def setImg( self, imgName=None ):

	if imgName:
	    if not self.texMgr:
		self.texMgr = TextureManager()

	    self.image, self.texID = self.texMgr.load_image(\

	    self.image = None
	    self.imgBox = None
	    self.quad = None
    def __init__( self, fontName=None ):
	This class represents a font to be rendered for UIText.
	# store the fontname for FYI's sake (might want to know this)
	self.fname = fontName
	self.letterSize = (1,1)
	self.tilesX = 0

	# get the singleton texture manager reference(see TextureManager)
	self.texMgr = TextureManager()
	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	# font map image
	self.image = None
	self.imSize = (0,0)
	# font map texture id
	self.texID = None
	# an image returned if a letter/digit is not in the font
	self.NotDefined, self.NoDefID = self.texMgr.load_image(os.path.join('NotDefined.png'))
	### the following two lists are parallel
	#	-->	[<lower>,<upper>,<num>]
	# these bools tell what the font has defined(lowercase, uppercase, numbers)
	self.blockHt = {'lower':0, 'upper':0, 'digits':0}
	# the images corresponding to the respective letter and number
	self.alphabet = {}
	self.alphabetBox = {}

	# this determines if a font was loaded properly.
	self.ready = False
	self.config = None

	# process the font if it is provided
	if fontName:
	    self.setFont( fontName )
class Font:
    An encapsulation of a font to be used by UIText objects

    def __init__( self, fontName=None ):
	This class represents a font to be rendered for UIText.
	# store the fontname for FYI's sake (might want to know this)
	self.fname = fontName
	self.letterSize = (1,1)
	self.tilesX = 0

	# get the singleton texture manager reference(see TextureManager)
	self.texMgr = TextureManager()
	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	# font map image
	self.image = None
	self.imSize = (0,0)
	# font map texture id
	self.texID = None
	# an image returned if a letter/digit is not in the font
	self.NotDefined, self.NoDefID = self.texMgr.load_image(os.path.join('NotDefined.png'))
	### the following two lists are parallel
	#	-->	[<lower>,<upper>,<num>]
	# these bools tell what the font has defined(lowercase, uppercase, numbers)
	self.blockHt = {'lower':0, 'upper':0, 'digits':0}
	# the images corresponding to the respective letter and number
	self.alphabet = {}
	self.alphabetBox = {}

	# this determines if a font was loaded properly.
	self.ready = False
	self.config = None

	# process the font if it is provided
	if fontName:
	    self.setFont( fontName )
	# ...otherwise wait until defined

    # set and setup the visual representation of the font
    def setFont( self, fontName ):
	Sets the font represented by this class and loads it into
	the class by reading the font's respective <font-name>.ini
	and then cutting
	self.config = SafeConfigParser()
	self.ready = False

	# open the font's info file
	try: self.setsMgr.home_dir, self.setsMgr.media_home
					, self.setsMgr.font_dir, fontName+'.ini'))
	except ( ParsingError, MissingSectionHeaderError ):
	    # error reading the file
	    return # straight to your room w/o dessert
	# Parse the meta-data #
	try: # ensure we have 'details' or fail gracefully

	    ## 'fname' ##
		# store the plain-text name
		self.fname = self.config.get('details', 'fname')
	    except NoOptionError:
		# missing name is no big deal, but warn the user
		print "FontLoad:Warning:", fontName\
			,":[details] section missing 'fname'."

	    ## 'size' ##
		# store all of the sizes available to this
		self.letterSize = eval( self.config.get('details', 'letterSize'), {},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		# missing 'sizes' means that we don't know what sizes
		#   are defined in the file (this parser will not infer
		#   any other sections on its own)
		print 'FontLoad:Error:', fontName,\
			":[details] missing 'size' list"
		return # return failed

	    ## 'tilesX/Y' ##
		self.tilesX = eval(self.config.get('details','tilesX'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		print 'FontLoad:Error:', fontName,": [details] missing 'tilesX'"
		return # return failed

	    ## block-heights ##
		self.blockHt['lower'] = eval(self.config.get('details','htLower'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		# ignore quietly

		self.blockHt['upper'] = eval(self.config.get('details','htUpper'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		# ignore quietly

		self.blockHt['digits'] = eval(self.config.get('details','htNum'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		# ignore quietly

		self.blockHt['symbols'] = eval(self.config.get('details','htSym'),{},{})
		self.suppSyms = eval( self.config.get('details', 'symbols'), {}, {} )
	    except NoOptionError:
		# clear what might have been done
		self.blockHt['symbols'] = 0
		self.suppSyms = []
		print 'Warning : Font : symbols load failed'
		# and ignore quietly... just waaalk away, .. nice and slow now.... nothing to see heere..

	    # validate that this font defines at least one of the four
	    if self.blockHt['lower']+self.blockHt['upper']+\
		    self.blockHt['digits']+self.blockHt['symbols'] == 0:
		print 'FontLoad:Error:', fontName,\
			":[details] must specify block ht for all letter/number sets in image"
		return # the font must specify 

	except NoSectionError:
	    print 'FontLoad:Error:', fontName, ': .ini missing [details] section.'
	    return # a font requires this section, return unsuccessfully

	# Load/Parse the image #
	#self.NotDefined, self.NoDefID = self.texMgr.load_image(os.path.join('fonts','NotDefined.png'))

	# load the image through the resource manager
	self.image, self.texID = self.texMgr.load_image( os.path.join(self.setsMgr.font_dir, self.fname) )

	if not self.image:
	    print 'FontLoad:Error:', fontName,\
		    ":Image load was unsuccessful with path,",\
		    os.path.join(self.setsMgr.home_dir, self.setsMgr.media_home
				, self.setsMgr.font_dir, self.fname)
	    return # image load failed

	E = []
	if self.blockHt['lower'] > 0:
	    # the following extensions are ordered deliberately
	    E.extend( map(chr, range(97, 123)) )
	    # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm'
	    #, 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
	if self.blockHt['upper'] > 0:
	    E.extend( map(chr, range(65, 91)) )
	    # ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M'
	    #, 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
	if self.blockHt['digits'] > 0:
	    E.extend( map(str, range(0, 10)) )
	    # [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' ]
	if self.blockHt['symbols'] > 0:
	    E.extend( self.suppSyms )	# include the supported symbols acc. to the .ini
	x, y = (0, 0)

	# might be useful later
	self.imSize = self.image.size

	# loop over image calculating boxes
	for letter in E:
	    # the area of the image containing 'this' letter
	    box = ( x, self.imSize[1]-y, x+self.letterSize[0]
		    , self.imSize[1] - (y+self.letterSize[1]) )
	    # throw it onto the list
	    self.alphabet[letter] = self.image.crop( box )
	    self.alphabetBox[letter] = box

	    #print letter, x, y

	    # increment the x forward
	    x = x + self.letterSize[0]
	    # check if at z
	    if letter == 'z' or letter == 'Z' or letter == '9' or letter == ' ':
		x = 0
		y = y + self.letterSize[1]
	    elif x/self.letterSize[0] >= self.tilesX:
		x = 0
		y = y + self.letterSize[1]
	# this is only set in the event that this function completed
	#   all necessary actions and is ready for use.
	self.ready = True

    # gets a letter/digit image from the font at destSize
    #	DEPRECATED: its inefficient to chop up the image into separate textures
    #		    as opposed to indexing boxes into a single one (see getCharBox)
    def getChar( self, character, destSize ):

	# this is for transforming the image to the desired size
	data = ( 0, 0, self.letterSize[0], self.letterSize[1] )

	if character in self.alphabet:
	    return self.alphabet[character].transform(destSize, Image.EXTENT, data)
	elif character.swapcase() in self.alphabet:
	    return self.alphabet[character.swapcase()].transform(destSize, Image.EXTENT, data)

	# the letter is not defined (return the empty image)
	return self.NotDefined.transform(destSize,Image.EXTENT,data)

    # Returns the box of a character in the font
    def getCharBox( self, character ):
	Returns the box of a character in the font
	# get the character from the alphabet
	if character in self.alphabetBox:
	    #print character, self.alphabetBox[character]
	    return self.alphabetBox[character]
	elif character.swapcase() in self.alphabetBox:
	    #print character, self.alphabetBox[character.swapcase()]
	    return self.alphabetBox[character.swapcase()]

	print 'Bad Character:', character
	# return the NoDef image
	return (0, 0, self.NotDefined.size[0], self.NotDefined.size[1])

    # Returns the font's texture id
    def getTexID( self ):
	Returns the font's texture id
	return self.texID

    # This is the function called by the screen on all renderable objects.
    def render( self, scrScroll=(0,0) ):
	This is a test function and not intended for use in the game, but
	who am I to judge what's in a game..
	setMgr = SettingsManager()
	# returns the id, texBox, position, and a quadBox in pixel coords
	return [ (self.texID
		, ( 0, self.image.size[1], self.image.size[0], 0 )
		, ( 0, 0, setMgr.screenRes[0], setMgr.screenRes[1] )) ]
    def setSprite( self, filename ):
	Loads the ini file and image according to 'filename'.

	# grab this if we haven't already
	if not self.texMgr:
	    # We store it to be efficient about retrieving it
	    #	in case we need to use it later.
	    self.texMgr = TextureManager()
	if not self.setsMgr:
	    self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	self.config = SafeConfigParser()

	# open the font's info file
		    os.path.join( self.setsMgr.home_dir
			, self.setsMgr.media_home
			, self.setsMgr.sprites_dir, filename+'.ini'))
	except ( ParsingError, MissingSectionHeaderError ):
	    # error reading the file
	    raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	# Parse the meta-data #
	try: # ensure we have 'details' or fail gracefully

	    ## 'fname' ##
		# store the plain-text name
		self.filename = self.config.get('details', 'fname')
	    except NoOptionError:
		self.filename = filename+'.png'
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	    ## 'directions' ##
		# store all of the supported directions
		self.directions= eval( self.config.get('details', 'directions'), {},{})

	    except NoOptionError:
		# missing 'sizes' means that we don't know what sizes
		#   are defined in the file (this parser will not infer
		#   any other sections on its own)
		print 'SpriteLoad:Warning:', fontName,\
			":[details] missing 'directions' list; one frame is assumed."

	    ## 'numFrames' ##
		# this is the number of frames per direction
		self.numFrames = eval(self.config.get('details','numFrames'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		print 'SpriteLoad:Error:',filename,": [details] missing 'numFrames'"
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	    ## 'frameSize' ##
		# this is the size of each frame
		self.frameSize = eval(self.config.get('details','frameSize'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		print 'SpriteLoad : Error :', filename,": [details] missing 'frameSize'"
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	except NoSectionError:
	    print 'SpriteLoad:Error:', fontName, ': .ini missing [details] section.'
	    raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	# load the image through the resource manager
	self.image, self.texID = self.texMgr.load_image(\
		os.path.join(self.setsMgr.sprites_dir, self.filename) )

	imSize = self.image.size
	self.tileWd = imSize[0]/self.numFrames
	if len(self.directions) > 0:
	    self.tileHt = imSize[1]/len(self.directions)
	    self.tileHt = imSize[1]
	dir = 0
	for y in range( 0, imSize[1], self.tileHt ):
	    for x in range( 0, imSize[0], self.tileWd):
		self.sprBoxes.append( (x, y+self.tileHt,
					x+self.tileWd, y) )
	# store direction offsets based on the order in
	#   self.directions
	offset = 0
	for dir in self.directions:
	    if dir == 'U':
		self.UP = offset
	    elif dir == 'D':
		self.DOWN = offset
	    elif dir == 'L':
		self.LEFT = offset
	    elif dir == 'R':
		self.RIGHT = offset
	    elif dir == 'UL':
		self.UL = offset
	    elif dir == 'UR':
		self.UR = offset
	    elif dir == 'DL':
		self.DL = offset
	    elif dir == 'DR':
		self.DU = offset
		print dir, ' SpriteLoad:Warning: Do not put things in the'\
			, ' directions list that are not'\
			, '[ U, D, L, R, UL, UR, DL, DR ].'
	    offset += self.numFrames
class Sprite():
    def __init__(self, filename=None):

	self.size = [1,1]
	self.halfSize = [self.size[0]/2, self.size[1]/2]
	self.scale = (1,1)

	self.filename = filename
	self.directions = []
	self.numFrames = 0
	self.frameSize = [10,10]
	self.prevDir = 0	# last direction
	self.pos = [0,0]	# current pos
	self.lastPos = [0,0]	# previous pos
	self.facingDir = [1,1]	# the player's current facing direction

	# visibility
	self.visible = True

	# managers
	self.texMgr = None
	self.setsMgr = None

	# our image and corresponding texture id
	self.image, self.texID = None, -1
	self.sprBoxes = []
	self.UP = 0
	self.DOWN = 0
	self.LEFT = 0
	self.RIGHT = 0
	self.UL = 0
	self.UR = 0
	self.DL = 0
	self.DR = 0

	# animation related
	self.animSpeed = 1  # should be overridden by derived classes
	self.tick = 0	# the timer counting update ticks(see '.update')
	self._step = 0

	# the texture box
	self.image, self.texID = None, None
	self.textureBox = None
	self.lastTexBox = None

	# if we have the filename, load the sprite(hope it works)
	if filename:
	    self.setSprite( filename )

    def setSprite( self, filename ):
	Loads the ini file and image according to 'filename'.

	# grab this if we haven't already
	if not self.texMgr:
	    # We store it to be efficient about retrieving it
	    #	in case we need to use it later.
	    self.texMgr = TextureManager()
	if not self.setsMgr:
	    self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	self.config = SafeConfigParser()

	# open the font's info file
		    os.path.join( self.setsMgr.home_dir
			, self.setsMgr.media_home
			, self.setsMgr.sprites_dir, filename+'.ini'))
	except ( ParsingError, MissingSectionHeaderError ):
	    # error reading the file
	    raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	# Parse the meta-data #
	try: # ensure we have 'details' or fail gracefully

	    ## 'fname' ##
		# store the plain-text name
		self.filename = self.config.get('details', 'fname')
	    except NoOptionError:
		self.filename = filename+'.png'
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	    ## 'directions' ##
		# store all of the supported directions
		self.directions= eval( self.config.get('details', 'directions'), {},{})

	    except NoOptionError:
		# missing 'sizes' means that we don't know what sizes
		#   are defined in the file (this parser will not infer
		#   any other sections on its own)
		print 'SpriteLoad:Warning:', fontName,\
			":[details] missing 'directions' list; one frame is assumed."

	    ## 'numFrames' ##
		# this is the number of frames per direction
		self.numFrames = eval(self.config.get('details','numFrames'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		print 'SpriteLoad:Error:',filename,": [details] missing 'numFrames'"
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	    ## 'frameSize' ##
		# this is the size of each frame
		self.frameSize = eval(self.config.get('details','frameSize'),{},{})
	    except NoOptionError:
		print 'SpriteLoad : Error :', filename,": [details] missing 'frameSize'"
		raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	except NoSectionError:
	    print 'SpriteLoad:Error:', fontName, ': .ini missing [details] section.'
	    raise sys.exc_info()[1], None, sys.exc_info()[2]

	# load the image through the resource manager
	self.image, self.texID = self.texMgr.load_image(\
		os.path.join(self.setsMgr.sprites_dir, self.filename) )

	imSize = self.image.size
	self.tileWd = imSize[0]/self.numFrames
	if len(self.directions) > 0:
	    self.tileHt = imSize[1]/len(self.directions)
	    self.tileHt = imSize[1]
	dir = 0
	for y in range( 0, imSize[1], self.tileHt ):
	    for x in range( 0, imSize[0], self.tileWd):
		self.sprBoxes.append( (x, y+self.tileHt,
					x+self.tileWd, y) )
	# store direction offsets based on the order in
	#   self.directions
	offset = 0
	for dir in self.directions:
	    if dir == 'U':
		self.UP = offset
	    elif dir == 'D':
		self.DOWN = offset
	    elif dir == 'L':
		self.LEFT = offset
	    elif dir == 'R':
		self.RIGHT = offset
	    elif dir == 'UL':
		self.UL = offset
	    elif dir == 'UR':
		self.UR = offset
	    elif dir == 'DL':
		self.DL = offset
	    elif dir == 'DR':
		self.DU = offset
		print dir, ' SpriteLoad:Warning: Do not put things in the'\
			, ' directions list that are not'\
			, '[ U, D, L, R, UL, UR, DL, DR ].'
	    offset += self.numFrames

    def getFrame( self, (hDir, vDir) ):
	Returns the box of the frame corresponding to the direction
	implied by hDir and vDir and the current animation step.

	direction = 0

	# Facing Left
	if hDir < 0:
	    # Not facing up or down
	    if vDir == 0:
		direction = self.LEFT
	    # facing up
	    elif vDir < 0:
		direction = self.UL
	    # facing down
	    elif vDir > 0:
		direction = self.DL

	# Facing Right
	elif hDir > 0:
	    # Not facing up or down
	    if vDir == 0:
		direction = self.RIGHT
	    elif vDir < 0:
		direction = self.UR
	    elif vDir > 0:
		direction = self.DR

	# No horizontal movement
	elif hDir == 0:
	    if vDir == 0:
		### special case: 
		direction = self.prevDir
	    elif vDir < 0:
		direction = self.UP
	    elif vDir > 0:
		direction = self.DOWN

	self.prevDir = direction

	# return the box of the frame in the dir and at the
	#   current step, 'self._step'
	return self.sprBoxes[self._step + direction]
class UIImage(UIObject):

    def __init__( self, imgName=None, pos=[0,0], size=[1,1]):
	An image on the screen for UI purposes (clickable or not)
	# Base class constructor

	self.pos = pos
	self.size = size
	self.image = None   # the actual image file
	self.texID = None   # the texture id created for this image
	self.imgBox = None  # the bounding box (usually from 0 to size)
	self.quad = None    # the box repr the area and pos on the screen
	self.imgFileName = imgName
	self.texMgr = None
	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	# if an image is specified, load it
	if self.imgFileName:
	    self.setImg( self.imgFileName )

    def setSize( self, size=(1,1) ):
	self.size = size

    def setPos( self, pos=[0,0] ):

	self.quad = None

    def setImg( self, imgName=None ):

	if imgName:
	    if not self.texMgr:
		self.texMgr = TextureManager()

	    self.image, self.texID = self.texMgr.load_image(\

	    self.image = None
	    self.imgBox = None
	    self.quad = None

    def render( self, scrScroll=(0,0) ):
	Called by the screen on this object to retrieve all necessary info
	regarding the rendering of this object.  The name and arguments for
	this function should not be changed as it will not be known by the
	Screen class.

	# make sure an image has been loaded before we try and render
	if not self.image:
	    print "No image loaded"
	    return []

	if not self.visible:
	    return []

	# we want the whole image to show, so we provide the entire size as
	#   the texture coords
	if not self.imgBox:
	    self.imgBox = (0, self.image.size[1], self.image.size[0], 0)

	if not self.quad:
	    pos = ( self.pos[0]-scrScroll[0], self.pos[1]-scrScroll[1])

	    if self.centerAround:
		pos = (pos[0]-self.size[0]/2, pos[1]-self.size[1]/2)

	    self.quad = (pos[0], pos[1], pos[0]+self.size[0], pos[1]+self.size[1])

	# return this as a list with one object in it(because screen expects a
	#   list of renderable things from 
	return [ ( self.texID, self.imgBox, self.quad) ]