Beispiel #1
    def _insert_pagetitle(self):
        Outputs a reference to the top of the algorithm's rst
        of the form ".. _algm-AlgorithmName-vVersion:", so that
        the page can be referenced using
        :ref:`algm-AlgorithmName-version`. If this is the highest
        version then it outputs a reference ".. _algm-AlgorithmName: instead

        It then outputs a title for the page
        from mantid.api import AlgorithmFactory

        alg_name = self.algorithm_name()
        version = self.algorithm_version()

        # page reference must come directly before the title if it wants
        # to be referenced without defining the link text. Here we put the
        # specific version one first so that it always must be referenced
        # using the full link text ":ref`LinkText <algm-AlgorithmName-vX>`:"
        self.add_rst(".. _algm-%s-v%d:\n\n" % (alg_name, version))
        if AlgorithmFactory.highestVersion(alg_name) == version:
            self.add_rst(".. _algm-%s:\n\n" % alg_name)

        # title
        title = "%s v%d" % (alg_name, version)
        self.add_rst(self.make_header(title, True))
        self.add_rst(u"\n.. index:: %s-v%d\n\n" % (alg_name, version))
Beispiel #2
    def _insert_pagetitle(self):
        Outputs a reference to the top of the algorithm's rst
        of the form ".. _algm-AlgorithmName-vVersion:", so that
        the page can be referenced using
        :ref:`algm-AlgorithmName-version`. If this is the highest
        version then it outputs a reference ".. _algm-AlgorithmName: instead

        It then outputs a title for the page
        from mantid.api import AlgorithmFactory

        alg_name = self.algorithm_name()
        version = self.algorithm_version()

        # page reference must come directly before the title if it wants
        # to be referenced without defining the link text. Here we put the
        # specific version one first so that it always must be referenced
        # using the full link text ":ref`LinkText <algm-AlgorithmName-vX>`:"
        self.add_rst(".. _algm-%s-v%d:\n\n" % (alg_name, version))
        if AlgorithmFactory.highestVersion(alg_name) == version:
            self.add_rst(".. _algm-%s:\n\n" % alg_name)

        # title
        title = "%s v%d" % (alg_name, version)
        self.add_rst(self.make_header(title, True))
        self.add_rst(u"\n.. index:: %s-v%d\n\n" % (alg_name, version))