def makePixelAreaArray(inputHDF5template_path,outputASCII_path):

    # import header information from a template hdf5 file

    # for first column in grid:

    ## define vector of lower edge latitudes for each pixel in a column from the grid
    llclat = hdrDict['yllcorner'] + (np.arange(hdrDict['nrows'])*hdrDict['cellsize'])

    ## define vector of upper edge latitudes
    urclat = llclat+hdrDict['cellsize']

    ## define left-hand edge longitude
    llclon = hdrDict['xllcorner']

    ## define right-hand edge longitude
    urclon = llclon+hdrDict['cellsize']

    # call funtion to return vector of areas for pixels in this column
    pixel_areas_firstcolumn = cylindrical_pixel_area(llclon, llclat, urclon, urclat)

    # now duplicate this column of pixel areas accross the full width of the array
    pixel_areas_firstcolumn = pixel_areas_firstcolumn[::-1]
    pixel_areas_array = np.vstack(((pixel_areas_firstcolumn,)*hdrDict['ncols'])).T

    # export array as ascii
    exportAscii (pixel_areas_array,outputASCII_path,hdrDict)
def exportHDF5asASCII (hdfFilePath,outputpath):

    from map_utils import getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5
    from map_utils import exportAscii
    import tables as tb
    # open link to hdf5 file
    hf = tb.openFile(hdfFilePath, mode = "r")

    # get main array
    inputarray =[:]   

    # get header info as dictionary
    hdrDict = getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5 (hdfFilePath)

    # export as ascii
    template = np.zeros(1850*1850).reshape(1850,1850)


    from map_utils import getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5
    from map_utils import exportAscii

    mask = tb.openFile(lim5kmbnry_path)
    hdrDict = getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5(lim5kmbnry_path)

    # export as ascii
    exportAscii(annualmean_mean,EXPORTASCII,hdrDict,mask =[:,:])



    #from IPython.Debugger import Pdb
def combineDistribExtractions_perpixel():

    # import limits mask to neaten up and provide ascii template for final output arrays
    mask = tb.openFile(lim5kmbnry_path)
    hdrDict = getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5(lim5kmbnry_path)

    # import first file to establish array dimensions (should all be the same in this directory, and all subsequent imports will be checked for consistency)
    dirList = os.listdir(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)
    for i in  xrange(0,len(dirList)):
        fname = dirList[i]
        if fname.find('_r') == -1 | fname.find('.gz') == -1:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+' in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+') is not of correct type, trying next file!!!'
            if (i==(len(dirList)-1)):
                print 'ERROR!!! no suitable files found in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+' : EXITING!!!'
            # import first suitable file, compare its shape to mask grid, and if OK use as reference shape
            referenceshape = np.loadtxt(exportPathDistributed_perpixel+fname).shape
            if referenceshape![:,:].shape:
                print 'ERROR!!! mask shape is '+str([:,:].shape)+ 'but file '+str(fname)+' has shape '+str(referenceshape)+' : EXITING!!!!'

    # establish zero array in this shape that will be duplicated
    zeroMap = zeros(product(referenceshape)).reshape(referenceshape)
    # initialise zero arrays to sum over for means, and counters for checking 
    if do_PRMap:
        meanPR = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
        meanPR2 = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) 
        meanPRtally = meanPR2tally = 0
    if do_RoMap:
        meanRo = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
        meanRo2 = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) 
        meanRotally = meanRo2tally = 0
    if do_BurdenMap:
        meanBUR = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) 
        meanBUR2 = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
        meanBURtally = meanBUR2tally = 0 
    # initialise dictionary of PCM arrays to sum over for each scheme/class
    ## ..loop through each classification scheme 
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes): 
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']

        # define additional sub-dictionary to add to PCMdict to house arrays for PCM per class per scheme..
        PCM = {}
        # and another to ouse checking tallys
        PCMtally = {}

        # .. for each class within each scheme..
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]
            # define an empty array for this scheme-class to house PCM
            blankarray = {thisbreakname: cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) }

            # define a zero integer for this scheme-class to house PCMtally
            zerotally = {thisbreakname: 0 }

            # add this blank array to interim PAR dictionary, and initialise the tally counter

        # add this sub-dictionary to PCMdict for this scheme
        PCM = {'PCM':PCM}
        PCMtally = {'PCMtally':PCMtally}

    # loop through all files in 'exportPathDistributed_perpixel' directory....
    dirList = os.listdir(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)
    for i in  xrange(0,len(dirList)):
        # does this file contain the '_r' string and is it a gz file - check that this is the extraction output (although should not be anything else in directory)
        fname = dirList[i]
        if fname.find('_r') == -1 | fname.find('.gz') == -1:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+' in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+') is not of correct type, trying next file!!!'

        # if the string looks OK, then import the file
        importarray = np.loadtxt(exportPathDistributed_perpixel+fname)
        # check shape of array 
        if importarray.shape != referenceshape:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+ 'has shape '+str(importarray.shape)+' but reference shape is '+str(referenceshape)+', trying next file!!!'

        # deconstruct filename
        name_parts = deconstructFilename (fname)
        variable = name_parts['variable']

        # if its a meanPR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanPR array
        if variable == str('meanPR'):

            print '\nimported file : '+str(fname)
            print 'mean is : '+str(np.mean(importarray))

            meanPR = meanPR + importarray
            meanPRtally = meanPRtally+1

        # if its a meanPR2 file, add it's running mean values to the global meanPR2 array
        if variable == str('meanPR2'):
            meanPR2 = meanPR2 + importarray
            meanPR2tally = meanPR2tally+1

        # if its a meanRo file, add it's running mean values to the global meanRo array
        if variable == str('meanRo'):

            print '\nimported file : '+str(fname)
            print 'mean is : '+str(np.mean(importarray))

            meanRo = meanRo + importarray
            meanRotally = meanRotally+1

        # if its a meanRo2 file, add it's running mean values to the global meanRo2 array
        if variable == str('meanRo2'):
            meanRo2 = meanRo2 + importarray
            meanRo2tally = meanRo2tally+1
        # if its a meanBUR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanBUR array
        if variable == str('meanBUR'):
            meanBUR = meanBUR + importarray
            meanBURtally = meanBURtally+1

        # if its a meanBUR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanBUR2 array
        if variable == str('meanBUR2'):
            meanBUR2 = meanBUR2 + importarray
            meanBUR2tally = meanBUR2tally+1

        # if its a PCM file
        if variable == str('PCM'):
            # get scheme and class ID
            scheme = name_parts['scheme']        
            thisbreakname = name_parts['breakname']

            # add running PCM values to the correct global PCM array for this scheme and class, and update corresponding tally
            PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname] = PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname] + importarray
            PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname] = PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname] +1 
#    # run checks on tallys - they should all be the same for each variable
#    if ((meanPRtally == meanPR2tally == meanBURtally == meanBUR2tally)==False):
#        print 'WARNING!!! tallys do not match: meanPRtally='+str(meanPRtally)+' meanPR2tally='+str(meanPR2tally)+' meanBURtally='+str(meanBURtally)+' meanBUR2tally='+str(meanBUR2tally)
    ## ..loop through each classification scheme 
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes): 
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']

        # .. for each class within each scheme..
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]

            thistally = PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname]
                print 'WARNING!!! tallys do not match: PCM tally for scheme '+str(scheme)+' class '+str(thisbreakname)+' is '+str(thistally)+' but for meanPRtally is '+str(meanPRtally)
    # calculate SD for each variable
    if do_PRMap:
        varPR = meanPR2 - np.square(meanPR)
        stdevPR = np.sqrt(varPR)

    if do_RoMap:
        varRo = meanRo2 - np.square(meanRo)
        stdevRo = np.sqrt(varRo)

    if do_BurdenMap:
        varBUR = meanBUR2 - np.square(meanBUR)
        stdevBUR = np.sqrt(varBUR)

    # export mean and SD arrays as asciis
    if do_PRMap:
        print '\nmeanPRtally is: '+str(meanPRtally)
        print 'mean of meanPR before export to ascii is: '+str(np.mean(meanPR))
        exportAscii(meanPR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"meanPR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
        exportAscii(stdevPR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"stdevPR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

    if do_RoMap:
        print '\nmeanRotally is: '+str(meanRotally)
        print 'mean of meanRo before export to ascii is: '+str(np.mean(meanRo))
        exportAscii(meanRo,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"meanRo.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
        exportAscii(stdevRo,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"stdevRo.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

    if do_BurdenMap:
        print '\meanBURtally is: '+str(meanBURtally)
        print 'mean of meanBUR before export to ascii is: '+str(np.mean(meanBUR))
        exportAscii(meanBUR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"meanBUR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
        exportAscii(stdevBUR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"stdevBUR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

    # for each classification scheme, define an array showing PCM to most likely class (PCMMLC) and what that most likely class is (MLC)
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes):             
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']             

        # initialise arrays of PCMMLC and MLC            
        PCMMLC = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
        MLC = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)

        # .. for each class within each scheme..            
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):            
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]

            # update MLC if this class has higher PCM than previous highest
            MLCid = PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname]>PCMMLC
            MLC[MLCid] = cc+1

            # keep running maximum PCM through the classes
            PCMMLC = np.maximum(PCMMLC,PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname])

            # whilst at this loop location, export PCM for this scheme/class as ascii
            exportAscii(PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname],exportPathCombined_perpixel+'PCM_'+scheme+'_'+thisbreakname+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

        # export MLC and PCMMLC for this scheme as asciis
        exportAscii(PCMMLC,exportPathCombined_perpixel+'PCMMLC_'+scheme+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
        exportAscii(MLC,exportPathCombined_perpixel+'MLC_'+scheme+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

Beispiel #5
def combineDistribExtractions_perpixel():

    # import limits mask to neaten up and provide ascii template for final output arrays
    mask = tb.openFile(lim5kmbnry_path)
    hdrDict = getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5(lim5kmbnry_path)

    # import first file to establish array dimensions (should all be the same in this directory, and all subsequent imports will be checked for consistency)
    dirList = os.listdir(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)
    for i in  xrange(0,len(dirList)):
        fname = dirList[i]
        if fname.find('_r') == -1 | fname.find('.gz') == -1:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+' in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+') is not of correct type, trying next file!!!'
            if (i==(len(dirList)-1)):
                print 'ERROR!!! no suitable files found in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+' : EXITING!!!'
            # import first suitable file, compare its shape to mask grid, and if OK use as reference shape
            referenceshape = np.loadtxt(exportPathDistributed_perpixel+fname).shape
            if referenceshape![:,:].shape:
                print 'ERROR!!! mask shape is '+str([:,:].shape)+ 'but file '+str(fname)+' has shape '+str(referenceshape)+' : EXITING!!!!'

    # establish zero array in this shape that will be duplicated
    zeroMap = zeros(product(referenceshape)).reshape(referenceshape)
    # initialise zero arrays to sum over for means, and counters for checking 
    meanPR = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
    meanPR2 = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) 
    meanBUR = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) 
    meanBUR2 = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)

    meanPRtally = meanPR2tally = meanBURtally = meanBUR2tally = 0 

    # initialise dictionary of PCM arrays to sum over for each scheme/class
    ## ..loop through each classification scheme 
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes): 
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']

        # define additional sub-dictionary to add to PCMdict to house arrays for PCM per class per scheme..
        PCM = {}
        # and another to ouse checking tallys
        PCMtally = {}

        # .. for each class within each scheme..
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]
            # define an empty array for this scheme-class to house PCM
            blankarray = {thisbreakname: cp.deepcopy(zeroMap) }

            # define a zero integer for this scheme-class to house PCMtally
            zerotally = {thisbreakname: 0 }

            # add this blank array to interim PAR dictionary, and initialise the tally counter

        # add this sub-dictionary to PCMdict for this scheme
        PCM = {'PCM':PCM}
        PCMtally = {'PCMtally':PCMtally}

    # loop through all files in 'exportPathDistributed_perpixel' directory....
    dirList = os.listdir(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)
    for i in  xrange(0,len(dirList)):
        # does this file contain the '_r' string and is it a gz file - check that this is the extraction output (although should not be anything else in directory)
        fname = dirList[i]
        if fname.find('_r') == -1 | fname.find('.gz') == -1:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+' in '+str(exportPathDistributed_perpixel)+') is not of correct type, trying next file!!!'

        # if the string looks OK, then import the file
        importarray = np.loadtxt(exportPathDistributed_perpixel+fname)
        # check shape of array 
        if importarray.shape != referenceshape:
            print 'WARNING!! file '+str(fname)+ 'has shape '+str(importarray.shape)+' but reference shape is '+str(referenceshape)+', trying next file!!!'

        # deconstruct filename
        name_parts = deconstructFilename (fname)
        variable = name_parts['variable']

        # if its a meanPR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanPR array
        if variable == str('meanPR'):
            meanPR = meanPR + importarray
            meanPRtally = meanPRtally+1

        # if its a meanPR2 file, add it's running mean values to the global meanPR2 array
        if variable == str('meanPR2'):
            meanPR2 = meanPR2 + importarray
            meanPR2tally = meanPR2tally+1
        # if its a meanBUR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanBUR array
        if variable == str('meanBUR'):
            meanBUR = meanBUR + importarray
            meanBURtally = meanBURtally+1

        # if its a meanBUR file, add it's running mean values to the global meanBUR2 array
        if variable == str('meanBUR2'):
            meanBUR2 = meanBUR2 + importarray
            meanBUR2tally = meanBUR2tally+1

        # if its a PCM file
        if variable == str('PCM'):
            # get scheme and class ID
            scheme = name_parts['scheme']        
            thisbreakname = name_parts['breakname']

            # add running PCM values to the correct global PCM array for this scheme and class, and update corresponding tally
            PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname] = PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname] + importarray
            PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname] = PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname] +1 
    # run checks on tallys - they should all be the same for each variable
    if ((meanPRtally == meanPR2tally == meanBURtally == meanBUR2tally)==False):
        print 'WARNING!!! tallys do not match: meanPRtally='+str(meanPRtally)+' meanPR2tally='+str(meanPR2tally)+' meanBURtally='+str(meanBURtally)+' meanBUR2tally='+str(meanBUR2tally)
    ## ..loop through each classification scheme 
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes): 
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']

        # .. for each class within each scheme..
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]

            thistally = PCMdict[scheme]['PCMtally'][thisbreakname]
                print 'WARNING!!! tallys do not match: PCM tally for scheme '+str(scheme)+' class '+str(thisbreakname)+' is '+str(thistally)+' but for meanPRtally is '+str(meanPRtally)
    # calculate SD for PR and Burden
    varPR = meanPR2 - np.square(meanPR)
    stdevPR = np.sqrt(varPR)
    varBUR = meanBUR2 - np.square(meanBUR)
    stdevBUR = np.sqrt(varBUR)

    # export mean and SD arrays as asciis
    exportAscii(meanPR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"meanPR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
    exportAscii(stdevPR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"stdevPR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
    exportAscii(meanBUR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"meanBUR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
    exportAscii(stdevBUR,exportPathCombined_perpixel+"stdevBUR.asc",hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

    # for each classification scheme, define an array showing PCM to most likely class (PCMMLC) and what that most likely class is (MLC)
    for ss in xrange(0,Nschemes):             
        breaknames = PCMdict[scheme]['BREAKNAMES']             

        # initialise arrays of PCMMLC and MLC            
        PCMMLC = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)
        MLC = cp.deepcopy(zeroMap)

        # .. for each class within each scheme..            
        for cc in xrange(0,Nclasses):            
            thisbreakname = breaknames[cc]

            # update MLC if this class has higher PCM than previous highest
            MLCid = PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname]>PCMMLC
            MLC[MLCid] = cc+1

            # keep running maximum PCM through the classes
            PCMMLC = np.maximum(PCMMLC,PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname])

            # whilst at this loop location, export PCM for this scheme/class as ascii
            exportAscii(PCMdict[scheme]['PCM'][thisbreakname],exportPathCombined_perpixel+'PCM_'+scheme+'_'+thisbreakname+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

        # export MLC and PCMMLC for this scheme as asciis
        exportAscii(PCMMLC,exportPathCombined_perpixel+'PCMMLC_'+scheme+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])
        exportAscii(MLC,exportPathCombined_perpixel+'MLC_'+scheme+'.asc',hdrDict,mask =[:,:])

Beispiel #6
    annualmean_mean[0, 0] < -0
    annualmean_mean[0, 1] < -1

    template = np.zeros(1850 * 1850).reshape(1850, 1850)
             0:annualmean_mean.shape[1]:1] = annualmean_mean

    plotMapPY(1 - template, flipVertical="FALSE", NODATA=1, titsuf="")


    from map_utils import getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5
    from map_utils import exportAscii

    mask = tb.openFile(lim5kmbnry_path)
    hdrDict = getAsciiheaderFromTemplateHDF5(lim5kmbnry_path)

    # export as ascii
      [:, :])


    #from IPython.Debugger import Pdb
