Beispiel #1
def get_markdown_instance(inline=False, js_support=False, ping_url=None):
    Provide a pre-configured markdown parser.

    :param bool inline: If `True`, configure parser to parse only inline content.
    :return: A ZMarkdown parser.
    if not settings.ZDS_APP['comment']['enable_pings']:
        ping_url = None
    zdsext = ZdsExtension(inline=inline,
    # Generate parser
    markdown = Markdown(
        extensions=(zdsext, ),
        inline=inline,  # Parse only inline content.

    return markdown
Beispiel #2
def get_markdown_instance(Inline=False):
    zdsext = ZdsExtension({"inline": Inline, "emoticons": {"TOTOTO":"truc"}, "js_support": True})
    # Generate parser
    md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=(zdsext,),
                           safe_mode = 'escape',
                           # Protect use of html by escape it
                           enable_attributes = False,
                           # Disable the conversion of attributes.
                           # This could potentially allow an
                           # untrusted user to inject JavaScript
                           # into documents.
                           tab_length = 4,
                           # Length of tabs in the source.
                           # This is the default value
                           output_format = 'html5',      # html5 output
                           # This is the default value
                           smart_emphasis = True,
                           # Enable smart emphasis for underscore syntax
                           lazy_ol = True,
                           # Enable smart ordered list start support
    return md
Beispiel #3
def get_markdown_instance(inline=False, js_support=False):
    Provide a pre-configured markdown parser.

    :param bool inline: If `True`, configure parser to parse only inline content.
    :return: A ZMarkdown parser.
    zdsext = ZdsExtension(inline=inline, emoticons=smileys, js_support=js_support)
    # Generate parser
    markdown = Markdown(
        safe_mode='escape',       # Protect use of html by escape it
        inline=inline,            # Parse only inline content.
        enable_attributes=False,  # Disable the conversion of attributes.
                                  # This could potentially allow an untrusted user to inject JavaScript into documents.
        tab_length=4,             # Length of tabs in the source (default value).
        output_format='html5',    # HTML5 output (default value).
        smart_emphasis=True,      # Enable smart emphasis for underscore syntax
        lazy_ol=True,             # Enable smart ordered list start support

    return markdown
Beispiel #4
from markdown import Markdown
from markdown.extensions.zds import ZdsExtension
from zested.smileys import smileys

from PySide import QtCore

ZDS_EXTENSION_CONFIG = {"inline": False, "emoticons": smileys}

    "extensions": [ZdsExtension(ZDS_EXTENSION_CONFIG)],
    "safe_mode": 'escape',
    "inline": False,
    "enable_attributes": False,
    "smart_emphasis": True,
    "lazy_ol": True,

class MarkdownRenderThread(QtCore.QThread):
    done = QtCore.Signal()

    def __init__(self, text, css):
        self.text = text
        self.css = css

    def run(self):
        md = Markdown(**MARKDOWN_OPTIONS)

        self.html = '<style type="text/css">'
        self.html += self.css