
                            "li diris, ~ ŝi atendas",  # ke
                            "~e, ke",  # kondiĉo 

                        # "2" - kluso
                        def is_number(txt):
                            res = True
                                res = False
                            return res

                        if bold_txt in exceptions or is_number(bold_txt):
                            w_lst = []  # [bold_txt]
                            w_lst = [w.strip() for w in bold_txt.split(",")]

                        def remove_bad_suffix(w):
                            for suffix in [
                                    ":",  # boarding:
                                    " 1",  # can 1
                                if w.endswith(suffix):
                                    w = w[:-len(suffix)]
                            return w

                        # только первое слово - корень
                        # kost/i, ~o cost; multe~a expensive
                        if radix is None:
                            radix = w_lst[0]
                            slash = radix.find("/")
                            if slash >= 0:
                                radix = radix[:slash]

                            radix = remove_bad_suffix(radix)

                        for w in w_lst:
                            for no_tilda_pattern in [
                                    "(aerarmea) generalo",  # air
                                    "koncerne (with accus)",  # as
                                    "~ on daŭri",  # run
                                if idx != 0 and w.find("~") == -1 and txt.find(
                                        no_tilda_pattern) != -1:
                                    w = "~ " + w

                            # :TRICKY: некоторые термины содержат " ~ ", но без
                            # ручного анализа правильное значение не подставишь:
                            # - lav/i wash tr; ~ sin get washed, wash (oneself)
                            # - est/i be; ~as (there) is/are; kio ~ al vi? what’s the matter? [skip]
                            w = w.replace("/", "").replace("~", radix)

                            # Kaliforni/o California; ≈o californium
                            change_case = w.find("≈") >= 0
                            if change_case:
                                w = w.replace("≈", radix)
                                # :REFACTOR:
                                w = w[0].swapcase() + w[1:]

                            # digital/o 1 digitalis, foxglove; 2 ~a img2.png digital [= cifereca]
                            if w.startswith("2 "):
                                w = w[2:]
                            w = remove_bad_suffix(w)

                            # Prote/o Proteus; ≈a protean; ≈o 1 protea (flower); 2 olm (amphibian)
                            # errors needs to be fixed by upstream
                            if w in ['a', 'o']:

                            if w == 'la' and txt.find(
                                    "da is not used before la, other") != -1:

                            make_kondratjev.with_x_hdw(w, on_word)

                        is_first = False

                    assert lst
                    on_parsed_article(lst, parse_vip.gen_html_text(p))  # txt)

                if not txt:
                    found_empty_p = True