def test_minimal_inputs(self):

        in_ws = Load('INTER00013460.nxs', OutputWorkspace="13460")
        trans1 = Load('INTER00013463.nxs', OutputWorkspace="trans1")
        inst = trans1.getInstrument()
        out_ws, out_wsl_lam, thetafinal = ReflectometryReductionOneAuto(InputWorkspace=in_ws, AnalysisMode="PointDetectorAnalysis"
                                                                        ,OutputWorkspace="InQ", OutputWorkspaceWavelength="InLam")
        history = out_ws.getHistory()
        alg = history.lastAlgorithm()
        Here we are checking that the applied values (passed to CreateTransmissionWorkspace come from the instrument parameters.
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("LambdaMin")[0], alg.getProperty("WavelengthMin").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("LambdaMax")[0], alg.getProperty("WavelengthMax").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("MonitorBackgroundMin")[0], alg.getProperty("MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMin").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("MonitorBackgroundMax")[0], alg.getProperty("MonitorBackgroundWavelengthMax").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("MonitorIntegralMin")[0], alg.getProperty("MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMin").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("MonitorIntegralMax")[0], alg.getProperty("MonitorIntegrationWavelengthMax").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("I0MonitorIndex")[0], alg.getProperty("I0MonitorIndex").value)
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("PointDetectorStart")[0], float(alg.getProperty("ProcessingInstructions").value.split(',')[0]))
        self.assertEqual(inst.getNumberParameter("PointDetectorStop")[0], float(alg.getProperty("ProcessingInstructions").value.split(',')[1]))
def beam_center_gravitational_drop(beam_center_file, sdd=1.13):
    This method is used for correcting for gravitational drop
    @param beam_center_file :: file where the beam center was found
    @param sdd :: sample detector distance to apply the beam center
    def calculate_neutron_drop(path_length, wavelength):
        Calculate the gravitational drop of the neutrons
        path_length in meters
        wavelength in Angstrom
        wavelength *= 1e-10
        neutron_mass = 1.674927211e-27
        gravity = 9.80665
        h_planck = 6.62606896e-34
        l_2 = (gravity * neutron_mass**2 / (2.0 * h_planck**2 )) * path_length**2
        return wavelength**2 * l_2

    # Get beam center used in the previous reduction
    pm = mantid.PropertyManagerDataService[ReductionSingleton().property_manager]
    beam_center_x = pm['LatestBeamCenterX'].value
    beam_center_y = pm['LatestBeamCenterY'].value
    Logger("CommandInterface").information("Beam Center before: [%.2f, %.2f] pixels" % (beam_center_x, beam_center_y))

        # check if the workspace still exists
        wsname = "__beam_finder_" + os.path.splitext(beam_center_file)[0]
        ws = mantid.mtd[wsname]
        Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Using Workspace: %s." % (wsname))
    except KeyError:
        # Let's try loading the file. For some reason the beamcenter ws is not there...
            ws = Load(beam_center_file)
            Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Using filename %s." % (beam_center_file))
        except IOError:
            Logger("CommandInterface").error("Cannot read input file %s." % beam_center_file)

    i = ws.getInstrument()
    y_pixel_size_mm = i.getNumberParameter('y-pixel-size')[0]
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Y Pixel size = %.2f mm" % y_pixel_size_mm)
    y_pixel_size = y_pixel_size_mm * 1e-3  # In meters
    distance_detector1 = i.getComponentByName("detector1").getPos()[2]
    path_length = distance_detector1 - sdd
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("SDD detector1 = %.3f meters. SDD for wing = %.3f meters." % (distance_detector1, sdd))
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Path length for gravitational drop = %.3f meters." % (path_length))
    r =
    wavelength = r.getProperty("wavelength").value
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Wavelength = %.2f A." % (wavelength))

    drop = calculate_neutron_drop(path_length, wavelength)
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Gravitational drop = %.6f meters." % (drop))
    # 1 pixel -> y_pixel_size
    # x pixel -> drop
    drop_in_pixels = drop / y_pixel_size
    new_beam_center_y = beam_center_y + drop_in_pixels
    Logger("CommandInterface").information("Beam Center after:   [%.2f, %.2f] pixels" % (beam_center_x, new_beam_center_y))
    return beam_center_x, new_beam_center_y
def beam_center_gravitational_drop(beam_center_file, sdd=1.13):
    This method is used for correcting for gravitational drop
    @param beam_center_file :: file where the beam center was found
    @param sdd :: sample detector distance to apply the beam center
    def calculate_neutron_drop(path_length, wavelength):
        Calculate the gravitational drop of the neutrons
        path_length in meters
        wavelength in Angstrom
        wavelength *= 1e-10
        neutron_mass = 1.674927211e-27
        gravity = 9.80665
        h_planck = 6.62606896e-34
        l_2 = (gravity * neutron_mass**2 / (2.0 * h_planck**2 )) * path_length**2
        return wavelength**2 * l_2

    # Get beam center used in the previous reduction
    pm = mantid.PropertyManagerDataService[ReductionSingleton().property_manager]
    beam_center_x = pm['LatestBeamCenterX'].value
    beam_center_y = pm['LatestBeamCenterY'].value
    Logger("CommandInterface").information("Beam Center before: [%.2f, %.2f] pixels" % (beam_center_x, beam_center_y))

        # check if the workspace still exists
        wsname = "__beam_finder_" + os.path.splitext(beam_center_file)[0]
        ws = mantid.mtd[wsname]
        Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Using Workspace: %s." % (wsname))
    except KeyError:
        # Let's try loading the file. For some reason the beamcenter ws is not there...
            ws = Load(beam_center_file)
            Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Using filename %s." % (beam_center_file))
        except IOError:
            Logger("CommandInterface").error("Cannot read input file %s." % beam_center_file)

    i = ws.getInstrument()
    y_pixel_size_mm = i.getNumberParameter('y-pixel-size')[0]
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Y Pixel size = %.2f mm" % y_pixel_size_mm)
    y_pixel_size = y_pixel_size_mm * 1e-3  # In meters
    distance_detector1 = i.getComponentByName("detector1").getPos()[2]
    path_length = distance_detector1 - sdd
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("SDD detector1 = %.3f meters. SDD for wing = %.3f meters." % (distance_detector1, sdd))
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Path length for gravitational drop = %.3f meters." % (path_length))
    r =
    wavelength = r.getProperty("wavelength").value
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Wavelength = %.2f A." % (wavelength))

    drop = calculate_neutron_drop(path_length, wavelength)
    Logger("CommandInterface").debug("Gravitational drop = %.6f meters." % (drop))
    # 1 pixel -> y_pixel_size
    # x pixel -> drop
    drop_in_pixels = drop / y_pixel_size
    new_beam_center_y = beam_center_y + drop_in_pixels
    Logger("CommandInterface").information("Beam Center after:   [%.2f, %.2f] pixels" % (beam_center_x, new_beam_center_y))
    return beam_center_x, new_beam_center_y
Beispiel #4
def calculate_ei(input_file):
    # Auto Find Eis by finding maximum data point in m2 (excluding end points)
    # and looking for neighbouring reps according to Fermi speed
    # Doesn't deal with cases where the peaks enter the 2nd frame (i.e 2 meV on MARI)
    w1 = Load(input_file)
    mon = LoadNexusMonitors(input_file)
    run = w1.getRun()

    # set up ==================================================
    monitor_spectra_2  = 41475
    monitor_spectra_3  = 41476
    monitor_index_2 = 2
    monitor_index_3 = 3
    log  = 'Fermi_Speed'

    # Get instrument parameters ===============================
    inst = w1.getInstrument()
    source = inst.getSource()
    L_m2 = mon.getDetector(monitor_index_2).getDistance(source)
    L_m3 = mon.getDetector(monitor_index_3).getDistance(source)
    L_Fermi = inst.getComponentByName("chopper-position").getDistance(source)
    freq = run.getLogData(log).value[-1]
    period = L_m2 / L_Fermi * 1.e6 / freq / 2. # include pi-pulses

    # Find maximum value and identify strongest rep ===========
    m2spec = ExtractSingleSpectrum(mon,monitor_index_2)
    m2spec = Rebin(m2spec,"200,2,18000")
    maxm2 = Max(m2spec)
    TOF = maxm2.readX(0)[0]

    # Generate list of possible reps in m2 ====================
    irep = -5
    while True:
        t = TOF + irep*period
        if t > 0:
            ireps = numpy.array(range(irep,irep+20))
            reps = TOF + period * ireps
            irep += 1

    # exclude all reps that go past the frame in m3 ===========       
    reps_m3 = reps * L_m3 / L_m2
    reps_m3 = [x for x in reps_m3 if x < 19999.]
    reps = reps[0:len(reps_m3)]
    # exclude all reps at short times
    reps = [x for x in reps if x > 200.]

    # try GetEi for the reps ==================================
    Ei = []
    TOF = []
    for t in reps:
        v_i = L_m2 / t                    # m/mus
        Ei_guess = 5.227e6 * v_i**2       # meV
            (En,TOF2,dummy,tzero) = GetEi(mon, monitor_spectra_2, monitor_spectra_3, Ei_guess)
        if abs(t - TOF2) > 20. or abs(tzero) > 100.: continue

    for ii in range(len(Ei)):
        print("%f meV at TOF = %f mus" % (Ei[ii],TOF[ii]))
    return Ei