def vis_collection(fn, save = True, save_dir = None): collection = numpy.load(fn)['arr_0'] if save_dir is None: save_dir = '{}_rendered/'.format(os.path.basename(fn)) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) else: raise RuntimeError("remove the old rendering") map_file = 'data/map/wean.dat' mo = map_parser.map_obj(map_file) fig = plt.figure(num = 1, figsize = (20, 20)) pc = particle_filter.particle_collection(10, mo, fig_handle = fig) for entry_idx in range(collection.shape[2]): pose_coords = collection[:,:, entry_idx] print "plotting entry ", entry_idx = pose_coords[:, 0], y = pose_coords[:, 1]) plt.savefig('{}/entry_{}.png'.format(save_dir, entry_idx)) cmd = 'ffmpeg -start_number 0 -i {}/entry_%d.png -c:v libx264 -y {}/movie.avi'.format(save_dir, save_dir) os.system(cmd)
def vis_collection(fn, save=True, save_dir=None): collection = numpy.load(fn)['arr_0'] if save_dir is None: save_dir = '{}_rendered/'.format(os.path.basename(fn)) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) else: raise RuntimeError("remove the old rendering") map_file = 'data/map/wean.dat' mo = map_parser.map_obj(map_file) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(20, 20)) pc = particle_filter.particle_collection(10, mo, fig_handle=fig) for entry_idx in range(collection.shape[2]): pose_coords = collection[:, :, entry_idx] print "plotting entry ", entry_idx[:, 0], y=pose_coords[:, 1]) plt.savefig('{}/entry_{}.png'.format(save_dir, entry_idx)) cmd = 'ffmpeg -start_number 0 -i {}/entry_%d.png -c:v libx264 -y {}/movie.avi'.format( save_dir, save_dir) os.system(cmd)
def main(): fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(10, 10)) # sf1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) # sf2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) # thread_pool = Pool(16) map_file = 'data/map/wean.dat' mo = map_parser.map_obj(map_file) logfile_fn = 'data/log/robotdata1.log' import datetime ts = str([1] record_fn = 'xy_record_{}_{}.npz'.format(os.path.basename(logfile_fn), ts) log = logparse.logparse(logfile_fn) n_particles = 1000 #usually true use_cpp_observation_model = True use_cpp_motion_model = True #usually false observation_model_off = False vis_motion_model = False start_idx = 0 if not vis_motion_model else 60 do_both = False display_period = 2 print "creating particle collection of {} particles".format(n_particles) pc = particle_collection(n_particles=n_particles, map_obj=mo, nbr_theta=360, fig_handle=fig) print "created particle collection" have_moved = True first_obs_at_pos = True num_new_motions = 0 num_new_observations = 0 odom_control_gen = motion_model.odometry_control_generator() mm = motion_model.motion_model() obs_model = obssensemodels.observation_model( map_obj=mo, cpp_motion_model=mm.cpp_motion_model) obs_view = obssensemodels.observation_view( fig_handle=fig, map_obj=mo, cpp_map_obj=obs_model.cpp_map_obj) #print "showing pc" pose = pc.particles[0].pose # changing cpp params won't affect these... # mo.vis_z_expected(pose) # obs_model.vis_p_z_given_x_u(pose) # pdb.set_trace() #todo remove start idx num_total_observations = 0 for (l_idx, line) in enumerate(log.lines[start_idx:]): line = line.split() print "line {} / {}".format(l_idx + 1, len(log.lines)) if isobservation(line): num_total_observations += 1 num_new_motions += have_moved pose = numpy.array([ np.float64(line[1]), np.float64(line[2]), np.float64(line[3]) ]) # if l_idx>65: # pdb.set_trace() u, last_odom_theta = odom_control_gen.calculate_u_and_theta(pose) u_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(u[:2]) have_moved = numpy.linalg.norm(u[:2]) > 1e-6 first_obs_at_pos = first_obs_at_pos or have_moved u_arctan = numpy.arctan2(u[1], u[0]) print "computing motion model.." print "use_cpp_motion_model: {}".format(use_cpp_motion_model) print l_idx # if have_moved: # pdb.set_trace() for p in pc.particles: mm.update(p, u, u_norm, u_arctan, last_odom_theta, use_cpp_motion_model=use_cpp_motion_model, vis_motion_model=vis_motion_model) #pass if isobservation(line): # combine 1.1. and 1.2 as P(Z |X) = func(map_obj, cur_pose) laser_pose_offset = (np.float64(line[4]) - np.float64(line[1]), np.float64(line[5]) - np.float64(line[2]), np.float64(line[6]) - np.float64(line[3])) offset_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(laser_pose_offset[:2]) offset_arctan = numpy.arctan2(laser_pose_offset[1], laser_pose_offset[0]) faux_last_odom_theta = np.float64(line[3]) laser = [] laser_start = 7 n_in_wall = 0 for i in range(180): laser.append(np.float64(line[i + laser_start])) #pose = pc.particles[0].pose #mo.vis_z_expected(pose) #obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(pose, laser) #print (pose) if first_obs_at_pos: num_new_observations += first_obs_at_pos first_obs_at_pos = False # n_particles = len(pc.particles) # obs_update_args = zip(pc.particles, # [obs_model] * n_particles, # [laser_pose_offset] * n_particles, # [laser] * n_particles) # pc.particles =, obs_update_args) # IF not parallelizing print "updating weights..." # pdb.set_trace() py_weights = [] if use_cpp_observation_model or do_both: print "using cpp observation model " poses = numpy.array( [copy.deepcopy(p.pose) for p in pc.particles]) update_particle_weights_func = obs_model.cpp_observation_model.update_particle_weights # pdb.set_trace() weights = update_particle_weights_func( poses, numpy.array(laser_pose_offset, dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.array([offset_norm, offset_arctan], dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.array(laser, dtype=numpy.float64), faux_last_odom_theta) if observation_model_off: weights[weights != 0] = 1 # pdb.set_trace() if (weights.shape != (len(pc.particles), )): raise RuntimeError("cpp weights wrong dim!") for (p_idx, p) in enumerate(pc.particles): p.weight *= weights[p_idx] if not use_cpp_observation_model or do_both: print "using python version" for p_idx, p in enumerate(pc.particles): one_weight = obs_model.get_weight( p.pose, laser_pose_offset, offset_norm, offset_arctan, faux_last_odom_theta=faux_last_odom_theta, laser=laser) py_weights.append(one_weight) if observation_model_off: p.weight = 1 if one_weight > 0 else 0 else: p.weight *= one_weight # py_weights = numpy.array(py_weights) # pdb.set_trace() new_weights = pc.get_weights() print "max weight: {}".format(new_weights.max()) max_pose = pc.particles[np.argmax(new_weights)].pose.copy() print "max weight location: {}".format(max_pose) # pose_debug = np.array([ 3975, 4130, numpy.pi ]) # print "weight of {} is {} ".format( pose_debug, # obs_model.get_weight(pose_debug, # laser_pose_offset, # offset_norm, # offset_arctan, # faux_last_odom_theta = faux_last_odom_theta, # laser = laser)) obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(max_pose, laser) # pdb.set_trace() #obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(pose_debug, laser) #max_pose_new = max_pose #max_pose_new[2] -= numpy.pi/2 #pose_debug_new = pose_debug #pose_debug_new[2] -= numpy.pi/2 #vw1 = obs_model.get_vec_point_wise_weight(max_pose_new, laser) #vw2 = obs_model.get_vec_point_wise_weight(pose_debug_new, laser) #pdb.set_trace() # elif not ismotion(line): # raise RuntimeError("unknown line type!!!11!!!1") if (num_new_motions > 0) and (num_new_observations > 0): num_new_motions = 0 num_new_observations = 0 print "resampling..." try: pc.resample() except AssertionError: vis_history.vis_collection(record_fn) print "resampled" #update stuff if l_idx % display_period == 0: print "updating display..." print "updated" if l_idx % 1 == 0: numpy.savez_compressed(record_fn, pc.xy_record) pc.last_scatter.remove() vis_history.vis_collection(record_fn)
def main(): fig = plt.figure(num = 1, figsize = (10, 10)) # sf1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) # sf2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) # thread_pool = Pool(16) map_file = 'data/map/wean.dat' mo = map_parser.map_obj(map_file) logfile_fn = 'data/log/robotdata1.log' import datetime ts = str([1] record_fn = 'xy_record_{}_{}.npz'.format(os.path.basename(logfile_fn), ts) log = logparse.logparse(logfile_fn) n_particles = 1000 #usually true use_cpp_observation_model = True use_cpp_motion_model = True #usually false observation_model_off = False vis_motion_model = False start_idx = 0 if not vis_motion_model else 60 do_both = False display_period = 2 print "creating particle collection of {} particles".format(n_particles) pc = particle_collection(n_particles = n_particles, map_obj = mo, nbr_theta = 360, fig_handle = fig) print "created particle collection" have_moved = True first_obs_at_pos = True num_new_motions = 0 num_new_observations = 0 odom_control_gen = motion_model.odometry_control_generator() mm = motion_model.motion_model() obs_model = obssensemodels.observation_model(map_obj = mo, cpp_motion_model = mm.cpp_motion_model) obs_view = obssensemodels.observation_view(fig_handle = fig, map_obj = mo, cpp_map_obj = obs_model.cpp_map_obj) #print "showing pc" pose = pc.particles[0].pose # changing cpp params won't affect these... # mo.vis_z_expected(pose) # obs_model.vis_p_z_given_x_u(pose) # pdb.set_trace() #todo remove start idx num_total_observations = 0 for (l_idx, line) in enumerate(log.lines[start_idx:]): line = line.split() print "line {} / {}".format(l_idx + 1, len(log.lines)) if isobservation(line): num_total_observations += 1 num_new_motions += have_moved pose = numpy.array([np.float64(line[1]), np.float64(line[2]), np.float64(line[3])]) # if l_idx>65: # pdb.set_trace() u, last_odom_theta = odom_control_gen.calculate_u_and_theta(pose) u_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(u[:2]) have_moved = numpy.linalg.norm(u[:2]) > 1e-6 first_obs_at_pos = first_obs_at_pos or have_moved u_arctan = numpy.arctan2(u[1], u[0]) print "computing motion model.." print "use_cpp_motion_model: {}".format(use_cpp_motion_model) print l_idx # if have_moved: # pdb.set_trace() for p in pc.particles: mm.update(p, u, u_norm, u_arctan, last_odom_theta, use_cpp_motion_model = use_cpp_motion_model, vis_motion_model = vis_motion_model) #pass if isobservation(line): # combine 1.1. and 1.2 as P(Z |X) = func(map_obj, cur_pose) laser_pose_offset = (np.float64(line[4]) - np.float64(line[1]), np.float64(line[5]) - np.float64(line[2]), np.float64(line[6]) - np.float64(line[3])) offset_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(laser_pose_offset[:2]) offset_arctan = numpy.arctan2(laser_pose_offset[1], laser_pose_offset[0]) faux_last_odom_theta = np.float64(line[3]) laser = [ ] laser_start = 7 n_in_wall = 0 for i in range(180): laser.append(np.float64(line[i + laser_start])) #pose = pc.particles[0].pose #mo.vis_z_expected(pose) #obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(pose, laser) #print (pose) if first_obs_at_pos: num_new_observations += first_obs_at_pos first_obs_at_pos = False # n_particles = len(pc.particles) # obs_update_args = zip(pc.particles, # [obs_model] * n_particles, # [laser_pose_offset] * n_particles, # [laser] * n_particles) # pc.particles =, obs_update_args) # IF not parallelizing print "updating weights..." # pdb.set_trace() py_weights = [] if use_cpp_observation_model or do_both: print "using cpp observation model " poses = numpy.array([copy.deepcopy(p.pose) for p in pc.particles]) update_particle_weights_func = obs_model.cpp_observation_model.update_particle_weights # pdb.set_trace() weights = update_particle_weights_func(poses, numpy.array(laser_pose_offset, dtype = numpy.float64), numpy.array([offset_norm, offset_arctan], dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.array(laser, dtype = numpy.float64), faux_last_odom_theta) if observation_model_off: weights[weights != 0] = 1 # pdb.set_trace() if (weights.shape != (len(pc.particles),)): raise RuntimeError("cpp weights wrong dim!") for (p_idx, p) in enumerate(pc.particles): p.weight *= weights[p_idx] if not use_cpp_observation_model or do_both: print "using python version" for p_idx, p in enumerate(pc.particles): one_weight = obs_model.get_weight(p.pose, laser_pose_offset, offset_norm, offset_arctan, faux_last_odom_theta = faux_last_odom_theta, laser = laser) py_weights.append(one_weight) if observation_model_off: p.weight = 1 if one_weight > 0 else 0 else: p.weight *= one_weight # py_weights = numpy.array(py_weights) # pdb.set_trace() new_weights = pc.get_weights() print "max weight: {}".format(new_weights.max()) max_pose = pc.particles[np.argmax(new_weights)].pose.copy() print "max weight location: {}".format( max_pose ) # pose_debug = np.array([ 3975, 4130, numpy.pi ]) # print "weight of {} is {} ".format( pose_debug, # obs_model.get_weight(pose_debug, # laser_pose_offset, # offset_norm, # offset_arctan, # faux_last_odom_theta = faux_last_odom_theta, # laser = laser)) obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(max_pose, laser) # pdb.set_trace() #obs_view.vis_pose_and_laser(pose_debug, laser) #max_pose_new = max_pose #max_pose_new[2] -= numpy.pi/2 #pose_debug_new = pose_debug #pose_debug_new[2] -= numpy.pi/2 #vw1 = obs_model.get_vec_point_wise_weight(max_pose_new, laser) #vw2 = obs_model.get_vec_point_wise_weight(pose_debug_new, laser) #pdb.set_trace() # elif not ismotion(line): # raise RuntimeError("unknown line type!!!11!!!1") if (num_new_motions > 0) and (num_new_observations > 0): num_new_motions = 0 num_new_observations = 0 print "resampling..." try: pc.resample() except AssertionError: vis_history.vis_collection(record_fn) print "resampled" #update stuff if l_idx % display_period == 0: print "updating display..." print "updated" if l_idx % 1 == 0: numpy.savez_compressed(record_fn, pc.xy_record) pc.last_scatter.remove() vis_history.vis_collection(record_fn)